Alpha Slot Removed from Going Rogue

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
Ha! Don't worry about it. People "borrow" it all the time over at CBR where I've been posting for years.

Fun, isn't it?
I think it is yes. I might try it more often!



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
While I agree that there's a sizable divide between the super-hero fans and the gamers, you can't just ignore the gamers. They're a pretty big part of the paycheck. You have to look for a balance.
Yes, you can ignore them and no, you don't have to find a balance.

If you're working on Red Dead Redemption Online and a bunch of players show up demanding robots (because sci fi is more popular than Westerns nowadays), you don't freaking give them robots no matter how many of them ask. And you don't 'find a balance' by shoving in steampunk mechanical spiders either.

And then you don't put out a ViDoc saying how much you loved spaghetti westerns growing up and say that your mechanical spider-filled MMO is a tribute to them.

They pick people they know who have helped them in the past and that they think will help them now. And by help, I mean give logical honest critiques based on the actual testing, not their vague individual desires.
Except when they pick brown-nosers who are adept at pushing their own desires and agendas and keeping it hidden. Everyone has an agenda they're pushing, other people are at least upfront about it and don't suck up to the devs to get what they want.

Heh, funny. Silly, turgid and inaccurate, but funny nonetheless.
You won't find it so funny when it becomes prophetic. Unless of course you really like NASCAR, in which case you wont mind at all. Personally, I'm hoping they add a NFL-themed power set. Because I really loved the Superpro comic from Marvel, not because I secretly want to be playing a Madden MMO instead. The fact there was a football comic book breifly once proves that it belongs in a comic super hero MMO, you see.




Johnny_Butane goes further afield:

Yes, you can ignore them and no, you don't have to find a balance.

If you're working on Red Dead Redemption Online and a bunch of players show up demanding robots (because sci fi is more popular than Westerns nowadays), you don't freaking give them robots no matter how many of them ask. And you don't 'find a balance' by shoving in steampunk mechanical spiders either.

And then you don't put out a ViDoc saying how much you loved spaghetti westerns growing up and say that your mechanical spider-filled MMO is a tribute to them.
Ah, I see your point now. I fail to see how it's anything at all relevant to what's going on, which is probably why I didn't get it in the first place. Who's shoving inappropriate things into a genre that encompasses almost anything?

Except when they pick brown-nosers who are adept at pushing their own desires and agendas and keeping it hidden. Everyone has an agenda they're pushing, other people are at least upfront about it and don't suck up to the devs to get what they want.
Yeeeeeeah, now you're just being a conspiracy theorist again.

You won't find it so funny when it becomes prophetic. Unless of course you really like NASCAR, in which case you wont mind at all. Personally, I'm hoping they add a NFL-themed power set. Because I really loved the Superpro comic from Marvel, not because I secretly want to be playing a Madden MMO instead. The fact there was a football comic book breifly once proves that it belongs in a comic super hero MMO, you see.
The game, and the genre, is very flexible.

Dec out.



Yours is a little off.




Wait. What?

The Incarnate system preview was what I was most looking forward to. In fact, that's the reason why I pre-ordered. I am dying to see what is being added to the endgame, hoping that it will give me a reason to stay, play, and most importantly pay for this MMO.

I agree with the other posters in that GR as a whole has been executed in bad taste.

The Devs launched a hype-up campaign to get a super-early pre-order from us, then proceed to set up another pre-order, this time with tangible bonuses, "punishing" those devoted players who pre-ordered as soon as they saw a CoX expansion. Finally, now that they've taken our money, they proceed to take out a promised feature.

True, it is only one feature. True, things change in the beta process. But I, for one, would be willing to put that aside if this was the first issue.

Really, devs. When are you going to realize that we are the paying customers? I guess as long as people continue to pay, they won't change their ways.

Don't get my wrong, I think that CoX is a nice game, and the devs do work hard on bringing in new content. But I feel as if I, myself, as a paying consumer, have never been listened to. In my eyes, the Devs think that they know what is best for the game as a whole, and act on it without asking the players who, in reality, pay their salaries (having been in CB, I can say that the Devs rarely listened to the ideas of the testers, at least in the rotation I was in). While that's nice, and they are correct for the most part, there have been a few times (Read: Issue 13) where the players were not, and still are not listened to, even if it is the minority.

A post expressing their understanding, an apology to the loyal fans, a discussion thread to hear the reactions (and listen to them! An important yet seemingly overlooked step), anything would be helpful at this point! It's really not that hard to listen. Just look around, the forums are constantly being used by players who want to give their opinions, whether it's GR expectations, the lack of end-game content, or PvP. Just look around, you might learn something new, devs!


"People are like stained-glass windows.
They sparkle and shine when the sun is out,
but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is
light from within



The whole "no incarnates with 'Going Rogue's release" thing is less problematic to me, as it still seems to be something they're limiting to that consumer portion, just later.

What weirds me out is the times again and again where the devs misread the game. I mean c'mon, we talk on their forums, and have played their game for a good many years. It should be pretty obvious what players do. It's a digital world, so peaking around isn't hard either. ...And yet you have things like this happen, where you could instead of scrapping many man hours, you could just as easily have pitched/quizzed/discussed with readily accessible users and get feedback before going to code.

Have 'em sign an NDA, then put out your design ideas, and ask the player "what do you like" "If this were in place, what would you do?" Obviously you'd have to test it afterwards, but if the feedback were unified enough, you have a good idea of where people would be at.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
BTW, isn't one of the new costume sets we haven't seen called Sport (I have no idea where I saw that)?
I heard that too. I want to say it was from a Massively interview or the recent QA session, but I can't remember for sure.

You wont see me object to themed costume sets.

We get costume bits much more often than new power sets, and obviously there's far more costume part combinations than power set combinations. When we get a new power set, it means it's going to be a while before we get another one, usually. When we get a Sports costume set, I can be reasonably sure it didn't edge out a new tights option.

The thing about costume parts, we've already got a lot that fit a ton of super hero concepts from pulp fiction mystery men to golden age icons to the worst of Liefeld right to modern day.

But we don't even have power sets (or ATs in some cases) that properly cover the lineups of the popular incarnations of the JLA and Avengers, let alone the Superfriends as Posi claimed was the show he loved as a kid.

We've got lots of bladed weapon sets though, more than some fantasy MMOs that are supposed to be all about swords, and lots of firearm and gun options, and while they can arguably fit in a super hero MMO, they've done so at the expense of getting more actual super powers that are undeniably suited to the genre. I like WoW Warlocks, Avatar the Last Airbender and John Woo movies as much as anyone. Doesn't mean I agree with some of the sets in GR for example.

Besides, the costume set may not even be about what we think it is:




True. It could mean "something that genetically deviates from its parents without breeding true" as well.

Hmmm...JLA Big Seven?

Supes is obviously an Inv/SS tank.

Bats is an MA/SR scrapper.

Flash is...doable. My Impulse homage is a DM/WP scrapper with the Speed Pool (including the hated Whirlwind ). Sands of Mu replicates speed for me, but I do have to do a whole bunch of rationalizing for many of the powers.

Wonder Woman? I would think probably think either Inv/SS tank or MA/Inv scrapper, depending on how you look at her.

Martian Manhunter? Ugh, J'onn's a power proliferation on his own. Strength, Invulnerability, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Shape-shifting (both disguise and stretching)...J'onn's a tankmage of the highest quality. I don't think it would be good if we could do him.

Aquaman's some kind of SS tank, but the water breathing has to be ignored.

Green Lantern, I'd have to totally fail on. Some kind of FF defender, sort of, kind of but not really.

So, yeah, three no-shows, one of which probably shouldn't be and one that's almost there.

Thing is, you're still stuck on "American Super-heroes" and even there, plenty of guns and swords (heck, when dual pistols came out, my first thought was The Shadow and he's a proto-super-hero like all the pulp guys). It's not like NFL Superpro where there's maybe one or two examples, they're all over the place.

And when we turn to manga, equally viable and should be represented even if it's not my gig, it expands even more.

Dec out.



This is just leftover angst from when Dual Blades got put in over Shields. Thing is, there are more characters that actually make appearances on a regular basis in mainstream superhero comics that use dual blades than use shields. Elektra, Deathstroke, Cheshire, Deadpool, Zealot, Ravager, even Katana, who is named for her primary blade, carries and uses a second one. Shields, while used by an icon, Captain America, are pretty rare in the arsenals of comic book heroes. Mostly, they are two Jack Kirby creations, Cap, as mentioned above, and the Guardian. There are others that appear infrequently, like the Shining Knight, but most of the rest only carry shields because of their ties to Captain America, and even most of those are lucky to show up once every five years or so to retain their copyright. Only USAgent, a one-time fill-in for Captain America, has very many appearances under his belt.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
But we don't even have power sets (or ATs in some cases) that properly cover the lineups of the popular incarnations of the JLA and Avengers, let alone the Superfriends as Posi claimed was the show he loved as a kid.
Other than "I can do everything" characters that don't fit in a character balance, team-based game or characters with such arbitrary and distinctive combinations of powers that would get them sued if they did make a set for them, would you care to name a character that can't be done?

You're just not going to get a Green Lantern powerset no matter what and that has exactly nothing to do with the fact that they added dual pistols and kinetic melee.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
Hmmm...JLA Big Seven?

Supes is obviously an Inv/SS tank.
There's room for debate on Tankers, so lets leave it at that. For this thread anyways.

Bats is an MA/SR scrapper.
Except for all those gadgets he has. Where can we get those wonderful toys?

Flash is...doable. My Impulse homage is a DM/WP scrapper with the Speed Pool (including the hated Whirlwind ). Sands of Mu replicates speed for me, but I do have to do a whole bunch of rationalizing for many of the powers.
So in other words, it's a stretch. Again I say: five different flavours of blades.

Wonder Woman? I would think probably think either Inv/SS tank or MA/Inv scrapper, depending on how you look at her.
Whip? I would also say that while she does haver super strength, her fighting style would be as different from Superman or Batman's as Broadsword is from Katana, be we only get one flavour of SS, animations aside.

Martian Manhunter? Ugh, J'onn's a power proliferation on his own. Strength, Invulnerability, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Shape-shifting (both disguise and stretching)...J'onn's a tankmage of the highest quality. I don't think it would be good if we could do him.
Yeah, Telekinesis would be so OP. A pink Repel would be so broken on a Tank. /sarcasm

Aquaman's some kind of SS tank, but the water breathing has to be ignored.
Pets ala Spirit Sharks, etc. We'll get back to this after red side Tanker epics are announced.

Green Lantern, I'd have to totally fail on. Some kind of FF defender, sort of, kind of but not really.

So, yeah, three no-shows, one of which probably shouldn't be and one that's almost there.
There's a lot more 'kind-of-not-really's when you look at the Avengers, and the most popular super heroes in general. Far too many that needed to be addressed before we required more sword and gun variations.

And when we turn to manga
Let's not. There are dozens of Eastern MMOs that are made to cover that ground, just as there are HUNDREDS of fantasy MMOs with all kinds of swords. Just because someone likes kaiju and Lord of the Rings, and you can find some overlap between them and the JLA and other super hero comics, doesn't mean a game about comic book super heroes needs to feature lots of elements from those other genres extensively.

Heroes Unlimited =/= Rifts . Even though the latter can support the former, someone who buys into the first doesn't necessarily want all the elements of the second. If the devs want to make a grab bag game of whatever they genres they feel like, they shouldn't be touting CoH as a comic book super hero MMO and drawing comparasons to the Superfreinds.




Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
Other than "I can do everything" characters that don't fit in a character balance, team-based game or characters with such arbitrary and distinctive combinations of powers that would get them sued if they did make a set for them, would you care to name a character that can't be done?
You don't understand Johnny. When he took the Invulnerability powerset he assumed it was meant literally without regard to any sort of balance attempt and he still hasn't forgiven the developers over it. And when he took Super Strength he was thinking more along the lines of this:

What's really impressive though is that it took this long for him to bring it up.

"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle



Johnny_Butane has his views:

There's room for debate on Tankers, so lets leave it at that. For this thread anyways.
'kay, but it's pretty obvious that that one is very much intended to be Supes.

Except for all those gadgets he has. Where can we get those wonderful toys?
My Batman homage, The Knight-Watchman, has a "utility belt" tray full of temp powers.

So in other words, it's a stretch. Again I say: five different flavours of blades.
A bit. Not terribly. They decided to make super-speed a pool power rather than making a whole round of them. Basically Flash runs fast and hits people. He could as easily work as an MA/something with the Speed pool. Heck, most of his "tricks" like vibrating through walls and running up them can't even be done.

Whip? I would also say that while she does haver super strength, her fighting style would be as different from Superman or Batman's as Broadsword is from Katana, be we only get one flavour of SS, animations aside.
To an extent yes, to an extent no. I mean, there's only so many ways to punch people. And the rope is a prop. It's used as a weapon infrequently (it's used more often as a lie detector). Might as well ask where her Invisible Plane is.

Yeah, Telekinesis would be so OP. A pink Repel would be so broken on a Tank. /sarcasm
All that? Yeah, way too much.

Pets ala Spirit Sharks, etc. We'll get back to this after red side Tanker epics are announced.
Point. He's also a low level telepath and telekinetic depending on who's writing him.

There's a lot more 'kind-of-not-really's when you look at the Avengers, and the most popular super heroes in general.
Agreed, but then the idea wasn't to be able to exactly duplicate existing heroes out there, but to make your own. "kind-of-not-really" is the point (and keeps lawyer happy ).

Far too many that needed to be addressed before we required more sword and gun variations.
Eh, a handful, then you start wandering into the really obscure or just stuff that can't really be done. I see your point on the bladed weapons, although I don't agree with the degree.

Let's not.
Yes, lets. Manga stuff is as popular if not more popular around the world, and even in the States. It can't be about just what you want.

There are dozens of Eastern MMOs that are made to cover that ground, just as there are HUNDREDS of fantasy MMOs with all kinds of swords. Just because someone likes kaiju and Lord of the Rings, and you can find some overlap between them and the JLA and other super hero comics, doesn't mean a game about comic book super heroes needs to feature lots of elements from those other genres extensively.
I think we're at the point where I think your definition of super-hero is way too narrow and you think mine is way too broad.

If the devs want to make a grab bag game of whatever they genres they feel like, they shouldn't be touting CoH as a comic book super hero MMO and drawing comparasons to the Superfreinds.
IMHO, the fact that the super-hero genre is so diverse and "grab bag" is a strength, not a weakness. YMMV.

Dec out.



I think there are quite a few people here who are wildly overestimating just how much Incarnate stuff was going to be in GR in the first place - it was only ever going to be a preview of the system - the major stuff was always going to be added in I19.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
Green Lantern, I'd have to totally fail on. Some kind of FF defender, sort of, kind of but not really.
Ill/FF/Primal Troller, with lots of temp powers, would probably be closest

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))



Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
would you care to name a character that can't be done?
-Power Armor characters. Energy Blast suits them about as well as Broadsword suits a ninja, but they put in a katana set all the same.

-Limb Shapeshifting ala Sandman, Carnage, Warblade. Completely doable in the engine. See Stone Fists.

-True speedsters like the Flash, Quicksilver, etc. Super Speed Melee was mentioned as a set the devs wanted to do once, but was buried by mundane weapon sets.

-Ironically, any character that uses both swords and a gun. I would have voted on a blended set long before having them add additional options for them separate.

-Dual whip characters like Conduit, Omega Red, Constrictor, Ivan Vanko. The fact that the whips are usualy energy based and retract into the character's arms solves the coiling and draw issues the devs found before they settled on fire whips for DS MMs.

-Probability/Luck manipulation like Scarlet Witch, Shamrock, Domino. Would make a nice buff/debuff set.

Yes, I'll admit weapon sets are easy, and the devs love their low hanging fruit. But considering the usual time between new power sets, I'm getting a little sick of the mundane and of gun/sword variations, which is what we've gotten a fairly large percentage of.




The_Demon_Hunter offers:

Ill/FF/Primal Troller, with lots of temp powers, would probably be closest
Good choice, although GL's another "can do anything" type that just about anything would fall short.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
'kay, but it's pretty obvious that that one is very much intended to be Supes.
Superman doesn't punch 40% weaker than Batman. Done. Next.

My Batman homage, The Knight-Watchman, has a "utility belt" tray full of temp powers.
OK, by that token there's a sword temp power you get in Croatoa. Cross your eyes. See, we didn't need Dual Blades.

Basically Flash runs fast and hits people. He could as easily work as an MA/something with the Speed pool.
Because Flurry is awesome, right? :P
Looking at his most popular tricks and fighting moves, one could easily build a Super Speed Melee set around them distict from MA. One only has to look at Mortal Kombat vs DC for inspiration. Even taking existing powers and tweaking the visiuals like Shield Charge or Lightning Rod. I'm sorry, IMO there's no excuse.

To an extent yes, to an extent no. I mean, there's only so many ways to punch people.
And the rope is a prop.It's used as a weapon infrequently (it's used more often as a lie detector). Might as well ask where her Invisible Plane is.
I see her more about the grappling than current SS and MA. She is Greek after all.

Invisible Plane = /em SitChair2 + new fly emote. Done.

Manga stuff is as popular if not more popular around the world, and even in the States.
Again, I don't care how popular NASCAR is.




Yeah, now you're just complaining because they don't EXACTLY duplicate those heroes in power levels, and that's just silly. Game balance is important, too.

Dec out.



Err... Never heard about Alpha thingy before Posi posted this...
Where was it mentioned outside GR about this .. Alpha first thingy bit (specifically)? I do know that with GR the first bit of Incarnate system was going to be given and that was mentioned, but I cannot remember any spesific of what that entailed.
Cause will not confirming comments etc say the following "Hey, I'm in Closed Beta"? .. and breaching the NDA? I would expect such a notification to have been put in the umm Beta boards.
*Confused and goes back to my sanctum.*

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
Err... Never heard about Alpha thingy before Posi posted this...
Where was it mentioned outside GR about this .. Alpha first thingy bit (specifically)? I do know that with GR the first bit of Incarnate system was going to be given and that was mentioned, but I cannot remember any spesific of what that entailed.
Cause will not confirming comments etc say the following "Hey, I'm in Closed Beta"? .. and breaching the NDA? I would expect such a notification to have been put in the umm Beta boards.
*Confused and goes back to my sanctum.*
At Pax East, it was announced that the first level/slot of the Incarnate system would be included in GR as a preview of the full system that's coming in I19.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Alllllrighty, letsa go /e knuckles

Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
-Power Armor characters. Energy Blast suits them about as well as Broadsword suits a ninja, but they put in a katana set all the same.
While I would still love to see a power set based on or similar to what the PPD Power armour cops use at the moment, simply giving a broadsword and saying 'pretend its a katana' is also pretty lame. Super (and, more importantly, NON super) Heroes still use conventional weapons too. Or things that at least look like conventional weapons, albeit with laser blades/dark matter blades/super-morphing death skin-metal stuff.

-Limb Shapeshifting ala Sandman, Carnage, Warblade. Completely doable in the engine. See Stone Fists. just supplied a powerset that can in fact do that? Why not use it? Admittedly, it's where you can (Tanks, Brutes, Doms) and thats not perhaps as wide as it should be. Things dont appear overnight though.

-True speedsters like the Flash, Quicksilver, etc. Super Speed Melee was mentioned as a set the devs wanted to do once, but was buried by mundane weapon sets.
Hmn. So, would you suggest anything? I know that something not possible with this game engine is attacking while moving, which a Super Speed melee set practically demands, if not outright needs. How many times can you punch someone really fast? It will still, in the end, simply be punches and kicks. 'Another Mundane punching set', hmm? Tastes differ.

-Ironically, any character that uses both swords and a gun. I would have voted on a blended set long before having them add additional options for them separate.
It would only really work for the Dominator, though. I would STILL kill for a Ranged/Armour or Assault/Armour AT, though. And I would also kill for sword + pistol set, so we'll let that one lay about.

-Dual whip characters like Conduit, Omega Red, Constrictor, Ivan Vanko. The fact that the whips are usualy energy based and retract into the character's arms solves the coiling and draw issues the devs found before they settled on fire whips for DS MMs.
They weren't working on something they didn't have the tech for...because they didnt have the tech for it? This one confuses me.
Synapse, Castle and/or BaBs (or a mix of the three) said that JUST the whip attacks in Demons took the same time as an ENTIRE new set. Thats just three powers. Don't get me wrong, it'd be cool. And now they DO have the tech, who knows? But they have to do what they're told too, and part of that is a time/results ratio.

-Probability/Luck manipulation like Scarlet Witch, Shamrock, Domino. Would make a nice buff/debuff set.
Can you suggest anyway it would work? Besides things like Super Reflexes, I can't think of anything. I'm not even sure how you'd get it to work as a buff/debuff set that wouldnt simply be an existing one with new power FX.

Yes, I'll admit weapon sets are easy, and the devs love their low hanging fruit. But considering the usual time between new power sets, I'm getting a little sick of the mundane and of gun/sword variations, which is what we've gotten a fairly large percentage of.
For Going Rogue we got four new power sets. These covered all the non-EAT ATs on both sides.
Demon Summoning
Electric Control
Kinetic Melee
and then Dual Pistols

So...thats 1/4 is a weapon set. One that Players have begged for since the game came out.

In total we have;

Weapon sets = 9
Non-Weapon sets = 56

Thats Including Heroes and Villains, and not including EATs.
I think you are, ever so slightly, blowing this way outta proportion.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
simply giving a broadsword and saying 'pretend its a katana' is also pretty lame.
I agree. It's exactly as lame as telling someone to pretend Energy Blast is a power armor set.

What's more lame is still telling them to pretend with Energy Blast six years later when we now have five sets with bladed weapons. Six with counting claws.

Quote: just supplied a powerset that can in fact do that? Why not use it?
The same reasons having two guns with Thug MMs wasn't good enough I guess.

Hmn. So, would you suggest anything?
Already gave a suggestion bringing up Shield Charge and Lightning Rod.

I know that something not possible with this game engine is attacking while moving, which a Super Speed melee set practically demands, if not outright needs.
Here's another freebie. Jumpkick has your character jump without really jumping. Hail of Bullets has you flip and jump around like crazy. But you're not actually moving. They could easily do an attack where your character runs past an enemy several times in a blur, hitting them as they pass, similar to the infamous Flash vs Luthor fight from Justice League.

How many times can you punch someone really fast? It will still, in the end, simply be punches and kicks.
How many swords do people need? Is Tri-Blades going to be next?

It would only really work for the Dominator, though.
Melee attack sets don't have some ranged attacks? Don't tell Hurl. Seriously, changed numbers aside, you can have a version of Hail of Bullets as the set's PBAoE, Empty Clips with a modified cone, Executioner's shot as a ST ranged attack and a reworked Suppressive Fire as a utility. The rest of the set you can fill out with sword attacks and Bob's your uncle.

I would STILL kill for a Ranged/Armour or Assault/Armour AT, though. And I would also kill for sword + pistol set, so we'll let that one lay about.
Better give it a blanket and bottled water, it's going to be laying there for a while. Meanwhile, make way for the Tri-blade Halberd powerset! 50% more sword action than Dual Blades...on a stick!
