Discussion: Introducing Issue 18: Shades of Gray!




Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
subscription, booster packs, box sales...
Subscription is a given, so I'm not even going to touch that. Booster Packs and box sales aren't REQUIRED for anything major (if you've already bought the game once, and I'm not counting that either, but even counting that, that's 3 times you've had to buy the game, assuming you bought CoH, CoV, and buy GR). If you CHOSE to buy more boxes and packs because you thought they were cool, that's awesome, the same with character slots, server transfers, respec tokens, renames. None of those are you required to buy. For example, I've bought CoH on DVD twice, GvsE twice, CoV once, CoV collector's edition twice, architect edition twice (once physically, once digitally). as well as one copy of every pack released to date, and I've bought about half of them twice for my second account, that's not counting copies of the game bought for friends and significant others, also some of those were second hand/ebay/half.com purchases, so Paragon probably didn't see that money.

My point being, you can't factor all of that stuff in, you were never reqired to do anything beyond buy CoH or CoV once (if you waited, the other side came in free). or buy each one once, then there's GR. I'm being generous allowing for three purchases, which many of us long-timers have done.

At this point, you're just complaining because they chose to put out an expansion, and you're being (as typical of many around here) whiney and entitlist. Would you like to complain about not being in GR beta while you're at it? Thank you, drive through.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
subscription, booster packs, box sales...
uh GR is a box.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
subscription, booster packs, box sales...
Originally Posted by NovaFactor View Post
Oh my !!!!
subscription, booster packs, box sales...

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
I guess as an RPer, switching sides is a huge deal for me (I have high levels on both sides also, but that's not really the point, all of my villains aren't really villains anyway, but Rogues or Vigilantes, so I'm really looking forward to that option personally. As for i19 and Incarnates, I would bet that'll be 6-8 months after i18 (if not faster). So that pretty much covers my whole "some people may wait 6-8 months" bit above, doesn't it? Something tells me Incarnate is going to be big, and I await it with baited breath. It's funny, between i14 and i16 I was really losing steam on CoH, but i17, i18, and i19 have really pushed me back into the "addicted" camp again. Now, someone just needs to announce Double XP (preferably before GR), and a "buy 12 get 14" deal again, so I can re-sub both my accounts for a year!
I wasn't really disagreeing with you. More just giving an opinion of why some people might hold off buying GR despite many people around here buying it sight unseen. I think eventually almost anyone playing this game will have it, just like pretty much everyone had CoV before it was included.

On wow, just read Posi's announcement. Unless some significant info is unknown to me about GR I'll be holding off on it until i19 more than likely. Nothing against GR, it just doesn't have anything (that I know of yet) that really interests me. Besides, the main TF's I play are co-op anyway, which further reduces any desire I might have had to side switch.



Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
First, it's reasonable to make predictions based on partial information.

Second, my predictions are based on the same partial information as the YAY ISSUE 18 IS AWESOME CATHEDRAL OF PAIN WHOOHOO posts, yet I don't see you calling those out.

So let's be honest. You're not disagreeing with the fact that I'm making predictions, because if I had made positive predictions, you wouldn't have posted. You simply don't like me being critical.

That said, I know this game well, both its mechanics and its history, and I confidently stand by every one of my predictions. Just like I stood by my prediction of "Psi Blast will suck for blasters" even as many people accused me of FUD just as you have. Fact of the matter was, I knew better than they did.

EDIT: Lest I be accused of hedging, let me spell it all out. Make it an official part of my batting average. Also, I am not in closed beta, so these are predictions based on partial information and long term trends.

* Cathedral of Pain will be better than Dr. Kahn Task Force (how could it not be?) but not as good as other existing end-game challenges, such as Lady Grey Task Force or Hamidon raiding, or as good as GR Praetorian task forces, if any.
* The world will not end when markets merge. Redside prices will go away, even the prices for Pet IOs. Blueside prices will prevail, then continue at the same rate of steady inflation. Some of the uberest rarest current phat lewt will drop in price, rendered obsolete by even more uber new phat rare Praetorian lewt. Overall, nice QoL change, but won't affect gameplay, except for farmers now being able to pimp out redside alts by farming blueside.
* Tips arcs won't be any better than existing arcs, for non-GR subscribers, once the shiny wears off. Merits are merits wherever you get them. The only significant benefit I see for non-GR subscribers is to help their GR subscribed friends do side switching.
* Issue 19 will come out fast fast fast. Live in less than 4 months after Issue 18 goes live, quite possibly less than 3.

Re-edit: Now, I'm not completely down on everything to speak of about I18. Surely, you've heard there are rumored things coming to non-GR subscribers in I18, some of which I'm very pleased about, but this isn't the thread for I18 rumors.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
On wow, just read Posi's announcement. Unless some significant info is unknown to me about GR I'll be holding off on it until i19 more than likely. Nothing against GR, it just doesn't have anything (that I know of yet) that really interests me. Besides, the main TF's I play are co-op anyway, which further reduces any desire I might have had to side switch.
Yeah, that announcement hurts a lot. On the one hand, I'm glad he posted it now, to tell us ahead of time, and that takes a lot to do. On the other, I was really looking forward to stuff for my 50 main to do. Thankfully though, sideswitching and Praetoria is a major draw for me, so I'm still ok, just that my awesomescale has gone down from like a 9 to like a 7.5.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
Thats not cool on the devs part...
Maybe they should be really cool like the devs from Tabula Rasa. Or Dungeon Runners. Those guys rocked.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
Maybe they should be really cool like the devs from Tabula Rasa. Or Dungeon Runners. Those guys rocked.
They did, in the case of Tabula Rasa, PlayNC decided the game wasn't making enough money for them and subsequently killed it. Swines..

"Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these. It might have been."



I don't mind shelling out the cash for GR but I mind the fact that the features list seems pretty anorexic and now something that has been mentioned several times (Incarnates) isn't going to be on that features list were left with:

-4 new powersets
-4 new zones
-Praetorian costumes
-level 1-20 content
-side switching

-4 new powersets, While they are cool, I for one am not interested in 3 of those sets, would I experiment with them when it comes out...maybe.

-4 new zones, yes the zones looks awesome and amazing but that doesn't last long before it gets boring.

-Praetorian costumes, Any new costumes are amazing. I don't think were getting the Praetorian Police Dept Gloves since those seem to shoot at you but again, new costumes are always fun.

-Level 1-20 content, as everyone here has stated at least once... that content is usually PL'd over or rushed so it doesn't help in the least. I actually don't rush any of the levels and usually takes me a year and a half to get a toon to 50. I will never understand the rush to 50 and put that toon in the closet.

-Side switching, I don't mind taking a villain over to be a hero or a hero to be a villain. That novelty runs thin unless there is NEW content in the extremes alignments (hero side and villain side)


I don't see what is so blasphemous and wrong with wanting a bang for the buck? I am not saying that I am going to go and boycott the game because GR looks emaciated, I will probably wait for the complete collection and get it in September or October.

What does bother me is that in order to play a system wide feature I have to buy an expansion. I don't see why the incarnate system has to depend on GR unless there was something in GR that explained incarnates or that there was some sort of incarnate tie in to GR.




Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
What does bother me is that in order to play a system wide feature I have to buy an expansion. I don't see why the incarnate system has to depend on GR unless there was something in GR that explained incarnates or that there was some sort of incarnate tie in to GR.
The new zone events, which are the Incarnate system content, were rumored to take place in Praetoria.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
If that's the case, then Praetoria isn't just 1-20 content.
Well, that would still make it 1-20, and then 50+ - that's still, kind of a big gap
Plus, these zone events - if they do take place in Paretoria - aren't planned for GR - they're part of I19.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Golden Girl takes no heed:

Plus, these zone events - if they do take place in Paretoria - aren't planned for GR - they're part of I19.
You really need to stop saying "GR" when you mean "the initial release of GR". You're going to confuse a bunch of people.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
You really need to stop saying "GR" when you mean "the initial release of GR". You're going to confuse a bunch of people.
The best way to avoid confusing people is to avoid talking to them.


Eeek... my own brand of pessimism is in control today!

As you were!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
Not talk to GG? I've had some of my most fun arguments with her!
No, no, not GG!
At least, that was not what I meant at all.

Just in general...

Case in point... If I had abstained from attempting to communicate to you about this... it would have avoided this bit of confusion.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
uh GR is a box.
Not for us outside US, only download from NCSoft store.

Proud Coleader of: Fuerza Letal (H), Liga de las Sombras (V), Legion del Fenix (H), Infernal Justice (H), and a happy member of GammaForce (H) and D.O.A. (V).

My alts: http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/13494



Basically issue 18 is............um...............ahhh............not hing really?? Most those things would just pop up in any old patch one day without notice, and people would say, cool, and go about their business. I know GR is coming out, so why not save the name "issue 18: Shades of Grey" for when you actually have some powers, or content updates??? That is what makes a good issue, to me anyways. Not quality of life stuff...that should just come, or be PART of an issue.

Anyways, just my opinion. Meh...



Yeah! a new/re-worked/re-implemented Cathedral Of Pain, one universal market, the ability to trade across faction (yay, trading inspirations on Co-Op teaming), new emotes, new costumes, new types of mission spawning...

That's "nothing" alright!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Yeah! a new/re-worked/re-implemented Cathedral Of Pain, one universal market, the ability to trade across faction (yay, trading inspirations on Co-Op teaming), new emotes, new costumes, new types of mission spawning...

That's "nothing" alright!

As "my opinion" stated (I can have one here, right???).... to ME, a "good" issue is powers related and content related.....anything else is just gravy and gets boring after a week...to ME anyways!

Thank you for listening tho!



Originally Posted by Lascher View Post
As "my opinion" stated (I can have one here, right???).... to ME, a "good" issue is powers related and content related.....anything else is just gravy and gets boring after a week...to ME anyways!

Thank you for listening tho!
Hehe, saying "just my opinion" doesn't give you immunity to being wrong.
It isn't "nothing" (Obviously), but more so... there is a good amount of stuff there. No, it is not a normal amount, but it is the free content coming alongside Going Rogue.
Whether you, personally, care for it or not, publicly calling a reworked Cathedral Of Pain nothing is wrong.
Nothing for you, but your whole post was explaining how most people would see this in an in-between patch and shrug.
It speaks to a bit too much expected entitlement, no?
C'mon. Lighten up... This development team is doing some great stuff.
"Meh... nothing..."

Not to mention... The Tips missions may be something rather cool. And constant content coming from a new angle... plus it may be something that is expanded on further. We don't know that all arcs that come from Tips are morality mission arcs... By the sounds of it, I'd suspect there to be more to it than that. New arcs starting from incidental play. Sounds like content.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, that would still make it 1-20, and then 50+ - that's still, kind of a big gap
Plus, these zone events - if they do take place in Paretoria - aren't planned for GR - they're part of I19.
This sounds cool but very convoluted. If zone events that are meant for Incarnate level characters occur in Praetoria...which will have zones spanning the entry band, won't newer characters get squashed or squeezed out of the loop?

The whole "zone event" has me really nervous. Outside of the questions of server population, there's the real possibility of players having erratic schedules and missing out on advancement potential for their Incarnates.
How will people in Paragon or the Rogue Isles even find out about the events, let alone access them? Will there be an "O-Portal" to Praetoria?

Further, zone events in the past have mostly degenerated into a "First come, first served" until badges and rewards are obtained then largely ignored.
I sincerely hope that there will be a Task Force or two or some missions that allow Incarnate advancement or progression or challenges...zone missions sound so dicey as to their potential reception and implementation.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes