123 -
I have one serious question....as of late....have the markets fallen to insanely low prices? I would have gave away my best io's in Atlas park! Lol
Or like as soon as they decided to end the game.....if your character died after that....they were dead. For good. Lol
Oh that wouldn't work.....refer to post number one. Lol -
Lol. Perfect! Since mmo's don't usually end....would be cool to see! Then the dying pacman sound and blackness! Lol
What would be cool is if they do it like an arcade game. 11:59pm tomorrow a huge GAME OVER across the screen. Lol
Quote:I played the last few years very on and off.....mostly off. Haven't actually logged into the game in about 9 months.Killed it so bad for you that you're still here? That bad, huh?
Just came to read the hubbub in the forums before they Yank the cord and the game is gone. -
Serious....I have a dark/invulnerable brute....got him to 50...spent like hardly anything really capping his defence and from that day on....I can't even recall him dying. Can't imagine if he had incarnate stuff.
Guess that's why I spent the last few years of my coh life just making new toons ...getting to 50 and making another. I like the struggle.....the 50s I have that have sets are all boring. My favorite will always be my level 50 blaster ....my first toon. Elec/elec ....he never owned a set....not one. Mostly never felt the need since end was never an issue. Lol -
Well....my other thread lasted about 6 minutes. Lol
Seriously now.....I'm not at all sad the game is closing. Its due....and making everyone near immortal thru set bonuses and incarnate stuff is what killed the game for me a long time ago.
Teams steam roll the game now. Don't need a tank.....don't need an emp .....don't need a troller. Just get 8 expensive toons together of any kind and smash....no slowing down.....no risks.....no worries.
I miss pulling, needing a good tank, needing a good emp, hearding, stopping to rez the fallen, planning our attacks, av's no one could possibly solo, team wipes, managing my endurance, nuking and seeing the awe and winder in a new players face that I just wiped a whole group with one attack and many more things. Mostly....simply I miss stratagy.
So goodbye coh ....you allowed us to create absurdly powerful toons and basically turned the game into a boring God mode fest.
Quote:Yes, I have a Fire/fire scrapper and a BS/regen...I know what you mean, they both can drop a horse pretty quick with a couple lucky crits....just been awhile since I played one.Scrappers always tend to feel like wet noodles between that 8-21 range for me. Once you get a couple SOs slotted, you'll feel like you're just wrecking someone's day any time you crit them.
My brutes have flown threw mobs with a vengence from 1-50 tho.....miss that! I know after 22 scrappers catch up! lol Just a ways off for a casual player like myself!
Is /wp for scrappers still the pve beast it was a couple years ago?? Or should I reroll with the shiney new /ea?? I solo alot...worried WP may faulter in some of the tougher challenges, without anyone backing me up. (at least til I drop inf on it to boost defence) -
Actually have been trying a stj/wp...only to level 8 so far, a scrapper. Havan't tried a scrapper in awhile, usually go brute...but decided to try it. Don't have to sprint everywhere to keep up my fury this time! So far I like it. Especially the knee to the gut thing...nice! lol
Feeling a bit weak...but at this lvl...probably just the fact that I'm a scrapper, not a brute. I know scrappers get better after a bit...before anyone debates me! -
K, not stj/ea stalker...maybe stj/nin. Can't handle the Disrupt fx....and we can't seem to disable it yet. (wink wink Devs)
Hi! Thinking I want to make a stj/ea toon...but can't decide on Brute/scrapper or even stalker.
Anyone have a knowledgeable pro's/con's of each?
Leaning towards brute...since I usually prefer them to scrappers. But then again, maybe the new set favors one over the other mechanics wise?
Can't seem to stick with a stalker, so may try this as well.
Any thoughts? Which do you prefer?
Thanks in advance! -
Sorry...just saw other post about the same thing! My bad!
Here it is....
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=271930 -
Hi....please let us use "minimal effects" in power customization....like every other defense set in the game. (that I have played anyways)
The effects of "Disrupt" has made me shelve my /ea stalker. It is unbearable! Please let us choose the no effect except pvp option...like every other set. (and yes...I wanna use the power, it's great)
Thank you and have a nice day! -
Quote:You mean like what NT described?....
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that griefing is an actionable offense.
It could easily be proven that the person(s) that did this were targeting specific "well known" and "high profile" names. If their accounts are full of such names, that is proof of griefing, and it should be addressed by the GMs/Devs.
Disagreed. Perhaps they just always liked those names they saw. And had a chance to get them. Maybe not very original, but hardly griefing. (unless they sent tell as mentioned with neener neeners)
Believe it or not, no one, including "high profile" and "well known" people, again no one....owns the rights to their coh character names.
Again, not very imaginative, but not griefing....at least not proof of it....as stated above. (unless they perform the ole neener, neener, neener)
Just my opinion.
P.S. if someone took all my names for Exhalted, I could care less. Will never play there. I may lapse to free from time to time...want my characters all available. (without paying for server transfers.) -
Selling them for 100 mil a piece on the market!
I don't know why you'd want purples and pvp io's for this matchup at all? Neither really benefit from recharge? I softcapped my DB/SR for about 400 mil and he is a beast! (got aid self for extra measure) No hasten either. But if u wanna spend billions on those sets, when they don't benefit your build much, that is your choice I suppose. If you don't softcap to everything, yer gonna be face planting plenty.
Seems to me you didn't really focus on any paticular stats with your sets....your bonuses range from not much at all to mediocre with recharge. Did you have any goal with your sets? The most expensive sets are not for every build.
And yes, slot rest for recharge....you gonna need it! -
Quote:If you do 5 tip missions a day (Villian tips....or Hero if you've switched over) you can make an A-merit every 2 days, and when you have 2 A-merits (in 4 days if you do 5 tips a day) you can get a LotG 7.5 global recharge, or something worth as much, and make 100 to 160 million inf every 4 days (if you craft the IO before you sell it). If you put all the difficulty settings on the lowest, you can do 5 tip missions in prolly about an hour or so. Less if you get Invis and go straight to the objectives, ignoring the rest of the baddies. Of course, set difficulty higher and kill, I mean "arrest", everything in sight and you can lvl quicker as well, but it will take much longer.Ummm... Duh! I should've thought of that... (I'm not being sarcastic, I'm being ironic...) I've played enough MMO's to know that money making is vital and to learn how to do it by reading other people's suggestions. I did that for build's, but haven't done it for money yet, so thank you.
One way to make inf anyways! -
Quote:Um.....yup! No problem! And not exactly a new game, or at least an integrated one, like cov is now. They started with preatoria, but 1 to 20 is a very small part of the hours you spend getting to 50. But, it's a start. And yes, prolly at least 2 years until they finish preatoria.....cause they are too focused on cosmetics and bigger boom for our toons.So you want a new game. Are you willing to wait another couple of years and pay another $50?
But yes, you nailed it! Imo -
I know the forums frown upon any critism of this holy game in any way shape or form, but.......
K, yes, you guys are spouting off little unrelated bits of content, I am talking a new lvl 1 to 50 experience....like cov and what they just started with preatoria.
If you are happy with the content they have gave you, that's great! I would like a new 1 to 50 experience....somewhere new for my toons to spend their careers, not just an hour here or there and still spending 95 percent of my road to 50 doing the same things I have done for 5 years...... And if feeling that way warrants your fanboi bashing of me, then so be it !