Discussion: Introducing Issue 18: Shades of Gray!




Well, I think from reading that my fave thing so far seems to be the "tips" system. Sounds like it could add a lot of fun to the game for ANY level character



Just out of curiosity, but the Cathedral of Pain is just going to be a "raid" thing all by itself, right? It's not going to be something that we need to do for Incarnate related advancement? I ask, because I'm curious whether I'm going to end up locked out of the Incarnate system. I've been playing for almost two years, and I don't even *know* anyone who has tried Hamidon, and on my server I was never even able to complete the stupid Banner badges on even one of my characters. So a new "super raid" showing up at around the same time as the first step in the Incarnate stuff makes me a little nervous.



Is this new issue 18 going to be released before or after GR?




And again...

Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Just like Issue 6: Along Came a Spider was the concurrent Issue that accompanied City of Villains, so, too, is Issue 18: Shades of Gray the concurrent Issue for Going Rogue.
Originally Posted by MLEdelen View Post
Is this new issue 18 going to be released before or after GR?

Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



Originally Posted by MLEdelen View Post
Is this new issue 18 going to be released before or after GR?
It's releasing at the same time.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Pheonyx View Post

Seriously, I have been going over the list of everything and the free portion of Issue 18 is quite underwhelming. First off, a majority of the "features" could very easily just have been added in as a patch without a tie in to the purchase. Seriously, they can merge the market at any time and additions are made to AE all the time outside of Issue releases, so making them "features" of the free portion of the issue is not exciting.

Ashes to ashes,
I disagree, I think the free content of I18 is close to the amount of content in I15. If I remember right I15 was a level 45 to 50 TF, some costumes and some emotes. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining just saying that even with out new physical product some issues have less content then others.



I just want to make sure I am understanding this right from what I caab read so far.

In order to take my level fifty mm to blue side I need to gens away until a random patrol mon not mission mobs drop a tip based on random roll. Then I must do those randomly given missions until I get another random roll that may give me a morality check then my "meter" will tilt to good slowly as I grind away hoping to get a random chance at a random chance of tipping my scale (I assume kits a huge kinda long meter if I recall someone somewhere saying) similar to what was called hologrinding in another game ? I don't accuse I just need to know if I am processing this right. Oo




Originally Posted by CaptainAmazing View Post
I just want to make sure I am understanding this right from what I caab read so far.

In order to take my level fifty mm to blue side I need to gens away until a random patrol mon not mission mobs drop a tip based on random roll. Then I must do those randomly given missions until I get another random roll that may give me a morality check then my "meter" will tilt to good slowly as I grind away hoping to get a random chance at a random chance of tipping my scale (I assume kits a huge kinda long meter if I recall someone somewhere saying) similar to what was called hologrinding in another game ? I don't accuse I just need to know if I am processing this right. Oo

From the info we have at the moment, you have it basically right. That is A method of doing it. There may or may not be more methods.

However, while the "tip" drops are random, those drops lead to an arc (how it is determined what the arc is is unknown) and every arc can "move your meter" in either direction depending on the choices you make during it (again the method is still unknown).



Originally Posted by Delta_Strider View Post
I think I'll touch on a few of these in my typical fashion...

Good work, Paragon! Now, everyone can pay way too much for salvage, recipes, and, well, everything they weren't already. Plus the best part is by combining them, we have one whole collapsing market. I never thought I'd see the day....

Another solid, Paragon. Someone ought to call up M5 and get them cracking on the saying, "Better late than never", because I think we've Busted it!

Boo-Yah! Content we stopped caring about 3 years ago!

Well. Done. Paragon.

Someone needs to get on the line with the Peace Prize Committee, because this is the greatest recycling effort we might ever see in our lifetime.


This game is going places, I'm not afraid to say it. You guys really know how to soar right at the sun, and never stop. Critics are always saying, "Paragon you're mad! This will never work!" but you just shrug your shoulders and stay the course, because this game can only go up, and can only get hotter.

Just like The Hindenburg.

Y'know, folks used to just say DOOOOOOOOOOMM!



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
I can't wait to take my brute through Paragon City, it is going to be like a whole new game!
I don't get this. You have never played blue side before?

It is nice that you can switch sides but it, really, doesn't give us anything new to do. I think the 'shine' of side switching will wear off rather quickly when you switch and see you're doing the same old...

I18 looks like another weak issue. They brought back the CoP trial and will obviously be very different than the original (not that I was here for that). I just hope it's fun to play and has new maps etc in it.

I really wish the Devs introduced new stuff that hasn't been touched on in the canon. The game has been around for a while and we've heard about a lot of these things already. Kinda makes you feel like GR won't feel all that 'new'. I hope I am wrong.



Wow. These doom Sayers literally come out of the woodwork don't they. Even if it didn't effect you before it was a problem. So you'd be taking the stance of "not my problem". Isn't that a bit anti community? And if you don't want to be part of the community why are you complaining on a community forum? *scratches head*

Maybe I just need some fewd and this will all make sense.




Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
I don't get this. You have never played blue side before?

It is nice that you can switch sides but it, really, doesn't give us anything new to do. I think the 'shine' of side switching will wear off rather quickly when you switch and see you're doing the same old...

I18 looks like another weak issue. They brought back the CoP trial and will obviously be very different than the original (not that I was here for that). I just hope it's fun to play and has new maps etc in it.

I really wish the Devs introduced new stuff that hasn't been touched on in the canon. The game has been around for a while and we've heard about a lot of these things already. Kinda makes you feel like GR won't feel all that 'new'. I hope I am wrong.
What would you have then do make a whole new game for you each issue? Oo

GR has enough 1-20 content for use to worry about ATM. You have to realize that the ratio they make content and the ratio we burn through it. I applaud what they are doing and hold out hope this GR IS A hold on till the dust settles on swtor and other large headed know. Then they launch coh2 (since they reserved the name just my thoughts)




CaptainAmazing jumps the gun a little:

I just want to make sure I am understanding this right from what I caab read so far.

In order to take my level fifty mm to blue side I need to gens away until a random patrol mon not mission mobs drop a tip based on random roll.
So far I've seen nothing to indicate that it's "random patrol mobs not mission mobs".

Then I must do those randomly given missions until I get another random roll that may give me a morality check then my "meter" will tilt to good slowly as I grind away hoping to get a random chance at a random chance of tipping my scale (I assume kits a huge kinda long meter if I recall someone somewhere saying) similar to what was called hologrinding in another game ?
I've seen nothing to indicate the existence of said "meter" or that the tip missions do anything but somehow lead to the morality missions which change your alignment. I don't believe the tip missions do anything to your alignment at all since they're a part of the game for people who can't change their alignment (those who didn't buy GR).

Dec out.



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
I don't get this. You have never played blue side before?
I may or may not have been being sarcastic. It can read both ways, which is what I intended.

Regarding the new 1-20 content and the burn rate, well I generally hit 20 in 3-4 sessions (1-2hr play time) and that phase of the game is generally perceived as the worst due to poor enhancements, limited power selection, and endurance issues. The content they are adding is going to need to be stellar to convince me to pass up rushing those levels as much as I can.

Even if they have provided dozens upon dozens of new ways to reach level 20 I've been playing this game for years and am far beyond the stage of randomly rolling up new alts every few weeks. I'm not really sure where that leaves me, or how alone I am in that position. I'm guessing the devs feel that most people aren't like me. Here's hoping.

Regarding side switching, previously I was going to shift all my active villains so that they could access the blue market, but now that it is being merged I'm actually doubtful I'll side switch any of my toons fully and maybe not even part way. If the tips arcs are really fun then for sure, but from the limited info we have so far I'm not very excited as they sound like a slightly more robust paper mission system. Again, here's hoping.

If I want to run a red side SF I just jump on a villain. If I then want to run the STF I just switch to one of my heroes. I dunno, it's not a big deal to me. I could see it helping some of the more barren servers by having a lot of players in vig/rogue status though, so at the least it should stave off that movement for awhile longer.



I'd say there are a lot of players like you, Frosty, but there's also a lot of us for whom what character we're playing is as important as what we're doing. It's a slightly different experience for me dependent on the character doing anything in this game, and not strictly because of powersets. There's lots of both of "us" in the game. One of the things I like about the game...the population is so diverse in their playstyles because they can be.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by ThePill View Post

Y'know, folks used to just say DOOOOOOOOOOMM!
Folks used to say a lot of things.

Those same folks are gone.

Coincidence? I believe so.



Mmmm...post-issue-info-release doom posts! I missed the smell!



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
A neighboring county to me is famous for its pig farms. You could go there next time you're missing that odor.
xD Nice one!



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
So far I've seen nothing to indicate that it's "random patrol mobs not mission mobs".
Neither have I

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by CaptainAmazing View Post
What would you have then do make a whole new game for you each issue? Oo

GR has enough 1-20 content for use to worry about ATM. You have to realize that the ratio they make content and the ratio we burn through it. I applaud what they are doing and hold out hope this GR IS A hold on till the dust settles on swtor and other large headed know. Then they launch coh2 (since they reserved the name just my thoughts)

Make a whole new game? Uuuuuuuuuh no. Let me explain my point a bit more so you can understand, perhaps, a bit better.

We constantly get 'new' content. This content is not new IMO because the mission maps, enemies, enemy placement etc etc are EXACTLY the same as numerous other missions. It is LAME. We have that over and over. I suggest not adding anything like this ever again. Now that GR is almost out, maybe the larger Dev team could add a unique TF each issue or something like that (it'd be nice if they issues came out on a somewhat regular basis).

Also, the canon/story continues to be told. Story advancement seems a bit too slow. I lost interest a while ago in some of the canon for this reason. Maybe have fewer lengthy developments and more quick stories that take place in 1 issue (like a TF or arc).

I think my fave issue has to be 12. Cimerora, VEATS, ITF etc. That is an issue. Hopefully there are more like that.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Tips drop from defeating level 20+ foes. Drop rate is unknown. The number of Tip missions is unknown. But, it *is* new *content* for 'free.'
The point of doing Tip missions if you don't have GR is also unknown.

Issue 18 is not much of an issue, reminiscent of Issue 15. Cross-faction trading that doesn't directly affect gameplay, tip missions with likely little benefit for non-GR subscribers, and a new task force. The Anniversary task forces set the bar very low for Cathedral of Pain, and I don't see the writers having much incentive to jump higher when the focus is on side switching and Praetoria.

The upside of a "not much" issue is that the next issue is likely to come out very fast. Issue 15 live to Issue 16 live was just 78 days. A question remains, however, whether Issue 19 will have much for non-GR subscribers.



Curious as to why you're comparing this to I15. Just because there was a box? Because the situation's far more similar to I6 (except that the dev staff is actually...staffed, now ).

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Rigel_Kent View Post
Issue 18 is not much of an issue, reminiscent of Issue 15. Cross-faction trading that doesn't directly affect gameplay, tip missions with likely little benefit for non-GR subscribers, and a new task force. The Anniversary task forces set the bar very low for Cathedral of Pain, and I don't see the writers having much incentive to jump higher when the focus is on side switching and Praetoria.
Riiight, seeing as the I18 post says tip missions lead to NEW ARCS there clearly isn't anything in it for non GR users (how many are the going to be of those anyway? Really?)