Discussion: Introducing Issue 18: Shades of Gray!




Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Hehe, saying "just my opinion" doesn't give you immunity to being wrong.
It isn't "nothing" (Obviously), but more so... there is a good amount of stuff there. No, it is not a normal amount, but it is the free content coming alongside Going Rogue.
Whether you, personally, care for it or not, publicly calling a reworked Cathedral Of Pain nothing is wrong.
Nothing for you, but your whole post was explaining how most people would see this in an in-between patch and shrug.
It speaks to a bit too much expected entitlement, no?
C'mon. Lighten up... This development team is doing some great stuff.
"Meh... nothing..."

Not to mention... The Tips missions may be something rather cool. And constant content coming from a new angle... plus it may be something that is expanded on further. We don't know that all arcs that come from Tips are morality mission arcs... By the sounds of it, I'd suspect there to be more to it than that. New arcs starting from incidental play. Sounds like content.
Yeah? Tell them to make a few new mission maps while they are at it! Done the same 5 for wayyyyyyyy too long!!!!!!! I don't even read the words (stories) anymore....just want shiney new powers, spiffy "new" content, and exciting new mission maps...not the same ones, with different wallpaper! Since you are so close to them, maybe you can get that goin for us.....thx!!!

btw, love and praise them all you want, no closed beta for you!!!!!!



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
There's at least two new ones in GR.
I hope you are being sarcastic?? lol We need like 20 new mission maps, and scrap the old office/tunnel/sewer/warehouse ones!!!



I'm only telling you what we've been told. We've been told of at least two more mapsets (which, I'm sure, can be reskinned in several different ways). There might be more, there might not be. It is what it is.

Dec out.



I agree with Lascher...what is the point of i19... if I am not buying GR I just get a market merge and as for the whole "Were getting new costumes... we should be happy" mentality...Let me remind you of the artistic masterpiece that is called Vines...the more and more I think of these new costumes the more and more im reminded of the Vines set that made me want to question my sanity.

Oh and a revised CoP doesn't mean jack on a small uninterested server like Champion redside...the devs should just say that the entrance to the CoP is in Praetoria and to get there you have to own GR because that's what the devs want.




Vines is actually alot more useful as a detail when compared to over done designs like Arctic or Ulterior, which is sad.



So far Issue 18 is looking like a boring issue. The truth is, the unified auction houses would go live with the release of GR anyway...this issue is likely the reason GR was pushed back to a month later (again).

Frankly, I see issues like this and I have to wonder why Bases continue to be ignored.



And, btw, what is the point of adding things to AE now that they've nerfed it so badly that it's not even worth playing anymore?

I understand the moves against farming, and I like that the AV farms were nerfed...however, reducing experience overall for maps (for example I have a map that is story-based that is at 88% XP) just makes it so no one wants to play our unique creations.

In fact, the most use I get from AE is buying inspirations between door missions now. So much potential, now a waste of time.



Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
And, btw, what is the point of adding things to AE now that they've nerfed it so badly that it's not even worth playing anymore?
I dont know what u mean. I've been enjoying Ae for ages now. yer they made changes to it but its not be killed off..try being creative in looking and creating things



Because a majority of people actually do use the AE still? It's a fun way to tell stories and do content that hasn't already been done to death, and I know quite a few people that use it alot.

And I support GR being moved if that means making sure it isn't bugged as all hell (like I17 -_-).



I don't know that it's a majority, but it still gets plenty of use. Achiever types that are only interested in rewards have no interest, but there's still a lot that do.

Dec out.



Yyeeeah, I think it might seem like a majority to me because a alot of people I know use it. Woops. But that's still a large number, regardless!



Everyone talking about all this new stuff, how the hellium did you all miss Chuck Norris hitting his wife in the nose.

Black that's the best avatar ever, thanks for the smile



You want a fun challenge in AE try my missions. Decent stories that need flushed out any ideas would be welcomed.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Hehe, saying "just my opinion" doesn't give you immunity to being wrong.
It isn't "nothing" (Obviously), but more so... there is a good amount of stuff there. No, it is not a normal amount, but it is the free content coming alongside Going Rogue.
Whether you, personally, care for it or not, publicly calling a reworked Cathedral Of Pain nothing is wrong.
Nothing for you, but your whole post was explaining how most people would see this in an in-between patch and shrug.
It speaks to a bit too much expected entitlement, no?
C'mon. Lighten up... This development team is doing some great stuff.
"Meh... nothing..."

Not to mention... The Tips missions may be something rather cool. And constant content coming from a new angle... plus it may be something that is expanded on further. We don't know that all arcs that come from Tips are morality mission arcs... By the sounds of it, I'd suspect there to be more to it than that. New arcs starting from incidental play. Sounds like content.
Opinions are neither right, nor wrong! Their opinions, not statements of fact. Look it up in a dictionary if you don't believe me!



Originally Posted by Lascher View Post
Opinions are neither right, nor wrong! Their opinions, not statements of fact. Look it up in a dictionary if you don't believe me!
Yes, and, as I said, stating that it is just your opinion does not change it being wrong.

It is my opinion that the world is triangle-shaped and that your name is Ralph!!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Yes, and, as I said, stating that it is just your opinion does not change it being wrong.

It is my opinion that the world is triangle-shaped and that your name is Ralph!!

Sorry, no. This is the modern western world where everyone's unique, snow-flakey, insight into every aspect of reality is profoundly personal and, therefore, equally valid. The irony of using a logically-weighted term, such as "therefore", in this context isn't lost on me, but it's okay since I...you know...feel it can be used in this way.



Has anyone noticed this:

Top of the list: Fix CoP Trial.. this was in one of Samuraiko videos

Does she know more then she tells us..Kind of funny how this was put the top of the list and boom its now going to be alive soon.

Spill it girl, you do dont u..tell us.



Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
Has anyone noticed this:

Top of the list: Fix CoP Trial.. this was in one of Samuraiko videos

Does she know more then she tells us..Kind of funny how this was put the top of the list and boom its now going to be alive soon.

Spill it girl, you do dont u..tell us.
I can assure you that Samuraiko is still alive and kicking as of last night.

Either that, or we've got a really good look-alike bot running around.

Honestly, the CoP fix has been wanted for years, so it's just a coincidence that it showed up in the video like this. It IS amusing, though.

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Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
Has anyone noticed this:

Top of the list: Fix CoP Trial.. this was in one of Samuraiko videos

Does she know more then she tells us..Kind of funny how this was put the top of the list and boom its now going to be alive soon.

Spill it girl, you do dont u..tell us.
*puts her fingers to her temples and chants*

The videographer sees all and knows all...

Actually, no, I don't know any more than the rest of the COH community. I just figured that as long as I was going to be unrealistic about Matt Miller's to-do list, I may as well go whole hog. Unbeknownst to me, I got two of them right...

... which means any day now I can expect Matt to kill me for him being in my video.


Then again, I'm not entirely certain he's even seen the video in the first place.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



I'm sure he has... RRRUUUNN!!!!!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
Oooooh! So that's what Tip mission are!

Never let it be said the devs never listen to their players. How often did people request to see story arcs you get from street-sweeping? I swear there was a thread for it every couple of months.
Admittily I dont go into S&I much, but I've never seen this as a request or want since starting this game.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



I did offhandedly request dynamic AE doppelgangers awhile back, though... and that's in there.

Yeah, I know, it's nothing you're interested in and you don't do AE anymore for one reason or another. Oh well... I thought it'd be neat to be able to do that outside the Positron Task Force.