Cade Lawson

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  1. I've completed a few LGTFs without the presence of any control-type ATs and the greens can be a bit of a problem. Fortunately, I generally run it on my NR^2 blaster, which has devastation slotted in my three single-target attacks. Its just a matter of waiting for the hold to proc and the green faceplants a moment later.

    Possible? Yes.
    Advisable? No.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SkarmoryThePG View Post
    ....I wonder how well it'd work to bind power activation there. I mean, I only need eight keys(*) for power activation, and if the D-pad is being... well-behaved about only pressing this direction and not the other one.... =3 If nothing else, it'd save me four keys! (since I could use all eight directions, not dedicate four to being "this one and this one")

    * Technically, I don't activate powers past 6 using number keys, but I use 7 and 8 for teammate selection.
    I think I would lean away from doing that only because the D-Pad is...well...a D-Pad. Its accurate as any, providing you are; it'll likely end in frustration. That said, with the ability to map the N52 however you like, there's nothing to stop you from making whatever macros or binds you like and then mapping the corresponding tray-slot/key to whatever button on the pad pleases you.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SkarmoryThePG View Post
    Ah good-- ffff Inspirations I forgot about those!

    Nope, I like Razer's work but I'm open to branching out.

    Nobody ever talks there :P

    And, wait, I thought I'd be using the D-pad for movement?
    You can, if that's what floats your boat. The N52 Profiler (to be clear, the Razer N52 is just the Belkin N52 Tournament Edition...with a Razer badge) will let you map the pad pretty much anyway you like. Since the "d-pad" is just a series of buttons laid out in the same orientation as compass points, you can have them do anything you want...not just movement.
  4. You might've just asked on our OOC channel Skarm :P

    As far as I can tell, that device is very little more than a Nostromo N52 with a Razer badge on it. I've rocked the Nostromo pads since the N50 was released and I don't have a bad word to say about them. It can be a little tricky to get used to for CoX, but its completely doable once you:

    A] Get used to the shift functionality
    B] Get used to using the D-Pad where you might be accustomed to mouselook.

    Definitely found it to be a better plaform for FPS and the like (I picked it up when I was playing MW: Mercs in the NBT League platform) but it can definitely be adapted for MMO play.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chuggernaut View Post
    Might want to check the CoH home page, You can get Going Rouge complete for $9.99 at Best Buy on Monday Nov. 29th, that's like $30 off
    And when you're done buying make-up, you can pick up your sweet sweet key to Praetoria!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
    Anything over an nVidia 5770.

    They should run the new graphics just fine.
    Radeon 5770*. Also not a bad choice. Its what I use as a back up to my 5970 and it handles CoH UM respectably.
  7. Cade Lawson

    Concept help

    Without reading all the replies, I propose, based on the initial concept description, an Electric stalker, dressed like a harlequin, named "Gigglewatts".
  8. Cade Lawson

    i19 free respec?

    I'm still a little unclear on why this would cause me to respec anyway - inherent or not, it was never the number of power picks that causes cramping, it's the number of slots.

    On most of my toons, I run health & stam with three a pop; if these become inherent, I'll gain one power pick (passing over swift/hurdle) but still need to throw them three each...which means I'll have at least one more pick that I can't give as many slots to as I did before.

    *shrug* Guess I'm just sort of ambivalent about its inherent status. I likely won't bother changing a thing.
  9. Similar to Necrotron, I have everything turned to 11.

    i5-750 Lynnfield
    ASUS P7P55-D Pro
    6x1gb Corsair XMS DDR3 @1600
    Sapphire Radeon HD5970

    Smaller CPU, Bigger GPU.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jingin View Post
    Im having the smae problem it seems and all i want is the mac booster is there anyother way or other place i can get them with out having to painfully deal with going through my credit card company ? help is appreciated
    Necroposting...appropriately?! Whoa.

    As previously-stated, there are limitations on how many purchases can be run through the NCsoft store within a specified time period. If you're having this problem, then you'll just have to wait it out.

    Unless you live in South America. Then you're looking for a completely different work-around.
  11. If you'd prefer to communicate in game, you'd do well to give us your global handle (the one beginning with @) or, alternatively, your toon name and what server you're on.
  12. Didn't Statesman actually just fly -thought- the Mothership?

    Like it was in his way?

  13. I doubt my builds will change that much, for a single simple reason:

    The inherent status confers, at most, one slot. Most of my toons require both health and stamina multi-slotted. Sure, I'll have a few more picks possible, but I won't have the slots to go with them.
  14. I picked up a Logi MX510 the week it launched here, and rode it into the ground. It was replaced with a Logi MX518 last year. I can't say a bad thing about this line. Quality, precision, and epiclonglife.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by catwhowalksbyhimself View Post
    You need to buy a super expensive computer even though that obviously isn't the problem for reasons that have already been explained to me and even though the computer exceeds both the recommended and minimum specs is not being helpful.

    EDIT: Look I'm sorry, but I'm upset and I'm frustrated. This problem just makes no sense whatsoever and the only person to actually try to help had nothing really useful to say. That's probably because everyone else is just stumped, but it still does for my stated frustration. So far, I've gotten a bad impression of this particular forum, but I'm hoping someone will help me change that impression.

    Anyway, if you have any ideas, just let me know.
    This forum is just gamers helping gamers, nothing more and nothing less. If you don't find the input you've received here to be helpful...well...that's that. Have you filed a support ticket?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phewmite View Post
    Power isn't an issue, I have a 700W power supply.

    My concern was whether the 5770 was going to be enough of a graphic boost to warrent going ahead and purchasing a new video card as that would delay the new computer.

    I've also no experience with Radeons, I'm assuming from the above posts that they run COx ok? I had heard at one point there were driver issues with Radeons and COx.

    Then your concern is unwarranted. Seriously! I'm running a 5970 now, but this rig began its life with an XFX 5770 1gb dual and it's a totally badass little card which performs (imo) extremely well for its price point.

    If you're considering this, I would say "I can't think of a single reason not to".
  17. Cade Lawson

    GR beta question

    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    Just follow the Test Server installation instructions, but use '-beta' instead of '-test'.
    I did exactly this and got a lovely 3.6gb download. =/
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    Yes, and, as I said, stating that it is just your opinion does not change it being wrong.

    It is my opinion that the world is triangle-shaped and that your name is Ralph!!

    Sorry, no. This is the modern western world where everyone's unique, snow-flakey, insight into every aspect of reality is profoundly personal and, therefore, equally valid. The irony of using a logically-weighted term, such as "therefore", in this context isn't lost on me, but it's okay since know...feel it can be used in this way.
  19. I totally saw the title of this thread and thought "France".
  20. Which servers are available to you is determined by the client and user account. You'll be able to access the NA servers from anywhere in the world, contingent upon two things:

    1. Having a NA account in good standing.
    2. Available connection -to- the NA servers (Ie, a connection which doesn't block you before you reach the CoH servers...*cough* China *cough*).
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
    All I need is a tall building and some willing people that want to hit the ground "running"
    One second, I know a guy.
    *goes to look around Suggestions for Power_NA*
  22. The X hath spoken!

    Bow all ye, and give praise!

    Seriously. Listen to this guy. I heard he invented computers. Je_saist helped.
  23. But what about the jerk hackers?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    rumor has it that Chris Hook is still holed up in a German Biergarten muttering "that bloody Saist won't stop sending emails... won't stop sending emails... won't stop sending emails...

    I think I've also caused Terry Makoden to run screaming out of a building at least once...

    In all seriousness, I'm a "source-based" writer, and try to get answers on questions from the guys who actually make the hardware / write the drivers. So sometimes I send emails^^^^^^^^^^^(harrass the living daylights out of) specific people at AMD when it comes to ATi hardware. One of my big issues with Nvidia is that they barely ever return emails or try to explain what they are doing / why they are doing that. Even in person, locking down answers on the functions of an Nvidia product is like trying to get the history out of a car at a used car lot.


    Beyond that, I mostly keep track of the mailing lists: :: :: ::

    Keep an eye on some hardware review sites such as HardOCP, Phoronix, and XbitLabs...

    And probably my favorite (and most annoying) place to link to is TechArp's GPU lists:

    Nice try. Saist is the internet.

    Also, I run a Sapphire 5970.
  25. Cade Lawson

    So Confused

    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    If there's a set of wings you want, let me know. If I've got the recipe, I'll give it to you. I think I have most (if not all) of them.
    I'd like the fighter jet wings, please. You know, the ones made out of biceps?