What to replace Fitness Pool with?




With i19 making Fitness pool inherent; what do you plan on using those 1-4 slots for?

I was really thinking about the leadership pool for most of my toons. Easy to run with only the basic slot and if others go this way then major team buffs for all.

Maybe Fighting for Tough/Weave on those who don't have it but I like tough to be at least 3 slotted.

I'm liking the idea of fitness for free, but now have to respec every single toon is just ugh!

Just wondering what most people plan on doing.



It greatly depends on the character. There are a lot of threads like this in each of the AT forums, though, so you might want to check those out.

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Yeah I'd probably go to specific AT/build threads for better suggestions... my go-to will probably be Leadership toggles though (curse you, end costs!).

I'll also be taking advantage of Stealth (Defense slots = LotG 7.5% Recharge!) and Recall Friend regularly for convenience without hogging too many slots. Some of my toons will just get a few Primary/Secondary choices earlier, allowing me to take more Ancillary/Patron power pool powers later on. So that's my plan for the moment.




Honestly, I haven't the foggiest. Probably the main character I have to concentrates on Fitness will go with the Teleport pool for a travel power. He already has all four Pools and didn't have room for one.

Then again, I recently respec'ed out of Boxing on him since I could make Storm Kick look like a punch. So that opened up that fourth pool. So yeah, likely Teleport.

Other characters I will probably go with some of their Primary or Secondary powers I had to skip. My Thugs/Dark Mastermind, for instance, I skipped some powers to make room for her attacks, as I wanted her to be pseudo-petless. In fact, I suspect more MMs will be picking up attacks now, even if they don't slot them, just for looks or for global IOs.



Like other have said, it will be toon specific. But I'll probably be looking at leadership for the toons that have the endurance to spare, probably combat jumping for most of my toons without it and a travel power for those with only Ninja Jump (in the later levels of course). There aren't too many primary or secondary powers that I will take that I had skipped, either because they weren't good enough to take in the first place, or they would need too many slots still.

Mostly I'm looking forward to getting powers earlier that I would've had to wait to get until after 20. It is definitely gonna change my build and probably play style a bit, so I'm happy.



There are a couple of powers I skipped from my primary/secondary that could be useful or taken earlier. Also could take another power from the ancillary power pool. I'm more concerned with more powers but same number of slots.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
There are a couple of powers I skipped from my primary/secondary that could be useful or taken earlier. Also could take another power from the ancillary power pool. I'm more concerned with more powers but same number of slots.
I am also concerned in that regard though I have been somewhat used to it for years with my warshades and peacebringers.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



For myself, Ill be using this to gain additional defense in some way shape or form ! YAY

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Just because it's going to be inherent doesn't mean I'm not going to slot it on my characters who use it. I'm not expecting any of my builds to change much, if at all.

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Really depends on the characters. Stalkers? Loosening up builds. Kinetics? Who needs Stamina? My Fire/ tanks will be happier overall. I'll have to watch a build or two I didn't take Stamina on, but snagged Fitness for Sprint or Hurdle.



I wont be able to decide what I'm getting till i find out if its one of those inherents with no slots (ie:ninja run) or what effects the fitness powers will have, such as will they be just as they are now with no enhancements or will they be adjusted up to max enhancement value before diminishing returns, or somewhere in between?

My guess is if they make them without slots they will adjust them upward in effect, and maybe have them pop up at a certain level....not sure if they will stagger it like I've heard some people suggest. Such as swift/hurdle at a certain level then health later then stamina later.

If they do stagger it i hope they combine swift and hurdle because both of them together seem just as useful as either health or stamina on its own.

just my 2inf




It all depends on your AT and powersets, but as an example, my blaster will be taking Stealth to slot some extra LotG +Recharge, as will a few other sets. I have a couple of toons that will be replacing Fitness with Leadership since most of those are great right out of the box. My brutes will migrate towards getting the healing powers like Aid Self.

And a few will just take another travel pool, can't ever have too many travel options even with ninja run and jetpacks!



Originally Posted by Mischief_Manager View Post
I wont be able to decide what I'm getting till i find out if its one of those inherents with no slots (ie:ninja run) or what effects the fitness powers will have, such as will they be just as they are now with no enhancements or will they be adjusted up to max enhancement value before diminishing returns, or somewhere in between?

My guess is if they make them without slots they will adjust them upward in effect, and maybe have them pop up at a certain level....not sure if they will stagger it like I've heard some people suggest. Such as swift/hurdle at a certain level then health later then stamina later.

If they do stagger it i hope they combine swift and hurdle because both of them together seem just as useful as either health or stamina on its own.

just my 2inf

As I understood it from Castle, we will be getting all of the powers currently in the Fitness Pool available to us at level 1 or 2, and they will all be slot-able. This means that right from the get-go you will have Stamina.

Source: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showt...54#post3178754



For the majority of my characters:

Combat Jumping
Recall Friend

Not sure what I'll do with the third power, I will likely take the tier 6 (or was it 5?) power from the secondary earlier. My slots will be all messed up, but oh well... Stamina still gets 2 from me for 2 End Mods and a Proc.



Lots of decent choices, some better than others depending on what you are starting with.

Stealth - one endurance, or an LotG +recharge, or a karma -kb
Grant Invisibility - one endurance, or an LotG +recharge, or a karma -kb
Invisibility - one endurance, or an LotG +recharge, or a karma -kb
Phase Shift - one recharge
Hover - one endurance, or an LotG +recharge, or a karma -kb, or one speed, or a stealth, or a winter's gift, or an HO
Air Superiority - one acc, or one acc/dam HO or IO
Fly - one endurance, or one speed, or a stealth, or a winter's gift, or an HO
Group Fly - one endurance, or one speed, or a stealth, or a winter's gift, or an HO
Boxing - one acc, or one acc/dam HO or IO
Kick - one acc, or one acc/dam HO or IO
Tough - one endurance, or one resistance, or a steadfast +3 def, or any resistance IO, or an HO
Weave - one endurance, or an LotG +recharge, or a karma -kb
Maneuvers - one endurance, or an LotG +recharge, or a karma -kb
Assault - one endurance
Tactics - one endurance or any tohit IO
Vengeance - one endurance, or an LotG +recharge, or a karma -kb
Jump Kick - one acc, or one acc/dam HO or IO
Combat Jumping - one endurance, or an LotG +recharge, or a karma -kb, or an HO
Super Jump - one endurance, or one speed, or a stealth, or a winter's gift, or an HO
Acrobatics - one endurance or one KB
Aid Other - one heal, or one recharge, or one range, or one interrupt, or any heal IO, or an HO
Stimulant - one recharge, or one range, or one interrupt
Aid Self - one heal, or one recharge, or one interrupt, or any heal IO, or an HO
Resuscitate - one recharge
Challenge - one accuracy, or one range, or one recharge, or one taunt, or any taunt IO
Provoke - one accuracy, or one range, or one recharge, or one taunt, or any taunt IO
Intimidate - One accuracy, or one recharge, or one fear
Invoke Panic - One accuracy, or one recharge, or one fear, or any fear IO
Flurry - one acc, or one acc/dam HO or IO
Hasten - one recharge
Super Speed - one endurance, or one speed, or a stealth, or a winter's gift, or an HO
Whirlwind - one endurance, or any KB IO (especially the force feedback +recharge)
Recall Friend - one endurance, or one range, or a stealth, or a winter's gift, or an HO
Teleport Foe - one endurance, or one range, or a stealth, or a winter's gift, or an HO
Teleport - one endurance, or one range, or a stealth, or a winter's gift, or an HO
Team Teleport - one endurance, or one range, or a stealth, or a winter's gift, or an HO

And that's just the power pools. There are lots of "skippable" powers in primaries and secondaries that you can now pick up and use on a lark or that once in a blue moon ocassion -- something like repel for example. And then there are all the choices in epics and patron pools, but most of those probably need more than one slot. Then again, you could get a patron pet and sick a recharge in it.

And if you can find one or two slots elsewhere, it opens up all kinds of possibilities with sets to provide HP, Regen, defense, damage, etc.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

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Like many players the choice of what to take is HIGHLY variable from character to character.

I do see Leadership being more attractive in a lot of builds but for others it'll allow me to include primary/secondary powers I had to drop to get room.

For example, my Inv/Stone tank, CMA, will probably pick up an extra APP (Char/Fire Blast/Fireball); I'm still debating about the other two although there's a half dozen powers I'd like to have. It's a balancing act of cost/benefit for each power and slot I have to distribute.

Some characters will be unaffected like my Archery/EM blaster who never took fitness in the first place; frankly endurance was never an issue with him.

On the other hand my Fire/Rad and Ill/Rad controllers will be going back to the drawing board; both are huge end hogs (206% recharge Ill/Rad burns end even faster than a Fire/Rad). I'd really like to toss in Leadership but both of them are on the ragged edge with endurance as it is.

This new change is certainly going to be a great boon to the players despite the few whiners I've seen around complaining about not getting more slots. I swear, some people would complain if you hung them with a new rope.

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how about replacing it with mob control
disruption a poenet cant use power fo 15 second
shockwave knoc back all in front of you 25% damge
multi targeting weapon 10 feet around you.
surpresion add the top three to gethier.

or mix power pool choose
tp a friend
heal self
revive all fallen team

your choose



Fighting on Blitzkrieger (Elec/Elec Brute). Gonna try to IO him up too, make him more tanky and less squishy.

Possibly Presence on my Masterminds, not sure yet. Or maybe Medicine on the Bots/Traps one.

Might go for the melee attacks on my Crab, just for fun. He has slots to spare.

No idea about my Widow. She has too many powers as it is.

No idea about my Dark/Energy Brute either. His build is pretty... proper. Has Stamina, but doesn't feel tight and isn't missing anything nice I would've picked otherwise.



In the case of my Night Widow, I'm thinking:

Combat Training: Offensive

Combat Training: Offensive doesn't really need slotting to be useful. One Accuracy in there and that's all I'll need
Placate should be fine with 1-2 Recharges in it (I may borrow a slot from Hurdle).
Hasten's the tricky one. I might have to take slots out of Vengeance, but since I'm mostly soloing lately, that's not likely going to be a problem (I'll lose some accuracy and recharge from set bonuses...but Hasten!)



Originally Posted by Korith View Post
Placate should be fine with 1-2 Recharges in it (I may borrow a slot from Hurdle).
Hasten's the tricky one. I might have to take slots out of Vengeance, but since I'm mostly soloing lately, that's not likely going to be a problem (I'll lose some accuracy and recharge from set bonuses...but Hasten!)
Kind of surprised you don't have Placate on a NW already, Placate means an extra crit.

As for the Hasten slotting, yeah, slots from Vengeance are probably a safe bet. Heck, that power is great right out of the box and I frequently don't place any extra slots in it myself. Especially since it's mostly a "Oh Crap!" power, and good teams almost never have deaths anyway.



I vote everyone who respecs to get inherent fitness should then pick up Leadership.




Something to keep in mind: We aren't getting any more enhancement slots to go with the extra powers. We're going to need to be more frugal with slots than ever.

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Recall Friend and Self-Rez's are going to get serious looks now, from me.

All sorts of options opening up.



I've noticed that the latest changes to flight really increased my hover speed (I haven't been playing much lately). I think if I respec and get the inherent Fitness, I can gain a slot or two from Hover since I like to add a slot or two there for speed. On my one blaster, I actually have it five-slotted for speed, stealth, and a Kismet +Accuracy.

That is, if I can bring myself to go through a respec. I DETEST respeccing. It bothers me that after all this time, they still have respecs executed in the most unfriendly cumbersome way possible.

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