What to replace Fitness Pool with?




I'm not sure what I can do for most of my characters.

My main is a Dark Defender, and his build is kinda tight for slots to make sure his powers all work at their best. There's a couple slots I could move around so I could take some Leadership (Assault and Maneuvers are always great choices), but the third power? I already got Hasten, I really REALLY don't want to take Black Hole. Although there is the self rez in Dark Mastery, and that wouldn't really need slots, so I could go with that.

Kinda nice idea too, team wipe? Self rez - team rez - and we're back in action quick.

But due to my altitus, I have somewhere around 100 characters spread across the servers; that's a lot of builds that would need fine tuning. Especially for those who have tight builds slot-wise or those that wouldn't be able to take much of anything that would fit their character/concept.

I'm half elated about Fitness becoming inherent and half dreading the work it'd take to use it.

I sit in my zen of not being able to do anything right while simultaniously not being able to do anything wrong. Om. -CuppaJo
It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.



Originally Posted by KianaZero View Post
But due to my altitus, I have somewhere around 100 characters spread across the servers; that's a lot of builds that would need fine tuning. Especially for those who have tight builds slot-wise or those that wouldn't be able to take much of anything that would fit their character/concept.

I'm half elated about Fitness becoming inherent and half dreading the work it'd take to use it.
Heh. The joy of altitis. (217 here.) I'm only planning on respeccing 2-3 high levels because of Fitness. Lower levels, I'm either on hold with playing (lowbies) or they're not far enough in that a respec would be all that onerous - second build or a fast /respec with the inevitable freespec would only take a few minutes when I first log on to them after the issue release.

Don't look at it as something you "have to do all at once" (or even "have to do.")



Originally Posted by NezuChiza View Post
Kind of surprised you don't have Placate on a NW already, Placate means an extra crit.
Placate on a NW is....meh at best. It's not a full double damage crit like stalkers, and as such, most of the time, you could do more damage just attacking normally rather than spending time placating.


My Fort will definately take TT:Vengeance, and probably pool Assault and Maneuvers. I should be able to free up a couple of slots for the latter. Her Widow alt build will take Assault for certain, but I dunno beyond that.

My DB/SR scrapper will take Aid Other and Aid Self (again, I can probably scrounge up a few slots), but I've no idea for the third power. Maybe Resuscitate for lack of anything better.

Fire/Fire tank is getting Temp Protection, SJ and probably something like Stealth as an LotG mule

Fire/Fire dom is getting the fighting pool assuming I can find the slots, I've not really looked at her build yet. If there's not slots, Concealment for LotG mules.

My other characters are either retired, or too low to have really thought about a proper build so it'll just be a matter of taking core powers earlier.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Heh. The joy of altitis. (217 here.) I'm only planning on respeccing 2-3 high levels because of Fitness. Lower levels, I'm either on hold with playing (lowbies) or they're not far enough in that a respec would be all that onerous - second build or a fast /respec with the inevitable freespec would only take a few minutes when I first log on to them after the issue release.

Don't look at it as something you "have to do all at once" (or even "have to do.")
True, my main Hero and Villain is probably the only ones of my high level toons that I'll be changing to use Inherent Fitness.

Problem will be is my lowbies. I'm a very structured guy, without that structure I get screwed up (it's minor OCD on my part). I usually don't finish making a toon until I have a build in Mids. A lot of the time I'll make a toon and park in the tutorial mission while I finish the Mids plan. Since a lot of my toons won't have Fitness when this goes live I'll have to modify their build as I go.

Granted, I'm not complaining that this is happening, it's just for a lot of my characters I'm going "Inherent Fitness? Umm...ok, what do I replace it with? "

I sit in my zen of not being able to do anything right while simultaniously not being able to do anything wrong. Om. -CuppaJo
It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.



It's really a harder question than you think, or at least it is for me. Remember that you have to pick these powers as you level up. I am used to getting hurdle or swift at level 6 or 8, stamina at 20 and health somewhere in between. You really don't have many powers available to pick between 6 and 20.

People with the vet award -- early pick for travel power -- have it a little easier.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



I'm just wondering, is there a concise rationale from any one of the Devs for why Stamina should be Inherent? What are they hoping to achieve by the change?



Originally Posted by Amish_Justice View Post
I'm just wondering, is there a concise rationale from any one of the Devs for why Stamina should be Inherent? What are they hoping to achieve by the change?
They want to achieve making low level characters bearable to play for people like me who constantly groan due to running out of endurance every fight.



Originally Posted by Ghost Vision View Post
They want to achieve making low level characters bearable to play for people like me who constantly groan due to running out of endurance every fight.
It is the perfect way to make low levels fun again.

Putting fun in the game = Longer life.

I can't wait.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Not having to have the 'Stamina Gulch' from 16-20, its name also a tribute to the Old Grendles Gulch, pre-jetpacks and Ninja run. Just as painful

Now? I won't need to stint on travel powers or early blast/melee powers. I can take Build up and Aim earlier rather than having to try and squeeze them in. I can entertain Hasten a lot earlier and recal friend on other chars where it fits thematically. Hell, even more than one travel power if Im on a build that is tight on slots and if it fits.
The possabilities are endless.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Ghost Vision View Post
They want to achieve making low level characters bearable to play for people like me who constantly groan due to running out of endurance every fight.
Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
It is the perfect way to make low levels fun again.

Putting fun in the game = Longer life.
Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
The possabilities are endless.
I understand the age-old complaint about this so learning that they're finally making the fitness pool inherent didn't completely surprise me. Many people have been crying about it for years so it became the "squeaky wheel" that couldn't be left alone any longer.

But now that it's happened I actually have no serious idea what I'm going to do with those newly freed slots on most of my established characters. I'm sure I'll figure out something workable eventually but I think I can honestly say after so many years I really don't believe any of my long time characters absolutely NEEDED this change. Go figure. I'll probably take advantage of this on any new characters I create from now on, but I'm almost doubting I'll bother to respec many of my older characters for this in the long run.

I hope the people who really wanted this are going to enjoy it.
I guess I just wasn't one of those people to begin with.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Any character with a Rezz Other power will probably be getting Leadership, because Vengeance is fun. My Dominator will be getting the Stealth Pool, because 3 spots to drop LotGs in are a godsend. My main, MA/Regen Scrapper will boringly enough be getting more attacks sooner, since his attack chain ends up being pretty puny whenever I exemp down.

There's most definitely stuff I can do with this change, though I never asked for it or felt it was needed. Play dozens of alts, never felt the agonizing pain others claim they feel.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by sworsman View Post
how about replacing it with mob control
disruption a poenet cant use power fo 15 second
shockwave knoc back all in front of you 25% damge
multi targeting weapon 10 feet around you.
surpresion add the top three to gethier.

or mix power pool choose
tp a friend
heal self
revive all fallen team

your choose
or Spell Check!



I doubt my builds will change that much, for a single simple reason:

The inherent status confers, at most, one slot. Most of my toons require both health and stamina multi-slotted. Sure, I'll have a few more picks possible, but I won't have the slots to go with them.



You get 3 free power picks.

While it's true that slotting powers makes them better, there are more than 3 powers available that can make characters better even without slots.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Medic_brietz View Post
or Spell Check!
Spell Check is powerless against a vicious assault upon the English language such as the example in your quote.

However, I suspect someone has tampered with his keyboard. It looks too awful to be intentional, but is just coherent enough to imply an intelligence greater than is suggested by the words themselves. To quote: "It's like he's trying to speak to me, I know it!"

"If this is to be our end, then I would have them make such an end, as to be worthy of remembrance."
In-game at @AYB
Check it out: http://youtu.be/gAJlQ6o8p9g



Probably be taking hasten on characters that don't have it, things that don't require much in the way of slotting that I passed on due to tight builds (grounded on my /elec scrapper)... and otherwise probably takin' low endurance cost toggles or powers I can slot global IO procs in.

"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"



On a lot of my characters, I skipped the travel power prerequisite using my veteran reward to make room for something else, and on those characters, I'll be taking the prerequisite again.

As for others, it mostly depends on the character. I might take more of the direct attacks on my Masterminds, or some of the powers that have always been fun-looking, but of questionable usefulness.

As for slots, that kinda worries me, but I think it's a small price to pay to have an acual choice of what powers to take instead of needing that specific pool in order to have a viable character.

Right now, my standard attack power slotting is 3 damage, 2 accuracy, and 1 end discount. But I usually run +0, x1, bosses, no AV's. I was never really into the whole min/maxing thing, and at even-level, the second accuracy is more of a luxury, so if worse comes to worse, I could take those slots and use them in the new powers.

Currently published Mission Architect arcs:
Arc ID# 70466: From the Abyss.
Arc ID# 403174: The Serpent's Revenge.
Arc ID# 534236: The Clockwork Angel.