13 -
a secret hide out that only you can get to.
or incarnat shardes or power
secret key in to the twilght zone lol -
multy targer hit the 6 close target
heavy amo meatle piercinig
gun blade close range
sniper scope aim true acuersy dubole
silencer steath sniper
barrel swap dubale the range
extra amo clip more bulit to shot with
trcer round see what your hit at night
expoding round
shield breaker round -
how about replacing it with mob control
disruption a poenet cant use power fo 15 second
shockwave knoc back all in front of you 25% damge
multi targeting weapon 10 feet around you.
surpresion add the top three to gethier.
or mix power pool choose
tp a friend
heal self
revive all fallen team
your choose -
advance cyborg arsenaul
cyberntic regeneration activates when slefdestruct is used it will restor for 50% heath and endurance.
targeting multable target, full asult use all your power in one burst of power bullet rocket ect leave you with 5% of heath and endurance.
cyber claw with distarch when activated and de activated.
cyber hack attack
,firewall counter minde controle and viruse
drop link shield allowed you to deactivate hack attack
cyber dron armmour pet light medium heavy chooes one of three type of pet
cyber arme blade simaler to the guyver blades.
eye beam and eye scanner
hero or villian changed them self into cyborg and upgrade weapon shop.
can hack and control some mechians rocket packet, clockwork,councile robot, mm robotes
rikit telport armour deactivat. ect -
what if you could email your self sg invites so your other charecter can get in on your own solo sg base.
myst of time mission 1865 war between the state stop shapchanging villian from changing time line. your only way to find him is you super pet with some shape changing counter power fore this zone only you can get a third power set and a pet of your choses.
power set protect and interfear great for scraper tactical power
disruption nock out super powers
30 second. shockwave disrupter nockback multable target, suprusion power of the last two into one power , counter force shiled, inbodyment waring epic power you destroy every thing around you and return 10 day later. random powers from other set that effect endurenc
futer city moon base hireing hero to gaured.
dark moon riseing mission villian try to destroy moon base -
email your self sg invites so your other charecter can get in on your own solo sg base.
myst of time mission 1865 war between the state stop shapchanging villian from changing time line. your only way to find him is you super pet dog
power set protect and interfear great for scraper tactical power
disruption nock out super powers
30 second. shockwave disrupter nockback multable target, suprusion power of the last two into one power , counter force shiled, inbodyment waring epic power you destroy every thing around you and return 10 day later. random powers from other set that effect endurenc
futer city moon base hireing hero to gaured
dark moon riseing mission villian try to destroy moon base -
i would like to see more under water area and secret shelter zones from alien futer invasion. add a space port zone and a under water city for counter strike of alien invasion.
can you add new srever Rikite home wrold that would be good expansion -
any clue on the rikti home world is. can we get a server to it. a nice spin off of city heors and villianes. with new alien and robotic coustum and tooles. beat the rikti and get back home.
thier rumor about a hero being hunted down by the taso. they say he has a broken sword and fight like animale connered.
pointblank ask nathan what this heros name he look at point blank and siad a lengend has no true name. they call him Swords'man of Kent. point blank it cant be he died in 2025. nathan look at him he is a phatom who walk with broken sword them or a decendent seek him thier is only one.
after point blank leave a taso come and question nathan about thier prey a broken sword apperse in a flash the sound of air pass theblade as it cut air the taso fall and here the swords'man quetion where is the Smith. -
a new villian arives to the city of heros and villian DARK HORN he is mor powerful than any normal team of heros
the shaddow guard a secret orgainzation of magic and technolegey hero drove him out but he now in the jungle using his powe to change animles in to his muttian army and get recuit from the roug island altering them into cyber horn bot and cyborge roug island doubled cross him now they are on the edge.
the epic genrater was created to amp up the heros power with help of the vangaured in case of some thing worst happen.
a new securety levl is created alph and beata securty clerans lv 50 and higher
hotle geneva a general none super group sg base
shope, storage and trophy rooms and much more the ultament sg base is hotel geneva
the nomanl tunle is a gauntlet of trap that to survive it is a event triple exp doubal prestgie and 4 times the influnce and complet
dedt remove if you pass fialuer is the oppsite you lose ever thing and get kick out of hotel for the tunnel is the only way to pay for this supergroup hotle base (sghb)
peinol colony for fallen heros transfer your hero to city of villian the worest villian is a arch hero (villian epic type)
vangaur satalite def station and resherach lab look for riki home world and creating new vangaured weapons and power.
power suite your power is what you whear
city zoo is finly under construction but a gang of eco teroist hate animale but they just say they love them so they can get away (task force zoo gaurd) rewared get a pet zoo keeper badge
2 new shop in town sell odd junk that you never saw telporter to coustum piece to acssesorie pargon threft shop
sword to canes, saket borad to hover board hat to neckless, insperration to vending mechcian.
robtic are us sword arm, sonic claw, lazer fingers, tech bot 2 seirus to rocket boot and jet wing anti gravity genrater to counter power shield grapling hook claw
clock tower jamer cut out travling power profeser Rowes kiddnap by the ulttron leader of the clock workes who biult this tower
all over it even jam base patrol when it crank up to the max soon they may figuer how to shut down all hero powers. stop them before that happens (task force) tempower tool pack grapler hook gravity shield rewared power set counter jamer with 2 slot bage counter guarded.
city of heros 2 (for lv 50) another city is in need of heros -
temp power store for pet a pet shop food power pelet too keep your pet longer pet making system for super pet.
you mean in stead of respec we need reforge are power or just an upgrad are power by add another to them fusion power that link sepert power togeth for biger damge
O Dual Blades
Energy Blade
Shield Fighting *
O Vibration
O Growth *
O Shield Defense *
? bollow or is it bolin for anti air as inheirnt power pleas scraper nead some thing to take down air traget fo a hit or let the fall do the damge for them