Discussion: Introducing Issue 18: Shades of Gray!




Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
I like the sound of the new Cathedral of Pain Trial. Rare badge? Maybe a "Master of CoP" badge? Getting 24 toons through the trial with no deaths could be a rare feat indeed.
Master of CoP badge...that would be so gut wrenchingly annoying



Originally Posted by Desi_Nova View Post
now will all of the players have to be a member of the same SG for the new cathedral of pain? I completely missed out because by the time that it was briefly live my once active(8-10 active players) was down to me and my alts.
I very much doubt it. It sounds like it's being reimplemented outside of the SG/base system. Of course I could be wrong.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Funny, I saw them right off the bat.
Oh thanks for making me go and take a second look! From the screenies, I see two new Glove/Boot sets, two new costume patterns, and a new hairstyle (I knew about the hairstyle). Yay!



Ok there is one thing I dont understand. Is this coming out before GR ? or after?



Doc_Scorpion had expectations:

*Ouch* That means I cannot switch my alignment at will - only when a series of random drops finally gives me the ability to do so.

That is Not Fun.
You were never going to be able to switch your alignment "at will". That it wasn't going to be so has long been known ever since the devs talked about "cool down" periods and it maybe taking a week to move one alignment notch.

EDIT: Heh, sometimes I think I should just change my name to "DayLateDollarShort".

Dec out.



Zombie Man gets point of ordered:

The mission is balanced around 24 somewhat competent players with SOs. If you go with less than that, they better be able to pull their weight. Though, Shivans and Nukes might make up for lack of numbers.
Are you basing this on real information or just assuming based on the short window that it was active previously?

Plus, "gray" is American English, "grey" is British English, and IIRC, either one is acceptible in either place.

Dec out.



Shadow Wail read the news today, oh boy:

Since Tip missions are level 20 and higher can we all take a guess to the fact that this is side switching for level 20 and up? Instead of going to Praetoria and going down to level 1 we can stay in Paragon or Rogue Isles and do the tip missions to side switch?
That is correct (more or less known for some time).

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Desi_Nova View Post
now will all of the players have to be a member of the same SG for the new cathedral of pain? I completely missed out because by the time that it was briefly live my once active(8-10 active players) was down to me and my alts.
Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
Since you've been able to invite other folks to a base of yours for a while now, I assume you can join others at their base for a CoP mish. If not, we'll have to start bugging the devs for this feature ASAP.
Actually there are two ways to get people who are not members of your SG into your base:

1. Be on a team with the team leader belonging to the SG and the options of the SG set to allow teammates.

2. Be in a coalition with the SG and the options of the SG set to allow coalition members.

So, if someone is running a CoP from their base and you already belong to a SG, you don't have to drop your SG. You either join the team of a member of that SG or you have your SG establish a coalition with the SG running the CoP.

Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
I very much doubt it. It sounds like it's being reimplemented outside of the SG/base system. Of course I could be wrong.
There's nothing to suggest either way except that when it was clarified that this is divorced from Base Raids, they didn't say it was being divorced from Bases entirely.

Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
Are you basing this on real information or just assuming based on the short window that it was active previously?

Plus, "gray" is American English, "grey" is British English, and IIRC, either one is acceptible in either place.
One can always assume "as little work as possible" to get it working. Not out of laziness, but time constraints. If they can get this to scale for smaller groups than 24, that's great. But at what point is the cut-off? 20? 15? 3? And if they scale it for smaller numbers, then they have to code for that, and code to prevent soft loading the trial. It's just easier to say, "this was always meant to be a 24 person trial." Just like the new Hami is a 50 person Raid, though it can be done with less without it actually scaling... you just need the right builds and people.

Originally Posted by Myster_Hero View Post
Ok there is one thing I dont understand. Is this coming out before GR ? or after?
Just like Issue 6: Along Came a Spider was the concurrent Issue that accompanied City of Villains, so, too, is Issue 18: Shades of Gray the concurrent Issue for Going Rogue.

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Zombie Man overexplaines:

One can always assume "as little work as possible" to get it working. Not out of laziness, but time constraints. If they can get this to scale for smaller groups than 24, that's great. But at what point is the cut-off? 20? 15? 3? And if they scale it for smaller numbers, then they have to code for that, and code to prevent soft loading the trial. It's just easier to say, "this was always meant to be a 24 person trial." Just like the new Hami is a 50 person Raid, though it can be done with less without it actually scaling... you just need the right builds and people.
Heehee, way more than I needed. I was just wondering if it was from before or if you'd been getting info from Beta (not quite sure how the NDA would work with something they've publicly announced). Also, "sources" inform me that the details aren't set in stone yet and Castle's still fiddling around with it.

Dec out.




Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Originally Posted by Psyte View Post

/snip/ its not COV in its scope of content (1-40, new AT's, etc) /snip/
I was hoping that the Issue 18 would somehow make up for the obvious content imbalance between the release of CoV and GoRo. Alas, such is not to be.

Popping in some powerset proliferation would have been a relatively easy was to add more content and to pacify those of us that have been clamouring for more of said proliferation.


Still my favorite MMO ever...
Just disappointed.

Creepy - Claws/WP Clown - 50 - August 10, 2008
Juniper's Daughter - Fire/Regen Scrapper - 50 - April 12, 2009
Fae Leigh - Grav/Kin Troller - 50 - May 30, 2010



This great news , can't wait . Thanks Devs



Like power customisation, I'm expecting power proliferation to carry on happening as time goes on. I just wasn't expecting any for GR/i18 because they've enough to be getting on with. Being able to take your dark/dark corruptor over to Paragon is great if you want to play a dark corruptor who starts in the Rogue Isles or Praetoria. If people want a dark blaster, they're going to need proliferation.

Also, on the note of costume options: I don't want to sound like the negative one here, but be careful with what you take to be the costume options we're getting. Quite a few of those costumes have been used in Going Rogue footage, and we still don't know what the Alpha and Omega bonus costumes look like. Even if we can be sure that we're getting some costumes with this issue, I don't feel that at this point we can safely seperate i18 and GR costumes just by looking at screenshots.



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
Why expect more proliferation? with GR I can take a Dark/Dark Corr to Paragon or a Ice/ Tanker to The Rogue Isles?

Granted, I rather have Illusion Control with a Dom Assault powerset but beggars cant be choosers.
Just hoping.

CoV gave us new Zones and Contacts.
GoRo will also.

CoV gave us new Archetypes.
GoRo introduces NO new Archetypes.

CoV gave us a big bunch of new power sets.
(Please read "new power set" to include the "proliferated" powers from hero ATs.)
GoRo will give us 4 new powersets; one available for each AT.

So ... like I said ...
I was just hoping for more.

It just seems like the money spent on Cov netted more "Bang for your buck," as it were.

Creepy - Claws/WP Clown - 50 - August 10, 2008
Juniper's Daughter - Fire/Regen Scrapper - 50 - April 12, 2009
Fae Leigh - Grav/Kin Troller - 50 - May 30, 2010



I think a whole new starting area alone counts as a pretty big content update, not to mention the new powersets. Just because they went light on the proliferation is no reason to decry the expanions as lacking content.

Definitely looking forward to the new powersets. If given a choice between new powersets or old powersets being shuffled around I know where my choice leads.

..although I wonder how many of us are going to roll a mastermind and go straight to hero? I've been wanting to do that for a looong time



Originally Posted by Rockinghorse View Post
Just hoping.

CoV gave us new Zones and Contacts.
GoRo will also.

CoV gave us new Archetypes.
GoRo introduces NO new Archetypes.

CoV gave us a big bunch of new power sets.
(Please read "new power set" to include the "proliferated" powers from hero ATs.)
GoRo will give us 4 new powersets; one available for each AT.

So ... like I said ...
I was just hoping for more.

It just seems like the money spent on Cov netted more "Bang for your buck," as it were.
CoV was a game in it's own right, completly stand alone
GR is an expansion and costs less for the expansion alone.



Originally Posted by Rockinghorse View Post
CoV gave us new Archetypes.
GoRo introduces NO new Archetypes.
But GR will unhook the ATs in the game from their native alignment, greatly enhancing the playability of the ones we have.

Also, GR will give us the first bit of the Incarnate System.

It just seems like the money spent on Cov netted more "Bang for your buck," as it were.
CoV was $20-$30 more expensive than GR is/will be. So, if you're looking for 'bang for your buck' equity, GR will have to give us less since it costs less.

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Originally Posted by Rockinghorse View Post
Just hoping.

CoV gave us new Zones and Contacts.
GoRo will also.

CoV gave us new Archetypes.
GoRo introduces NO new Archetypes.

CoV gave us a big bunch of new power sets.
(Please read "new power set" to include the "proliferated" powers from hero ATs.)
GoRo will give us 4 new powersets; one available for each AT.

So ... like I said ...
I was just hoping for more.

It just seems like the money spent on Cov netted more "Bang for your buck," as it were.
To be fair, GoRo is giving us 10 new ATs. 5 new ones for H side, and 5 new ones for V side.. And we're getting new completely new powersets, not 'proliferated' ones. Proliferating, is merely just transferring one powerset directly over to another AT. This is giving is entirely new stuff.

Plus its 10 bucks less then CoV was.. so I'm thinking the bang for your buck, is still there.



I can't wait to take my brute through Paragon City, it is going to be like a whole new game!



Ya spelled Rularuu wrong.

The preview calls him "Ruularu" - last time I checked, it was Rularuu.

Also, the Aspect of Rularuu looks different than what it used to be.

It looks more like this guy.

But, I'm guessing that's intentional.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
*begins making notes for the I-18/GR trailer*

Sweeeeet!!!i can't wait for it! yay!

If your gonna play follow the leader just make sure the leader is taking you where you want to go.



i have to admit i liked the last issues gj . Now you are busy with GR and that's cool. Do me a favour plz . After GR, focus on pvp and change it



I can't remember how much I paid for my COV:CE, but I know it was over $60 (joys of living in Hawai'i and Gamestop adding a premium to everything).

I will say that I think that some of the stuff we've seen and enjoyed over the past two years in terms of system upgrades could've been paid for getting the game ready for Going Rouge, but were released normally instead of GR since the content team was busy as all get out (hence us having so many Systems versus new content). We do know Ultra Mode was going to be part of Going Rogue but was pushed out earlier and independently of it. I personally think Power Customization was the same way.

I mean, why make people wait for it if its available now? Plus, well, they needed to have things come out with i17, i16, i15, etc., and this allowed them to get the game where they wanted it in time for Going Rouge.

For an expansion I think its priced right. The $30 expansion only price is the same price as Guild Wars: Eye of the North, and the $40 all-in-one is the same as EQII's Sentinal's Fate expansion/combo. The new starting experience sounds like its going to be quite substantial, the morality/side-switching affects all characters plus has content associated with it, the Incarnate alternate-leveling system starts with GR and is gated behind the purchase, the new powersets look quite good, etc. Then you've got i19 to consider - what will that "finish up?" We already know it will have 9 more Incarnate levels (GR owners only).

Worth pointing out too that i18 offers a lot of GR-related content and system changes that will likely benefit more people than i6's PVP zones could dream of.

I can understand wanting more power proliferations, I really do. Same reasons, even. Or maybe some new IO recipes or something. But, all things considered, I think its still a good issue, and GR set at a good price.