All Things Art: Animation Edition

Abigail Frost



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post

I might as well beat Golden Girl to the punch here. Ghost Widow has animated hair, I believe based largely on the trench-coat rigging or the wedding pack's tail-coat rigging.

It would be... nice... if that rigging was exposed to the players as a costume option.

I think it would be... acceptable... if taking animated hair was like taking a trenchcoat, tail-coat, wings, or capes: taking it disqualifies you from having other rigging effects.
I actually got a good look at a Ghost Widow model in longer-term use during the anniversary event.

You're right. It's essentially a trenchcoat/tail-coat rig attached to the a head point.

The problem I saw was that, depending on the model size, you've got an issue like you do with large models and the GvsE jump pack. If it isn't fitted right, it either embeds in the head or stands off away from the head model.

Additionally, because it's a jerry-rigged cape effect, you get issues like this (notice the hovering lotus-position GW).

I dunno if you really want hair that starts at the head, curves out and away (avoiding the shoulders and the head-torso interface completely, and then calls straight down).

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Something I've done on one of my characters is that I gave him long hair and then I put on one of the single-shoulder capes, one with a ragged edge. From the front he looks like he's got really long hair that waves dramatically in the wind. Very bishy. I'll add an image of this later.

It would perhaps be possible to make comparatively easy animated hair with a similar setup if we had art and costume pieces that were actually meant for this purpose. A narrow "cape" that looks like hair, centered on the back, instead of offset to one side, for example. A hairstyle or three which will merge with this cape almost seamlessly.

The wedding veil hairstyle could probably work on its own if we could just get different types of "veils" that looked like hair, attached to the right place on the head. In this case clipping might actually be a good thing, if the "veil" is attached to a point inside the head and exits somewhere at the neck, the hair will seem to merge with the veil no matter how it flaps about. Probably.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



On cape-rig hair: This is an overall bad idea, and Ghost Widow herself is both an example of pretty much the ONLY use that doesn't look bad and a reason why it WOULD look bad. The cape system is designed to model flat monolithic fabrics, and hair is simply not that. Some hairstyles could be classed as this, but even then, hair longer than about shoulder-length tends to separate and flow around the body. It does not stick together, nor should it. Nor, indeed, is hair as light a our capes seem to be. Capes themselves can be excused because their large surface area creates a lot of air friction, but this does not apply to hair.

Furthermore, we have hairs like pigtails, ponytails, mohawks, those weird free-standing cowlicks and so forth. Cape rigs do not work for what are essentially rope-like structures, and we don't have a rope rig.

I can only ever see animated hair done decently in two ways - either by animating it similar to wings, or by giving it a brand new "hair wobbling rig" like they have in Aion, and even then I have my doubts as to how well that will handle LONG hair like they DON'T have in Aion. And, yes, I checked. I don't know how time consuming that would be, or indeed if each hairstyle won't require its own unique animations, but I really, REALLY want to see that. It doesn't have to be complex, really. No more complex than tails, anyway. Just let it wave when we run and flap when we fall. That's about it. And, yes, that includes short air wobbling like short hair actually does.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
OK, I found a few cool ones.

For a big Fire Blast power but probablynot Inferno, how's about Final Fantasy 7's Bahamut Zero attack?

For a big Energy Blast attack, probably Nova, why not every Kamehameha ever done?

I for what I had in mind as a snipe attack, I wanted to go with Ryu's Shinkuu Hadouken, but I couldn't find decent footage, so enjoy Iron Man's Proton Cannon.

And for an overall cool and badass attack, here's Barret's Satellite Beam, the final attack I'd like to see when and if we get a Pulse Rifle set.

That's about all I can think of at the moment.


Oh, and for Super Strength, please, please, PLEASE try to institute something akin to Tifa Lockheart's Final Heaven.
You might as well add this as a replacement for Archery's nuke, considering the power levels involved.



One thing I've wanted since alternate animations were announced was a headbutt animation for Cobra Strike from Martial Arts. The current alternate animation, an uppercut, looks fine and all, but it's not really well-suited for an attack that is primarily used to stun enemies. An uppercut is, after all, a "power" punch. A headbutt would work much better with the power thematically, and could really be interchangeable between the two styles of animations.

Also, I'd like to see a couple of unique animations work their way into some of the older sets. Blasts in particular, where there's like a handful of animations that get used over and over again across the sets. I don't want every set completely redone, just something here and there to give each set some flare and individuality. Y'know?

Finally, something that was informally discussed with BABs during the Issue 15 closed beta: a costume change emote for Villain Epics. He seemed interested in the idea (in fact, he may have been the one to initiate the conversation about it), but with everything that has followed, it's entirely likely it either fell off his radar or got pushed WAY onto the back burner.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
Something I just recently noticed:

Alternate animations for Assault Rifle. I want the popout guns that the PPD hard-suits use sometimes. The guns that pop out of their arms and back. Those things are awesome. If we could have something similar, heck, for all kinds of powers (but Assault Rifle could use something special to spice it up), we wouldn't need a special Power Armor powerset.
Yes! Very yes!! That would be so cool.

While on the subject of alternative animations for blast sets, an eye blast set would be pretty cool too (particularly Energy/Electric/Rad Blast).

It obviously wouldn't work for every power (Short Circuit/Irradiate), but since there are already several animations in the game that would fit optic blasting well (see: Sonic Blast) I figured it's something worth suggesting.


Originally Posted by Agonist_NA View Post
Posted for completeness - David was kind enough to promise to look into this in a PM...but I am interested to see how people respond.

How about if ALL auras optionally become combat auras. I think it would be a lot of fun to select as a combat aura: fiery eyes, or tendril hands, or full-body smolder or whatever as combat-activated.
That is simply an excellent idea. I'd love to see it implemented, I'd find loads of use for it.

Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
One thing I've wanted since alternate animations were announced was a headbutt animation for Cobra Strike from Martial Arts. The current alternate animation, an uppercut, looks fine and all, but it's not really well-suited for an attack that is primarily used to stun enemies. An uppercut is, after all, a "power" punch. A headbutt would work much better with the power thematically, and could really be interchangeable between the two styles of animations.
A headbutt would be great. It would fit really well with Martial Art's alternative 'street fighting' style animations, plus it would just be bad-***.



I'd like to see a more 'elegant' alternate style for Broadsword - the big choppy animations are fine for stronger characters and the big meaty swords, but if I'm using something like the Chinese Jian then I think some spins, ripostes and thrusts would look great.

(p.s. can we have more swords like the Jian? Everything else is wayyyy too chunky for my tastes )




Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
It actually is for a good reason. The combat stance has the left foot forward, so the animations didn't work for right handed attacks, because it meant having to change the basic combat stance animation to a right foot forward stance instead. That was too much work for just one powerset.
Tried to get my brain around that one with a decent response. Failed. /facedesk

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Duncan_Frost View Post
I'd like to see a more 'elegant' alternate style for Broadsword - the big choppy animations are fine for stronger characters and the big meaty swords, but if I'm using something like the Chinese Jian then I think some spins, ripostes and thrusts would look great.

(p.s. can we have more swords like the Jian? Everything else is wayyyy too chunky for my tastes )
Given we'll never get a Fencing/Rapier set, I'd love more animations that were for lighter weapons.
Anyone remember this guy from Soul Calibur 2?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Can we please get a Flypose emote that lets us ride a Nemesis Horse?



Costume piece jetpacks, please.

Adam Strange
Great Machine
Boba Fett
Buzz Lightyear

You know you wanna.

Global name: @k26dp



Awesome topic. First the nitpicking, things that annoy me:

1) the alternate animations of MA currently on game aren't as smooth as the original ones. Going into more detail, the windup animation is okay (if not a little slower than I expected), but the blow animation is so fast that it has no strong impact (looks like a quick poke to me). Notable mention is the uppercut: the amount of time the character winds up going back to deliver the punch, only to *snap* forward during the hit, looks very fake, not powerful, and in fact, silly, just because it goes off so fast. For comparison, Knockout Blow has adequate windup/hit times, and I would like the new animations to be more fine-tuned, to have a better flow.

As for new ideas and suggestions...

2) I've been thinking about this just the other night: ability to choose our standing poses. I would like my characters to stay idle in stances like when you do the /e donut (eatdonut?) emote, but without the donut. I think that would be a great stance animation. But not just give us a new emote, but actually give us the ability to set a "default" stance animation, so every time the character stops running/jumping or after coming back from combat pose, the new stance would be triggered.

3) Alternate animations for other powersets, as others have already mentioned, would be awesome. Additional animations for powersets that already have them... would be too.

4) Maybe for a more technical suggestion... I'd like the "ragdoll" system to animate the hands and feet as well. Currently, when the ragdoll system triggers, the hands and feet are locked into a default position. The hand, specially, locks in a position where it's always holding a weapon, and when the enemy is not holding one, the result looks weird. Animating the feet would add more detail to the falling poses and such. Suggestion: would it possible for the enemy to *drop* his weapon, whenever the "ragdoll-death" animation kicks in? Would be a very cool detail in my opinion (weapons lying on the floor, next to a defeated enemy).

5) Minor suggestion... I've been playing a few other games, newer than CoH, and I am surprised that they do not surpass the animation quality of this game. In special, CoH has hit-reaction animations, something I almost never find in other games. Both in gameplay and for some realism factor, I like to know when my character is hit, or then my attack hits the enemy. That said, I would like to see extra, alternate animations for hit reactions. There are some emotes out there that have them (when NPCs are punching each other, for example, the reaction animations are different). One touch of detail would be animations that don't hit full-force, let's say, when a Tanker has resistance armors up, their animations when hit would not be so intense, as they are resisting the blows.

5a) Following the previous idea is one for an alternate, stronger KNOCKBACK animation, where the hit character flies back, spinning on his heels. It's pretty common in fighting games, and for some reason, it makes me go "Whoa" every time it happens. This new animation could be used for powers like Hurricane, Tornado, Water Sprout (does it do KB still?), and melee blows that are swings (I don't remember if there's any that does KB... hopefully that will sprout ideas for new animations :P ).

Thanks for the topic!



I'd love to see more animated trees that we could use in our bases, especially autumnal coloured ones, or flowers that move gently in a breeze. Also, waterfalls or fountains would be a nice addition for us to use

Help Dirk Knightly the freelance detective solve a case in Arc ID:368097



Originally Posted by Starjammer View Post
For powers that use the Tarzan emote to activate... well, anything other than the Tarzan emote, please. And yeah, I'd take pretty much anything.

It's been mentioned, but alternate pool power animations certainly. Presto-chango teleport has been mentioned, magical casting or perhaps a color-tintable glow effect rather than the medical tricorder, thrust animation for the upwards part of super jump has been asked for quite a bit. I would love to see the PPD type bottom of boot thrusters for flight, or animated back options (So tired of raptor packs that don't fit with costume design)

Originally Posted by Kallandra View Post
I'd love to see more animated trees that we could use in our bases, especially autumnal coloured ones, or flowers that move gently in a breeze. Also, waterfalls or fountains would be a nice addition for us to use
Wow bases, we're going to need an "All things Art: Bases Edition" thread I think.



Pointing finger instead of a gun!

In time, I'll come to forgive you.



I make a girl character. I give her high heels. She runs like a girl in heels....until she pulls out a gun. Or a sword. Or two swords (which I could customize to be teeny little knives). Suddenly she stops running a like a girl in heels, does a little skip, and starts running like a dude. I would like to keep running like a girl please. Alternately, some female characters don't wear heels and don't want to run as if they were wearing heels, so allowing for the "weapons drawn" run with no weapons would be good too.

I would also like alternate taunt sound effects for females. I am not overly fond of the one we have. My superstrong, nigh-invulnerable raging barbarian Brute sounds like...a girl.

I also second the suggestions for disco dance and headbanging emotes.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



I'd like to see each power set get a few obviously unique and flashy powers to kind of bring them up to date with sets like Dual Blades and Pistols.

Most sets all have animations that are used elsewhere, Blasters, Defenders and Controllers are particularly bad for sharing animations.
Maybe a few flashy alternate animations for some key powers would be cool.



Re: FX

A few auras I've seen several people suggest that sound cool:
- Dripping effect - tintable so it can appear to be green slime, red blood, black tar, etc.
- Emblems - many of the existing chest emblems could look really cool as an aura effect, either moving about the body, or in a static position around the torso (front or back). Extra bonus for combat activated versions.
- Sparks - random sparking from joints/neck/eyes
- Steam - as above, but with spouts of steam a la steampunk machinery

Other costume pieces.
More costume pieces that incorporate some kind of effect in them, such as the rocket and winged boots, or the initial wings that dropped feathers.
From the GR previews, it seems some NPCs get such pieces, e.g. Praetorian Police forcefield gloves. Hoping similar parts are being investigated for players.

Once again, thanks for the interest you're showing and the honest dialogue. This is why I can't quit this game! :P

Justice Hunter, 50 Inv/SS Tank

Slenszic, 50 Sword/Energy Stalker

MA Arc IDs: 1355, 2341, 2350



/em facepalm

... That's my suggestion, not my reaction. It's the most used emote that doesn't actually have an animation.

- I would like /em yoga as a flypose. It already has a bobbing-in-the-air version for hovering.
- I would like to be able to set any continuous emote as my non-combat-mode stance. (Continuous: crouch, crossarms, waiting, eatfood. Not continuous: slap, belch, howl.)

Oh, and I just remembered. The snipe animation for Zapp looks somewhat off. You do the brace-arm charge up, and then a blast of lightning shoots from your hand... and continues shooting for a while after your hand recoils. Please consider changing this to an animation more suited to a continuous beam.

Avatar by Toxic_Shia
Why MA ratings should be changed from stars to "like" or "dislike"
A better algorithm for ordering MA arcs



Originally Posted by Quin View Post
You might as well add this as a replacement for Archery's nuke, considering the power levels involved.
Coooool! Want!

Seriously, though, even if it's not quite on the same power level, this kind of showmanship is exactly what I'm talking about. It's power obvious from looking at the attack, not just from looking at its damage stat. We have a precious few powers that actually look and feel BIG!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
/em facepalm

... That's my suggestion, not my reaction. It's the most used emote that doesn't actually have an animation.

I'm amazed this thread went as far as it did without it being mentioned.



I think I'll break my suggestions down into distinct parts as I think of them here.

1)Mix and match animations. As others have mentioned, there's a lot of in-game animations for costume changes or other powers that may well suit existing powers. The prestochango animation for teleport, for example. It seems relatively straightforward to my mind to pull together a list of those animations that have close animation times and then break them down by appropriate theme. This could just as well apply to powers. Nothing should be inappropriate and the list should only be comprised of those animations that make sense by theme.

2)Text-sensitive emotes? This at least exists in one game I play, Lord of the Rings Online where putting the name of the emote in a sentence will trigger the emote. I remember asking BaB about targetable emotes (where you will 'wave at <character>', and he said it couldn't be done, so I don't know if this would be the same.

3)More consistent social emotes. We have /teabag, but no /drinktea? There's /drink, but when you look at the animations, you have a mug versus a teacup. It's a bit jarring visually, and the switch of one object and one more emote line would clean this up a lot. Just a pass over the list wouldn't hurt to see if there's anything that looks 'off'. Gender also shouldn't be segregated.

4)Context-appropriate emotes. A good one is the Ouroboros portal. We have an animation (and sounds) to indicate a device being used to open the portal, but we see nothing other than the portal itself. Could we not see a small animated thingy to help indicate that? A good example is the Power Analyser crafted power...such a great animation, and it makes sense when you see it.

Those are all the ones I can think of right now. Thanks for putting this up on the boards, David.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Tried to get my brain around that one with a decent response. Failed. /facedesk
The basic stance has the left foot forward. You CAN have the right hand forward in a left-foot-forward stance, but it's something people usually don't recommend and it's something that looks twisted and unappealing. Of the two solutions, swapping the "handedness" of the katana was the less costly, with swapping the footing being rather a lot more costly. Currently, all of the animations for swapping between the different combat modes already exist, and adapting them for Katana was a question of retweaking the arms. Had they tried to swap the footing, you'd have faced a complete redoing of all the animations, INCLUDING the arms anyway.

At the time, it was decided that a left-handed Katana wasn't a big deal (and I agreed with it, then and now) so they picked the less expensive variant for re-animation - reuse as much as possible. Remember also that they weren't making a new set. They were re-tweaking an old one.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.