All Things Art: Animation Edition

Abigail Frost



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
For bladed weapons -- swords, knives, claws -- a "sharpening the edge" animation would be cool. Maybe a whetstone animation and a small sander animation as an alternate.
That might work if they sharpen some sort of generic dagger, but imagine the headaches of having to code a separate animation for each weapon model in each powerset that has the edge of the weapon in a different location.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



I want the claws/dual blades animations the iVY clockworks got.



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
I want the claws/dual blades animations the iVY clockworks got.
They actually just use Dual Blades animations, afaik.
But...with what are effectively claws.

-Want the arm blades for claws AND DBs
-Want the alternate animations for Claws


Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
They actually just use Dual Blades animations, afaik.
But...with what are effectively claws.

-Want the arm blades for claws AND DBs
-Want the alternate animations for Claws




Teleport Self

When you do a Teleport Self, the "windup" animation is (imo) unnecessarily long. If you start falling before teleporting again, you fall A LONG WAY before the Teleport Self action even occurs. All it takes, it seems, is a tiny little bit of lag to "hiccup" you out of the sky simply because the Teleport Self animation has such an incredibly long windup to it. I dunno how many times I've taken falling damage due to lag spikes while teleporting around.

What I would really like to see done with Teleport Self is for the animation to be sped up (ie. the "casting" of Teleport Self), so that there's less time between mouse click and transit, and for the Hover effect which is granted by Teleport Self to be "effective" only so long as the character is not moving. Essentially, I'd want the Hover on Teleport Self to be suppressed when I command my character to move (forward, back, turn left/right, strafe left/right, up/down). If the Hover granted by Teleport Self were suppressed by movement, its duration could be increased from 4 seconds to 6 seconds, making Teleport Self more "resistant" to network lag spikes and "friendlier" to needing to turn your camera view after a Teleport Self transit for the next Teleport Self (enabling better "cornering" behavior), while at the same time becoming more "responsive" to player input after the Teleport Self is completed, because all I have to do is command my character to Move and the Hover effect from Teleport Self shuts down (early, at MY command) and I can Move ... before the 6 seconds are up.

Such a change would need to be implemented for the Pool Power, Teleport Self, and the Kheldian Teleport Self powers.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



We already have precedent in the game disabling power effects when we move in the shape of Shadowy Presence. This power keeps you hidden and black as long as you stay still (or for five minutes), but the effect cancels when you move. The same may be usable on the Teleport hover period.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I think this belongs here,

I had an idea for a tech costume change emote, which we didn't get until the magic pack. now we get them with issues and packs.

An armoring up /cce either generic plates or hexagons moving about or flipping around to simulate. something similar like Tony Stark putting on the mkV (iirc) on the race track in the Ironman 2 movie or I know this is kinda stretch a similar effect that the TV series Viper used to transform the car.

youtube examples:

Ironman armoring sequence takes about 15 seconds from 0:04 to 0:019 this could made faster.

Hexagon thing from Viper the first season after that they used a different effect. again this takes 12 seconds.

How long are the costume change emotes?



I think there's a Power Animation thread somewhere that I need to track down. But in case there isn't - I'd like to see an alternate animation for Blind from the Illusion set. Using your hand as the source of bright light instead of your eyes. So a one hand lifted or shoved forward with the light flash emanating from the hand. Great for magic or tech themes!

My Corner of DeviantART

The Queen's Menagerie



I really love the animation for Jacobs Ladder in the Electric Melee powersets.

It would be swell if that animation was an option for alternate animations for something like Thunderstrike. That way some of the Electric Assault sets can get in on that goodness!

My Corner of DeviantART

The Queen's Menagerie



Originally Posted by Scootertwo View Post
I think this belongs here,

I had an idea for a tech costume change emote, which we didn't get until the magic pack. now we get them with issues and packs.

An armoring up /cce either generic plates or hexagons moving about or flipping around to simulate. something similar like Tony Stark putting on the mkV (iirc) on the race track in the Ironman 2 movie or I know this is kinda stretch a similar effect that the TV series Viper used to transform the car.

youtube examples:

Ironman armoring sequence takes about 15 seconds from 0:04 to 0:019 this could made faster.

Hexagon thing from Viper the first season after that they used a different effect. again this takes 12 seconds.

How long are the costume change emotes?
I am a BIG fan of the above suggestions, and would love to have a costume emote along these lines. (And I think the emotes vary in length. Salute certainly seems shorter than Evil Laugh. So... 1-3 seconds a piece?)

A big THANK YOU for giving us an alternate animation to X-Ray Beam that doesn't involve the eyes. Along those lines, think we could get that same replacement animation on Shout from Sonic Attack?

I know 'Pistols' has something like 4 different animations that randomly fire off. I'd like to request a couple different random ones for 'Dual Wield.' Those two tend to be the most frequently used powers of the power set, so to have them both firing differently all the time would make the set even more visually fantastic.

That's all I have. For now...

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Scootertwo View Post
I think this belongs here,

I had an idea for a tech costume change emote, which we didn't get until the magic pack. now we get them with issues and packs.

An armoring up /cce either generic plates or hexagons moving about or flipping around to simulate. something similar like Tony Stark putting on the mkV (iirc) on the race track in the Ironman 2 movie or I know this is kinda stretch a similar effect that the TV series Viper used to transform the car.

youtube examples:

Ironman armoring sequence takes about 15 seconds from 0:04 to 0:019 this could made faster.

Hexagon thing from Viper the first season after that they used a different effect. again this takes 12 seconds.

How long are the costume change emotes?
Another example from Lost In Space.

One from Roughnecks.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
There's already something in game that starts edging towards how this could be accomplished without clipping too many costume bits: those council ascendants and the way their shields unfold when they hibernate. It's not perfect and it's a bit further from the body than what folks are asking for--but I just wouldn't expect the skin tight tiling as seen in the lost in space clip or in iron man.



Having played my Earth/Fire Dominator to 34, I've become less and less satisfied with the animation for Incinerate, and have been wishing that it could be replaced with one of the Fire Sword animations -- still a melee attack, same damage, same animation time, just swinging a fiery sword instead of shoving your hands in your target's face to toast him.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Can't remember if I've posted in here before but what I really like about good animations are if they feel like they connected like the screen shake and sound of Stone Melee, slightly burning scenery of Fire Melee etc or if they're on the egde of believeability and only dipping their toe into the rule of cool like Eagle's Claw or Rain of Arrows, Dual Pistols went too far I think, as have most of the Cast animations added to ranged sets with Dual Blades teetering on the edge.

With future animations, please, keep it simple, easy to keep track of and not overly busy. This isn't just for personal asthetics though, I think that if a power's animation is too fancy or complicated it can give the illusion of looking longer, much like how people thought Dual Pistols' animations were far longer than they are, making some leave it alone with the thoughts that it's weak.

Long story short before my personal suggestions, cleaner and less busy animations would be GREAT for future content and additions, PLUS powers which look like they would act in such a manner in the real would are a major bonus, though not needed if balanced with the rule of cool.

Anyhow, here are my personal suggestions for future animations and/or effects

Karate Chop! for Martial Arts' Thunder Kick.

Fire, Ice and Stone melee alternating the attacks so there're weapon and hand/feet animations for all powers, for Stone Melee I would imagine there'd need to be brand new animations for the two handed hammers but otherwise it could all be redone animations with new effects. Here're my ideas;

Scorch - Broadsword Parry
Fire Sword - Super Strength Haymaker alternate animation
Cremate - Broadsword Slash
Combustion - Super Strength Foot Stomp alternate animation but carrying the Fire Sword
Breath of Fire - Hand flamethrower alternate animation
Fire Sword Circle - Super Strength Foot Stomp
Incinerate - The last part of the Stalker's Broadsword Assassin's Strike animation
Greater Fire Sword - Martail Arts Cobra Strike alternate animation
Burn - Regeneration Moment of Glory with the Fire Sword

Frozen Fists - Broadsword Slash
Ice Sword - Super Strength Haymaker
Frost - Katana Confront with the Ice Sword being used to shoot out the normal Frost power effect
Freezing Touch - The last part of the Stalker's Broadsword Assassin's Strike animation
Greater Ice Sword - Energy Melee Stun
Frozen Aura - Ice Sword Circle

Stone Fist - Quick jab up at chest-head level to hit with the top of the hammer
Stone Mallet - Super Strength Haymaker alternate animation
Heavy Mallet - Martial Arts Cobra Strike alternate animation
Fault - Heavy Mallet animation with the ranged portion of Fault OR throwing the Heavy Mallet in an arc at the target
Hurl Boulder - Heavy Mallet at the ground, breaking up a chunk of ground, then pulling the hammer up quickly to launch the chunk at your target OR throwing a Stone Mallet at the target
Tremor - Total Focus two-handed strike at the ground
Seismic Smash - Very quickly swing a Heavy Mallet behind you then down on the enemy for a huge overhead smash

As for emotes - Facepalm, laying down, more natural sitting which actually works with furniture in the game, running on the spot, stretching and/or yawning, using dumbells/weights, a loop of throwing punches and kicks (can be taken from SS and MA, doesn't matter)
The following actions/emotes whilst sitting down: Drinking (cup, enriche and tea), shrugging, yes, no, talking, clapping, sleeping (slumped back looking limp with the Zzzzs effect), waving, eating, stretching and/or yawning, slit throat
I'm a Roleplayer, go figure the list would be long

Summoning a Trip Mine/Time Bomb by tapping controls on your arm

Kick alternate animations for Energy/Electrical/Kinetic/Dark/Fiery Melees and Super Strength (even if it's just a sped up Kick from Fighting with the Super Strength aura down your leg for Jab)

Two handed Battle Axe/Broadsword/War Mace

One-armed Spines so they can work with Shield. -I have a character concept darnit-

Assault Rifle animations for Archery, so that they can have crossbows

Likely not covered by this but:

Axes for Dual Blades. It's called 'Blades' and last I check axes have a blade.
Thick, single bolt of lightning for Electrical Blast/Assault like Lightning Storm uses, either coming from the player or striking from the sky (Or both!)
No effect options for Super Strength and Martial Arts

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Originally Posted by CBeet View Post
I think that if a power's animation is too fancy or complicated it can give the illusion of looking longer, much like how people thought Dual Pistols' animations were far longer than they are, making some leave it alone with the thoughts that it's weak.
I mean no disrespect, but Dual Pistol animations ARE just that long. Aside from the first two Blasts which got standardised to 1.0s and 1.67s, the others are all ~2.0-2.5s long. Dual Pistols is easily one of the slowest Blast sets out there, if not THE slowest. This is a good third of the reason why I chose to stop playing Blasters - I didn't have the heart to play an AT which made me resent cinematic, showy attacks for being slow.


More to point, the Incarnate Judgement powers have inspired me to consider what large-scale non-elemental melee powers might look like, and I'd like to discuss the possibilities without the baggage of having to retrofit them within the existing Incarnate system.

Celestial Slash: I've long since wanted to see something along the lines of Shaman King's Yoh Asakura's signature attack (from the English dub), which is essentially one fairly long-ranged slice that comes out in a wide arc, as performed with one or two blades. This, to my eyes, would be a good way to add some range to a melee weapon set, and it has the potential to look cool, especially in an "usually strong off-powerset attack" sense such as Incarnates.

Ground Shockwave: We have our foot stomps and hand claps and ground punches, but I've always wanted to see one of those over-the-top animations where a character punches the ground and sends a wave of exploding pavement in an arc fortward, ala the Incredible Hulk as he does in most of the VS fighting games(his Gamma Wave). Failing that, I'd like to see a more... Expressive version of Foot Stomp with actual props sticking out of the ground to symbolise a demolished surface, or at the very least a much longer-lasting ground cracks "splat" effect.

The Samurai Pass: You know how, in most animes that have to do with samurai swordplay (where magic isn't as prominent) you'll see two characters run past each other and then sort of stand there for a few seconds until one of them keels over dead? Samurai Jack made this into an art form. I'm looking for a sword power that works kind of like Shield Charge, in that you "rush" into a large spawn and sort of appear in the middle, while everyone around you suddenly discover they've had limbs hack off and take damage. It doesn't have to constitute knockdown, and it doesn't even have to show a sword swinging animation. Just a "shwing" sound effect like audible gleam or audible sharpness, an instant transition and BAM! Everyone has somehow taken damage, and it was so fast no-one saw it happen.


And, just because I feel like saying it every time the subject comes up, I'd like to eventually see the ability to customize non-weapon powers into using melee weapons or being shot out of guns, as well as weapon powers to gain the ability to be used with bare hands, or even with other types of weapons. For instance:

Energy Blast effects are shot out of the hands, but why can't they be shot out of a rifle with a sufficiently wide barrel, or out of a large-ish pistol? Or even out of a magic wand? We wouldn't even have to swap the sprite effects, just the props and animations.

Super Strength attacks that can be converted into hammer attacks with a very large, Carnie Strongman style hammer. The power stats don't need to change, and they can even keep their screen shake and coloured shockwaves, but the animations and props would need to be altered.

Or how about this: Rifle powers shot out of pistopls, pistol powers shot out of rifles, both of those shot out of arm-mounted guns.

I realise that both the workload and the technical difficulties are significant, but I was kind of hoping that's where part of that NCsoft reinvestment would have gone.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I have to admit, I was disappointed when I got Cryo Freeze Ray and LRM from the Munitions pool. I was expecting to get a crey cryo rifle and a 5th column Launcher. Maybe have an option for these?



I'd like to eventually see the ability to customize non-weapon powers into using melee weapons or being shot out of guns, as well as weapon powers to gain the ability to be used with bare hands, or even with other types of weapons. For instance:
Energy Blast effects are shot out of the hands, but why can't they be shot out of a rifle with a sufficiently wide barrel, or out of a large-ish pistol? Or even out of a magic wand? We wouldn't even have to swap the sprite effects, just the props and animations.
Super Strength attacks that can be converted into hammer attacks with a very large, Carnie Strongman style hammer. The power stats don't need to change, and they can even keep their screen shake and coloured shockwaves, but the animations and props would need to be altered.
Or how about this: Rifle powers shot out of pistopls, pistol powers shot out of rifles, both of those shot out of arm-mounted guns.QUOTE]

I highly second this. I know that this game prides itself on how awesome the customization of characters and powers has become. Being able to choose a "source" for where your power is shot from would be great. Being able to shoot energy blasts from a rifle or arm cannons or fire blasts from a flamethrower would be cool for tech origins. And any array of powers coming from a wand or wizard staff would be awesome, or having a magic sword or axe that can shoot a ranged blast for magic origins. As many magic enemy groups there are out there, it really doesnt have much love in the power customization area.

Be sure to drink your



Another one of the great things that makes this game fun are the holiday events. Something that I have always wanted to see, and always wondered why it was never done, is a haunted house zone for the halloween event. Or just have a haunted house fade in to an existing zone like Dark Astoria or Croatoa. I am aware that this is less important than power customizations, powersets, and a lot more work than some other requests. But it would be very fun.

Be sure to drink your



Personally, I'd like to see a "Fireworks" or possibly even "Rainbow" Effect added, the former to Fire blast, and both to Energy Blast, albeit with some sort of variation from the Fire blast version. I've been loving what you've put out so far. Keep up the good work.

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



Originally Posted by Red_Addiction View Post
Another one of the great things that makes this game fun are the holiday events. Something that I have always wanted to see, and always wondered why it was never done, is a haunted house zone for the halloween event. Or just have a haunted house fade in to an existing zone like Dark Astoria or Croatoa. I am aware that this is less important than power customizations, powersets, and a lot more work than some other requests. But it would be very fun.
Good call

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
Personally, I'd like to see a "Fireworks" or possibly even "Rainbow" Effect added, the former to Fire blast, and both to Energy Blast, albeit with some sort of variation from the Fire blast version. I've been loving what you've put out so far. Keep up the good work.
Love both of these ideas. Might want to PM Tunnel Rat with this as what you are requesting sounds to be potentially her territory as much as it would be animation's.