All Things Art: Building Edition




My idea is for Galaxy City and ties in some work for Doc Aeon as well.

There needs to be a butcher shop called Galaxy Chops. The Chops stands for Covert Hero Operations. When you enter the shop an NPC says "Welcome to Galaxy Chops. Our meat is out of this world." Another NPC would tell you your order is ready for pick-up and direct you to an elevator that leads to Chops HQ where an NPC contact gives you covert missions to the Rogue Isles and eventually to all parts of the world, if we ever get global city mission maps. You could even have Galaxy Chops franchises in a couple zones but they all lead you to the same HQ.

Something like this that adds a little depth instead of having every NPC contact standing on a street corner would be nice.

The Revenants and Vengeance Imperium-Triumph, Champion & now flavoring Justice!

Tanker Tuesdays & Brutal Thursdays. If you like fun, look'em up!

Shhh! Rangle is plotting.



Originally Posted by PapaSlade View Post
Something like this that adds a little depth instead of having every NPC contact standing on a street corner would be nice.
I don't mind the concept in general, as I feel almost all contacts should be in-doors, either in offices, at home or in hiding, but I really hope they do better than a butcher shop.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Some of these are more "zone" ideas than "building" but I am going to post them anyway.

General: Slow down the day night cycle. Having sun move at visible speed looks really weird (at least to me) and with the new shadows it is even more obvious.

General: Is it technically possible to have the skybox vary depending on where the player is within a single zone? If yes, use that to make areas more distinct/immersive. If no, get the tech guys to add this functionality, then use it.

Redside - general: Redside needs more contrasts. It has really well made slums and dystopias but it there is nothing to compare them to. You know, the nice parts of town where the rich, powerful and secretly villainous can afford to live.


Mercy: clean/brighten up Upper Mercy, the area within the walls. Arachnos cared enough to fortify it - it is not a slum and should not look like one. Ideally when a new character gets Big Time badge they should feel that they've climbed out of the gutter and into Bigtime.

Villa Montrose (Port Oakes) and Villa Requin (Sharkhead): these are the places where bosses/executives live and they should really look the part. Shiny, colorful, luxurious etc. Perhaps steal some art assets from New Overbrook - they arent used anywhere redside so it would be almost like new stuff. Also add/move at least one contact/more missions there so players have a reason to go and see the places.

Aeon City (Cap au Diable): make it live up to its name. Aoen City! The city of the future as designed by a genius and/or mad scientist! Steel and glass, forcefield fences, holo billboards, 20th floor loading docks (for flying cars), glowing bits and metal structures, walkways between buildings (covered and not covered), and so on. Perhaps steal some art assets from the new hightech place in Praetoria?

St. Martial: move the ferry to around the southwest corner of Jackpot. A resort town should at least try to look welcoming to visitors.

I do not suffer from altitis, I enjoy every character of it.



I have a couple of photos that I'm planning on uploading as examples of what I'd like to see added to the game. Namely memorials for the First and Second World Wars. Considering the number of heroes who lost their lives in the Rikti War and other incidents, an out of the way, but still visible, (in other words, subdued) memorial with all the names of the fallen engraved would be a nice touch.

Also, given that the background of Detective Frasenbacker in Faultline establishes the likelihood of a Canadian Consulate in Paragon, I'd love to see a building with the Canadian flag added to reflect that.



A Paragon Museum – a building that anyone could enter and look around, this could contain artefacts from COH lore and dev statues etc – you could even run a huge competition the feature a player or two in there.

A Paragon Art Gallery – similar to the Museum, again you could run a competition to feature some fan art in there.

More interesting billboards – perhaps with heroes advertising products, e.g. “Positron loves Arctic’s Ice Cream” or “Synapse says slow down when attempting to cross the road”

Newspaper HQ – something along the lines of Daily Planet/Bugle

A Zoo – busy with citizens with an occasional mob entering there could be fun

A high security prison in PI, this could house the most dangerous villains, not sure if it could be done but a game mechanic where an AV breaks out from time to time could be a lot of fun.

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Originally Posted by Charcoal_EU View Post
Aeon City (Cap au Diable): make it live up to its name. Aoen City! The city of the future as designed by a genius and/or mad scientist! Steel and glass, forcefield fences, holo billboards, 20th floor loading docks (for flying cars), glowing bits and metal structures, walkways between buildings (covered and not covered), and so on. Perhaps steal some art assets from the new hightech place in Praetoria?
Huh... You know, for all the complaining I did about "glass towers," I actually LOVE this idea. If youmMake Aeon City look iPod sleek, futuristic and affluent, then it will serve as a very good contrast to the rest of Cap Au Diable and the misery, overcrowding and poverty to be found there. As it stands, there really isn't THAT much of a difference there, except that lower-level Cap Au Diable is brown and Aeon City is grey. Aeon City's actual buildings are still far too retro, still far too black and the whole area is still far too unassuming. Make it the jewel of the Isles!

And I agree with the general take on City of Villains. There's too much misery and not enough glamour. I guess the original design was that even the best villainy could offer was still a hollow, futile reward existing to delude the rich that they weren't living in a world half empty, which might have been a good idea the karmatic punishment of a bad guy we love to hate, but it neglects one very important fact:


I don't know about other people, but when I play a game, I do so for fun, entertainment and to feel better about myself. City of Heroes delivers almost every time, but City of Villains rarely ever does, because the game is purpose-designed to be DEPRESSING. I don't want to play a sad, pathetic character carving out a little pointless haven out of a crapsack world, always reminding of the futility of my efforts and always witness to the decline of the entire world, my slice of it included. This is not a good sentiment for something players play as.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



honestly theres very little need to revamp zones. Jack 'i smoke rock' Emmert's vision of getting everyone into an instanced mission as often as possible leaves little time for people to appreciate zones, but utterly detest the huge and largely superfluous skyway and Ip maps since that gets in the way of getting to a mission.

Come on devs, you have to give away merits for people to get all the zone badges multiple times....



I'd like to see the return of the Tabitha Fabish Magic store signs in Talos Island and Independence Port.
They were changed to swinging "El Super Mexicano" signs when Physx was introduced, and then [incorrectly?] replaced with "Pandora's Box" signs. The employees inside are still referred to as "The Mystic", "The Seer", etc. and not "Pandora's Box employee", so I would think this was an oversight.

"Chew Electric Death, Snarling Cur!"



Lots of good advice in these posts. I'm actually an architect in my 'day job', and as you might expect the office interiors bug the livin' fire outta me. As for the buildings themselves, more variety and realism would be an improvement, though I agree that Faultline is *much* better than the older zones. More mixture of architectural styles, and how about sloped roofs on something besides warehouses? How about other large 'public' buildings - certainly a city the size of Paragon has a football stadium? A racetrack? A bus depot or train station (besides the Yellow and Green lines of course)

Feel free to PM me and I'll drop you my email address. I'd be happy to give specific advice almost anytime.



Who did design the office interiors? M. C. Escher? They're just bizarre sometimes.

Someone else suggested street signs, and I love the idea. Names for all the streets and being able to actually learn your way around or give directions would be lots of fun.

Another poster didn't like Skyway - I must respectfully disagree. Skyway is my favorite zone. Having multiple levels with things happening on them is great, and makes you look up. Of course, I'm from Seattle where the freeways look much like that.

I'm such a geek. Some of my heroes have journals.



Originally Posted by Laufeyjarson View Post
Another poster didn't like Skyway - I must respectfully disagree. Skyway is my favorite zone. Having multiple levels with things happening on them is great, and makes you look up. Of course, I'm from Seattle where the freeways look much like that.
While I don't hate Skyway, it does feel really weird. In the game lore, Skyway was set up as the transportation hub of the city, but it ultimately failed. Why did it fail? Because all of the freeways loop back around on each other and ultimately lead nowhere. In a way, Skyway is the ultimate symbol of bureaucracy: leading everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

It would be nice if at least some attempt were made to have the freeways lead off into other zones, even if they're closed dute to Rikti War damage or something.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
A Paragon Art Gallery – similar to the Museum, again you could run a competition to feature some fan art in there.
I like this idea for a building interior. I'd like it even more if they could incorporate the same art gallery interior into a door mission. Bring on the art heist! The mission contact should be Tommy Corona.



While not technically buildings, I would like to see an organic landscape along the lines of Charnel's lands from the game Sacrifice. (I suggest muting, as the guy 'offering commentary' may be NSFW)

Obviously don't just rip them off, heh. But I think it would be great if you could try Sacrifice, and let its surreal style inspire you!
At least for a few art assets for a zone or two.
Perhaps the CoH / CoV Netherworld?

Sacrifice is available through Steam and Good Old Games for a very reasonable price, and well worth it. The gameplay is a lot like playing a Mastermind, heh.



Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
While I don't hate Skyway, it does feel really weird. In the game lore, Skyway was set up as the transportation hub of the city, but it ultimately failed. Why did it fail? Because all of the freeways loop back around on each other and ultimately lead nowhere. In a way, Skyway is the ultimate symbol of bureaucracy: leading everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

It would be nice if at least some attempt were made to have the freeways lead off into other zones, even if they're closed dute to Rikti War damage or something.
Perhaps we're supposed to assume that the connections were damaged in the war and hastily repaired, which might explain why the elevated highways have more lanes than the ramps.



Originally Posted by Tyrrano View Post
Lots of good advice in these posts. I'm actually an architect in my 'day job', and as you might expect the office interiors bug the livin' fire outta me.
Quick question - why? I'm serious here. If you assume that the "black void" outside of the walkable space is actually more rooms and that all of those closed doors lead to more areas, is it really that unreasonable? Or is it the design on the actual walkable spaces that bugs you? I've seen a few people criticise the offices for having absurd terraces and offices that open to a three-storey grand hall.

I do agree with the general sentiment, though. I wish buildings were designed more like they were in UFO: Enemy Unknown/X-Com: UFO Defence. Even skipping the ability to mix outside and inside environments in the same location, UFO's buildings were always logically constructed. The entirety of each building was comprised of internal space, with no large areas of blackness that looks like someone poured a wall of concrete 10 feet thick. The University instanced mission is very good about that. You have a hallway with rooms on the sides, and the rooms are open and enterable. This would be ideal if it were used for more than just that one map.

For instance, in an office map, just open up all the doors, or at least enough doors to make the each section of tileset rectangular. Speaking of which, it would be nice if we could open more normal doors, not just those huge dividers between tileset pieces. Being able to open the various small orange doors in an Office building would be really cool.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Would it be possible to create 'skins' for the buildings? Especially for events?

Rikti Invasions - buildings and roads are skinned to look like they've taken blaster hits/burns; at least upon the Rikti bomber travel path

Winter event - rooftops, sidewalks and roads get a layer of snow or ice (seasonal skinning in general; Spring Fling)

Zombie Apocalypse - buildings and/or roads are skinned to look more morose and/or decayed; more flies and sewer roaches topside

Deadly Apocalypse - randomly burning buildings (like the blueside firefighter mini-event) and patches of ground fires (could also do this along Ghost of Scrapyard's travel path)

Eternal Night - Less outdoor lighting; while providing faux light from lamposts, streetlights, windows, spotlights, Arachnos/Longbows with flashlights, etc

...and similar skinning for other GM and misc events

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
Newspaper HQ – something along the lines of Daily Planet/Bugle
Lore-wise, there's already a building that has this function, the Paragon Times building, directly south of the Steel Canyon University. There's no obvious external indicators however. A sign or sculpture would help it stand out a bit more.

Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
A high security prison in PI, this could house the most dangerous villains, not sure if it could be done but a game mechanic where an AV breaks out from time to time could be a lot of fun.
Sounds like it could be a cool event. Not sure about PI, since Brickstown already has the Zig, which is the definitive Super-prison in Paragon (and, I believe, the entire East Coast at least). But a periodic event as you described in Bricks would probably improve the zone's popularity a little. Perhaps draw from a pool of existing faction AVs using GM/level 0 rules so everyone can take part, not just 50s.

Justice Hunter, 50 Inv/SS Tank

Slenszic, 50 Sword/Energy Stalker

MA Arc IDs: 1355, 2341, 2350



A few things that come to mind:

Parks that are more parklike, rather than just random bits of greenery. Playgrounds, picnic tables, washrooms, barbecue pits -- something to indicate they are used for recreational purposes, not just random green places for villains to hang out.

An old "downtown" district. Storefronts on older buildings, narrow streets, narrow sidewalks. An area that is old but well-maintained and high-traffic. Port Oakes would be great for something like this, it could be near Marconeville.

Hopping through Steel Canyon, it is far too open for a "big business" district. Those places often have a claustrophobic air, property costs are so high that empty space is minimized. There isn't any grass, there are maybe some deliberately planted trees in planters along the narrow sidewalk, and that's it. Steel Canyon currently looks more like "skyscraper park" than a true canyon.

I agree that the train stations need more variety. Look at real life transit systems. I'm thinking of the Toronto subway system because that's the one I'm familiar with, and I could tell what station I was in without looking at the sign, because they all had a slightly different layout. Even just adding different skins would make for some variety.

And update the billboards already! "Earth for humans?" Seriously? How un-pc is that? I'm surprised Kheldians aren't up in arms over those. Add some less controversial Vanguard recruitment billboards, and there should be some for Longbow too, along with the usual business advertisements.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by LLamaBoy View Post
Sounds like it could be a cool event. Not sure about PI, since Brickstown already has the Zig, which is the definitive Super-prison in Paragon (and, I believe, the entire East Coast at least). But a periodic event as you described in Bricks would probably improve the zone's popularity a little. Perhaps draw from a pool of existing faction AVs using GM/level 0 rules so everyone can take part, not just 50s.
Brickstown should have a zone event that matches up with Breakout. Have the Arachnos Flier show up, then spawn some of the named Bosses, EBs and AVs.



Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
I would like to see the night time actually be night time in-game (as opposed to 'grey-time') allowing for architectural activity like street, billboard and building lighting (including ambient lighting from windows and doorways).

This could also be used to determine the weight of combat NPCs vs. non-combat NPCs that mill around throughought the neighborhood and zones as well as the type and general activity (of either).

Cimerora needs to be expanded and fleshed out beyond the city walls.

The new GR: Prelude, Part I trailer has what I'm talking about towards the end of it.

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by Tyrrano View Post
Lots of good advice in these posts. I'm actually an architect in my 'day job', and as you might expect the office interiors bug the livin' fire outta me. As for the buildings themselves, more variety and realism would be an improvement, though I agree that Faultline is *much* better than the older zones. More mixture of architectural styles, and how about sloped roofs on something besides warehouses? How about other large 'public' buildings - certainly a city the size of Paragon has a football stadium? A racetrack? A bus depot or train station (besides the Yellow and Green lines of course)
When GR comes out, be sure to tell us what you think of the new cityscapes.

David Nakayama, Lead Concept Artist
COH Concept Art Gallery now open at



Originally Posted by Charcoal_EU View Post
Some of these are more "zone" ideas than "building" but I am going to post them anyway.

General: Slow down the day night cycle. Having sun move at visible speed looks really weird (at least to me) and with the new shadows it is even more obvious.

General: Is it technically possible to have the skybox vary depending on where the player is within a single zone? If yes, use that to make areas more distinct/immersive. If no, get the tech guys to add this functionality, then use it.

Redside - general: Redside needs more contrasts. It has really well made slums and dystopias but it there is nothing to compare them to. You know, the nice parts of town where the rich, powerful and secretly villainous can afford to live.


Mercy: clean/brighten up Upper Mercy, the area within the walls. Arachnos cared enough to fortify it - it is not a slum and should not look like one. Ideally when a new character gets Big Time badge they should feel that they've climbed out of the gutter and into Bigtime.

Villa Montrose (Port Oakes) and Villa Requin (Sharkhead): these are the places where bosses/executives live and they should really look the part. Shiny, colorful, luxurious etc. Perhaps steal some art assets from New Overbrook - they arent used anywhere redside so it would be almost like new stuff. Also add/move at least one contact/more missions there so players have a reason to go and see the places.

Aeon City (Cap au Diable): make it live up to its name. Aoen City! The city of the future as designed by a genius and/or mad scientist! Steel and glass, forcefield fences, holo billboards, 20th floor loading docks (for flying cars), glowing bits and metal structures, walkways between buildings (covered and not covered), and so on. Perhaps steal some art assets from the new hightech place in Praetoria?

St. Martial: move the ferry to around the southwest corner of Jackpot. A resort town should at least try to look welcoming to visitors.
I like just about everything in here. It is very logical and helps to flush out a feeling for each zone. The first time I saw giza I was in awe, that's something that should happen right out of the ferry. It helps put you in the mind "if this is what is at the entrance then what happens if i travel deeper?"

This is a primary reason to refinish the tutorial and entry level zones. Make people want to look deeper from the very beginning.

Originally Posted by Katze View Post
I'd like to see the return of the Tabitha Fabish Magic store signs in Talos Island and Independence Port.
They were changed to swinging "El Super Mexicano" signs when Physx was introduced, and then [incorrectly?] replaced with "Pandora's Box" signs. The employees inside are still referred to as "The Mystic", "The Seer", etc. and not "Pandora's Box employee", so I would think this was an oversight.
Magic origin is one of my personal favorites it'd be nice to see this fixed. Some of the higher level enhancement contacts should probably be "housed" except for seraphina, otherwise you'd have no reason for all those recover seraphinas vile etc etc missions. If she were housed she probably wouldn't be mugged as often.

Someone mentioned the lack of stadium...Well there are a few stadiums actually, areanas to be more precise. They really ought to be more busy. More spectators coming and going and hot dog vendors, scalpers, even if it is only a NPC event. I would think that there would be a whole league of super powered folks "in it for the money" that would be happy to participate in the Super Powered Fighting Championhip. Adding in a few maps with visible seating and spectators beyond the limits of the map or roving spectator cameras would be very interesting. Or even a couple of suits grabbing a cup of joe talking about the last fight they went to or saw on TV. It'd be more immersive if they talked about unique players that had recently fought. Let your thoughts run wild on that one. I'm sure there are more places that you can take that sort of concept a unique structure and turning it into a hook. Maybe doc aeon opens the doors to civvies to try their luck at AE arcs using virtual powers.

...I think i'm over stepping the bounds of this thread and rambling. stopping now...

Roxy On DA...Finally!



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
And update the billboards already! "Earth for humans?" Seriously? How un-pc is that? I'm surprised Kheldians aren't up in arms over those.
Given what Earth underwent (and continues to undergo with smaller invasion forces each time the walls go down), I can completely understand the billboards. Even if they're "un-PC" and everyone started caring about that, you'd still have smaller private groups putting them up just like you get people today who rent billboards for somewhat inflammatory purposes.

Of course, my blaster loves them and shouts "Earth for Humans!" during Rikti raids. It's her opinion that ALL non-humans should go home and we shouldn't trust any of them -- Rikti, Kheldian, green skinned space princesses, whoever.



Being from New England and having traveled much of the country, I've always noticed Paragon City looks more like, say, San Fransisco than Boston or Providence. New England cities (especially older cities like Boston) almost have more in common with Mercy Island or Port Oaks or Sharkhead than Paragon. The labyrinthine parts of Brickstown is similar to parts of Boston. But New England cities and towns are rarely laid out on a grid pattern, and have all kinds of quirks of architecture. It's joked that H.P. Lovecraft came up with the insane non-euclidean angles of R'yleh after dealing with Boston's bizarre layout.

Though the pushy pedestrians and oblivious drivers... yeah, that's pretty dead-on for New England (especially Massachusetts). :P

Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
A Paragon Museum – a building that anyone could enter and look around, this could contain artefacts from COH lore and dev statues etc – you could even run a huge competition the feature a player or two in there.

A Paragon Art Gallery – similar to the Museum, again you could run a competition to feature some fan art in there.
I'd love these, especially the Museum/Gallery, as mission maps too. Robbing the Museum is up there with bank robbery for supervillain stock schemes, and it would really suit a lot of missions. "Stop Barracuda from stealing the Eye of Tim from the Paragon City History Museum!" That sort of stuff. With, you know, dinosaur skeletons and stuff.

More interesting billboards – perhaps with heroes advertising products, e.g. “Positron loves Arctic’s Ice Cream” or “Synapse says slow down when attempting to cross the road”
More Chris Jenkins!

A Zoo – busy with citizens with an occasional mob entering there could be fun
The zoo... there's kinda sorta something redside with that already in Nerva that I stumbled on to yesterday (I'm sure the rest of you know about it already) at the Longbow base with their secret labs holding Devoured and the Crey base full of critters (everything from Devouring Earth to Red Caps).

An idea I've had for a while is to give Boomtown the Faultline treatment. Not rebuilding it per se, at least not by the good guys. Right now, as I understand it, Boomtown is the center of the 5th Column's resurgence into Paragon City, with their portals and staging areas as they invade and battle both the heroes and the Council. It'd be neat to make Boomtown the center of that conflict, with the rising 5th Column terrordrome or whatever. The anti-Striga, if you will. Gives the zone a purpose besides being 3 square miles of blighted wasteland.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
When GR comes out, be sure to tell us what you think of the new cityscapes.
From the little bit I could see in the Dev Diary, they looked good. I liked what I'm pretty sure was the hospital.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age