All Things Art: Building Edition




I'd like to see Galaxy City turned into a futuristic shopping district with a huge mall and fancy bar and grills. Something kind of half sub-urban, as most US Cities have a belt of suburbia around them, could exist on the other end of the zone away from the mall. It would provide a nice contrast to Atlas. It might be cool to place enhancement vendors of all types and levels in the various stores in the mall. This way people would have a reason to go to Galaxy other than for Respecs and some missions. Maybe place an ICON in there for those lowbies who messed up on an element of their costume and don't want to try and make it to the one in Steel to fix the error. You could have a store in the mall that would access the NCSoft Store to buy booster packs or something too.

Tons of things you could do with a mall.


Agent Silver lvl 50 AR/Devices Blaster
Emergency Response lvl 50 Emp/Archery Defender
Frigidfist lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Talismage lvl 50 Ill/Storm Controller
Scarlet Hand almost lvl 50 DB/Dark Scrapper



I'd like a mall as well, actually.

Galaxy seems like the perfect place for one. I'd make it kind of like a "Shopping district". Like So:

  • Stores for Every Origin, catering to every level. (It's a QoL thing.)
  • A few Pharmacies and Restaurants that sell Insps (I realize Galaxy has the Arena, and the AE... but Insp Vendors are nice!)
  • RP Zones, like coffee shops and the food court.
  • Missions that take place inside the mall.
  • A Pocket D Entrance, for the lowbies.
  • A Tailor (Lowbies can use the RWZ Portal, but Galaxy doesn't have one currently.)
  • A Wentworths.
  • Merit Vendors
  • And if you could incorporate the zones AE into it, that would make it all the cooler.

I mean, how does Paragon City not have a mall? I realize malls are mostly a suburban thing, but I think a centralized commerce hub would really liven up Galaxy City. You could put one in Port Oakes too. Just make it kind of dilapidated and dead.



Originally Posted by Scarlet_Hand View Post
Maybe place an ICON in there for those lowbies who messed up on an element of their costume and don't want to try and make it to the one in Steel to fix the error.
pssssst.... you know you can go to the Vanguard offices/RWZ tailor in Atlas to fix your costume now, right?

As far as different "looks" go, I like how the game already has distinct looks for each zone.

I would like to chime in with the "please match instanced maps with their exteriors". Entering a sewer or cave mish through an office door is very un-immersive.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
pssssst.... you know you can go to the Vanguard offices/RWZ tailor in Atlas to fix your costume now, right?
Um...actually I did not know that...which means that poor controller I created who had to run up to Steel and died 3 times did so in vain...oh well.

If they were to ever make Galaxy into a shopping district like zone an Icon would be a must though just to fit the concept.


Agent Silver lvl 50 AR/Devices Blaster
Emergency Response lvl 50 Emp/Archery Defender
Frigidfist lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Talismage lvl 50 Ill/Storm Controller
Scarlet Hand almost lvl 50 DB/Dark Scrapper



Originally Posted by NightErrant View Post
...You could put one in Port Oakes too. Just make it kind of dilapidated and dead.

I like that idea, maybe plaster going out of business sales on the store fronts and having broken down cars in the parking lot. With the RIP patrolling the parking lot and attacking villains as they enter (but not inside the mall...that would be too annoying).


Agent Silver lvl 50 AR/Devices Blaster
Emergency Response lvl 50 Emp/Archery Defender
Frigidfist lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Talismage lvl 50 Ill/Storm Controller
Scarlet Hand almost lvl 50 DB/Dark Scrapper



Originally Posted by Scarlet_Hand View Post
Um...actually I did not know that...which means that poor controller I created who had to run up to Steel and died 3 times did so in vain...oh well.

If they were to ever make Galaxy into a shopping district like zone an Icon would be a must though just to fit the concept.
And even before they opened the RWZ up to all, the hike to the IP Icon was always much safer and easier than the Steel Canyon branch.

A quick run through Kings Row and past maybe three spawns in IP and you're there.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
If a neighbourhood is a thriving residential area, add details to reflect it. And have buildings that make sense for the area. I understand that in the past religious buildings have been potentially problematic in terms of trying to represent the diversity of the playerbase, but a Catholic church here or a mosque there is all you need.
I agree with this and what follows in the post I quoted. I'd like to see suburbia, some shops that aren't pawn shops or enhancement shops -- how about a shoe store, a jewelry store, a few more restaurants? One of my (very few) complaints about CoH is that the city doesn't feel "lived-in." No children, no schools, no playgrounds, and only a handful of movie theaters. How about some strip malls or department stores?

Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
The only other thing I'd add to that is social areas. Obviously Pocket D is meant to be heroes and villains to hang out, but on each side of the game, that's kind of...lacking. Yes, mobs inhabit places like Perez Park, but the parks don't really have benches or barbeques that I've seen. These are again those accepted norms when you say 'park' or 'city center' or 'downtown' or even 'shopping malls'.
Hear, hear. Add an outdoor cafe here and there, a pizza parlor with a working interior, or even a pet store (I know, the animations would be a killer, buy hey...).

One of my favorite ways to relax with this game (when I'm not on a mission) is just to bounce around a zone, flying through the buildings or hopping from roof to roof. The game already has roof-spawning mobs, but it would be nice to see some new details added above street level. How about window boxes filled with plants? Rooftop gardens? Rooftop retaurants? Maybe some pigeons in a coop or some laundry hanging on a rooftop line? The previous poster already mentioned satellite dishes. And on the ritzier buildings, maybe vary up the grillework of the balconies to give them a fancier "I bought this in New Orleans" kind of feel. Drape some laundry or old rugs on some of the fire escapes.

I could go on, but I won't. I like the game already, but these are a few things I think might make it even more appealing.



I'm not sure that religious buildings would be an issue unless it actually displayed symbols of its denomination.

But adding anonymous buildings, here and there, with 'grand' architecture and stain-glassed windows; maybe even some statuettes with indistinguishable features could be made to satisfy the need for religious buildings outside of those already used by the CoT.

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



War Walls = I dislike. Makes the game world feel incredibly small, like I'm playing in a shoe box.

My favorite ambiance for places like Steel Canyon is during Rikti invasions, with the war walls down it makes the city feel huge, like a real city should feel.

Perhaps there is a solution that pleases both continuity and players.
Can we say that the war wall tech has been updated and have war walls similar to how the rogue isles have?

I.E. the walls become visible only when you get really close to them, that way while you are heroing about the city can feel bigger. Also you can reduce the concrete part of the wall as leaving that how it is defeats the purpose of removing the "playing in a shoe box" feel that the game has in many zones.

Oh and how about maybe not have all of the trams look identical. Give each tram some flavor from the zone they are in.

"All that crap is grey to me, no XP." - Positron 5/15/05 8:36am . . . The world stopped and silence ensued except for the sound of a crying infant off in the distance.

"Everyone needs to chill the hell out." - BackAlleyBrawler 11/13/08 3:26pm . . . Geeks around the world stopped and blinked.



Originally Posted by Ashlocke View Post
War Walls = I dislike. Makes the game world feel incredibly small, like I'm playing in a shoe box.
I have to disagree here. One of the few things that made me go "Oh, wow! This is so cool!" when I first logged in was the war walls. They're huge! The first time I stood at the base of one of the walls and looked up, I damn near sold my soul to the game.

We don't have very many truly big things in the game, and no, the dinky statue of Atlas doesn't count. It's a statue, and not too big, at that. The Galaxy Girl statue sort of counts, but only kind of. I mean big on the level of the Combine Citadel. I mean big on the level of Sauron's Tower. That sort of towering, hulking huge. Recluse's tower would be very impressive if it weren't tangled up into other buildings and webs and crap, and the Faultline dam wall used to be very cool before they flooded the Reservoir. The War Walls are just that cool kind of huge.

And, to be honest, looking into the distance and realising I can see the walls all around is one of the cooler moments in the game, even now. I'd go to visscale 4 in a heartbeat if it didn't belt-hang my GPU. It's one thing to stand at the base of the thing and marvel, or to look at it from afar in-between other buildings. But when I break the skyline and look around, realising just how MASSIVE that construction is, it always blows me away. Even these days, when I'm basically jaded on everything in the game, this still gets me going.

As far as architectural sights go, the War Walls are EASILY my favourite, and I wouldn't trade them for the world. And to my eyes, they actually make the city feel bigger. It's much easier to imagine what might be behind them when I can't actually see it, as opposed to CoV's approach of just having the world end in water.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I had a huge post but dumped it condensed it to this:

Faultline is awesome. It feels like an interactive city, ith buildings and structures I can enter without having to zone (the dam, the elevators, the Arachnos tunnels), cool set pieces (the apartments, the doughnut shop) and a very unique flavor.

I'd like to see more buildings I can go inside of, more unique, zone specific structures (like maybe some huge video screens or some such in Steel, to make it feel like a big, bustling consumer/business part of the city, or some nifty walk-in bars/cafes that cater to heroes and sell insp or something.

At the very least, static, unique structures that are unique to one zone and one zone only, and done in a more organic, natural way like faultline, instead of the pre-existing Skyway/Steel/etc where it just feels like I'm flying in-between huge blocks.



Probably a selfish request, but I'd like to see a school in Atlas park near the Skyway gate. The reasons are RP related, hence why I'd like one there since there's a set of buildings I've designated as my character's school right around there.

Also, more building variety. Even if it's just some slight changes in colors, like making some of the brown brick buildings in Kings Row into red brick buildings, it'd make a big difference.



I also find the scales of the game a problem. There are often buildings narrower than the streets which surround them. How can they put rooms in buildings so small?

Independence Port is another example of scales gone odd. It's 1.2 miles long, one of the largest maps hero-side. Yet, a 40mph fly takes forever to fly down it. And, for all that, it's effectively empty.

Being able to build bases that looked like they were in buildings would be cool. I know the whole "underground" thing tries to explain it, but it's a bummer.

I also want to see the older zones - Atlas and Galaxy, especially - touched up some. We don't need more places to go, just make our existing places better.

I'm such a geek. Some of my heroes have journals.



Originally Posted by Laufeyjarson View Post
Independence Port is another example of scales gone odd. It's 1.2 miles long, one of the largest maps hero-side. Yet, a 40mph fly takes forever to fly down it. And, for all that, it's effectively empty.
That's why I suggested shortening it by merging the northern third of the zone with Terra Volta, so that it becoems more like the two-in-one zone set up of Faultline.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I don't mean to make it a warehouse district - I mean just to keep it as it is now, with the same mix of warehouses and skyscrapers and other buildings.

I also think that when we get the moon zone, the space port bit should be in Galaxy City rather than Steel Canyon.
It is named better, and will bring life to Galaxy City.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That's why I suggested shortening it by merging the northern third of the zone with Terra Volta, so that it becoems more like the two-in-one zone set up of Faultline.
I think a better solution would be to run a green line tram extension to the southern end of the zone, then rename each station to Independence Port North/South. It would be much less work and it would go a long way toward improving the accessibility of the zone.

Plus, continuity wise, Terra Volta is under near constant attack. It really should be kept separate by the war walls.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
In case you haven't noticed, the war walls haven't really helped prevent Terra Volta from being overrun by villains anyway.
The War Walls haven't prevented Paragon from being overrun by villains either. And in the Talos Arachnos bank job, your flier just goes right over them, the Rikti seem to have the power to shut them down at will.

The War Walls are pretty damn useless...

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Laufeyjarson View Post
Independence Port is another example of scales gone odd. It's 1.2 miles long, one of the largest maps hero-side. Yet, a 40mph fly takes forever to fly down it. And, for all that, it's effectively empty.
I don't think that's quite right. I know I've gotten 2+ mile waypoints in Independence Port, so I'm sure the zone is at least two miles long, looking like two and a half. But let's say 2 miles long at 40 mph. At that speed over that distance, you'd need 2/40 of an hour, or three minutes straight. That doesn't sound like a lot if you're late for work, but it's a LOT if you're sitting on your hands, looking at your character bob in the air.

Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
The War Walls haven't prevented Paragon from being overrun by villains either. And in the Talos Arachnos bank job, your flier just goes right over them, the Rikti seem to have the power to shut them down at will.

The War Walls are pretty damn useless...
The War Walls were meant to keep the Rikti forces from manoeuvring freely between the different city locations, and they're credited with saving the city during the Rikti war. They were never designed to combat domestic crime, as those tunnels between the zones are completely unguarded and lack checkpoints of any sort, meaning any criminal who wanted to travel could just walk between locations. As such, it's unreasonable to expect them to stop domestic crime.

The walls were also never intended to prevent small-scale infiltration, on account of the fact that they can't. There's only so high you can build them and flying vessels will always fly higher. Historically, they have been unable to stop the large-scale Rikti Saucers, as well, as was demonstrated at the end of CoH Beta, I assume because they fly too high, but they've been very well capable of stopping the small-scale Rikti bobmers.

As for the Rikti causing them to shut off, yes they do. Ten years after the fact and with renewed strength from their dimension, yeah, they'll shut them down. Even then there's still the WALL part, but look at it this way - when the walls go down, they attack in full force, for as long as they can keep the walls off. As soon as the walls go back on, their attacks halt. Without the War Walls, it might well be invasion all the time.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Like many, I don't like the copy pasted buildings. However, I wouldn't really mind if each zone had its own copy pasted buildings. This is one of the reasons I much prefer redside. If I log in a character and can't remember where I left it, I can see right away that I'm in Grandville or Mercy Island without looking at the map. There is still more similarity than I would like, but it's much better than blueside. Most of the zones in Paragon City all look the same to me. I would much prefer if each zone had its own flavour. I don't expect every zone to be as awesome as Croatoa, but when I think of a zone, I want to immediately think of the unique style associated with it.

I would also love if there were more iconic structures. Just as Paris has the Eiffel Tower and London has Big Ben. Cap Au Diable has that awesome huge atom (I remember that I gasped with joy when I first saw it) that is iconic of Cap Au Diable. Slightly less so is the clock tower in Mercy and the huge Lord Recluse statue in Grandville. I would love it if more of the zones had some kind of iconic thing to associate with that zone.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
They were never designed to combat domestic crime, as those tunnels between the zones are completely unguarded and lack checkpoints of any sort, meaning any criminal who wanted to travel could just walk between locations.
Tunnels have drones guarding them.

In regards to a shopping mall, I'm sure I'm in the minority but I'd hate to see it dominated with "Hero" shops. Maybe an all-purpose vendor/shop like in Cimorara or RWZ but a mall filled with over-the-counter retail shops selling bionic weapons systems, mutagens, body-altering chemicals, explosive grenades and magical scrolls seems a bit much. I'd like to see the Paragon City look more like a place where civilians live, work & shop -- I already know about its hero-supporting infrastructure.



Street Signs!

You know, with like the street names on 'em?

Ok, not a building suggestions exactly but it does tie in to the creating distinct neighborhoods andimmersion themes.

Most areas would probably have normal, basic street signs but others could have some with a bit of flair on them. In my city we have an historic district with a circled A in front of all the names to signify this (it's the Allentown District) or the Old First Ward which used to be THE Irish district - it now have dual street signs, the extra with the Gaelic version of the actual name... (which is weird since some of those streets have distinctly NON Irish names!)

Plus, you could always have fun with the naming of the streets: In game references, in jokes amongst the dev's, whatever...

RP'ers would probably learn to love it. They might be annoyed if they had named a certain street something already but that's what retcon is for and one can always just claim City Hall changed the name to honor someone or such... Besides, would be very cool to be able to tell someone to meet you at the corner of Statesman blvd and Nakayama Way...



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
In regards to a shopping mall, I'm sure I'm in the minority but I'd hate to see it dominated with "Hero" shops.
Not sure you are in the minority there as I certainly agree...

I like to think of the "Hero Shops" as little known out of the way places few know about (that's how I generally think of the magic shops despite the sign hanging out front) or as places where only those who know someone can actually purchase the "good stuf" (as I think about tech shops....)



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
Tunnels have drones guarding them.
Which presumably don't zap heroes, pedestrians and car traffic, allowing clandestine criminals free passage as long as they're not brandishing assault rifles, screaming "Wolverines!!!" and charging at people, D-Day style.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
In case you haven't noticed, the war walls haven't really helped prevent Terra Volta from being overrun by villains anyway.
Which is why I consider the war walls around Terra Volta more of a containment measure than a defense against the various villain groups. If a group were to ever successfully destroy the reactor, the walls would at least help contain the fallout and buy time for emergency procedures.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch