All Things Art: Building Edition




I mentioned this in the main ATA thread but thought I'd mention it here too. Now that the bill board contest (where did they get that idea) is over, how long untill we see the winners in game?

Something witty and profound



I'd still like an alternative to Pocket D.

Can we get some nice restaurants/pubs. Every time I'm wonder around Nerva, I see some really nice outdoor seating. Yet the only 'social' indoor atmosphere (leaving certain aspects aside,) are the bars Pocket D which have all the atmosphere of a college town dance club the morning after a weekend party. The Tiki Club is nice, but it is not accessible to everyone.

Seating is lacking or unusable, the place is never clean and most of the bar stools have been stolen.

It'd be nice if there were several locations throughout the zones that are restaurants on the outside, and if you click on the door, you enter someplace like this...






Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
It'd be nice if there were several locations throughout the zones that are restaurants on the outside, and if you click on the door, you enter someplace like this...
Seconded. And on that note, I'd like to suggest more indoor locations period. It seems the game has been moving more and more away from stores and tailor shops you can enter, and more and more towards random folks just standing on the street corners.

There's arleady a beautifully designed magic shop in Cap, yet to buy our magic enhancments we visit an arachnos jerk standing in an open warehouse. Instead of going into the tailor's shop in Praetoria, we just gather around her outside the shop ("Why yes, I'll make you a new outfit; just step out into the streets so I can get your measurements"). Or the Praetorian stores are nothing more than vending robots standing around. Seriously? It's like my powers are being enhanced by a vending machine.

I'm guessing it's done for efficiency and visibility -- so people can get in and out of the store quickly, or so people are more visible to others in the open zone. But for me, every building they make non-functional only to replace it with a man/woman/robot-on-the-street is a step away from an interesting, diverse world.




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I've been suggesting steampunk maps fro Nemesis for ages - the Crey labs just don't match his style
Now see, Golden Girl, I've had this theory on that: I believe that nemesis isn't really using traditional steampunk, but he's cheating and only using steampunk aesthetics.
Though he might also still be using steam power in some form, after all, Reactors work on steam (technically and if I recall nuclear power function correctly)

Originally Posted by bjooks View Post
It's like my powers are being enhanced by a vending machine.
Actually.... Yeah you kind of are since the clockwork who you buy enhancements from ARE called "vendors" (possible cousin of the defunct Clockwork class Bender).
But in all seriousness, I agree with you about the lack of explorable indoor areas, I mean the few examples Praetoria offers are quite awesome, like the auction house with those cool artifacts and such.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Buildings need more variety. And whoever built Praetoria needs to be given free reign to demolish and rebuild existing city zones so they look like, y'know, actual cityscape instead of some random, horribly laid out garbage?
/mini rant
Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
I believe this is the general idea of the thread. but rather than recycle Praetoria (IN PRIMAL EARTH) David's looking for specific suggestions for the various zones and their architecture styles.
I think the big problem is that when originally designed Paragon City was built as separate zones. That is IMO what is holding it back. Praetoria was obviously designed as both an entire city and separate zones and it really gives a much more realistic city feel.

Primal Paragon would be wonderful with a total redesign from the ground up as it were, so that the city feels and looks and travels like you are in an actual city, and not a bunch of "zones" slapped together. I would definitely pay the full price of an expansion to see something like that happen.



Thank you for asking our opinions on this.

Personally I think the main buildings that could use a touch up are interiors. I know that palette swapping the color of these textures is off the table. But if the primary lighting color and fog color varied based on the faction we were fighting, I think it would add a lot. And since I am selfish, the ability to vary lighting colors in the AE would as well. It wouldn't make every map feel completely different, but having seen it used in some other games, its surprising what it can accomplish.

For exteriors, having seen the work your group did on Praetoria, I'm pretty confident you have a sense of what could use touching up in Paragon and RI. Specific models that bother me personally, off the top of my head, are the blocky raised cement columns that appear in Atlas Park around City Hall. Smoothing these out somehow could do a lot for the area.

If you are able, I'd also like to see some really weird additions to the Shadow Shard. Why shouldn't there be a random skyscraper on an island out there? Why not feature an "interdimensional costume designer" in an obscure location? This zone would be a fun play thing for the creative folks on your team. And, of course, we'd like you to share with villains as well.

It also feels a little strange that a city the size of Paragon doesn't have malls and shopping centers. If you were to create a really big one (maybe using parts from the AE building) it would be highly reusable as an instance map as well.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The Paragon City Museum should be in Atlas Park - maybe in palce of some of the more industrial buildings.
I actually would support this, though personally I'd prefer a history museum in Founders' Falls, given that it has historical value in Paragon City as well as it having a University.
And for some reason I could never get over the idea of Skyway having an Art museum, so... if Atlas did have a museum, I'd say it should be one of super-hero related.
But all in all I like this idea.

For other landmarks I'd like to see: convention centers (probably in steel canyon and Cap Au) and Super Fancy Luxury Hotels (Probably in Talos and St. Martial).

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
I actually would support this, though personally I'd prefer a history museum in Founders' Falls, given that it has historical value in Paragon City as well as it having a University.
And for some reason I could never get over the idea of Skyway having an Art museum, so... if Atlas did have a museum, I'd say it should be one of super-hero related.
But all in all I like this idea.

For other landmarks I'd like to see: convention centers (probably in steel canyon and Cap Au) and Super Fancy Luxury Hotels (Probably in Talos and St. Martial).
History museum yes. Founders yes. But only if one of the rooms includes some sort of air ship connected to the Midnighters suspended and on full display ala the Air & Space Museum in DC.



We could use a few of these in IP and possibly Sharkhead or somewhere else redside:

As it is now, the cranes in those zones look nothing like actual marine terminal cranes- they don't even look like they would function at all in real life.
If we want the look of a realistic port, we could use a few of the cranes featured above. Heck, we could even have some fun putting Family mobs up there trying to intimidate longshoremen, or something along those lines.

As for skyscrapers, we could use some like these:
Some nice, modern ones to go with the art deco towers we've got.

At night, is there any way to make some of the zones look anywhere near as cool as this when we look at them?

I'll finish this by asking just what the heck is up with the northernmost of the two suspension bridges in IP? The darn thing's supposedly the twin of the other bridge, but it only has one tower. Huh?

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



*Casts 'Raise Thread'*

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
How about a hotel chain with a 3-story atrium complete with two glass elevators. That'd be a cool interior. The existing conference rooms could be ported in, and the basement could have steam tunnels.
Why stop at three floors? (which would kind of be weird for a hotel, actually) when one Arachnos lab room shows we can practically get actual skyscraper-sized atriums. Though I suppose keeping it less than ten floors would be best to reduce frustration.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



No more unique buildings in Atlas. If we throw any more in there, then players really will have no reason to ever leave. Give places like Galaxy City and Skyway City some love. Barely see anyone in there.



Another cast of thread Necromancy as well as further dicussions on the idea of improving interior/instanced environments along with outdoor/persistent ones. This one goes a little beyond the art department though but i think it has a worthy place here:

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
I couldn't agree more. Let's not also forget that Paragon, the Rogue Isles, and Praetoria are a City of Super Heroes, a City of super Villains, a paranoid police state respectively, it'd be easy to imagine that the office buildings (To say nothing about any of the other places) would have panic rooms, shutters and sturdy doors to lock areas down, people working in them erecting barricades, or even the enemies raiding the building have brought portable shield wall generators or made their own barricades to impede your progress. And then there's the idea of other security measures spawning, such as batteries mini-defense turrets, security cameras (in the form of those laser strobes from mayhem missions), or even just traps laid out by others.
From there maps can become amazingly creative in ways to circumvent these things. Like finding the security office and hacking/taking over the security systems to make things easier, busting down barricades with our raw POWAH!, or even just a clever reskin of what's basically an elevator in the form of fire stairs, open windows near drain pipes, open elevator shafts, air ducts, etc. etc.
... I love this.

I can think of so many ways to use some of those. Those "Find exit" missions that are generally pointless? Not so pointless if the layout has changed (via traps/shield generators) behind you.

Or more ways to come up with "Alternate victory" conditions - stealthing something, or being able to control multiple points at once to make it easier/harder...


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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Besides an arena for Cimerora, another possible addition forum poster Thor’s Assassin’s Titan Island idea, with the creatures listed below.

Hydra Tentacles
Living Statue Warriors (Marble, Granite or Brass versions of Cimeroran Traitors)
Skeletons (ala Jason and the Argonauts)

And if non-humanoid NPC models get added to the game then I would like to see Giant Scorpions/Spiders, Hellhounds/Cerberus, & Centaurs.

Perhaps an Arachnos Arachnobot can be re-skinned to look like a real spider.



Having been away for quite a few months, anything happening with implementing some of these suggested ideas?.
This thread is a goldmine of great ideas and I don't see much feedback of it (if any) potentially being worked into updating the ageing cityscapes.

Any dev comments?



They said in the anniversary Ustream broadcast that Issue 22 and 23 would use and/or expand on some older zones in some way.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Interesting!, thankyou, I'll check those out immediately.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
They said in the anniversary Ustream broadcast that Issue 22 and 23 would use and/or expand on some older zones in some way.
This is quite a relief, though now part of me wonders if that expansion of Steel Canyon that's seen on the city map of the Good Versus Evil Edition is finally going to make its appearance?

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
This is quite a relief, though now part of me wonders if that expansion of Steel Canyon that's seen on the city map of the Good Versus Evil Edition is finally going to make its appearance?
Last I heard whatever that was planned for was scrapped because whoever had it put in doesn't work there any more.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Originally Posted by Mothers_Love View Post
Having been away for quite a few months, anything happening with implementing some of these suggested ideas?.
This thread is a goldmine of great ideas and I don't see much feedback of it (if any) potentially being worked into updating the ageing cityscapes.

Any dev comments?
Hear Hear is this a Dead thread? There are lots of cool ideas and I wonder if they are planning any thing regarding the ideas given here. Some developer acknowlagemelnt would be cool even if it is to say that changes here will be a long time coming.

I would be interested to hear what thought got any one there talking as a cool possibility even if invisible at the present time. Or to say that ideas here have generated some interest and cool things are in the pipeline.



Originally Posted by Frozen_Fire View Post
Hear Hear is this a Dead thread? There are lots of cool ideas and I wonder if they are planning any thing regarding the ideas given here. Some developer acknowlagemelnt would be cool even if it is to say that changes here will be a long time coming.

I would be interested to hear what thought got any one there talking as a cool possibility even if invisible at the present time. Or to say that ideas here have generated some interest and cool things are in the pipeline.
As long as this forum is linked in my signature, it is never truly dead.

Now personally, I kind of wish we could have gotten a Galaxy city revamp without it being trashed, but i'll move on... I also wish they had used a googie architectural theme for the zone, if only because it seems so damn fitting.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I am excited for the new content First Ward from the screen shots I've seen looks cool and The Underground looks cool it is nice to see some mineral features to the caves finally something that looks like a a stalactite or stalagmites. Though I am a little sad to see the attack on Galaxy City was awesome and don't we have enough bombed out areas. I hear the struggling to rebuild but com on how many trashed out areas do we need. Can we fix some of them up I mean seriously we have so many supper powered people in the cities you'd think there would be a superpowered construction company that could expedite things some. There are many great ideas in the All Things Art: Building Edition. We also have Aliens we need some neighborhood that were designed and in habited by the the Aliens that have peacefully settled.