All Things Art: Building Edition




Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
I'm not bored with the game. But I do feel extremely constrained when starting a new villain. The progression through the zones is completely linear: Mercy - Port Oakes - Cap Au Diable - Sharkshead - Nerva or St. Martial, then St. Martial - Grandville.

It's only when you get past Sharkshead that the choices vary even a little, and that range just gives you a choice between Nerva or St. Martial.

And Sharkshead has a serious problem on the most populated servers. It is the one zone that is likely to have terrible problems; terrible lag, horrible rubber banding, and complete zone crashes happen more frequently with Sharkshead than they do with any other zone in the game.

Meanwhile, Paragon City has something of the opposite problem: There's too much City. Boomtown is an empty wasteland and one of the largest zones in the game, as one example. On the bright side, there are still parts of it I haven't seen in four years of play. On the downside, half of the contacts send me on extravagant and unnecessary tours of the city; "Go talk to this guy a couple zones away, who will send you to talk to that guy clear across the city, who will send you to Azuria, who will tell you to come back to me".

The starter zones on both sides need a revamp, but not a collapse into forcing everyone into Atlas Park. Instead, I'd like to see a second line of zones to go through in the Isles, a little more diversity, and yes, lighten parts of it up. The isles might be under sanction by the USA, but not necessarily the rest of the world. It has a tourist destination in St. Martial and the other casinos; clean and fix that area up. Start rebuilding or at least cleaning up parts of Mercy; five years is a LONG time for those debris piles to keep burning.
Personally i have a little problem figuring out what aria to go to next and when. I know there are a dozen guides I could look at but having the level ranges on the map or some kind of in game players guide would be nice. Like something you could check out in Paragons public library. Or Lord Recluses' secret archives.



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
Don't get TOO excited. We're still hard at work on Praetoria, but yeah, of course we'd like to make new villain content.
Translated: It's vaporware. We will see Duke Nukem Forever before we see an Issue that gives Villains more than Heroes' leftovers. Suggestions of substantial new Villain additions are like Lucy holding the football out for Charlie Brown. You want to see me take a kick? Show me some proof that the idea is further into development than a scribble on a whiteboard somewhere saying "New Villain Crap? Maybe..."

GW2 - Melchior.2135
AIM - Euroclydon23
Email - or <sameasmyAIM> (for the sheer novelty of an almost 20 year old email address that hasn't been overwhelmed by spambots yet)



Originally Posted by Bad_Dog View Post
So.... You detest my idea because you are bored with the game. Perhaps you should look into Champions Online. It will be all shiney and new to you.


You know this paragraph makes my head hurt. You claim to not want to redo the current zones because you've started in Galaxy for the last 6 years but you are saying you are so bored with running past the same building, the same enemies, etc. You are in effect, sir, making the case for redoing the starting zones instead of making new zones.
Lowbrow snark notwithstanding, I CANNOT be bored of Galaxy City, because I don't start in it every time, and because it has five starting contacts, each of which seems to want to send me in different parts of the zone, as well as out-of-zone to Atlas Park. By Comparison, Mercy Island has four contacts total, and all of them send you to the same five locations - that large three-tunnel snake pit, the large building where the Infected hang out, One of three doors in Fort Darwin and one of, like, two or three places in uptown Mercy.

But at least Mercy Island is over quickly. If I hurry, I can be out of there in an hour or two, especially if I skedaddle at level 5. I CANNOT be out of Sharkhead quickly, because it's the only place which has missions 20-25, and 20-25 IS NOT a over in an hour and a half. The way I play and with the time I have to devote to the game, it's usually a few days, looking at the same damn sand and the same stupid slums. It FEELS like forever. Even in Nerva Archipelago, where I'm sick to death of Longbow soldiers, I can still just hop back over to Sharkhead or hop on over to St. Martial and escape the monotony, but in Sharkhead, I'm doomed. 20-25, I cannot go ANYWHERE else. And to make things even more fun, Sharkhead is when a Mayhem missions starts requiring five paper missions instead of three, so the grind feels even worse.

By the way, I would kindly ask that if you want extrapolate what you think I meant from what I actually said, then do it more carefully. I never said I was bored of "the game." I said I'm bored with Sharkhed Island and Cap Au Diable. I singled those two zones out specifically and purposely, and I believe I did it at least five times. I'm bored with them because I HAVE to spend 5-level stretches at a time in them without the ability to go anywhere else to break the monotony. Even Galaxy City that I prefer to start in is not this constricting, because it keeps sending me out-of-zone. Neither Cap nor Sharkhead do.

Villains need more zones. At the very least, they need two distinct, separate locations per level range. I can sort of forgive 1-5, but 5+ this HAS to happen.

I do not get bored hero-side, not even rerunning the starting content for the umpteenth time. If I'm bored of Galaxy City, I can go to Atlas park. I can go to the Hollows or to King's Row. I can stay in the Hollows, or I can go to Steel Canyon or to Skyway City, and then eventually even to Faultline. At almost every turn, I can run missions in three different zones, and my missions send me all over the city, so I'm not staring at the same same god damn scenery until I can draw it with my eyes closed.

City of Villains NEEDS MORE ZONES. They do not have enough. Even counting co-op zones they still don't have enough of them. City of heroes does not need new zones. It still has plenty of old Hazard zones that can be retro-fitted.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Sometimes I go to Bloody Bay and street sweep just to avoid Cap au Diable. Siren's Call isn't as much fun so sometimes I stay in Bloody Bay to avoid Sharkhead too. I wish they would expand the awesome AWESOME lore of the zone and gave it some missions to let us explore the mystery of the shivan meteors beyond "there's a meteor, get a sample".

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



1. Just to "second" others...more variation in building styles. The areas of steel canyon look like housing sub-divisions for skyscrapers with their "clone" look.
2. Buses....we have all these bus stops, but not a single bus.
3. A couple major or "Union" style train stations. Instead of just all the platforms we have now.
4. Being able to ride on top of cars, trucks, trains and boats would be nice too. Also maybe have at least an occasional person on a boat. All the "phantom" sail and motorboats "adrift" around the city is odd. Also an occasional window being down to see a passenger.
5.Having some air traffic would be cool too. Helicopters for the PPD, news choppers, etc. At least one major airport.
6. Zoos, museums, shopping malls, gas stations, post offices, schools, public parks with slides, swings and other playground equipment.
7. An amusement park at Spanky's boardwalk, instead of just a pier with a sign.
8. More single family houses, and housing areas.

Don't get me wrong, I do love this game, been playing for several years, I just wanted to add some thoughts.

Deeds not Words....



City ideas city of heroes and city of architecture idea
The ability actually choose a secret entrance for your base that would be fitting for the style supergroup you have whether that be a cave type entrance or door from a building or manhole .

For full-size images and some other examples of architecture or landscape ideas I liked you see the link below.

We need to have more buildings and caves and other areas we can enter with out having to be on a mission.

I like to see zoos, Aquariums, pet stores(they could possibly sell pet enhancements or for those who have veteran pets offer more selection from here like a icon for pets), museums, art museums, libraries, shopping centers, Malls, grocery stores, some suburb type areas.

Schools with with playgrounds kids of heroes demonstrating some powers, we need to see some children in city of heroes after Sunday's models of undeveloped for non-player characters possibly some options could be available for player characters so you'd start a hero out is a youth and progress into adult.

General I like to see some critters in the city, non-player things like; cats, dogs, children, flying monkeys, I mean pigeons pigeons. With the emergence of going rogue in the interests of exploring the shades of gray between heroes and villains it would be nice to be able to have the option to destroy or harrass some of critters and non player characters.

We need more content the upper reaches of the buildings are so many characters of abilities like super jump and fly they can go the top of the skyscrapers but what's the point there's nothing up there. We have several options of different enemy that fly they could be used to add some diversity to those areas. Some Roof top gardens could also add more diversity to the upper reaches of the buildings and provide more places to meet .

I'd like to see different areas within the zones that shows the different styles of characters back stories we have characters coming from all sorts of different areas with people having their own ideas of their organs whether that be an alien has come to earth, mutated person, or something anachronistic. In these areas who want shops both apartment and single residence type homes for those of the various origins. See what a section of the city that was built by some of various alien groups inhabit and inhabited by them would look like.

Also would be neat to have the buildings littering every city be customized further theme or feel that area of the city in which they are Namely the AE, Hospitals, Wentworths, banks.
I also agree that there should be an AE building or in a a complex accessible from Pocket D though I would like to see a different style building for it.

Have a few more areas with ruins were ancient buildings with some small villages or still used ancient buildings for those of arcane or can. This would be a good place for the Circle of thorns enemy group as well as some of the devouring Earth enemy group. This would be and area to hose some of the savage heros who have no interest in liking in an apartment.

Perez got more Gothic style buildings code be good to have some of the various types of buildings still scattered everyone's wants on the other areas as though remnants of the city before you have signs out front on about the area were even non-player characters handing out leaflets saying "Save this clock tower"

We have an area using a lot of Victorian and Art Nouveau architecture and populated with steam punk looking characters shops, for instance a lot of the characters seem to me our brothers area have a steam punk look also do it from Nemesis and clock work this would be a good place for the origins of the clock work.

Turn type buildings below most of the buildings in the not-too-distant past were pretty boring they are starting to put little bit more artistic flair back into things.

And if we have a lot of high tech is based characters we need some high-tech city areas with flying cars high-tech looking buildings more high-tech mall and it amused them part it would be in some the other areas. Also think it would be fitting for the hero side of the high-tech to be more green or eco-friendly featuring things like green energy production buildings or aspects there were also aesthetically pleasing. Conversely the high-tech area of the villain side would still have some aesthetically pleasing areas but not far from there it had to polluted industrial complexes that were being used to maintain the tech or pleasing edifices. Some more tec examples

We also need some neighborhood that were designed and in habited by the the Aliens that have peacefully settled.

But like some other cave type designs like Crystal caves or the traditional case with stalagmites of stalactites and of the various flow stones indicated the need to have some cave dwelling denizens different critters some of which would be bioluminescent.I'd like having caves that could transition from one type to another and lead you places other than where you started. I'd like caves with tunnels that lead off in different directions, up, down, left, right, caves with water that could reflect and splash as you run through them and deep areas that you have to swim or dive beneath the water to get from one cavern to another. I'd like the ability to dive and swim under the water in general some thing we can not currently do but would add depth and new areas to explore with in existing zones which may have been there all along.

I would also like to see some areas under the water, here are some ideas for underwater buildings, not all the buildings in this example are under water but to me that looked like they could be turned in to some. What is down there in City of Heros?
I would like to have my super group base entrance from in a cave and open to an underwater structure with option for glass sides and top in palaces , so you could look out on a reef or ship wreak with the occasional fish or seabeast to swim by or over of even a boat to pass over.

Some one mentioned China town and a Oriental garden with koi pond defiantly a must, how about a hedge maze.

I have other Ideas but this is good for a start
For full-size images and some other examples of architecture or landscape ideas I liked you see the link below.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
...By the way, I would kindly ask that if you want extrapolate what you think I meant from what I actually said, then do it more carefully. I never said I was bored of "the game." I said I'm bored with Sharkhed Island and Cap Au Diable. I singled those two zones out specifically and purposely, and I believe I did it at least five times. I'm bored with them because I HAVE to spend 5-level stretches at a time in them without the ability to go anywhere else to break the monotony. Even Galaxy City that I prefer to start in is not this constricting, because it keeps sending me out-of-zone. Neither Cap nor Sharkhead do.
If you didn't want your words misinterpreted as boredom, you should make the case without all the complaining about how villian side sucks. There is a legitimate case to be made, as you point out, for having optional zones after leaving Mercy, but many of us do not share your feeling that the redside sucks. And the worse way to make a case for change is to make your point with a bunch of personal complaints about hating this and that about CoV like....

"Updating old zones doesn't solve the problem that I'm SICK TO DEATH of Cap Au Diable and Sharkhead Island."
To me, all I hear is that this is all about making you feel better about playing CoV, I don't read in there any objective reasoning that I can agree with. Whine-y complaints usually doesn't get people to agree with you.

My original post was agreeing with a previous poster over fixing what we already have. 1) It needs it and 2) adding new zones to CoH only spreads players out even further than they are now, making the game feel emptier and emptier each time new zones are added.

Make your case and seperate your facts from your opinion, then you and I have some ground we can agree on.



Hello Noble...

While the architecture in City is "ok" from a looks standpoint, I'd really like to see more imposing structures out there, or even more cityscape areas such as hotels, pharmacies, more restaurants, a know, stuff you would find if you took a drive down your local street.

Now, discussing buildings leads to discussing the interiors of buildings. There are some maps that are...yeah. I'm looking at you, entrance leading to swirly corridor finishing in an elevator leading to another swirly corridor. I know this isn't really your department, and that's fair, but a review of some tilesets would be nice.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



I'd like to see a few of the banners that adorn buildings in Paragon removed and/or replaced.

My biggest bugbear is that poor Elena, the Mystic, has been playing at that theatre for 6 years now!

Extra buildings like theatres, and indeed cinemas, would be cool. A few more unique buildings in fact.

The industrial districts in Galaxy and Atlas could be cut away and replaced by up-and-coming warehouse conversion apartments. As it stands, Kings Row and Independence Port are already the heavy industry parts of Paragon. With so many new Heroes starting in Atlas and Galaxy, I feel its time to reflect that they are much safer areas and that more people would flock to them to live and work.

Steel Canyon could benefit from having a few more hotspots and possibly even a handful of casinos. The main street that leads to the intersection with the giant statue and Positron needs a bit more night-time glamour, perhaps some neon signs.

And finally, there are some very interesting tall buildings in Paragon whose roofs are above the fly/jump limit. Perhaps a reduction in the height of the building could be made? As a super hero, I like to think that my characters can land on top of every building.



Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
I don't think there should be any all-new zones, blueside or redside, until the current zones fill up more.

I think the work and time should be put into revamps of the older existing zones (both art and content-wise). Make those 'new' again.

New zones attract people to the game, but they also split up the existing players so that the game feels 'empty', especially with all of the instancing.

I think we have hit a point of diminishing returns on this.
1,000,000% agreed with this.

It was fun.



Frozen_Fire, that was a very well delivered post. Excellent use of example as well.

Expanding buildings beyond the classic brick and mortar design is key. Adding style and actual community areas in Paragon will help make the city feel alive.

"You sir, have never been in a hammer fight, that much is clear."

*yeah, I quoted myself.



Originally Posted by Bad_Dog View Post
To me, all I hear is that this is all about making you feel better about playing CoV, I don't read in there any objective reasoning that I can agree with. Whine-y complaints usually doesn't get people to agree with you
To play Devil's Advocate, I can say that Sam hits quite a few nails on the head about the problems with Redside, but to play the opposite side, new redside zone requests are NOT what this thread is about. It's about existing buildings and updating the look and feel of zones we already HAVE, this is also covering only buildings and not the mission contacts because this is AN ALL THINGS ART thread, and the Devs have already promised a review of old content and improving it like the Positron TF.

Now, suggestions perhaps I could make for this thread and for Sam to liven up redside zones that exist (outside of where contacts send you because, as stated, that's a different thread) is that while the Rogue Isles are indeed Islands, they seem to be aggressively industrial, and the bodies of water between islands can be a lot bigger than what we often see.

So perhaps what should be done is the islands being expanded one. "Madness!" you might say, but indeed, many coastal, island, or bay cities and so forth used landfills as means of artificially expanding the land surface, and I don't see why the people of the Rogue Isles might not do the same.

Expanding the islands, updating their look, giving them a larger area for which things can be worked with, buildings can be spread out, oh, another thing that might be cool (though civil projects are WAY out of LR's character to have done) might include like an inter-island highway system and/or underground subway system (which could add EVEN MORE places to go, like underground slums and stuff)

Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



What about subways. It could be good for transportattion and ocasional random event. Atack of the subway mutant. Or bash the skulls on the way to where ever. We could have missions that start in the subway cars enter the tunnels and end at Nobal Savages secret underground layer.



I would love to see new building interiors. Some examples might be:
- large mall
- small mall
- school
- large museum
- small museum
- inside of a circus tent




this isnt a building per say but I was thinking about the traffic we have and it would be nice to see some more things on the road than we have now such as motorcycles, cop cars, ambulance, fire truck, those funny little 3 wheeled cars that meter maids use, maybe some construction oriented vehicles or a semi truck.

while on the subject some sidewalk bicyclists would break up the monotony of what we already have.

Bonnie and her bunny
Arc ID: 59406

The Trash Came Back
Arc ID: 350303



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
Can we get some nice restaurants/pubs. Every time I'm wonder around Nerva, I see some really nice outdoor seating. Yet the only 'social' indoor atmosphere (leaving certain aspects aside,) are the bars Pocket D which have all the atmosphere of a college town dance club the morning after a weekend party. The Tiki Club is nice, but it is not accessible to everyone.

Seating is lacking or unusable, the place is never clean and most of the bar stools have been stolen.

It'd be nice if there were several locations throughout the zones that are restaurants on the outside, and if you click on the door, you enter someplace like this...



Is it wrong that I want to get into a fight in each of those places, doing so much property damage I have to work overtime for about 5 years to pay for it?

Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.



Don't worry every things indestructible just like every thing from the crates in warehouses to all the windows in the city.



More interior ideas:

- an indoor hockey rink! with the added bonus of sliding around
- an indoor soccer or football rink!
(Both of the above could be accessed via assigned missions through doors in the PVP arenas. Perhaps via a newspaper or radio mission.)
- more buildings similar to the interior for the Frostfire mission, taken over by fire, ice, or even giant plants. Maybe even one taken over by ghosts or Giger-esque aliens!



Originally Posted by Magoo_NA View Post
More interior ideas:

- an indoor hockey rink! with the added bonus of sliding around
- an indoor soccer or football rink!
(Both of the above could be accessed via assigned missions through doors in the PVP arenas. Perhaps via a newspaper or radio mission.)
- more buildings similar to the interior for the Frostfire mission, taken over by fire, ice, or even giant plants. Maybe even one taken over by ghosts or Giger-esque aliens!
How about a theme park. "Riki World" Run by actual Riki. : P



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
So perhaps what should be done is the islands being expanded one. "Madness!" you might say, but indeed, many coastal, island, or bay cities and so forth used landfills as means of artificially expanding the land surface, and I don't see why the people of the Rogue Isles might not do the same.

Expanding the islands, updating their look, giving them a larger area for which things can be worked with, buildings can be spread out, oh, another thing that might be cool (though civil projects are WAY out of LR's character to have done) might include like an inter-island highway system and/or underground subway system (which could add EVEN MORE places to go, like underground slums and stuff)
This is pretty much the key problem of City of Villains. It has fewer zones, and though big in grid size, most of them is usually water. This leaves red-side with precious little land area to fill with anything, thus making everything feel vastly out of scale. For instance, what passes for Aeon "City" is, what? Three buildings? Four buildings? It's not a bad idea, bit the plateau is so small that I doubt it would be able to hold a single sky scraper, if their foundations were the proper size.

Worse still, not only is the land area small, but they tried to stuff it full of different areas. For instance, Sharkhead has two Arachos forts, a dock, a civilian town, a factory, a prison compound, a Freakshow camp, a Council base, a large strip mine, a Sky Raider base, a cemetery and an upscale villa island. All of that crammed together into a map not much bigger than Skyway City. All of this leads to each of these areas being small, compact and feeling out of scale.

Take, for instance, the Freakshow camp in Crey's Folly. The zone itself is HUGE, and the compound takes between a third and a quarter of its total land area. It's gigantic! You can get lost in that maze of junk and ramparts, and it stretches on and on and on. In Sharkhead Island, the Freakshow camp is tiny and comprised of maybe two or three open courtyards with just messes of junk inbetween. It's just so very small, and how could it not be when it needs to make room for a zillion other things and all that dead space water.

I strongly believe that City of Villains zones try to do too much with too little space. They would have done much better if the entire zone was one or two things and we simply had more of them, like what we see in City of Heroes. City of Heroes has AN ENTIRE ZONE devoted to its largest industrial installation, the Terra Volta power plant. It's an entire zone's worth of industrial complex, and it is glorious. And the reactor complex itself is... AMAZING. Each one of those cooling towers dwarfs Lord Recluse's tower by quite a lot, and the station has two. To match, City of Villains has the Hell Forge. It's cool to look at, and it's a copy of Cryptic Studios' old logo, but it's really tiny by comparison.

You know, if we took the current land area of Sharkhead Island and removed the Council base, the Sky Raider rig, Moth Cemetery, the Freakshow fort and Villa Requin and just made the entire island one giant industrial port town with a "town" section that's more than six houses in two rows, I would actually be pretty happy with the zone. It wouldn't feel like it's cutting corners by making everything small. Then the factory could be bigger, the Pit could be bigger, the dock could be bigger and actually look like an industrial harbour rather than a small marina... Everything could be more impressive.

If/when they start adding new zones to City of Villains, I hope they make better use of land are and not try to cram too many themes into the same small place.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
This leaves red-side with precious little land area to fill with anything, thus making everything feel vastly out of scale.
Although this is a legitimate point, there is also value to having zones that are smaller 'grid-wise' so that players encounter each other more often. This makes the area 'feel' populated so that the players aren't motivated to move to more populous servers or more populous games.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
Although this is a legitimate point, there is also value to having zones that are smaller 'grid-wise' so that players encounter each other more often. This makes the area 'feel' populated so that the players aren't motivated to move to more populous servers or more populous games.
OK, then. So be it. But if that were the case, then they should have put less "stuff" in each zone. Mercy Island is about right. You have Fort Darwin and the lower ghetto and you have Fort Cerberus and Mercy City. That's all, and for what it is, it feels pretty spacious. The ghetto is large, Mercy City is pretty big, and while both forts are embarrassingly small, they're of decent size.

Cap is kind of OK, as well, as it's basically one part port district to two parts cityscape, with Villa Montrose fitting the cityscape look as well. I'd personally enjoy if more missions sent us in Port Hades, but the zone has enough land area to support three distinct districts.

It's Cap Au Diable where things start to feel cluttered. You have the lower slums and you have Aeon City. If that were all there was, that'd be fine, but no! You also have the warehouse district, the airport, the upscale slum of New Haven, the PTS mountains and that Circle of Thorns peninsula. The result is that everything is small and compact and nothing feels like a real human dwelling. If it were up to me, I'd axe New Haven and the CoT island entirely. New Haven should have been part of Aeon City and the CoT island should have been part of the PTS wilderness. I'd furthermore have put both ferries on the same port, with a cargo elevator leading straight up to Aeon City.

Sharkhead Island is... Just a mess. I'd axe Potter's Field, the Council base, the Sky Raider rig, the Freakshow fort and Villa Requin and just made a larger Port Recluse with a bigger dwelling and more impressive docks, as well as a bigger complex for the Hell Forge and Kirk Cage's fortress all rolled into one. I guess there'd still be room for Potter's Field since there's so much Circle storyline in there, but man... Sharkhead has too much.

Nerva Archipelago is almost exactly right. It has a lot going on between the Crey compound, Crimson Cove, the Longbow fort of Agincourt and not just one but TWO wilderness islands. However, because Nerva is so big, there's room for everything to exist and be sizeable, so I have no complaints whatsoever. I could probably see the Crey compound made a little bigger just because, but all in all, nothing feels "too small."

St. Martial Island is... An odd duck. On the one hand, it's far too varied, with a rich neighbourhood, a poor neighbourhood, a dock district, a dilapadated neighbourhood a destroyed neighbourhood, a forest, a circus, a HUGE Arachnos fort, the Golden Giza... But most of that is just cityscale, so it works pretty well. It's varied cityscape, of course, but it doesn't feel like the zone is cramming too many things together. Well, except the CoT forest and the Carnival circus. If I had my way, I'd axe the forest entirely and expand the circus over its land area. It's too small as it is, but it's be pretty cool with more land to work with. Maybe add in a ferris wheel or some such. Make it feel like a carnival.

And Grandville is... Pretty much like what I'd like to see, actually. I'd prefer it if Recluse's tower were a little bit bigger, though. It has a nice solid footprint, but it tapers HARSHLY towards the top, and I don't think it should. But the zone does what I've always wanted CoV zones to do - it gives me something on a scale that actually convinces me this could be a real city. Because it's segregated vertically, rather than horizontally, each "level" of the city gets to be HUGE!!! The gutter is massive, easily big enough to be a zone on its own. Spider City is equally as massive, sporting not just land and buildings, but a significant network of tunnels. The Web is a bit small-ish, but it feels exclusive and distant like it should.

And then we have the Fab. My GOD do I love that place. The Fab in City of Villains is easily one of THE most impressive locations in the entire game, easily on the same level as the Faultline Damn was before they flooded it, and on the same level as the Terra Volta reactor complex. This place is AMAZING! It's an entire city dug skyscraper height into the ground. Just that one pit feels like it's bigger than the hero tutorial, and it's INSIDE an underground building! This... This is what zones should be like. I LOVE Grandville for the Fab and for that impressive tower. This is the kind of use of space I want to see out of zones like Cap and Sharkhead. This is what makes a zone feel impressive, rather than like a collection children's toys.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I would like to see mirror is inside the icon so you look at your toon from other angles. Also as I mentioned elsewhere the idea of having a hedge maze I would also be closed to have an area where there was a mirror maze one That could be used fore both missions and accessed when not on a mission. You could have a mission for instance having to go find a particular object and to battle enemies in there mirrors it would make things interesting it could be a area that causes a hit to debuff to al in side due to it's disorienting effect. .



My last bit of input for this thread.

There have been some great ideas about what to add to (and do with) existing buildings and landscaping. If there are some of ideas that may fall short of the scope of world map modifications, hopefully, they will find their way into the game as instance mission landscapes and interior maps.

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars