All Things Art: Building Edition




Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
I think a better solution would be to run a green line tram extension to the southern end of the zone, then rename each station to Independence Port North/South. It would be much less work and it would go a long way toward improving the accessibility of the zone.

Plus, continuity wise, Terra Volta is under near constant attack. It really should be kept separate by the war walls.
It would still be separated by the war walls - just like Fualtline is divided into two by the dam and war walls.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Which presumably don't zap heroes, pedestrians and car traffic, allowing clandestine criminals free passage as long as they're not brandishing assault rifles, screaming "Wolverines!!!" and charging at people, D-Day style.
Perhaps you're not familiar with Paragon City's criminal element

Although this would explain the lack of traffic in the city...



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It would still be separated by the war walls - just like Fualtline is divided into two by the dam and war walls.
I think it would still be easier and simpler to just add a south IP tram station. Terra Volta looks like it would have to be almost completely rebuilt to fit the scale it occupies on the IP map.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
I think it would still be easier and simpler to just add a south IP tram station. Terra Volta looks like it would have to be almost completely rebuilt to fit the scale it occupies on the IP map.
That's the idea - Terra Volta and Independence Port are both way bigger than they need to be, so shrinking them both by merging them would make for less filler

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That's the diea - Terra Volta and Independence Port are both way bigger than they need to be, so shrinking them both by merging them would make for less filler
Perhaps, but I think we both know that's not going to happen any time soon, if ever. A tram extension is the simplest and most effective solution to the problem of IP's length.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



Coffee Shops, restaurants and bars.

Heroes gotta eat too yanno!

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



You know, David, you potentially have a nice little community CoH contest here in which players can submit designs for new architecture and buildings.



Pretty much what everyone else has suggested --- just want to add my voice to it.

More unique buildings
--- Some zones have their own style and their own architecture. Some zones are just cut and paste. Would like to see more to make these zones unique. What about the Newspaper building? How about a fire station for Steel Canyon? Maybe some unique buildings/doors for the unique maps & missions? How about themed areas that are populated by certain groups - Little Italy as an example for wherever the mob fellas hang out. Chinatown for where the inked guys hang out. So on...

Unique entrances
--- I don't mean the buildings themselves. But how to get into them. Coming in the front door is well, not as fun. How about through an open window? The skylight? A loading dock door? How about through a sewer to get up into a building or other secret entrances to liars?



Originally Posted by Evilanna View Post
I don't know if this would look out of place in an American city, but I have always loved the Neo-Gothic (Gothic Revival, Victorian Gothic) style of architecture. It's my second favourite style after Art Deco. This style is often used for government buildings in the UK and Canada.

Some notable Neo-Gothic buildings include: ...

Boston College:
This could look great if several building in Croatoa were retcon'ed. The village is fine, but all the little brown buildings are cookie cutter creations.

Actually, I'd like to see a smidgen of several clear historic architectural styles scatter through the city. A mish-mash of styles feels more "real".



Originally Posted by Laufeyjarson View Post
...I also want to see the older zones - Atlas and Galaxy, especially - touched up some. We don't need more places to go, just make our existing places better.
Seems to sum up a common sentiment on this thread. I think it's safe to say that this should be one of our top take-aways.

David Nakayama, Lead Concept Artist
COH Concept Art Gallery now open at



Originally Posted by thehallows View Post
Like many, I don't like the copy pasted buildings. However, I wouldn't really mind if each zone had its own copy pasted buildings. This is one of the reasons I much prefer redside. If I log in a character and can't remember where I left it, I can see right away that I'm in Grandville or Mercy Island without looking at the map. There is still more similarity than I would like, but it's much better than blueside. Most of the zones in Paragon City all look the same to me. I would much prefer if each zone had its own flavour. I don't expect every zone to be as awesome as Croatoa, but when I think of a zone, I want to immediately think of the unique style associated with it.

I would also love if there were more iconic structures. Just as Paris has the Eiffel Tower and London has Big Ben. Cap Au Diable has that awesome huge atom (I remember that I gasped with joy when I first saw it) that is iconic of Cap Au Diable. Slightly less so is the clock tower in Mercy and the huge Lord Recluse statue in Grandville. I would love it if more of the zones had some kind of iconic thing to associate with that zone.
GOING ROGUE should be right up your alley, in that case. Each zone has unique signature locations, and Praetoria has a full compliment of brand new low- medium- and highrise buildings. I think you'll dig it.

David Nakayama, Lead Concept Artist
COH Concept Art Gallery now open at



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
You know, David, you potentially have a nice little community CoH contest here in which players can submit designs for new architecture and buildings.
That's sort of what this thread is for. We're reading all your suggestions and seeing how they might fit into ongoing development. When you see something from the boards come to life in game--and there have already been things set in motion--then you've won.

We have another community-created contest in the works though, so stay tuned.

David Nakayama, Lead Concept Artist
COH Concept Art Gallery now open at



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
Seems to sum up a common sentiment on this thread. I think it's safe to say that this should be one of our top take-aways.
Anything like that would be very welcome - you've got a fully armed and operational graphics engine now - so just let us witness it's firepower on the the current zones

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
GOING ROGUE should be right up your alley, in that case. Each zone has unique signature locations, and Praetoria has a full compliment of brand new low- medium- and highrise buildings. I think you'll dig it.
Oh, I'm sure Going Rogue (GoRo?) is amazing in terms of building design.

However, you can't forget the fundamentals. A starter zone needs to be stunning. You want new players to log in and go "Whoa..."

Not "Meh..."

You know?



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
Seems to sum up a common sentiment on this thread. I think it's safe to say that this should be one of our top take-aways.
I was recently posting screenshots of Ultra Mode and I noticed that Atlas Park and Galaxy City look far, far blander and boring that most other parts of the city. This is especially apparent when compared to CoV zones or other newer zones (Faultline for example.)

These parts of the game are simply not up to snuff with the rest of the game anymore.



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
Seems to sum up a common sentiment on this thread. I think it's safe to say that this should be one of our top take-aways.
On that note, I have to say I feel touch-ups on old zones should be at least as important as new zones and new content, at least until a few are done, because especially the hero-side game is in bad need of "something." If you can do large-scale remodelling to fix building foundations and footprints, then by all means, go ahead. If not, then just swapping out buildings or diversifying them otherwise would still do.

Also, I hear Going Rogue has specific locations and instances associated with specific buildings and doors. I don't know if that's true, but whether it is or not, I'd like to see more of that in City of Heroes and City of Villains. It's much more... "Homey" when you can actually tell where thing is.

Skulls have themselves a Superadine lab? I know where that would be. Crey base under attack? It's probably in one of the (non-existent) Crey buildings. Portal Corps lab under attack? Probably within the Portal Corps complex. That sort of thing.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I wanted to weigh in here, as it seems from my brief look over the thread that a lot people have been thinking the same thing I have for the last few years, that it'd be really nice to see the old zones upgraded.

I have no idea what the technical and scheduling hurdles would be, but I would also like to propose the idea, beyond simply redoing old zones, to overall just doing little things with each issue to make things feel more like Paragon City and the Rogue Isles are 'alive'. Simple things like construction, buildings being torn down and new ones put up, literally spreading the whole thing over 2-4 issues, like when the Arenas first went in or shut down part of the Skyways for road maintenance. You could throw up a purely cosmetic local festival here and there, maybe even have a small part of one zone turned into a location for a movie shoot.

None of this stuff really has to tie into anything specific, just things that make the whole game feel more dynamic, like there's real people living in there.

Of course, that's if it wouldn't be too much of a drain on getting 'real' work done.

I should like to add, if there ever is a new zone, I think Paragon City needs a suburb with a giant mall...zombie invasions in a mall...mmmm....



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
It's probably in one of the (non-existent) Crey buildings.
Mmm, yeah, another way in which Paragon City looks unrealistic ... and another one, oddly enough, that City of Villains did better. In any American city, almost every newer skyscraper has a big, internally lit, corporate logo on it somewhere. If you do touch-up Steel Canyon, those buildings need building-name signs and/or corporation signs. One specific reminder: the Kord Industries tower in King's Row ("Upgraded" exploration badge) needs a Kord Industries logo sign somewhere. (I'd put two on there: one just above lobby level on the street side, and one just below roof level facing the monorail station.)

Although credit where credit is due, Talos Island did already have this, and issue 8 did finally label the banks and the precinct stations. But more of that, please!



Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
Mmm, yeah, another way in which Paragon City looks unrealistic ... and another one, oddly enough, that City of Villains did better. In any American city, almost every newer skyscraper has a big, internally lit, corporate logo on it somewhere. If you do touch-up Steel Canyon, those buildings need building-name signs and/or corporation signs. One specific reminder: the Kord Industries tower in King's Row ("Upgraded" exploration badge) needs a Kord Industries logo sign somewhere. (I'd put two on there: one just above lobby level on the street side, and one just below roof level facing the monorail station.)

Although credit where credit is due, Talos Island did already have this, and issue 8 did finally label the banks and the precinct stations. But more of that, please!
Crey actually has a designated presence in King's Row like that, haven't seen anyone mention it yet. On the east side of town near the Skyway exit. Giant monolithic building with a tunnel through the bottom. It has several Crey logos placed on it. I've never actually had a Crey mission tied to it though.



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
...I also want to see the older zones - Atlas and Galaxy, especially - touched up some. We don't need more places to go, just make our existing places better.
Seems to sum up a common sentiment on this thread. I think it's safe to say that this should be one of our top take-aways.
Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
That's sort of what this thread is for. We're reading all your suggestions and seeing how they might fit into ongoing development. When you see something from the boards come to life in game--and there have already been things set in motion--then you've won.

We have another community-created contest in the works though, so stay tuned.
If I'm reading this right, you are then looking for suggestions for a few sites within each zone that MAY or MAY NOT serve an in game purpose, but do add to a sense of location and dynamism to each city zone?

For example, the fight club in Mercy Island that isn't really much other than something to see, correct? (On a related note, I have found that most of the new redside exploration badges are much easier to find because of clues in their name rather than often random feeling blueside locations...)

Back on track, to the meat of a few suggestions that could use some existing assets and may require creation of a few new ones. As a whole, most of these are meant to be neutral zones that are more about something to see or fly past and should at times replace the baddies that spawn there. The homogeneity of spawns from year 1 design is really dated and works AGAINST a sense of space, which more recent design indicates y'all learned some time ago:

- Galaxy City: An open air farmers market/flea market using vendor carts and lots of pedestrians during the day. Can also use some shelters already found in galaxy and peregrine--but spruce them up with some banners including a sign "Galaxy City Market." No baddies spawn here during the day to give it a neutral feeling. At night, NPCs clear out. Gang wars happen between spawns, preferably lowbie versions of Hellions, Skulls, Warriors and Outcasts.

- Kings Row: A biker bar. Take that motorcycle from the Thugs set and line 'em up outside. Maybe make a couple good NPC's that can stand around emoting? If time, make an interior or at least an exterior interior like the Egg Hunter lounge. Put Jim Temblor inside (as an alternate trainer? Hey if WW can be in two places at once, so can Jim, dammit!).

- Talos Island: Put a ferris wheel in at Spanky's Boardwalk. Rework the spawns here. Maybe get some lights that light up at night so the boardwalk comes alive with friendly NPCs. Not sure if you can do this with current tech in terms of when spawns change if it is only Day/Night or if you could make it Afternoon through Night are one set and Late Late Night through Morning are another, but if it IS the latter, NPCs should come out in the afternoon through the evening and baddies late late through the morning when everything shutters. The NPCs should be sitting in benches, along the boardwalk, strolling, fishing off the piers and some new animations (or appropriated power animations) to allow them to participate in some spruced up carnival games like the classic strength contest with the bell at the top and knocking over bottles by throwing balls.

- Steel Canyon: several sites here already which helps the zone. One more site that could be added... the Paragon City Stock exchange... something spectacular a bit like the Chicago Stock Exchange that sits at the end of a street but more chrome like the Chrysler Building. Perhaps it sits at the north end of the zone, facing the big statue at the center of the zone, with the tram tunneling right through the building... and that tunnel should be open so airborne heroes can fly right through. Maybe even give us windows into a trading floor with traders emoting wildly during trading hours and an LED ticker (pulling WW data on salvage?!? could this be done would be awesome.) Then at night this floor is empty of NPCs, lights are low and the floor is littered with paper.

- Steel Canyon: additional touches for vertical life, add a few NPC's flying kites occasionally in some of the parks. Everyone in Paragon always seems to be just walking... often in circles. (Other than talking on the phone, no one ever seems to be doing anything!) Also add window washers moving up and down some of the larger buildings.

- Perez Park: rework the spawns here entirely. If you touch the geometry, rework how awful the forest maze is in terms of function. In reworking the spawns, let Paragon reclaim the park at least partially. New NPC emotes include flying kites and picnicing. Use that amphitheater at the center of the park and occasionally have NPCs there performing and audience in the seats and fishing at some of the docks. Daytime should see the occasional vendor cart inside the park or near the gates. A great baddie spawn on some of the fields would be gang members from different gangs lined up for a game of football. Vary the baddie spawn sizes like, keeping some huge for the old school hazard zone feel but also have some nice narrative spawns with a circle boss or the lost or whatever threatening the newly uppity citizens of Paragon who dare to try and recreate in the park again. And lastly as a site, add a "Lost Cove" someplace deep in the woods where one can always find rectors preaching, several small shanties made of salvaged items and street signs (like on their armor) hanging all over the tree trunks.

I've got more ideas swirling for Skyway and beyond... but running out of room and have things I need to get to this morning...



Small changes to existing zones make all the difference to me. Makes the world feel more dynamic and real. Zone revamps are great, but they don't have to come in major renovations like Faultline (which I loved the evolution of that).

If you implement small graphic changes to old zones bit by bit over time you can end up with a total revamp in the end. Plus it will feel more real. New and varied store front windows would make a big difference too.

A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history--with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila. -Mitch Ratliffe, Technology Review, April, 1992



Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
That's sort of what this thread is for. We're reading all your suggestions and seeing how they might fit into ongoing development. When you see something from the boards come to life in game--and there have already been things set in motion--then you've won.

We have another community-created contest in the works though, so stay tuned.
If this is in the works, I'd argue that for interiors you could possibly have people use base building functions to work on designs.



Originally Posted by thehallows View Post
Like many, I don't like the copy pasted buildings. However, I wouldn't really mind if each zone had its own copy pasted buildings. This is one of the reasons I much prefer redside. If I log in a character and can't remember where I left it, I can see right away that I'm in Grandville or Mercy Island without looking at the map.
Minor derail - but you do know that your character select screen shows the character location *and* you get that locations loading screen when you're loading the character?



Moving forward with building and zone design there's one thing above all others I want to see:

Please optimize the modeling and construction of buildings in zones.

Red side runs horribly compared to blue, even on high end systems. This is talking before Ultra Mode even entered the picture.

The reason is I think in large part because of all the overlapping and intersecting buildings. Cases where you took two buildings, positioned them so they were overlapping so it appears to be a different building to create variation. Or stuck one building on top of another to make it taller.

The problem is there's geometry underground and inside them that's not visible to the player, but is still using system horsepower. It's not just excess polygons either. It may also be unnecessarily taking up texture memory and calculating shadow maps. Multiply that by however many building per zone and that's a large chunk of system resources going to waste.

So the overreaching thing I'd like going forward, is for you to keep it optimized, clean and technically streamlined. Keep that in mind if you guys do touch up zones, so that blue side doesn't become bogged down like red is and maybe red side will get a little better.
