Discussion: City of Heroes 6 Year Anniversary Celebration!




First big kudo's for having a good timetable on the european players, 18:00 till 22:00 is great

Sadly thus i wont be able to be around on the NA servers, would love to get some badges and exp there also.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



With this new news. its another good thing to celerbrate my bday with..ok its the 25/04 but nice to have something game related to add to my rl partying.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Not a peep out of the developers that this is the reason.
You're right of course, but I know the devs and they like to get stuff perfect before it rolls out. They'll have another whole year to deal with anniversary badges after this after all.



Originally Posted by Pelonis View Post
You know...it would nice if they could arrange the times so that people in Hawaii would actually be able to attend the events. Ex: Server events end at 10pm est which is 4pm est in Hawaii. A lot of us have 9-5 jobs, hence missing out. Now if we could actually get on CoH at work, that would be great... Other than that, I'm pretty bummed that I won't be able to attend any of the server events.
You'll have to realize that the reason these events are timed the way they are is because the community team and the devs will be handling the events personally. Essentially, this is their job and you're asking them to spend hours and hours of overtime at their 9-5 jobs because you have to work your 9-5 job.

Why don't you get time off instead of denying the community reps and devs the time to go home to their families? How would you like to work three to five more hours of overtime?

This is probably also why the events won't run all day. It is also a huge reason why modern MMO companies hate running live events.



Originally Posted by Evilanna View Post
This is probably also why the events won't run all day. It is also a huge reason why modern MMO companies hate running live events.
If my timezone maths are right, it wouldnt be a problem if they still had the EU office
(or that would be 05:00, why cant they just stick with the GMT timezoning*?)

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Originally Posted by Evilanna View Post
You're right of course, but I know the devs and they like to get stuff perfect before it rolls out. They'll have another whole year to deal with anniversary badges after this after all.
Ok, let me put it to you another way: I highly doubt that the fix would be assign the badge according to creation date when the fix they told players they were looking at was to award the anniversary badges globally.

Since then they made the AE global badges, so they now have the tech. They just haven't got either the will or time to change the anniversary badges to global badges. Or they forgot. Any way you go about it though, for a game that has an emphasis on creating alts, making WORK out of what is supposed to be a fun event is counterproductive.

Even if at this point they cannot use the AE Tech to globally award the previous badges yet, that is no reason why they had to persist using the old tech to award the new Anniversary badges. At a later point, they can go back and adjust the old anniversary badges.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Evilanna View Post
You'll have to realize that the reason these events are timed the way they are is because the community team and the devs will be handling the events personally. Essentially, this is their job and you're asking them to spend hours and hours of overtime at their 9-5 jobs because you have to work your 9-5 job.

Why don't you get time off instead of denying the community reps and devs the time to go home to their families? How would you like to work three to five more hours of overtime?

This is probably also why the events won't run all day. It is also a huge reason why modern MMO companies hate running live events.
I'm not complaining.. I understand that it is their job and it's a sacrifice they have to make if it cuts into their family time. And I know how it feels to have to work three to five more hours of overtime

Me take time off just so I can attend the events?? I LOVE CoH, but I don't love it THAT much lol. There is always going to be next year and the year after, hopefully...



I'll be there!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
Given that both of the last two patches to go to test server has each broken the Ember Demon's Ember Shield power in yet more annoying and painful-to-play ways, this announcement gives me the fear. If you're going to make that deadline, internal QA really needs to stop dropping the ball.

And yeah, I'm pretty sure you typo'ed the link to the list of server-specific events. Not one of the company's better days.

I share that concern as well, and am really surprised and annoyed that there wasn't a level bump in either closed or open beta for DS characters. I think there has been way too little testing on the higher end of the set.

@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL="http://tobyfife.blogspot.com/"]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog



Working this evening so will be msising the event on Union, but enjoy everybody!

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



Ends at 10pm EST? Looks like I'll be able to squeeze in a half hour, after work. Damn this society and the requirement of having money to legally purchase food and shelter! Oh, and a computer and internet, since those are clearly necessities too.

Happy Seven Minus Oneth birthday, City of Heroes!

Oh, and that banner image? I got two of my characters in it, heh. Granted, only their heads are visible, due to the text covering most of them up. Felt good being a part of that, even if it was a little bit of a fuster cluck with how many times players were specifically told that performing certain emotes were not acceptable.



Had a blast on Union! A big thank you to everyone who turned out, the lag was immense, but I'm taking that as a sign that the EU servers aren't dead.

Oh, and a big thank you to all the people from the Union Roleplayers chat channel who thought my suggestion of a cleanup at the Yellow Line in Steel was a good thing to do, and to everyone else who turned up to assist.

Merits, badges and fun. Awesome.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



*hugs Avatea and TheOcho*

That world-clock with time fixed on the event was... pure gold!!!!

Wonderfull for us, who live overseas...

** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.



hi ,
thx for that nice event mod08, was the best thing i did till i am playing that game.
Cant await next big event u start !!




Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
Had a blast on Union! A big thank you to everyone who turned out, the lag was immense, but I'm taking that as a sign that the EU servers aren't dead.

Oh, and a big thank you to all the people from the Union Roleplayers chat channel who thought my suggestion of a cleanup at the Yellow Line in Steel was a good thing to do, and to everyone else who turned up to assist.

Merits, badges and fun. Awesome.
Yes that was a sweet moment, finished off with a classic bit of Heroing putting out the fires in a nearby building.

Much thanks to Mod08 for allowing some of the heroes the chance to clean up.

Oh, and for the record Captian Mako could only beat The Prince Bishop 2-0 once his mate Scirocco got involved!

That and nicely timed Mapserve errors!

Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar

List of toons on Union Handbook

Leon Tasker: "Dunelm Group! What is your profession?"

Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
In-Game Events
Gameplay Fun!
You may have noticed that things tend to get a little... "out of hand" in-game on our anniversaries. Well, this year will be no exception! On Monday, April 26th and Tuesday, April 27th, get ready for chaos to break loose on a server near you! Don't miss out on this opportunity to band together with your fellow players to defeat giant obstacles, earn merits, badges, XP and maybe even pick up a 30 day anniversary title!
*Click here for the list of days, servers and times!
I just don't understand how somebody thought they were doing us a favor by staging an event laggier that the mutant baby of a Rikti Invasion mated to a Zombie Invasion. Honestly, has the person who made this decision actually played during any kind of invasion event?

This is roughly equivalent to my cable company saying, "We've arranged for all our customers to see Iron Man 2 a week before it's released in theaters, but we're going to stream it to you, in it's entirety, at one frame every 30 seconds."



Seriously...i'll be back when its over.
Getting to attack once every minute, when did CoH become turn based playstyle?
Also..nothing but hamidon lackeys on red side with one eochai thrown in. At least blue side got somethings worth merits.
How about something new for a change while your at it, instead of just trying to see how much it takes to crash out the server zone by zone.



So what are the ingame events?

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Ok, far too much lag, can't even get more than 2 hits in on an FP Hero, how am I supposed to get any badges. This is a complete and total failure devs. I'm sorry. This event sucked.



I tried it for a bit, but it was like a turn-based RPG with far too many turns being taken. Unfortunately, in the zones it was going on it was difficult to get a team that wasn't doing the useless GM fighting, so I had to retreat to Steel Canyon.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
So what are the ingame events?
Spawning a wide variety of giant monsters... Winter Lord, Eochai, Jack in Irons, etc. etc.

As a concept, yes, it was a nice thought to give people a chance to knock out the badges for defeating this wide array of baddies that you'd normally only see several months apart. The only real problem is the lag that has been the bane of invasion events for as long as I can remember. If they can't find a fix for that, they might as well just not bother. It's like they gave me a gallon of chocolate milk, but I'm both lactose intolerant, and allergic to chocolate.



Originally Posted by SleepyWeasel View Post
Spawning a wide variety of giant monsters... Winter Lord, Eochai, Jack in Irons, etc. etc.
So the same as last year's anniversary event where RV heroes/villians and GMs were spawned?

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
So the same as last year's anniversary event where RV heroes/villians and GMs were spawned?