Discussion: City of Heroes 6 Year Anniversary Celebration!




I logged into Freedom at 7pm EST when the event was supposed to start. When I got into Atlas, there were already 3 instances. Atlas 3 was overflowing with people and incredibly laggy. My client crashed when I tried to get close to a huge mob fighting Eochai.

So I logged off and didn't bother with it. I don't find fighting with such amount of lag to be enjoyable at all. It would be great if the zone could be capped for 100 people (or even 50 people) just for events like this, and then returned to its usual cap.

www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



This event was horrible!

I have a 10 mb connection, a 1gb video card (which was set to minimum) and a dual core machine on WINXP...and I STILL could not do a thing at the event. I would hi an attack and 30-60 seconds later, it would work.

I types /sync over and over to no avail.

I give 2 thumbs down for the entire event. Very disappointed. I ended up getting booted for inactivity because of the delay in movement. That's REALLY bad! I can handle Rikti Raids and Hami raids with no issues at all.

And, I know people here will say "next time leave so it's better for the rest of us!"

Except I could not move at all...and I should not have to leave, should I? Sorry, Devs, you get an F- for this one.



I had a blast on Guardian Redside; and was pleased to get the kill shot on the first GM of the Event.*

There was plenty of red text saying which zone was being hit next - and WHERE in the zone.

It was nice to see some of the more tricky redside GMs like Caleb. The Flyer would have been awesome but no dice even with a few people requesting it.

I forgot to turn my graphic settings down from high (with world detail 200%), but it was still ok even with all of the MMs around. After half an hour I did lower my settings to minimum the the way I do for Ship Raids. It was after that I crashed. But only once.*

The bits of the Event I didn't enjoy was 1) the moment the team leader logged and gave the star to a level 29 at which point I lost my tier 9, my heal, a regen toggle and several attacks. While I was in melee with one of the plant GMs that don't auto-adjust to your level and 2) ranged MM pets in melee range preventing me from hitting stuff. Neither are the Devs/Event Organizer's fault.

I already had the signature hero badges but I did pick up some merits and had a lot of fun beating on GMs.

Starting off in one zone and moving was a nice idea, but would probably annoy people who were trying to 'normal team'. I confess by the end of the Haloween or Rikti Invasion Events I get a bit "oh go AWAY I just want to get to my mission in peace" or resort to hiding in a mission after completion so I don't have to deal with the Event mobs.

The lag didn't seem bad to me, admittedly on a relatively quiet server and redside to boot. There must have been at least 4-6 teams though, maybe more.

One thing that was surprising was the number of "what's this" queries in broadcast and the channels. *


Well maybe stick to one zone and move the GMs around the zone. That way only one zone is effectively off limits in terms of lag. Not sure about that really. Pretty easy for blueside but for those of us on red, there aren't as many zones and nor as many GMs.

Redside needs more GMs. I don't mind fighting Eochai and Jack (although in melee the view is a bit .. yeah) but Caleb, Scrapyard, Deathsurge and the Flyer (which didn't show) is a bit poor compared to how many blueside has. The Essence dropping GMs don't give merits so while they're nice, the reward is lower.

I found the communication good and the lag tolerable.

Nice Event guys. Thank you. (Especially to whoever did the GM spawning on Guardian Red last night. No idea of the name it said Event Dude.)

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Thank you devs for responding to our complaints about the lag and spreading the event out more for the 2nd day. I was able to get every badge possible from the event (I think) on my main. I played on freedom last night and the lag was nowhere near as bad as virtue the previous night. Also, the multiple spawns of AV heroes made it much easier to get the badges than spending half an hour looking for 1 mob of them like I did on Monday. I loved killing Statesee 3 or 4 times in a row over and over again. Thanks for the fun.



Liberty blueside, Mod08 was spawning mass GMs right where we were. At one point about 10 krakens dropped on us while we were mid fight with 3 WL, a couple of Jacks, and some pumpkins.

Freedom redside, we had to cycle thru drop spots, 3 or so in shark, where we would get 1-3 GMs at a time. I wish they had just dropped the GMs on us like on liberty.

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!



Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
"If there are so few people left playing this game, why is there a lag problem when we all get together?"


Protector's event was a BLAST, we made short work of the GMs and AVs, though I think redside was a bit less active.

The only thing I'd suggest is to give in very clear very easily understood messages: HOW TO READ YOUR OWN TITLE. So many people wandering around Pocket D afterwards hounding poor Ocho who *already had titles*.

I'm SO glad that I got back just in time for this
The problem of LAG is due to the "Forum Cartel!" This event was a total bust and we shall see now how GR goes! 300K people left has NOTHING to do with lag...LOL



Mod 8 / The Ocho FTW!!! We rocked the house and had a awesome event including facing the dreaded lag monster on Liberty! Atlas and Talos were in fever pitch battles the entire night and to cap it all off we all headed to Liberty and Hung out a bit longer with much celebration and sking.

Liberty loves there Mod 8 / The Ocho, and he knows we welcome him to just hang with us anytime.

also May 1st and 2nd we are rocking Liberty with addtional Player events and all are welcome.

May 1, The Alpha and Omega team Gambit, Rikti War Zone Challenge starting at 12:00pm Eastern 9:00am Pacfic running all day ending in a CC and party in the zone.

May 2, The New Positron Task Force Starting at 12 Noon PDT (3:00pm Eastern going until ???

So all of our fellow heroes join us on Liberty for a rocking good time this weekend.

Sentinel Of Liberty
SG Founder

by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
Liberty blueside, Mod08 was spawning mass GMs right where we were. At one point about 10 krakens dropped on us while we were mid fight with 3 WL, a couple of Jacks, and some pumpkins.

Freedom redside, we had to cycle thru drop spots, 3 or so in shark, where we would get 1-3 GMs at a time. I wish they had just dropped the GMs on us like on liberty.
This is exactly what I'm talkin' about.

The devs could have easily dumped a dozen AV spawns (12 of each AV) on top of the crowds of heroes on Freedom server. It would have
  • broken up the crowd,
  • forced a cycle of heroes through the hospital (a strategically placed spawn point would make this a minor inconvenience),
  • reduced lag, and
  • provided plenty of opportunity for everyone to get badges.
  • Also, it would have taken more time for the heroes to mop up, time that the Dev/GMs could have used to jump over to the other instances and do the same thing.
Again, the difference between Justice & Freedom was night & day. And I would guess that there were just as many players in the Talos instance on Justice as there were in one Atlas instance on Freedom. In other words, the instances had similar loads. The difference is a matter of how the load was mitigated/managed.

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What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Like many others I logged onto Freedom (blueside) last night fully expecting lag. I'd missed out on my villains on Virtue the night before, was sick and completely forgot about the even until afterwards.

The only issues I had [other than the lag ] were:

1. The GM's, etc. really ought too have dropped on all the zones at teh same time and more at once (as has already been said). The earlier instances cleared their drops and then descended on the 2, 3, etc. A lot of unnecessary lag could have been eased somewhat.

2. The fact that you couldn't see your title so I (like many others) asked multiple times before asking another if I had the title yet. A small change would've eased a lot of noise the Dev had to wade through.

Still, all in all, I had a lot of fun and at least I didn't waltz, unknowing, into the middle of it in AP like I did last year!



Originally Posted by Purge View Post
This event was a total bust and we shall see now how GR goes! 300K people left has NOTHING to do with lag...LOL
You're absolutely right, lag is due to your crappy computer.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
Then you know nothing.

It was lagtastic but bearable after I turned my gfx down to minimum, still didn't stop me from getting badges/merits, even a few cool screenshots while on Infinity. Though there was a lack of Vanguard Merits *glare*
No it wanst bearable.
Setting graphics to low makes almost no difference if you have a good graphic card, and knowing that i can run Crysis in full i dont think i will ever have a problem with CoH, plus its a server side problem and not user side.
Watching pets kill AVs because noone can do anything is not my idea of a fun event, the devs know, or should know, what the servers can and cant handle



Was fun. Would do again. Ran this at normal quality on my GF8800GTS. There was some framerate slowdown, but most of the lag I got was server side. Still, much better than last year IIRC



Originally Posted by Darkscar View Post
2. The fact that you couldn't see your title so I (like many others) asked multiple times before asking another if I had the title yet. A small change would've eased a lot of noise the Dev had to wade through.
You can see your title if you set it to show on mouseover or show always under options > recticle > show title (or something like that I forget the exact wording and not online to check it atm).



Originally Posted by GhoulSlayer View Post
You can see your title if you set it to show on mouseover or show always under options > recticle > show title (or something like that I forget the exact wording and not online to check it atm).
Damn. Can't believe I forgot that. I figured that out in my first week of screwing around with the settings. Guess it's been so long that I completely forgot about it...either that or the grey hair is finally eating it's way into my brain.



I ran the event on Virtue on Monday (heroside) and it was a hand drawn slide show. I expected the same on Freedom but logged onto CoV anyway. At 6:55, people started gathering in Cap by the Vanguard entrance and the lag hit like a ton of bricks even before the event began.

Eventually my team went to Sharkhead Bay to go after the signature heroes. For some reason, at about 9pm, all my lag completely vanished. It was actually pretty enjoyable until I crashed to the desktop. When I logged in again, still no lag. I was so suprised that I decided to see if I could have some fun on the goody side. NOPE! It was still lagged silly on Blueside.

Devs, I don't know what you did at 9pm EST in Sharkhead on Freedom, but I recommend starting out with that technique next year. I actually got the Blackguard badge for defeating all the heroes. Best of all, I could see feedback from my characters as expected.

Thanks also for opening up the ski chalet last night. I didn't know it was open until it was about to close but I did sneak in and get all the ski badges on a Dual Pistols character.



All I can say is that Redside on Infinity was the best ever. Ocho spoiled us rotten. There was never a shortage of GMs to fight and they were all in Cap. There was so much stuff that we still hadn't finished clearing all the spawns till 30min after the event was over. It was tons of fun. I got 300 merits, and heard of some others getting close to 400 merits. Just shows you that it is better being a Villain, Though it did get scary when we had 15 GM spawn then the whole Freedom Phalanx right next to us then someone pulled another 15 GMs.

All credit I think for this event goes to Ocho, for redside infinity server. Great way for introducing our new Community Manager. I hope to see Ocho more often and spend some fun time around the crazyness.



Happy Six Years Everyone!!!

ArchRex Dojhrom x ?
* Sidus Loricatus: B-NRG2, S-BS/Reg, T-Fire/Ice, MM-Bots/FF, St-NRG2, Dom-Psi/NRG, Cor-Son/Traps, Cor-Ice/Kin, Ctrl-Fire/Kin, PB-LB/LA
* Arachnos Loricatus: Soldier, Widow
* Praetoria Loricatus: B-DP/Dev, Cor-Elec/Elec



Originally Posted by klaus_NA View Post
No it wanst bearable.
Setting graphics to low makes almost no difference if you have a good graphic card, and knowing that i can run Crysis in full i dont think i will ever have a problem with CoH, plus its a server side problem and not user side.
Watching pets kill AVs because noone can do anything is not my idea of a fun event, the devs know, or should know, what the servers can and cant handle
I wouldn't consider my graphics card all that good (radeon x1650), I'm surprised it didn't crash once even though it requires more power than what my PSU has.

Most of the lag generated imo, was from Rikti Priests casting Fulcrum Shift.



My favorite memory, was returning to the game after an enforced break. I had friends in my SG and I was one of the leaders. However due to my latest marriage break-up I went awol for about 3 months, with moving home etc etc.

When I finally returned it seemed like a big deal to people...boy that made me feel wanted!

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Dude my favorite part about the whole event was the way I found out about it two days late since Paragon didn't bother to send out an email! Man it's great to practically be punished for not logging in every SINGLE DAY.

Apparently I'm to stupid right now to make an awesome link with a picture and stuff but neverthelss sign the petition! [u]http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes[u]



Originally Posted by MrDead View Post
Dude my favorite part about the whole event was the way I found out about it two days late since Paragon didn't bother to send out an email! Man it's great to practically be punished for not logging in every SINGLE DAY.
If you have a Yahoo.com email address, you won't be getting their emails anyway.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
If you have a Yahoo.com email address, you won't be getting their emails anyway.
I don't have a Yahoo address and I still haven't gotten an email from them in over a year unless I report a bug. The regular promotional emails don't come to me, but friends who stopped playing get them.

It's annoying, but not life-altering

Lvl 50 fire/rad troller Wantonya - Infinity
Too many other alts and servers to bother counting



Originally Posted by Heartsong View Post
I don't have a Yahoo address and I still haven't gotten an email from them in over a year unless I report a bug. The regular promotional emails don't come to me, but friends who stopped playing get them.

It's annoying, but not life-altering
You might want to speak with Ocho about that, there might be something he can do to help or point you in the right direction.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!