What if I didn't take my ally rez?

Adeon Hawkwood



This is going to be a fairly simple question of opinion. Well... It COULD be simple, but I'm sure I'll find some way to complicate it.

To point: How do you feel about people who could have taken an ally resurrect power - as in, it was in their powerset - but chose not to? I realise the easy answer to that is "their build, their call," but can you be certain you will feel the same way when things go bad, you're lying there dead and the guy is shrugging his shoulders, going "Well, I didn't really build for team support?" Because that's what I'm looking at right now.

Let me explain.

I'm not a team player, and as such would not really have access to ally-only power, but I'm a fan of Masterminds nonetheless. Over the years, I've done what I can to avoid sets like Poison which had ally-only powers I couldn't use on my henchmen (WHY?!?), but with the advent of Demon Summoning in the very near future, I really HAVE to start thinking about using sets like these - namely Thermal, which even for Masterminds comes with an ally-only resurrect power.

Now, I don't WANT this power, because I don't intend to play on a team, and as such it will constitute an empty pick, something I'm not a big fan of. Considering I might end up with other things I want to take, it seems only fare to skip powers I don't feel I'll almost ever need. On the other hand, I worry that this will turn me into some kind of pariah in the eyes of my fellow heroes and villains, like the oft-discussed people who didn't take "key" powers from their sets.

Basically, unless I end up with a power pick and NOTHING to take, I don't want to take an ally-only resurrect power. Is that an acceptable move to make?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I play mostly on teams, and I still skip my ally rez unless I can fit it in without sacrificing something else I want. I've never really had anyone give me any crap about it. I really wouldn't worry about it too much, especially if you mostly play solo.



Wait, you WHAT? Ignored Poison?
Sam....Sam, Sam, Sam...Poison has a grand total of ONE power that is not useable on pets. The others are things that work on pets, are debuffs, one is even a major pet buff that turns your henchman into a walking de-buff bot.

Rezzes are the only things that dont work on pets. Thats one power. If you literally never team at all, fair doos for not taking it. You might get the odd grumble, but so long as you are managing to throw out damage and debuffs/buffs, then it shouldnt be a major issue.

On the whole, though, I can say that rezzes are useful. Even ones like Ressurect, with no shiny secondary effect. Power of the Phoenix is basically a rez-nuke, Howling Twilight is a massive stun and a slow to boot...You dont *have* to slot them. Just put a second slot and two recharge red slots in them, and away you go.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I have a level 33 Mercs/Poison MM. She does not have the ally rez. I vastly prefer to team on all my characters, have therefore been on many, many teams (all PUGs), and have NEVER been berated for not having the rez. In fact no one's ever asked for it.

I have a 23ish Ill/Rad. He also lacks the ally rez. All my Controllers team pretty much exclusively, so he's also been on tons of PUGs, and he's never had anyone ask for the rez at all either, much less get complained at for the lack.

Totally anecdotally, I believe it's no big deal. I should also mention that on the thousands of teams I've been on in this game, not once do I recall anyone getting yelled at for not having the rez they "should" have. It's likely I've just forgotten an occurence or two, but it's hardly epidemic.

My attitude toward rezzes, self- or other-, is that they get taken if I have the room, since they're convenient at times. If I have no room or want something else more, it's as easy as carrying an Awaken or going to the hospital. I very rarely take them. I expect the same attitude from others, frankly.



No one has to take a rez. All the team has to do is give someone one or two inspirations so they can make a wakie (or give them a wakie). I have never seen a player get chewed out because they don't have their rez. I went 50 levels with a Radiation Emission pactmate who didn't take their rez. No one ever complained about him. He's much more useful as a walking debuff bomb than to waste a power slot on something he'll almost never use (our teams these days basically never die unless things get really out of hand).

My characters that don't take their rezzes, I just make sure to carry a wakie at all times so I can hand them out instead of taking a little-used power.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



A wakie and a rez are vastly different. With a rez you can put a tank or brute right back into the thick of things the moment after s/he dies. If you are on a team, it will probably irk some people that you didn't take a rez if people start dying. So what though, it's your character and no one will (nor should) make a big deal about it?

That said, I often find that masterminds don't take "team" powers (or, if they do take them, they use them on their pets alone) and, for that reason, they are generally last on my invite list redside.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



I play with guys all the time who could have taken an ally rez, but didn't, and so I was lying on the floor. It didn't bother me at all.

So, if you didn't take your ally rez, that'd be fine.


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"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
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If you are really worried about it, having a second build that contains more ally friendly powers that you can switch to when teaming would probably sort the problem.

Always remember, we were Heroes.



My 50 villain is a thugs/poison. I took the ally rez even though I usually play solo. I don't recall really giving up anything in particular to take it. I think I have too many powers as is...heh.

Really no reason not to take it with a MM. Unless, that is, you literally NEVER team at all. I mean I usually never team...but I still do with SG mates and some of my friends. I just don't go looking for teams as my primary mode of play(because I generally hate humans...). But still...I'd say take it's unless it really cutting into your build in some way.

Besides...any power that makes your team members puke is 100% win in my book.

Dead Team Member:
"Hey, I just died. Can I get a rez?"

Me: "Heh heh! You sure you want it?"

Dead Team Member: "Of course I want it? Why wouldn't I?"

Me: *whistles* "No reason..."



I've never had trouble for not having rez. I can't say the same for skipping SB. I solo my kin because I get sick of everyone whining about needing SB after I already gave it to them.

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Here's about the most simple answer I can give you Sam. If you feel the rez is a waste of a power pick, then don't take it. If you're worried about what potential teammates may think of you for not taking it, put together a second build that has it. If you're not interested in spending the inf to keep two builds up, there's always the consideration that teams that require people to have the ally rez are probably not worth the hassle anyway, because these are teams that are planning on dying a lot.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Truthfully, it's never bothered me.

However, if I saw a Dark Miasma user skip it, I'd be sad. Not because of the rez, but because that's an AOE STUN AND A -REGEN DEBUFF that they're skipping.

The other rez's...*shrug*.

It's nice when they someone has it, but not anything I'm worried about.

It's not like they're skipping ally buffs (SB, Shields, ect ect)

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Unpon further thinking, I actually have characters that prefer teammates NOT have ally rez, because of those that do that don't listen to their team. For example, when I tell them not to waste it on me, because I have a self rez. Or the TF I was on recently where no matter how many times I mentioned I had Fallout, the rezzing teammate would still recall friend anyone the very second their hit points hit zero.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



I didn't take my Ally Rez on my Rad/Dark 'fender until about lvl 30 and in the lvls before that I never had anyone complain I didn't have it.

It was just the case there were powers which I would get a lot more use out of before that point and would increase my effectiveness in the team overall.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



I beleive my opinion on a self rez ability can be mostly summed up by the existence of Vengeance on many of my characters.

I'll usually just keep a rez inspiration on hand, but I'm not taking a power dedicated to you screwing up.



I'd rather have a Samuel Tow-run character in my team, missing one Rez from an otherwise support-oriented powerset, than to have the average PuG-player setup as a "Healz0r".

Seriously, if I team with a character that skipped the ally Rez in thier set, I'd have no problem with that, since we now have the ability to combine inspires.
How well they performed using the powers that they DID take would be more important.



I was playing with a DS/Pain MM in closed beta. Unlike all the other MM weapons, the whip attacks didn't suck total balls (plus, they look cool). On multiple occasions I... "accidentally" failed to prevent a teammate's death. Then I used Conduit of Pain to get +Dam, +Tohit, +Rech, and +Rec. (And on top of making myself more awesome, those buffs were especially useful in those levels when I had no enhancements to speak of nor any endurance management)




Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I beleive my opinion on a self rez ability can be mostly summed up by the existence of Vengeance on many of my characters.

I'll usually just keep a rez inspiration on hand, but I'm not taking a power dedicated to you screwing up.

You have a power that depends on people dying but then you don't believe in wasting a power choose to actually rez the player who died, because it's their fault?

Also, on a team, it's often not the case that the player who dies is at fault. Often a good tanker will die in place of a teammate, or a blaster will die due to a bad tanker.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Originally Posted by Sermon View Post

You have a power that depends on people dying but then you don't believe in wasting a power choose to actually rez the player who died, because it's their fault?
Vengeance is my heal.


No, seriously. I got the Medic badge using it




I took the rez on my Rad/Rad because I thought it polite to be able to pick up the corpse I'd just TPed into the mob and used as fuel for Fallout.

But I've never been bothered by somebody not taking their rez. After a certain level deaths are generally so rare, even in PuGs, that it's not a huge deal to just use an Awaken most of the time.

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



I've had defenders without ally rez, and never had a complaint. Generally, there's something I'd rather take than a highly situational power which can easily be replicated by wakie + break free + blue insp.

Unless it's Howling Twilight, of course. I suspect that the reason Twilight Grasp is such a deliciously spammable power is that otherwise Dark defenders would just let their team mates die all the time.

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Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



In these days of inspiration combining, it's not a big deal really.

I usually put it in my builds for my 49 pick because I do see some use for them with late game content (late game TFs and raids), other than that for normal missions....finish the spawn, combine and move on.

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"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Well the few Def's I have built have been Rad's, my lvl 50 Rad has two builds a less used solo build (No rez) and a build for teams with a rez, and usually I never use it cause I'll be on a team with a true Healer (Empathy or whatever it is) and they have such a recharge it never really matters I have a rez enless were going up against an really powerful AV or GM that people are dropping like flies.

But a Mastermind, I usually wont touch the rez enless it's the Dark Miasma one. No Point enless that rez does something then just bring the person to their feet, if your on a good team they got a Pain Specialist for the Rez and your MM for your pets. Same thing on heroes, they got an Empath for the rez, and just about the rest for the Debuff/buff or Holds.



Also, we get rez thru Day jobs and soon (i17) craftable rez. Everyone will have rez. Howling Twilight is the one I would say is the most required. Don't worry about it.

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Nukular Man (Sci Defender, Rad/Rad)



Honestly if I have get around to making any Defenders who can take a rez (and one of these days I will make an Empath) I plan to skip the rez or, possibly, take it as my level 49 power (Dark is of course the exception). All of my characters carry two wakies so if I die I can rez myself (the second is a backup in case I die again before I've had a chnce to craft new one or if I need to give one away).

This is generally more than enough for most gameplay. The only situation where a rez power is really needed is in AV fights if I die to close to the AV and even there Recall Friend serves essentially the same purpose.

So personally, no I see no reason to take an ally rez (other than Howling Twilight) unless you have nothing else to take or you're making a second build for something like MS raids or Hamidon raids where people die frequently enough to make it very handy.

The fact that we're getting a craftable rez power in I17 only strengthens this belief for me.