What if I didn't take my ally rez?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by poptart_fairy View Post
Probably because we'd get bored of reading your response about seven paragraphs in.
AKA: Swtl;dr

samuel writes too long; didn't read.


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Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



If you are really baiting maybe the topic should swing towards equine love.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
My attitude on this stems from the attitude I see a lot from players toward Empathy characters.

Basically: "WTF?! How could you let me die like that?! You're a crappy healer!"

The fact that they died 2 floors above the empath and were the only one on the team up there never seems to register with them.
You've actually run into this?



Originally Posted by Tangler View Post
I wouldn't worry too much about it: not taking your rez is hardly like being "that guy" who didn't take SB or TT: Maneuvers.
I guess I'm a That Guy on one of my Defenders, then. But really, how do you justify taking SB on a character named Captain Slow?



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
This is going to be a fairly simple question of opinion. Well... It COULD be simple, but I'm sure I'll find some way to complicate it.

To point: How do you feel about people who could have taken an ally resurrect power - as in, it was in their powerset - but chose not to? I realise the easy answer to that is "their build, their call," but can you be certain you will feel the same way when things go bad, you're lying there dead and the guy is shrugging his shoulders, going "Well, I didn't really build for team support?" Because that's what I'm looking at right now.

Let me explain.

I'm not a team player, and as such would not really have access to ally-only power, but I'm a fan of Masterminds nonetheless. Over the years, I've done what I can to avoid sets like Poison which had ally-only powers I couldn't use on my henchmen (WHY?!?), but with the advent of Demon Summoning in the very near future, I really HAVE to start thinking about using sets like these - namely Thermal, which even for Masterminds comes with an ally-only resurrect power.

Now, I don't WANT this power, because I don't intend to play on a team, and as such it will constitute an empty pick, something I'm not a big fan of. Considering I might end up with other things I want to take, it seems only fare to skip powers I don't feel I'll almost ever need. On the other hand, I worry that this will turn me into some kind of pariah in the eyes of my fellow heroes and villains, like the oft-discussed people who didn't take "key" powers from their sets.

Basically, unless I end up with a power pick and NOTHING to take, I don't want to take an ally-only resurrect power. Is that an acceptable move to make?
A good question indeed, but you said it in the first place, Your build, your call



It depends on the character that I'm making but usually I do take the rez powers (usually not right away though).

On my DS/Poison MM that I'll be making when i17 goes live, I'll be getting the ally rez just in case I team (plus the fact that I love the animation (before and after :P)).

I usually don't mind if people don't take the rez (or any other power like SB or what have you); my issue is when you have a buff power and don't use it (like having SB or the FF bubbles/sonic bubbles/etc and not buffing peeps).

My 2 influence.

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With the new dual builds this is far less of an issue than it used to be Sam. You don't team or don't team much so what you do with your build is no one's business but your own. I enjoying teaming so I almost feel an obligation to provide whatever support I can.

With Dual builds many of my characters now have a solo build that's heavy on attacks and personal defenses/buffs/debuff and a team build that is geared more toward team support including rez.

Hey don't forget not all REZ power are only good as a Rez either... Howling Twilight from Dark Miasma disorients foes, criples their recovery and recharge times, slows them and does damage. Half the time if I do have a team mate down I wind up giving them an awake because I used it on the AV prior to them falling and its not available yet. Power of the Phoenix, fron the Thermal set, also has a good deal of knockback, damage and disorient associated with it when used. Howling can be used without anyone needing to be down, or even teaming with you, with Phoenix does require someone to be face down or its useless.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



After I posted I remembered one other thing.. These days it doesn't seem like anyone really cares, or even checks to see if you can rez, I have played on countless PUGS where by the time I find the fallen team mate and get ready to rez they pop an awake and just GO (after some stumbling around and rest time).

I don't see it as a big concern for anyone these days and usually even hold off taking it on my team builds when other things wil be more beneficial like say Radiation infection, Enervating Field, or Lingering Radiation from the RAD Pool. I don't think anyone will complain about a Rad/Rad defender not having Mutation YET but having those three. "Do you want me to run arouynd with a power that only works if your dead? or three that debuff whatever we face and make it easier for everyone to stay alive to begin with?" :-D

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
This is going to be a fairly simple question of opinion. Well... It COULD be simple, but I'm sure I'll find some way to complicate it.

To point: How do you feel about people who could have taken an ally resurrect power - as in, it was in their powerset - but chose not to? I realise the easy answer to that is "their build, their call," but can you be certain you will feel the same way when things go bad, you're lying there dead and the guy is shrugging his shoulders, going "Well, I didn't really build for team support?" Because that's what I'm looking at right now.

Let me explain.

I'm not a team player, and as such would not really have access to ally-only power, but I'm a fan of Masterminds nonetheless. Over the years, I've done what I can to avoid sets like Poison which had ally-only powers I couldn't use on my henchmen (WHY?!?), but with the advent of Demon Summoning in the very near future, I really HAVE to start thinking about using sets like these - namely Thermal, which even for Masterminds comes with an ally-only resurrect power.

Now, I don't WANT this power, because I don't intend to play on a team, and as such it will constitute an empty pick, something I'm not a big fan of. Considering I might end up with other things I want to take, it seems only fare to skip powers I don't feel I'll almost ever need. On the other hand, I worry that this will turn me into some kind of pariah in the eyes of my fellow heroes and villains, like the oft-discussed people who didn't take "key" powers from their sets.

Basically, unless I end up with a power pick and NOTHING to take, I don't want to take an ally-only resurrect power. Is that an acceptable move to make?
It sure is! Especially with the advent of build-swapping. You could have your ally Rez in a second build, if you really, really wanted that peace of mind for rare teaming events - and leave it out in the other.

Personally? If I don't intend to team, I don't take it. Anyone who wants to raise stink about it isn't someone I'd want to team with in the first place.



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
After I posted I remembered one other thing.. These days it doesn't seem like anyone really cares, or even checks to see if you can rez, I have played on countless PUGS where by the time I find the fallen team mate and get ready to rez they pop an awake and just GO (after some stumbling around and rest time).
Good point. I've caught a few snap remarks for doing just that, myself. I always carry two pairs of Awaken + Break Free, and those allow me to get up unimpeded. Because I also carry a large collection of greens and blues I can sacrifice, I can usually get up and resume the fight, probably at the cost of a third to half my inspirations tray. I don't die often enough for this to matter, so when I DO, I tend to get up with this almost instantly, and a few people have politely informed that they had an ally resurrect power which could have saved me the inspirations if only I hadn't been an idiot

In fact, you guys have a point that I haven't heard resurrect powers mentioned in probably years, at least in-game. I'm probably the only one who still asks, as in "Should I wait for a rez or should I hit the hospital?" just to make sure someone doesn't have the power. I haven't seen someone throw a hissy fit and stomp his feet, absolutely refusing to hospital out, like that jackass who sat out the bulk of the last mission of the Archus TF because we couldn't resurrect him. So I guess the peer pressure to take the power shouldn't be as serious as I expected it to be.

Well, I guess that settles it, then.

P.S. On dual builds - I don't think that's an option. Enhancement prices notwithstanding, I'm not making a whole new build just to swap out one power. And if I didn't take the rez, it means I took something else I wanted, which I wouldn't want to trade away. If the idea was for me to make a team-centric build where I would forego my personal powers for more team support powers and slot team powers more than personal ones... Forget about it! That ain't gonna' happen. I'd never use such a build, because I didn't sing into this game to play that sort of character. I respect the good people who DO, but that's not my thing.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
If you are really worried about it, having a second build that contains more ally friendly powers that you can switch to when teaming would probably sort the problem.
This was going to be my answer. Simple and effective, imo. I use it so that I can be happy solo'ing with my MMs and so I don't cop an inordinate amount of crying on teams.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
P.S. On dual builds - I don't think that's an option. Enhancement prices notwithstanding, I'm not making a whole new build just to swap out one power. And if I didn't take the rez, it means I took something else I wanted, which I wouldn't want to trade away. If the idea was for me to make a team-centric build where I would forego my personal powers for more team support powers and slot team powers more than personal ones... Forget about it! That ain't gonna' happen. I'd never use such a build, because I didn't sing into this game to play that sort of character. I respect the good people who DO, but that's not my thing.
It certainly sounds as if you've made your decision (though, to be honest, reading the first page of this thread made me think that you'd made that decision already and were simply seeking validation).

Good luck and have fun



Originally Posted by SlackTech View Post
It certainly sounds as if you've made your decision (though, to be honest, reading the first page of this thread made me think that you'd made that decision already and were simply seeking validation).
Well, the decision about not taking them was made five years ago I was more worried about facing potential ranting team-mates over it. If people here had overwhelmingly told to take it and like it, I would have considered revising my position. I probably wouldn't have but I'd know what to expect. As it turns out, there really doesn't seem to be any reason to worry or second-guess myself.

And, heck, I got a couple of good reasons to take the thing after all. All in all, it's been pretty productive

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Log off in a hospital for 21 days.

Log off a University for 21 days.

Log off in a hospital for a few days again.

Problem solved.

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Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Log off in a hospital for 21 days.

Log off a University for 21 days.

Log off in a hospital for a few days again.

Problem solved.
You call a cost of 42 days "problem solved?" That's a month and a half.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
You call a cost of 42 days "problem solved?" That's a month and a half.
You play 24 hours a day? Send me some of your drugs, please!

Slightly less facetiously, if you're worried about not having an ally rez at all, this does get you an ally rez, and for no cost to your build. I'm not sure how many alts you play, but my biggest problem in earning the day job badges is generally not the amount of time I have to spend not playing them, but the frequency with which I grab them and move them from place to place.

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Or just wait for I17 and get the rez temporary power.



Honestly I would not fault you for not having taken a Rez.

Its goes along with that whole build stereotyping some teams have. Just becuase a set has some powers does not mean that is HAS to be in the build.

As long as you are upfront about it when to do join a team and realize some will kick you for it. But these are normally the same people that would kick you becuase you don't have a Set Power Bonus list that scrolls post lvl 30. So most likely not the sort you would group with.

And since you will rarely be grouping anyways as you stated I don't think it should matter at all.

Personally I have Grav/Kin with only 3 powers from the Kin set and none of the buffs. Its an RP build and I like it like that. And yes the few times I join a Pug instead of my normal RPers I usually end up with someone calling me a Noob Since I don't have all them tasty farmtastic Kin powers they have become dependent on.



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
You play 24 hours a day? Send me some of your drugs, please!
Well, no, but not being able to play a character for a month and a half, specifically a character I want to play, isn't really a small price to pay. And even then, don't those powers eventually run out, requiring more staying offline?[/quote]

Slightly less facetiously, if you're worried about not having an ally rez at all, this does get you an ally rez, and for no cost to your build. I'm not sure how many alts you play, but my biggest problem in earning the day job badges is generally not the amount of time I have to spend not playing them, but the frequency with which I grab them and move them from place to place.
To be fair, that's another problem, as well. I can see the obvious answer to the above problem - you can earn that reward while you're not playing. Ignoring the fact that character I stop playing right now likely won't see the light of day for another year, it still leaves the problem of having to log in and move them, and that's just the kind of busywork I don't want.

I do acknowledge that power as a solution, granted, but my problem isn't the need for the power itself. I neither need nor want it. The problem is what consequences I'll be facing for its lack. As it turns out, probably not many, so it's all good in the end.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
This is going to be a fairly simple question of opinion. Well... It COULD be simple, but I'm sure I'll find some way to complicate it.

To point: How do you feel about people who could have taken an ally resurrect power - as in, it was in their powerset - but chose not to? I realise the easy answer to that is "their build, their call," but can you be certain you will feel the same way when things go bad, you're lying there dead and the guy is shrugging his shoulders, going "Well, I didn't really build for team support?" Because that's what I'm looking at right now.

Let me explain.

I'm not a team player, and as such would not really have access to ally-only power, but I'm a fan of Masterminds nonetheless. Over the years, I've done what I can to avoid sets like Poison which had ally-only powers I couldn't use on my henchmen (WHY?!?), but with the advent of Demon Summoning in the very near future, I really HAVE to start thinking about using sets like these - namely Thermal, which even for Masterminds comes with an ally-only resurrect power.

Now, I don't WANT this power, because I don't intend to play on a team, and as such it will constitute an empty pick, something I'm not a big fan of. Considering I might end up with other things I want to take, it seems only fare to skip powers I don't feel I'll almost ever need. On the other hand, I worry that this will turn me into some kind of pariah in the eyes of my fellow heroes and villains, like the oft-discussed people who didn't take "key" powers from their sets.

Basically, unless I end up with a power pick and NOTHING to take, I don't want to take an ally-only resurrect power. Is that an acceptable move to make?
I will answer this easily; You TAKE the powers that YOU want when having FUN playing YOUR character. Others be damned.

Really you need to pull back on the "I am bored so here is a useless thread" posting just a tad. Did not read majority of the post because the title and the first couple sentence already has you answering the question.

Valaraine: Master Archer & Electricity Whiz.
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Originally Posted by Juteboxhero View Post
Really you need to pull back on the "I am bored so here is a useless thread" posting just a tad. Did not read majority of the post because the title and the first couple sentence already has you answering the question.
Well, maybe you should have read more than the title and the first sentence, because there's a legitimate question in there that went right over your head, as well as me explaining exactly what I'm not going to explain to you at least three times.

Ah, what the heck. Let me ask you a question, then. How do the title of my thread answer the question "Will people kick me out of a team if I don't have a resurrection power which I could have taken?" I'm curious to know.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I don't expect anyone except a Defender whose role is primarily team support to pick up an ally resurrect. For Controllers, Corrupters, and Masterminds support is a secondary, nice to have some of it, but it's not their meat and potatoes.

When you're in the thick of battle against an AV standing on top of you using PBAOE an awaken is not going to be very useful. Only an ally rez is going to get you straight back into the fight. On a raid getting straight back into the fight is pretty important. An awaken may do the job, but slower.

It's your build. It's your choice.

Assuming you're playing a defender:

When I build a team you won't be my first choice, any more than a tanker that doesn't take Taunt, a blaster that skips their nuke, a controller that skips their hold, or a scrapper that skips primary attacks in favor of jumpkick or flurry. It's all about choice. Expect people to respect yours, and respect theirs in turn. I won't kick you if I invite you, but if I have a choice to make between two people for the last spot they probably will get it instead of you.

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I don't generally care what AT you play unless I know my main SG support team will not be present. Then I ask very specifically for my team emp/defender, and my damage dealers and this again depends on the mission/session that were are doing. (Also frendship/ prior character/ player teaming exempts AT issues) So to have an arrow/arrow defender with the med pool they are close to the bottom of my team selection. It doesn't make them a bad player or the character ineffective, But my INV/SS tank with the med pool should not be the first line of healing or rezing if there is a defender on the team. Thats my view. Just like my scrapper with provoke shouldn't be the hami taunt tank. Just my 2 merits worth.


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Not many people will care whether you have a rez or not.

Interestingly enough the only character I have with a rez is my Stalker. I had already gotten Aid Other to pick up Aid Self. Then as I was playing I noticed I'd either be the first to die or the last one standing so I figured why not.

it's been useful a couple of times, nothing drastic though.

However it is nice bringing someone back into the fight and becoming hidden for it



Anymore I find that rez sits in my tray unused. It has dust on it. I don't think my main (Ice/Emp) has used his in months. Maybe once. For that kind of frequency, I'll carry extra wakies or as someone suggested the day job rez is a good choice. No more than it gets used, recharges should be no big deal.

I think when I finally respec him, I'm dropping rez for something I'll actually use.