Hello from Paragon Marketing

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Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
You want to see in-game advertising?
If well done, yeah - while I thought the shoes were an odd choice, the tony hawk phone was okay (but I already have an iPhone, not about to "cross-grade") but both, using the optable ad system in game, looked pretty good. Food, snax, maybe get PAX and and them advertise specials for their conventions/goodies/etc on them?

Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
I have tears in my eyes....

There are only two rednames that fear me. Sorry to shatter the myth.
Have you tried forcing them to watch you sing songs like "I'm a little tea pot" and "YMCA"*? (*Note, YMCA might not work in your workplace :P)
Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
Don't you like getting neat things for showing up to cons? We like giving out neat things. They wouldn't be as neat if they were easy to get.
Having stuff exclusive for cons? Go for it. But please make some stuff available for web-store buying - wearables especially (hats, shirts, bookbags?)

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
In-game advertising is tricky. For every player who thinks it's cool, I'd bet there's a player who feels like it breaks the immersion for them. Even targeted advertising can be tricky. I have a friend who plays CoH who'd much rather see diaper ads vs computer ads. Just not interested in tech.

If we ever did it, we would make sure it works for everyone. I don't think any of you would like to see something haphazard, no matter how cool it could be.
Erm, maybe you're pulling our collective legs, but... you sound as if you perhaps aren't aware of the in-game advertising system that the devs have already put in place (but sadly isn't used), which includes a handy toggle to turn it off if you don't want to see the ads. I myself would love to have this system actually used and see RL ads in-game. Firstly, it's more immersive since the game is in a contemporary setting; my heroes actually would use RL products. Secondly, more CoH funds means more resources for my favorite game.

One thing that might be considered, given that you probably have a limited advertising budget, is working out some ad exchange deals. Offer a company usage of our in-game billboards for some CoX time on their website banner ads, print ads, or whatever. I'm not a business guy, but I can see such an exchange being more acceptable to small companies than asking them to hand over cash for advertising in-game, since they also have limited ad budgets.



Well, congrats on a whole lot of suggestions.

Now, I'll wait for some actions to speak louder than your words.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
bumper stickers, T-shirts, comics, merchandise. Seriously, your customers are your best marketing resource, Exploit Us.
You can't stress this enough. Not only are they relatively inexpensive, they have a fairly wide dispersion.

I drive half my state every week to do computer hardware repair. I'd love to drive all the stoplight traffic in the cities with a bumper sticker that reads "My villain beat up your honor student! www.cityofvillains.com" or start conversations in line for the Batman coasters at Six Flags wearing a t-shirt that reads "My other body is a superhero!" with a pic of my favorite signature character, and the CoH logo.

I tend to favor items like those because they can have a wider viewing than comic books. I've not picked up a comic book in possibly 10 years (not counting my old collection), but I've played CoH for 6 of those years. I didn't join because of a comic book. There's a fan club waiting to happen out there that will never darken the door of a comic shop, but will read the bumper sticker or t-shirt of the guy next to him.

Somewhat more expensive: I've been wondering for a long time why CoH doesn't have theater ads, particularly tied to the superhero movies. 10 second blurbs on the pre-show, slides on the discount theater pre-show, Popcorn boxes, poster, etc. If people are lining up to experience superheroism, they've done half the work for you, funneling a target audience to one location. That's a gold mine waiting to be tapped.

Also, referring back to Tokyo's "your customers are your best marketing resource": put us in front of the camera. Let us tell how great a community we are, let us show on our faces why we stay with this game year after year. Folks love to know what the guy who has been in the game so long is thinking.



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
In the meantime, allow me to post what everyone was thinking when this thread was made:

Damn straight.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Man, I saw this thread earlier today while I was goofing off at work, and I ended up working late and eating out with Belle, so I'm just now getting around to responding to it. Here is my two cent's worth. I'll highlight the central ideas to avoid tl;dr syndrome and give you as much or as little info as you want to handle.

1. Offer merchandise for sale. Better yet, create a merchandise license program, so that, for example, I could offer officially-sanctioned City of Heroes t-shirts for sale, t-shirts which would, of course, receive NCsoft's/Paragon Studio's approval. By doing this, you have zero risk but can almost immediately have a metric crapton of merchandise on the market. As soon as I can, I'd like to talk to you about this, because I'd like to be officially sanctioned to sell City of Heroes merchandise. (If you want to contact me sooner, drop an e-mail to tonyv@cohtitan.com)

2. Lemur Lad has one of the best suggestions on here: Give us the ability to gift City of Heroes stuff, including subscriptions and game time, to people. I'm not stupid, I know that by doing this, you face the risk of fraud happening. But please, consider this. Subscription time isn't something you guys manufacture and consume raw material to make. Worst-case scenario is that you have to refund time that was charged fraudulently. Write it off and go on with life, because virtual assets such as subscription time are, by definition, not real. However, the money you make from people legitimately gifting subscriptions and time most certainly is real.

3. I'll add my vote to advertising on Hulu. Target shows that likely will result in subscribers. Sci-fi and fantasy shows would be great. (Stargate Universe, Caprica, Legend of the Seeker, FlashForward, Warehouse 13, Sanctuary, Merlin, Eureka...) Want even more bang for your buck? Target shows that are old and canceled. (Forever Knight, The Dresden Files, New Amsterdam, Century City...) The ad rates will probably be dirt cheap, but you will precisely target the audience you're looking for. Say the word and I'll contact Hulu and see if I can get more details and save you some leg work. tonyv@cohtitan.com.

4. Send surrogates to conventions. I'll tell you what. Labor Day weekend, we have a HUMONGOUS convention in Atlanta every year, Dragon*Con. Atlanta is a major national hub, so it draws people from all over the Southeast, some from even further away. I'll contact you once the novelty of your joining us dies down a little bit, and we can talk about getting some people here in the area together to host a booth on behalf of NCsoft/Paragon Studios. I'll personally do the footwork of contacting the people who run the convention, coordinate getting space, help plan activities, gather volunteers to help run the thing. You (Paragon Studios) pay for the floor space, send displays and swag, work with me on what you want to make sure happens (and make sure doesn't happen) in promoting the game, and officially back our promotional efforts to the player community. Together, maybe we can come up with a plan to replicate this effort throughout the country. Again, tonyv@cohtitan.com.

5. Get your employees to have in-game events more often. I understand that Matt Miller can't attend every convention in the country. But you know what he can do? Take at least one night every two to three weeks and appear in the game. It absolutely baffles me that we don't see a much higher in-game presence of the developers and reps at Paragon Studios. Don't they like playing, too? It doesn't even have to be a huge event. Just pop in, hang out for a couple of hours in Pocket D, throw around some gold titles, answer a question or two, and head out. Two or three nights later, have Hero 1 pop in, PvP a few rounds, and head out. Once a week or so, War Witch PuGs with a random team. Once a week or so, Dr. Aeon drops by Architect Entertainment and tells everyone that he wants to get a team to run one of their mission arcs. Yes, this is catering to existing players, but if new players saw this kind of interaction, they'd be a hell of a lot more likely to stay with the game.

I don't want this to become a book, so I'll stop there. But as you can see from this thread, there are a TON of stunningly awesome ideas that we, the players, have for promoting this game. Listen to them. Now that you're here, don't hole back up, never to be heard from again. And don't get complacent, thinking that now that you've posted a few messages, we're all happy and hunky dory. Act on these suggestions. If there's someone that you think is particularly insightful, contact that person and say, "Hey, I like this idea, let's talk about how we can actually make it happen."

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Perhaps a big marketing push in Gamestop for GR could be fruitful. One of the things that's kept WoW afloat after all these years is that it's more or less mainstream and every patch/expansion release is heavily promoted. If CoX became more visible by way of GR, it might show the gaming community that this game is still holding its own in an increasingly competitive MMO scene.

I don't know how well last year's Architect Edition sold, but I didn't notice any advertising accompanying its release. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the buyers were already owners of the game who needed an updated disc for reinstalls. Gamestop runs these cool little ads in their stores promoting upcoming games. Some of these ads are TV commercial style but you only see them in the store, other ads are interviews with developers, etc. Considering that the only direct competition for CoX right now is CO(which is apparently nosediving), we can still get plenty of players in here for GR.

Do some interviews on G4. Attack of the Show and X-Play get a lot of viewers and making CoX more visible through interviews and similar promotions certainly can't hurt. Besides, practically everyone watching the channel is a gamer anyway, and it's probably not as expensive as running ads on a more mainstream network.

I'm sure someone's already mentioned this, but maybe distributing more CoX trial discs would be a good idea. I haven't really looked at the store shelves recently, but I really haven't noticed anything CoX-related in stores for a while now.

There are a couple of big superhero films coming out this year, and it's likely that some people will be looking at superhero games to play. So... definitely a good time to actually do something to promote the game. Let's not sit on our hands anymore, okay?



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post

5. Get your employees to have in-game events more often. I understand that Matt Miller can't attend every convention in the country. But you know what he can do? Take at least one night every two to three weeks and appear in the game. It absolutely baffles me that we don't see a much higher in-game presence of the developers and reps at Paragon Studios. Don't they like playing, too? It doesn't even have to be a huge event. Just pop in, hang out for a couple of hours in Pocket D, throw around some gold titles, answer a question or two, and head out. Two or three nights later, have Hero 1 pop in, PvP a few rounds, and head out. Once a week or so, War Witch PuGs with a random team. Once a week or so, Dr. Aeon drops by Architect Entertainment and tells everyone that he wants to get a team to run one of their mission arcs. Yes, this is catering to existing players, but if new players saw this kind of interaction, they'd be a hell of a lot more likely to stay with the game.
Seconded, man. One of the highlights from my Asheron's Call days was the advent of this evil dark deity guy. I forget his name, but his coming had a huge buildup in the previous patches, and when he finally arrived, he was directly controlled by one of the developers. He would actually roleplay, interacting with the characters and fighting them as well. These interactions played out differently on each server, but it made the community feel that our actions actually had an impact in the overall story of the game.

But yeah, actually getting to interact with the developers and community team on a regular basis in-game would certainly make the game more meaningful and help to keep new players around.



Add me to one of the people who don't understand why we haven't bothered to take the opportunity to advertise in/around the COUNTLESS number of super hero movies being released. There are SO many missed opportunities there. It strikes me as horribly inept. There is NO better market for it. People flood to go and see these movies (Whether they're superhero fans or not). Someone needs to pick up this ball before it rolls out into the street and it's nearly impossible to get back.

We'll see....



Two questions, Pebbles.

One, are booster packs a significant blip on the income and upkeep you guys in the office receive? And two, if it is, would you consider devoting a special team to cranking out booster packs more frequently? There are people like me who really love boosters, and I know plenty of people who are happy to buy them.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Welcome Black Pebble!

It's great to see a marketing representative for the game getting a presence on the forums. A direct line of communication between the players and those responsible for letting the world know about the game we love has been opened. Let the citizens rejoice!

As far as marketing for the game goes my views on how to get the word out there better have been pretty much covered by earlier posters. My predominant hot-button issues, old and new, that relate to your role would be in-game advertising and lack of Going Rogue boxed sets on shop shelves outside the US. I dislike both, strongly. I do however love seeing CoH/CoV stuff on Big Bang Theory, so I'd give whole-hearted backing to more of this sort of thing. Increased product placement and advertising aimed at the general populace to attract new subscribers.

You've taken a bold step by taking a more public role here on the forums, but it's a move that will only improve the quality of feedback you're able to gather and so improve the game itself. That's got to be a good thing.

K5K - The Killbot 5000
A Spanner In The Works Part One, ArcID: 336662, A Spanner In The Works Part Two, ArcID: 336665, Enter Japes, ArcID: 96001
In The Darkness Creeping, ArcID: 347709, When Dimensions Collide, ArcID: 412416.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
It's in Development Hell. Tom deSanto has the rights to it, but that's no guarantee it'll ever be made. You will sooner see me making a full-length CoH machinima film than an actual live-action (or CGI) flick, unfortunately.

But I completely agree that ads before films like IRON MAN II or THOR or THE AVENGERS or whatever would not be amiss. A well-done 30-to-60-second clip of the game would garner a good amount of attention.

And yes, BlueBattler, there's an official COH YouTube channel. However, a good 80-90% of the videos on the two CoH FTP sites are NOT on there.

I saw this and I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.

Since a real life CoX movie is out of the question, how about an animated one? Or perhaps one with computer generated graphics? Hell, you could humorously even have guest voices like Posi or War Witch.

It seems like the way to go as DC and Marvel have produced quite a few in the last couple of years. From DC's Public Enemies, Doomsday, and Crisis on Infinite Earths to Marvels Doctor Strange, Iron Man, and Ultimate Avengers.... I Don't see why CoH could make something along those lines. (Unless holding the rights to a live action movie keeps ahold of one being made period.)

The petition link to Save CoH:



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
Wouldn't there be concerns of tackiness if you started seeing Billboards advertising shampoo?
Honestly, the in-game advertising engine is fairly non-intrusive. We have the option to turn it off, but I haven't seen anything come through on one of the billboards that was inappropriate or bad or immersion-breaking in any way.

There have been some very tongue-in-cheek marketing campaigns in-game (the "Sidkick" phones, etc) prior to now. Not saying everything HAS to be superhero-derivative.

That doesn't mean send 18,293 e-mails to Positron.



*Shuts down MailboxBlaster: KABOOM Edition*

I'll be honest. I love reading posts where folks think War Witch or Positron cower before me.

Do you honestly think I can rein in War Witch? She's awesome. I wear a button-down t-shirt. There is no comparison.
Yeah, but you're marketing. You've got your Certificate of Soul-Ectomy right?

And you've got your low, deep chair that you can sit way way back into, put your elbows up onto the armrests, place your hands together and do a credible "evil plotting" emote right while wearing a smile that'd put global warming advocates out of business? Right?

Yeah. And maybe a concerted effort to show up at some of the other gaming industry cons.


So far we have good representation at West-coast cons.
We've now had a stab at an East-coast con.
Now to try one of the big Midwest cons. Ideally, GenCon, though Origins, with their new day-pass system might actually expose you to more people.

Yes. I know these cons are expensive to go to. I've been working them for most of the last decade. The fact of the matter is, these cons are possibly better targeted to your desired market than Comicons are. Because these cons are put on BY gamers FOR GAMERS.

Such players tend to be more flexible and, ESPECIALLY at these cons, tend to have LOTS more disposable income than you'll see at Comic conventions. What's more, we're seeing gaming-as-a-family emerge. We have second, third, and in a couple cases, fourth-generation gamers showing up at these cons with their their parents, grandparents, kids, and grandkids. Where gaming isn't a group of 6-8 badly socialized teenagers, but an entire family.

I understand your EULA and game subscription model make selling to these people a bit more difficult and expensive. Still, honestly, how many parents playing here don't let their kids build an alt or two on their accounts?

I can't believe no one asked me about the next ******* pack. Wow. Your loss. The ONE thing I actually could have answered.
<Dalek> Speak! SPEEEEEEEAK!

For example, we only have one Positron. Should we have him go to every single convention during peak season? He might like that. I'm sure you guys would. But what happens when we need him to work on XXX XXXXXXX XXXXXX, especially *** *********** that we haven't even announced? How would you feel when you found out that Positron is going to every convention BUT yours....and you get....brr....Castle instead?
True. My company's a bit luckier with this. Conventions are part of the business plan from the get-go because we're a publisher and have stuff to sell.

Still. You have several notable (at least within the community, Hero1, BaBs, WarWitch, Posi, etc) names. And you could round-robin them Or, if one of them whose turn is up is eyebrows-deep on a project, rotate off to a backup. You don't need LOTS of chiefs at the con. One or two. Have them give a "What's up with CoH" panel with a pre-planned agenda for what can and cannot be talked about. Demo the game at the booth. Glad-hand a bit. What-have-you.

Oh yes. And SHOOT anyone showing up in booth-dress more formal than a Polo tee and khakis. Publicly. Messily.

Remember. There's no such thing as "bad" publicity!

Then there's the fact that alas, I do not have demonic henchmen at my beck and call to do my bidding.
Suuuure! Riiiight!

You funny!

Originally Posted by Castle
Meh...not so much. Good luck with this Looney Bin. You'll need it.
I notice YOU in a nice little canvas jacket with back-tie sleeves too! How'd you get out of your rubber room today?

Okay. Way late here. I need to hit the rack.

Will come back to this thread again later.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Wow. Page 15. Hey Castle, when was the last time you had a 15 page thread? That's right, run, you monster....

As fun as this is for me, I'm going to have to take a break from the forums for a bit. For starters, I need to catch up on 15 pages worth of questions/ideas/comments, because I really will read everything everyone wrote. Secondly, the next couple weeks are crunch time because of **** ****** ** *****. So give me some time.

I'll look into some of these ideas, and if I'm able to provide you any substantial news, I'll follow up on these forums. Some, I think we can work on soon. Others are going to need a lot more time. Either way, I'll answer everything that I can and answer nothing I can't. As long as we're all willing to work together, I don't see why we can't keep having good discussions.

You won't be left alone. Our Community Team's got some pretty intense things planned for you guys already. You saw one of them already, the Dev Q&A next week. If you think that's neat, it only gets better, and that's just next week. I've seen the schedule they've got planned, and it's safe to say more than a few of you will get what you've asked for very very soon.

In the meanwhile, if it's urgent, feel free to PM me. I can't promise you immediate responses, but I will help if I can. In return for your patience, I may tell you why Castle is evil, and give you an opportunity to humiliate me at your leisure.

Oh and as for getting Herocon goodies outside of Herocon, particularly if you're in the midwest. That I can't fix right away. But if you guys do go to some of these non-Paragon attended events, and are willing to organize a small CoX get-together, I think I can help out. I want the players to enjoy these treats. I don't want them to go to Joe Boe Stranger who'll just plop them on eBay or toss them in the trash. But I'm going to want some juicy stories in exchange.

-Hosun "Black Pebble" Lee
Help me beat Dr. Aeon! Follow me on Twitter.



I'd shell out good money for a CoH toyline.

I mean eating money here. Some standard G.I. Joeish scale characters of big name ones (Statesman, Recluse?)

Given it'd probably only end up with me buying up an army of Nemesis troopers or something and the customizable nature of player character's costumes are... Nul (Online offer? Made to order character?)

Meh, something to think of. I'd also buy badges of, gasp, the badges in game as well as T-shirts and stuff.

No. Really. *Waves money about* takeeeeee eeeeeeet.



ok first that kind of creepy because awhile back i made a post about maybe getting a redname marketing person and here he is like i said creepy.

welcome black pebble

sincerly yours:
Bzald of TopTen



As people have said mass loads...i'll just /e walllearn and watch this thread and see what happens with EU marketing.



Figure 3d prints would be nice.

And a card game.

And moar T-shirts thats not just a logo or something.



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
I wonder if there might be an opportunity to get a cool picture of Desdemona on your wall.
I don't know if you were being facetious with this comment, but when I was a teenager, I had a huge poster of Rogue hanging on my wall. Say what you want about my geekiness (hey, it works for me), but she was drop dead sexy, and for reasons that are obvious* I was a fan, to put it mildly. My god, I bought every X-Whatever comic with her in it that I could get my hands on. In the process, I became a fan of other Marvel characters that she interacted with, and for a while, I was probably spending over $50 a month on comics--mostly Marvel comics.

As a marketing goob, you should know this better than anyone, but I'll state the obvious anyway. Do not underestimate the power of sex to sell. Print up a thousand copies of Desdemona posters, and I will personally guarantee you that you will get plenty more subscriptions than you'd need to cover the cost. If you're not convinced, then provide me with the artwork and the licensing rights to have a thousand Desdemona posters printed, let me sell them, and we will all win--at zero risk to Paragon Studios.

* The image from that link isn't the poster I had. Sadly, I can't find it after 10 minutes or so of Google searching, and it's been long-since lost after six or eight moves. But it's the right era, look, and costume from the poster.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I had a huge poster of Rogue hanging on my wall.
This.....explains everything

We'll see....



Originally Posted by Jbot View Post
Figure 3d prints would be nice.
Originally Posted by Jbot View Post
Figure 3d prints would be nice.
I double quoted it for emphasis. If you guys could somehow get in touch with the guys at www.figureprints.com and make some kind of deal, I would be broke for a year with the amount of money I'd end up spending.



First, thanks for coming to the forums to talk to us.

Second, I think it might be a good idea if people tell you how they heard about the game and what made them buy it. If it worked for us, then chances are it will work for others like us.

I learned about the game about six years ago from an aggressive comic book ad campaign. It didn't last very long, but the ad was placed in a lot of titles that I bought. I have been a comic book geek since before I could read (I am now 46) and still buy a dozen or so comics every month -- mostly Marvel stuff. I bought the game because I saw it on the shelf at Wall-Mart while I was there shopping for something else and picked it up on a whim. I had no idea it was an MMO or that it had a monthly fee associated with it. I NEVER intended to play beyond the free month. And yet, here I am six years later.

Third, let me add my name to the chorus calling for Paragon Studios to have more of a presence at Comic and Gaming conventions. You don't have to have one person attend them all, or send a huge contingent to each and every one. But if you were able to send someone, anyone, YOU maybe, to most of the bigger ones and gave Con attendees a free month of the game, then I think you will hook a lot of them. While it's not cheap, I really can't see a more cost effective way of getting the product into the hands of your target audience.

Finally, along the same lines and as someone else mentioned above, get involved with free comic book day and give away a David Nakayama one-shot story with an ad for the game and a code for a free month of play.

Again, thanks for sharing with us. I have been a fan for many years and am looking forward to many more years of new and exciting City of Heroes content.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Out of interest, are there any plans for some sort of marketing presence that is not US and not EU? I know EU players are probably more deserving of marketing attention, but since I live in The Rest Of The World I have to ask.

I'll let the Australian and New Zealand players speak for themselves. I'd just like to know whether, in Paragon Marketing's eyes, the playerbase in Asia even exists.

I would not be surprised or angry if we don't; we're used to it. I just want to know if there will be any sort of outreach to us here, or if we are, as usual, on our own.

Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue

Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~



Commercial or Ads... Adam West and Stan Lee. 'nuff said

Who knows Anthrax may do a song for you, I am the Law was based off the Judge Dredd Comic.

I already know a good song to promote Villains But you need to get permission and all that legal stuff.

CoH and CoV Cereal

@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill