Hello from Paragon Marketing

Ad Astra



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
In-game advertising is tricky. For every player who thinks it's cool, I'd bet there's a player who feels like it breaks the immersion for them. Even targeted advertising can be tricky. I have a friend who plays CoH who'd much rather see diaper ads vs computer ads. Just not interested in tech.

If we ever did it, we would make sure it works for everyone. I don't think any of you would like to see something haphazard, no matter how cool it could be.
Like this, perhaps?

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I think it's cool to actually see a marketer on the forums. I don't have much to say, but I thought I'd mention that the places I've noticed CoX advertised was g4tv, and the Big Bang Theory. G4 ran an article on GR, and I've seen game cases, posters, and a shirt on Big Bang. Just thought seeing that was cool, and is prolly a good venue to find interested peeps.



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
Hello everybody
Hi! Welcome to the nuthouse. Some thoughts:

Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
We need City stuff to buy to put on our desks at work, walls at home and bodies for out and about.

Sell us stuff and we can do some of your work for you.
A whole buncha this.

Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
I think you'll find that the players will be more than willing to help you in your task - they are brimming with ideas and suggestions. Don't be afraid to ask us, and even more importantly, please don't be afraid to LISTEN. We may not always know the exact limitations of your 'office', but our hearts are in the right place.
Some of that, and I hope you've watched all her videos and gather some ideas from her.

Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
You want to see in-game advertising?
I don't have enough hell no in me to answer that properly.

Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
So, do you think if we did more ads in comic books, or had TV commercials, it would be a a lot of bang for the bucks?

In other words, do you think will we get a lot of new subscribers that way?
Counter-question: Are you finding that the CHV product placement on The Big Bang Theory has shown a positive ROI? If so, then perhaps the answer is yes.

Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
"This Task Force is brought to you buy Zipee(R) Diapers."

"Uberburger(R)'s Delight - 3 set IO healing set. Increases your size and gives you $5 off lunch."

"Reichmans is unstoppable.....unless you have some Zing(R) deodrant. It knocks out all nasty odors, even from alternate dimensions! Go to the abandoned warehouse and click on all 30 glowies until you find it"

Would those be okay?
Again, no, please. I don't want to see advertising in the game I'm playing and have been playing since Sep of '04. Ever. Advertise the game away from the game. Don't seek revenue by attempting to sell crap to me that isn't specifically game related like the packs.

6: Ok, enough for now. Again, welcome.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
Don't you like getting neat things for showing up to cons? We like giving out neat things. They wouldn't be as neat if they were easy to get.
They would be as neat to the folks who weren't able to afford flying from wherever they are based to the West Coast or Boston.

There were several epically long threads about the topic, every time a costume code perk was announced for one of the "big" cons y'all went to. Coffee cups and mouse pads and T-shirts being made available in your on-line store could lessen that sting a bit.

Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
Third, in terms of meaningful suggestions - what got me to try the game was winning a demo disc at a gaming con. Not just a code to go download with, but an actual installation demo disc, quick and painless to dive in and try the game. It worked and I've never left.

edit to add a seventh: Where is the midwest con presence? GenCon, Origins, ComicCon chicago, etc... big cons. no where near oceans. lots people...
Originally Posted by ransim View Post
The problem is that attending a convention is an expensive prospect for any company to undertake. So the convention has to have a return on their investment. Because you're paying the wages of staff that go along with air fare, accommodations and probably food while they're off site.

I know that they've attended PAX (Prime and now East) and HeroCon.

PAX pulls 50-60k in people. Its a game oriented expo. Its very targeted marketing to a very large amount of a core audience. Its also a professional expo, not a fan event.

But I don't think there are any conventions in the midwest that are targeted to gaming or comics that pulls the numbers that would be needed to make the cost of going worth it.

I think the only one not on a coast that might be worth it is the Wizard convention in Chicago.
Umm, have you ever heard of a small gaming convention called GENCON? In Indianapolis, can't get much more "heartland" than that. They routinely pull 28,000 - 30,000 unique attendees (even in a down economy in 2009). My husband & I went to a GenCon a few years back for the exclusive purpose of seeing Jack Emmert talk (it was pre-Defiance 1.0, that was one of the things he talked about) and to attend a fan gathering for Earth & Beyond (R.I.P). (Of course, the tour of the vendor hall there was epic as well, LOL.)

There's also Origins, held in Columbus, OH, which draws about 15,000 attendees. I can remember going one year and seeing a network set up outside the vendor's hall running CoH. It was immensely popular (to the point that I couldn't get time to play there at con).

Originally Posted by Eislor View Post
I started playing because of a Bootleg Disk, someone had dropped off a bunch of them at a gaming convention I was at. Note, GAMING CONVENTION, as in a bunch of people gathering together to play GAMES. Every convention I've been to has had a freebie table, use some of our fellow forumites (like mousedroid) as ambassadors to distribute updated Bootleg Disks and flyers at game conventions around the country.
Another venue to drop off stuff like that would be game shops, I don't mean computer game shops but where you can buy Role Playing Games.
Also, send some Bootleg Disks to F.I.T. in NYC, they'll love the costume creator
Yeah, if you can't send a team to GenCon or Origins, can you at least send some disks?

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Welcome to the forums in your official capacity, BP!

While I agree that tv advertising is expensive, there are perhaps ways to get some product placement in some shows that generally cater to the type of people that would play this game. Like Big Bang Theory. I figure there's someone on the production staff that likes the game, so you'll occasionally see CoH stuff briefly in the show's episodes. That can be a great ad for the game, as long as people have a way to link it with the game, and then can follow up and get the game easily. Free trial codes on their web site, more stuff with G4 beyond the rare review, and so forth - all would be nice.

I think that a place like Hulu is a good source for cheaper advertising. The ads aren't overly intrusive and with just the one in a row, you're less likely to skip it. Get in the rotation for some shows that most of us would watch and so forth.

I don't envy your position, and I hope things work out well for getting more interest in the game.

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



Maybe a quiz for Facebook and other social networks? Tell us about the way you want to play and we'll tell you why COH might be worth trying? It would have to be somewhat Bartle-ish, I think, but its an idea. Can't be any worse than Mafia invitations



Showing up for more conventions would be neat. I'd like for us to be more outgoing. Pax East is a good example of working harder to meet the fans. As another poster pointed out, conventions can be pretty tough to manage.

For example, we only have one Positron. Should we have him go to every single convention during peak season? He might like that. I'm sure you guys would. But what happens when we need him to work on XXX XXXXXXX XXXXXX, especially *** *********** that we haven't even announced? How would you feel when you found out that Positron is going to every convention BUT yours....and you get....brr....Castle instead?

Then there's the fact that alas, I do not have demonic henchmen at my beck and call to do my bidding. Although I could when Issue 17 goes live, if I prepurchase City of Heroes® Going Rogue™ . (See what I did there?) We're not infinite or omnipresent, but I think we do a better job than some folks 10 times oure size. And it's only going to get better.

Going Rogue is something I'm very proud of, and I want everyone, from all of you to Joe Bob Stranger in Iowa to play it. This means as all of you pointed out, we have to get in everyone's faces. We will do our best to do so, but if we can't, it doesn't mean you're left out in the cold.

Apparently, next week is the 6th Year Anniversary, and I have it on good authority that there may be an interesting announcement or two. Secondly, if we went to Boston for the first time this year, what do you guys think we'll do the rest of the year? It's not even halfway over.

-Hosun "Black Pebble" Lee
Help me beat Dr. Aeon! Follow me on Twitter.



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
If there's a specific problem, or you're unable to purchase what you want, send me a forum pm with the URLs, any screenshots if possible, and the steps you're taking.

I'll look into it for you.
Okay, you asked for it...

I know for a fact that there is a demand that the NCsoft store is NOT meeting, that requires no art time, and no (game) programming. It would take a bit of programming, but on the accounts/web team's part. The only thing needed is to be able to generate codes for people to pay for. What am I talking about?

  • CoH Collector's Edition in-game goodies. VIP/Destined One badge, Prestige Power Slide temp power, and the Cape of the Four Winds costume piece.
  • CoV Collector's Edition in-game goodies. Arachnos cape and chest symbol.

As a suggestion, get a programmer to bundle the above into a new Original Collector's Editions In-game Goody Pack code for people to throw money at Paragon Studios.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
-Black Pebble
(Castle and Dr. Aeon fear me)
Meh...not so much. Good luck with this Looney Bin. You'll need it.



Hi, BP. Welcome to the forums in your official capacity!

Here are a few things that I've thought about that might be cost effective.

1. Does COX have its own You Tube Channel?

2. How about advertising on various websites like Fanfiction.net, Newsrama, or any other online places that sells comics? "You like reading about super heroes and villains-- come to COH/COV where you can BE one!"

3. I'm also down with the idea of having COX Mousepads, posters, mugs, etc, but I don't know what kind of budget that would require.

My COX Fanfiction:

Blue's Assembled Story Links



Just a tip, telling people that CoH has in game advertising, is bad advertising.



Howdy Black Pebble. Not sure if I've met you at previous HeroCon's or the M&G in Milipitas or any of the events in Austin, but if I did your description of yourself isn't ringing a bell. Really, the only person that I recall admitting they were with Marketing this past HeroCon was Adam (I think I remember that right) who told me he was Mini-Ross.

Anyway, I'm curious why I need to wait until the next HeroCon (if there will be one, we haven't even been told yes or no on that yet) to be able to purchase some of the cool stuff I've bought at past HeroCon's?

Maybe I'm clumsy and dropped one of my tumblers and need to replace it? Maybe I had a laundry accident and my 5 year anniversary t-shirt got damaged.

Or maybe, I've found out recently that two of the students at my school and their dad all play CoH, and I'd like to purchase some of the cool stuff for them like I was able to get for myself, why can't I? The girls would love the Projector Pens and being able to get the AT pins. Their Dad might like the tumblers and some of the shirts. All three might like to have the Art book. At least one of the girls is in an Art class, so I know she'd enjoy it. And who wouldn't want one of the Awesome buttons?

Why should I have to hope that there will be another HeroCon and that I'll be able to afford to go AND to be able to afford to pick up the items after the expense of the Con? Why should I be able to buy these items just because my work schedule is flexible enough for me to attend on relatively short notice and other people are left out completely? I like having an item or two being exclusive to attendees, at least for a reasonable length of time (a year or more), but then make them available later to the general public if you feel you really must. Why not make it easy to obtain by putting it on the store in the Merchandise section?

I could see some of the items being purchased as birthday gifts or to celebrate some holidays. Why not make it easier to sell more of these items. You don't want me to tally up the merchandise on the store site by game and list it here do you? I think not.

Enough about the items.

I love seeing Captain Sweatpants wearing the Statesman T-shirt in Big Bang Theory. Why not have a Desdemona standup on Chuck? Plenty of the employees at the Buy More would likely be trying to figure out how to get their hands on it to take it home, and it could lead to some interesting tie-ins for one of Chuck's missions. Well, until Chuck gets canceled that is.

Why not play up the geek/nerd demographic along these lines? Targetted product placement in these shows or similar, short ads in with the movie previews at SuperHero or SciFi movies. And who to voice those ads? Well, why not Patrick Warburton? If that's not a voice that evinces thoughts of a heroic personna, I don't know what other voices might suffice. Well, possibly Townsend Coleman. Kevin Conroy might not be available or willing to do voices other than Batman. Anyhow, there are some voices that just bring that heroic feel to whatever part they play, find them, hire them.

Yes, it's really nice to have an exclusive interview for one of the gaming sites or magazines, but don't spring so many of the big news items at us from links to those interview or reviews. Your players are your best marketing tool. Use them effectively.

As for an in-game character and being put in DR's vids. Give it a brief amount of thought. Ask some in the Art department or VFX areas for suggestions. Some of them may have some interesting concepts you might like. Pop into the Character Creator and bring that creation to life. Before you exit the Character Creator, save the Costume file. It's a text file so you can send it to DR in a PM here on the forums, or PM her for her email address. I'm sure she'll be willing to let you know what it is if she knows it's for the .costume file. She can then create the character using that file and then put Black Pebble into the game long enough to film your parts. That way, you don't have to work around your busy schedule and hers as well. Easy peasy. Or, you may prefer to actually create Black Pebble fully and do your own acting, rather than using a body double.

Anyway, you have plenty to ponder.

And for being a "silent Black Pebble" you sure do post a lot in one day.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



But what happens when we need him to work on XXX XXXXXXX XXXXXX, especially *** *********** that we haven't even announced
We know what Positron is working on, so going by the length of the message:

the endgame system

Anyone wants to guess what the second part is?

*** ***********

www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
We know what Positron is working on, so going by the length of the message:

the endgame system

Anyone wants to guess what the second part is?

*** ***********

Dog Fluffytails! Yay!!

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
1. Does COX have its own You Tube Channel?

Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
2. How about advertising on various websites like Fanfiction.net, Newsrama, or any other online places that sells comics? "You like reading about super heroes and villains-- come to COH/COV where you can BE one!"

Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
3. I'm also down with the idea of having COX Mousepads, posters, mugs, etc, but I don't know what kind of budget that would require.
I don't have a URL to paste today.

-Hosun "Black Pebble" Lee
Help me beat Dr. Aeon! Follow me on Twitter.



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
Then there's the fact that alas, I do not have demonic henchmen at my beck and call to do my bidding. Although I could when Issue 17 goes live, if I prepurchase City of Heroes® Going Rogue™ . (See what I did there?)
Speaking about pre-purchasing...

I'm sure a lot of people would appreciate it if it was possible to pre-purchase the Going Rogue Complete Collection edition too (and gain early access to Dual Pistols / Demon Summoning by doing so).

I can see how you'd prefer that people pay first for early access, and then again for the extra goodies in the CC edition, but there might actually be reasons for why allowing the pre-order of the CC edition could be good too.



Let me also add that we're having a local comic convention next month here. The first one we did I had my laptop there showing people the game. But I didn't have any codes or disks to give them.

I understand that you all cannot attend more than a few conventions a year, but there are those of us that would be happy to be a surrogate recruiter or whatever, just to help get more interest in the game.

Perhaps something like a contact that convention organizers can contact to request a poster or two and some relatively updated bootleg disks would be an idea? You all could be there without actually having to be there, if we could get some stuff like that and be able to show off the game, or let people play it on a mock convention account for a while.

Even just the character creator/costume thing might be enough for some people.

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
I don't have a URL to paste today.
I'd like to point out that this indicates there is to be a URL, he just can't paste it, yet... Part of next Week's announcements?




Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
We know what Positron is working on, so going by the length of the message:

the endgame system

Anyone wants to guess what the second part is?

*** ***********
The coming storm

"while some people would say fish, cow, ambush!"-Ice9



Originally Posted by Elric View Post
The coming storm
Wasn't that renamed to The Storm that'll get here eventually?



In game ads are fine, just like Tv ads are fine. The sad reality is ads do very little to get consumers buying. Ad agencies will lie thier family history off the face of the earth saying that ads work, but for those of us that grew up with TV (ie 95% of 1st world countries) it doesnt faze us in the least.

The mind is a wonderful thing.

So get those ads into City of and get Castle some help. He needs it. Maybe with a few more paid hands they can actually have balance in this game, instead of nerfing random things..... like pistols for the non pvp that happens in this game.



Whatever happened to that CoH themed movie rumored about however many years ago.

I imagine a movie based on the lore would amazing advertising so long as it didn't suck. Besides, aren't superhero movies all the rage right now?

Thinking smaller, what about advertising in movies. How about a trailer before one of those new hero movies? I'd wet myself if I saw a CoH ad as a trailer at the beginning of that Deadpool movie that's never going to come out.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
  • CoH Collector's Edition in-game goodies. VIP/Destined One badge, Prestige Power Slide temp power, and the Cape of the Four Winds costume piece.
  • CoV Collector's Edition in-game goodies. Arachnos cape and chest symbol.

As a suggestion, get a programmer to bundle the above into a new Original Collector's Editions In-game Goody Pack code for people to throw money at Paragon Studios.
Absolutely yes! There are a lot of people looking for Prestige Slide and it's out of print. This is fast money.


Just like the Korean City of Hero had, but with a nice little button "start CoH trial." Just put a ticket in with programming, or get BAB to animate it during his free time.

Originally Posted by Blue_Wave View Post
Just a tip, telling people that CoH has in game advertising, is bad advertising.
Yeah, I don't know how in-game advertising got involved in this. In-game advertising is not the marketing of CoH unless it's a reciprocal deal. In-game advertising is a money-stream which seems to have died on the vine since the target audience is small, especially when you consider that it can be turned off. Don't know why any advertiser would pay for that kind of deal.

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I tried to resist... but BP wont be fully one of us without this...

*Pokes BP*
*Pokes BP*
*Pokes BP*
*Pokes BP*
*Pokes BP*
*Pokes BP*
*Pokes BP*
Ok... now I am fine...

Now for the evil question:
When you guys at marketting are going to visit Level Up Games (only retailer on Brazil) and shot then at the head with a nail pistol? They are really getting on the nerves of us, Brazillian players, with all their incompetence...

Ahh... And WELCOME!!! Come visit us on Guardian!!! We have cookies! And Bacon! And even Bacon Cookies!

** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.