Hello from Paragon Marketing

Ad Astra



Originally Posted by Back_Blast View Post
What I would love to see is you guys show up at a con I could actually go to. Like something more in the center of the US. You guys are West Coast I know but if you can hit East Coast stuff, how about something in the middle? Something I don't need a plane ticket to get to? I live in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and we have all sorts of sci-fi/anime/fantasy/comic cons roll through here all the time. Heck, hit the right ones and you can hobnob with folks from Star Wars.

Fundamentally though, you guys really need to get the word out there more. Hit cons all over the place even if it's just with a small crew to raise visibility. Be loud and proud of what this game is and refuse to ever let some upstart like CO steal your thunder. Get into the comic and gaming shops more. Sceam it from the rooftops if that helps but get the word around however you can.

And frankly, if you guys were paying the fees and providing the swag and perks, I'd bet you could get plenty of volunteers to run booths at cons you can't get a big official presence at. Send out a lackey to help coordinate and keep things official and you'd be good to go I'd bet.
The problem is that attending a convention is an expensive prospect for any company to undertake. So the convention has to have a return on their investment. Because you're paying the wages of staff that go along with air fare, accommodations and probably food while they're off site.

I know that they've attended PAX (Prime and now East) and HeroCon.

PAX pulls 50-60k in people. Its a game oriented expo. Its very targeted marketing to a very large amount of a core audience. Its also a professional expo, not a fan event.

But I don't think there are any conventions in the midwest that are targeted to gaming or comics that pulls the numbers that would be needed to make the cost of going worth it.

I think the only one not on a coast that might be worth it is the Wizard convention in Chicago.



What about using some of them Costume codes as a reward for having accounts active for 3 months stright or for new accounts that sign up or are refered in that time frame.

Not a huge deal here, but would keep me paying for the Game to get the reward !

Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I don't think he's being totally serious
I hope your right. Although, I cannot be sure. He is being evasive on plenty of questions (Not that I'm surprised). He did say he only wanted to answer those questions he could answer as it would be better then telling us to ask someone else.
He asked why nobody asked him about the next booster pack and gives us only an answer of the red herring.
Still waiting to see something more (as he peaked my interest) and well he would know if he is only responsible for the North-American servers or also the EU or if he has another marketeer(in crime ).
So far he has I've seen one who has presented himself for us (Yeay), who is listening (and hopefully using what is given), who has shown himself to have humor, but seems to show himself a little elusive on information... (Could be many reasons here certainly)

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Greetings and Welcome to the forums!Hope you can survive the experience!

I'm from Brazil¹, and I've been playing City of Heroes for the last 6 Months.
In Brazil, the company that owns the selling rights for CoH lacks in the matter of products,obligating the Brazilian players to rely alternative ways to buy the Booster Packs that are not available in Brazil.
This is how I've managed to buy the Pre-purchase of Going Rogue,as well as all the booster packs.
This also matches with the IP redirection that Brazilian computers suffer when we try to access the NC store.We're blocked from it.
Is there any reason for that?What's the level of communication with Level Up Games² you guys on marketing team have?

I know what I'm saying here is on behalf of all Brazilian gamers we have here on COX.

And again,welcome to the forums!

¹Sorry for bad english

²The company that sells COX stuff on Brazil.

Check out all of Noble Savage's Art threads! All things art, Super Boosters, 'Lost' Costume Pieces, Buildings, Animations, and NPC Costume Piece Conversion



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Hello Black Pebble from one of the biggest mouths in the community.
I think you'll find that the players will be more than willing to help you in your task - they are brimming with ideas and suggestions.
A dangerous truth. Tread carefully.

At any rate, welcome to the madhouse - check your sanity at the door, you won't be needing it here.
So true. And welcome...


And cute, but shameless self-promotion.



Originally Posted by CoX_Zombie View Post
Things like Thinkgeek.com, newegg.com, new toy or comic products.
Try to tie in specials for CoX players that respond to the adds.
This. Practically the only way to get any real use out of the feature. Advertisers aren't going to pay for in-game ads that can be turned off - they will simply assume that every player has them turned off, thus making their ad worthless. If you can concoct tie in specials that are measurable, i.e., Lemur Lad buys his new hard drive from NewEgg and puts in a promo code from the ad, *now* they can measure their ROI.



Welcome Mr. Pebble. Good to see you're finally joining us on the boards.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



dont we need actual marketing for a postion to be filled like this??.0

oh and golden girl..stop spamming the thread !!



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post

If you really want something, let us know and we'll do our best to make it happen.
Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
We need City stuff to buy to put on our desks at work, walls at home and bodies for out and about.

Sell us stuff and we can do some of your work for you.
Rikti Monkey Plushies!

Sure today is the first day of the rest of your life. But so was yesterday. And look how that turned out.



Originally Posted by Mr Bandwagon View Post
Rikti Monkey Plushies!
Pfft. Shivan plushies are where it's at!



Originally Posted by Mr Bandwagon View Post
Rikti Monkey Plushies!
I'd MUCH rather have plushies of the signature and named characters.... Like Fusionette and Wretch! =-3




We do have a booster pack coming out.

And one of the features is something I really really dislike.

There was one which was pretty controversial, and involved a 20 minute discussion on a topic I never imagined could happen in a conference room.

It addresses one of the most frequently asked topics.

One of the posters in this thread correctly guessed one of the features in the booster pack.

Another poster, in another thread this week correctly guessed the theme.

If I told you guys ANY of the feature(s) in it, War Witch won't let me beta test the WWTF. And I really want to try it out.

But I'll try to toss out better hints.

-Hosun "Black Pebble" Lee
Help me beat Dr. Aeon! Follow me on Twitter.




Everyone hates nazi's, so it's a commonly disliked feature between all...

So you guys are making a Nazi booster pack...shame on you!



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
War Witch won't let me beta test the WWTF.
The WWTF...

Sure today is the first day of the rest of your life. But so was yesterday. And look how that turned out.



Oh HO! The Devil reveals himself.

With all of the social gaming banner ads and those for budding MMOs all over the net (including Facebook and Myspace), I'm wondering "Where's CoX's?"

Getting notice by doing a new account/reactivation charity drive. For every account opened/reopened in the month of X; Paragon Studios (or NCSoft) will donate a dollar to charity Z.

Distributing an old time radio show that uses CoX story arcs (or canon lore) through your (or someone elses) podcast channel.

Distributing short, episodic machinema through Myspace, Facebook, YouTube and/or other sites.

Free CoX ringtones through Myxer (or like site).

(In game advertising is optional - ignore complaints about immersion)

Make CoX E-Cards available.

Give out branded ink-pens.

When I suggested guest AE Authors, I meant authors that the populace at large would know (and not just those intensely in the know). Heck, go outside of comic-dom and see if anybody like Seth Green (or Seth MacFarlane), Tarantino or someone who would be willing to pen a quick plot in just to broaden their fanbase just a bit (then play it up).

Just a few example, I suppose.

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
We do have a booster pack coming out.

And one of the features is something I really really dislike.

There was one which was pretty controversial, and involved a 20 minute discussion on a topic I never imagined could happen in a conference room.
It's something to do with furries, isn't it?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
I'm in the US. Pennsylvania, specifically. It consistently redirects me to the EU store.
Do you use an IP scrambler? That can cause problems like that.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
In other words, do you think will we get a lot of new subscribers that way?
Personally, I'd do my best to get adds into the free comic books given away on "free comic book day(s)".



My 1.5 cents:

Many have suggested that tv ads are too expensive. What if you used a barter type system to offset the costs? CoX gets an add on (insert regional market cable channel here) and said cable channel gets an add for one of their shows on our in-game billboards (fine tune the graphics and make them always on).

Start with smaller market channels and work up to networks(we could only hope!). There would still probably be some cost(due to market size differences) but it would seem to me that this would go a long way towards making it more cost effective.

This would kill (or at least wound) two birds with one black pebble,...er stone. The CoX brand would get out to the public and you could expand the pool of in-game adverts to make them less repetitive to the players.

Oh, and put me 500th in line saying to hire Samuraiko to do your promo videos! Every video I have seen of hers has blown the official ones away (the I17 trailer almost brought a tear to my eye)

Just a thought.



Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
If there's a billboard advertisement for Mountain Dew Throwback or Papa John's Pizza in CoH, and I see it on a regular basis, it's not only going to make the world feel more real, it's going to be on my mind when I'm thirsty or hungry.
Why am I suddenly seeing two NPCs walking down Broadway in Steel Canyon ...

NPC1: "You feel like grabbing something to eat?"
NPC2: "Yeah, how about pizza from [insert]?"
NPC1: "Great idea - I hear Back Alley Brawler eats there sometimes."



Greetings invisible creature of Myth and Legend! I am one who believes we must extend advertising beyond just gaming sites and comic book stores.

WoW is so huge because it was able to get beyond the "gaming and geek universe". It has pulled in the young , old, parents, co-workers, family and friends, many of which had never played an MMO before. The good thing about this is that WoW educated so many about what an MMO is. A wise thing to do would be to draw from peoples knowledge of WoW and horizontally move it to CoH.

1) The best away to reach these non-gamer gamers is through TV ads, yes they are expensive, but I bet an ad on Heroes is much cheaper these days. Ads run on SyFy would be good too.Again start the ad with a WoW reference so that the audience moves into that realm of thinking, then pulls them over to COH, lniking the two ideas in their head, for example:

"Tired of Orcs and Elves? Then it's time for kicking *** and taking names..." queue CoH video.

2) Don't let the ingame ad discussion clutter up this discourse. Ingame ads, advertise TO us, they do not advertise us to others.

3)Do not UN-advertise, running 24/7 threads for Cryptic games is bad business practice, those threads which are never allowed to fall of of the first page. Together have garnered over 200,000 views, not shabby marketing there!Game discussions should be limited to general chat about how good or bad a game is, or talk of up coming games. Maintaining a regular ongoing game forum should not be allowed.Community comes with any game you play, if the community and forums in that game are bad then those players should make a fan site to use, not to run free advertising here.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Welcome to the asylum!

3. Drop off tons of Bootleg disks at comic stores.

I started playing because of a Bootleg Disk, someone had dropped off a bunch of them at a gaming convention I was at. Note, GAMING CONVENTION, as in a bunch of people gathering together to play GAMES. Every convention I've been to has had a freebie table, use some of our fellow forumites (like mousedroid) as ambassadors to distribute updated Bootleg Disks and flyers at game conventions around the country.
Another venue to drop off stuff like that would be game shops, I don't mean computer game shops but where you can buy Role Playing Games.
Also, send some Bootleg Disks to F.I.T. in NYC, they'll love the costume creator

"I used to make diddly squat, but I've been with the company for 16 years and have had plenty of great raises. Now I just make squat" -- Me

Pediatric brain tumors are the #1 cause of cancer related deaths in children.



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
You want to see in-game advertising?
I do

When they first announced the plan, I was quite interested. I was also looking forward to seeing the fan art and fan advertising they were going to put on billboards as well.

What did happen to that?

Lisa-Curious now.

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
When I suggested guest AE Authors, I meant authors that the populace at large would know (and not just those intensely in the know). Heck, go outside of comic-dom and see if anybody like Seth Green (or Seth MacFarlane), Tarantino or someone who would be willing to pen a quick plot in just to broaden their fanbase just a bit (then play it up).
There are existing authors who play CoX. A good friend of mine is a Times best-seller in sci-fi, and he plays. It's about the only time I ever get to talk to him anymore. I know he's written an AE story or maybe two. I'm betting there's more out there, and if you got a few authors with rabid fan-bases to pen a story, you could get some of their fans to come on board to play it.



Originally Posted by Aluminum_Dave View Post
My 1.5 cents:

Many have suggested that tv ads are too expensive. What if you used a barter type system to offset the costs? CoX gets an add on (insert regional market cable channel here) and said cable channel gets an add for one of their shows on our in-game billboards (fine tune the graphics and make them always on).

Start with smaller market channels and work up to networks(we could only hope!). There would still probably be some cost(due to market size differences) but it would seem to me that this would go a long way towards making it more cost effective.

This would kill (or at least wound) two birds with one black pebble,...er stone. The CoX brand would get out to the public and you could expand the pool of in-game adverts to make them less repetitive to the players.

Just a thought.
I agree and would suggest jockeying for programs that are in a similar vein to CoX (Animated/Live Action superhero, antihero, scifi, etc type shows)

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars