Hello from Paragon Marketing

Ad Astra



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post


Just like the Korean City of Hero had, but with a nice little button "start CoH trial." Just put a ticket in with programming, or get BAB to animate it during his free time.
In all honesty, I could see this causing a loss in subscriptions, not a gain!



Originally Posted by Cheapman View Post
Whatever happened to that CoH themed movie rumored about however many years ago.
It's in Development Hell. Tom deSanto has the rights to it, but that's no guarantee it'll ever be made. You will sooner see me making a full-length CoH machinima film than an actual live-action (or CGI) flick, unfortunately.

But I completely agree that ads before films like IRON MAN II or THOR or THE AVENGERS or whatever would not be amiss. A well-done 30-to-60-second clip of the game would garner a good amount of attention.

And yes, BlueBattler, there's an official COH YouTube channel. However, a good 80-90% of the videos on the two CoH FTP sites are NOT on there.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
You guys gave it to me.
Was "Feckless pack of incompetents" taken then?

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is a natural manure. -Thomas Jefferson

Read the Patriot newsletter. It's right, it's free.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
But I completely agree that ads before films like IRON MAN II or THOR or THE AVENGERS or whatever would not be amiss. A well-done 30-to-60-second clip of the game would garner a good amount of attention.
I would like to strongly voice my support of this. I know a lot of people, myself included, who do enjoy watching the previews for movies, and it really is an area where I've seen more and more non-movie advertising. It makes sense, its targeted, and its got the potential to reach potential players.

I don't know if there's enough time to buy ad-time (much less create something) for Iron Man II's release, but there are other movies coming out. Kick *** might've been a good opportunity as well.

EDIT: I don't know if there's another Going Rogue trailer in the works or not, but if there is, it needs to start making rounds somewhere! I'm not sure if the current one would work or not - no gameplay footage included as far as I can recall.



Hello and welcome, Black Pebble, I have, first, Some questions, then some suggestions.


  1. Is it at all possible for us to get some information about you?, name, Were/if you went to school, Experience.
  2. Do you have any plans of your own, concerning advertising, and if so, what are they?
  3. What have you done thus far concerning the advertising work for this game?

  1. Merchandising: Two reasons
    • It's Free Advertising
    • It's almost free money.

    This doesn't just include T-shirts, mugs, posters,and such, but also what(and I hope you know this already) some folks call "feelies", as well as things like game pads( oh what I wouldn't give to be able to play this game properly with a Controller) adorned with City of art, more "Special editions" releases of the game, and things like that.

    You mentioned give-aways at cons as a possible deterrent for merchandising earlier in the thread:

    Don't you like getting neat things for showing up to cons? We like giving out neat things. They wouldn't be as neat if they were easy to get
    You know what's just as good, or even better then getting something at a con? Getting something that's More Specialer(R) than what somebody gets with their credit card from an online store. Imagine this scene
    *Guy1 walks down the street with his online-bought Arachnos T-shirt*Guy1:Hum-De-um, I love Lord Recluuuse
    *Bumps into Guy2, who's wearing a button-down black shirt*Guy2: HEY! You play City Of Heroes? I LOVE city of heroes! that's an awesome shirt!
    Guy1: Thanks!
    Guy2: but you know what?
    Guy1Curious: What?
    *Guy2 Rips Button-down Black shirt open, buttons flying, to reaveal his totally-awesome-super-special- City of Shirt that you can only get at the con and may or may not have also been signed by Dave Nakayama or somebody or has War Witch's lipstick on the colllar*
    *runs off cackling like a lunatic.*

  2. "City of"-Specific Advertising:

    I feel like City of should be presented as it's own thing, instead of part of NCsoft's stable of games. For comparison. Spider-man is Marvel's biggest draw, but he is advertised just as much with his own merchandise and advertising, as he is on "Marvel Comics" advertising and merchandise.

    City of's merchandise store should be it's own thing, linked from the main site.

  3. Demographic Targeting:

    Your core demographic is the overlap between fans of Super-heroes, fans of video games, particularly MMOs, and Fans of comic-books in general.

    Any action taken to bring in new fans should have this heavily in mind. While it is very true that you get lots of business from either respective group, as well as lots of different demographics, the biggest chunk is almost undeniably from the primary demographic* which brings me to my next points

  4. Comic Advertising

    I personally believe how the Business of comics is run will see significant changes in the next five-to-ten years, but that has very little to do with how you should use them to advertise. The basic thing to do would be to put ads in the various titles. Beacause we're primarily advertising a Super-hero game, it'd be less effective to advertise in Anita Blake, or Shonen Jump, than it would be to Advertise in Spider-man

    It's also important to think about what ads to put in which books.

    In a DC title, I would advertise the game's more Traditional Super-hero elements, Fighting the In-game criminal types, leaping across roof-tops, and taking down Giant monsters.

    In Marvel, I'd advertise a lot of the more complicated story elements, Such as Faultline, Going rogue, and some of the Villain Content.

    In Dark-Horse, I'd go more across the board, advertising with more crime-fighter type heroes, and more of the Midnight-Squad, Orobouros, and Vangaurd elements. This targets both your core demographic, and the sub-groups within them with the material they like to enjoy.

  5. Web-Comic Advertising:

    Everything I've said about Comics? applies here as well. Look up popular web-comics, peruse their content, pick one of the many banners you should have prepared that fits the general tone of the site.Sit back and rake in the new subscriptions.

  6. Video-Game website and Magazine advertising

    These ads should be more technical than artistic. In a Comic ad, you're advertising going on a super-heroic adventure. In a Video-game web-site or magazine ad, you're advertising all the new features.

    I'd be a bit scarce with the graphics, as the ads are gonna be sitting right next to the newest X-box 360 First-Person-Shooter-Gorestravaganza of the week with all the Bloom, Blur, and Brown that everyone loves for some reason.

  7. Cheap Box, and changes to the way trials are acessed

    I'm wierd, I like having a box for my game. So I'm putting that up front right now.

    I am generally disinclined to pay for a game if I feel it's not worth it. Fifty dollars for a trial of a game, then fifteen dollars a month indefinitely would be something of a deterrent. Even more so for a game that can, (hard truth time ) feel a bit dated sometimes.

    If I were in charge of marketing and sales, I'd Release a hard Boxed version of the game, In a Decent DVD case, not a sleeve, that not only holds the game and a decent start-up guide, but also Comes with a full Month's subscription.

    The price ofr this box? roughly Fifteen dollars. So, Buying the game gets you a full month of subscribed time, with or without a credit card or regular monthly subscription.

    Where I live, I can't find Game Time cards in any store, So starting up can be somewhat hard to people who can't properly subscribe, like myself.

  8. Free Trials

    Keep the current format of the Free trials, both the access available to download, and the things that can be acessed in-game. In adition to the online download of the free trial, release free trial discs whenever major changes occur, say, every issue, or Every time something major is released

    In addition, Release a Booster-pack version of the free trial that comes with the newest Super-booster pre-installed, so prospective new members can get a free trial, with one Booster, and maybe subscribe from there.

  9. Social Networking

    You're already pretty much doing this, I just feel like it needs to be said. Twitter, Myspace, Facebook, whatever else. Keep them up, keep them very active, have devs and members of the team posting on them almost as regularly as they do on here.

  10. Web-comic

    I have an old insert from the DVD edition of City of Heroes, it talks about my subscription(I got the DVD used, after the comic ended ) and how "Maybe you'll see you character in the comic!" Well that had me Throoughly geeked out.

    The community on this game is one of the best I've ever seen, and something like that would be a fantastic gift to the fandom. In addition, as the core demographic LOVES super-heroes, and seing one of their own superheroes brought to life in true comic form is incentive enough to play the game.

    As I've said earlier, I imagine the world of mainstream comics changing soon, with the rise of successful web-comics, and the advent of mobile comic-reader apps for smart-phones, the traditional 20-30 monthly format couldv ery well be made obsolete, in favor of a 20-30 page online monthly, that is later released in trade format in print.

    What this means is webcomics are the future, and reviving the City-of comics online is a great way to get in on this boom.

    The comic would be useful for these reasons
    • It, obviously, is it's own form of advertising for the game
    • Done properly(and I have ideas for that) It would advertise the ongoing story of the Game's lore, as well as be it's own form of an update for the game's story
    • If player-created characters are used as secondary, and background characters, as well as possible main character in side stories, it bolsters community, and incentivises continued activity in the game community, and thus, incentivises continued subscription to the game itself.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Meh...not so much. Good luck with this Looney Bin. You'll need it.
This isn't the Looney Bin, this is just where the Looney Bin escapees tend to hang out.

At least, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.



I suspect the answer to a lot of these suggestions/ideas is "Love it, can't afford it". The budget for marketing CoX is likely to be fairly small, so the emphasis would be on cost-effective, small, targeted campaigns to bring in some new players. Bring in enough, and you can start to look at the higher risk/higher reward strategies.

I'll repeat it again - reward us (in game, or with free play time, or both) for bringing in new players, support us with eye-catching material, and implement a method for measuring the referrals, and the great community we have will likely come up trumps, and hopefully bring in enough new subscriptions to pay for more extravagant ideas.



Originally Posted by Captain_Morgan_EU View Post
I'll repeat it again - reward us (in game, or with free play time, or both) for bringing in new players, support us with eye-catching material, and implement a method for measuring the referrals, and the great community we have will likely come up trumps, and hopefully bring in enough new subscriptions to pay for more extravagant ideas.
So long as the rewards aren't so good that it creates an ugly competition for new folks. I'd hate to see people fighting over such things. Yes, I know this sounds a bit irrational, but, well, people are people.



There was a time we got in game rewards (costuem pieces) for bringing in new people and it got a small bit ugly.



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
There was a time we got in game rewards (costuem pieces) for bringing in new people and it got a small bit ugly.
Yeah - that's exactly what I wouldn't want to see.

Now, if the in-game reward benefitted the whole community?

"Hi! We've got a secret goal here at Paragon Studios! If you guys bring in (secret number) of your friends and new players into COH, and they stay for at least 3 months, we'll do the following..."

Maybe an extra Double-XP weekend, special events done "out of season", free tailor sessions, everyone gets a special badge, temp power, etc. Something fun and for everyone. Less chances of it getting ugly since its not individual based and it plays on this game's biggest strength that the devs can't program in - the community itself.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Okay, you asked for it...

I know for a fact that there is a demand that the NCsoft store is NOT meeting, that requires no art time, and no (game) programming. It would take a bit of programming, but on the accounts/web team's part. The only thing needed is to be able to generate codes for people to pay for. What am I talking about?

  • CoH Collector's Edition in-game goodies. VIP/Destined One badge, Prestige Power Slide temp power, and the Cape of the Four Winds costume piece.
  • CoV Collector's Edition in-game goodies. Arachnos cape and chest symbol.

As a suggestion, get a programmer to bundle the above into a new Original Collector's Editions In-game Goody Pack code for people to throw money at Paragon Studios.
ill second this suggestion



Originally Posted by Psyte View Post
Yeah - that's exactly what I wouldn't want to see.

Now, if the in-game reward benefitted the whole community?

"Hi! We've got a secret goal here at Paragon Studios! If you guys bring in (secret number) of your friends and new players into COH, and they stay for at least 3 months, we'll do the following..."

Maybe an extra Double-XP weekend, special events done "out of season", free tailor sessions, everyone gets a special badge, temp power, etc. Something fun and for everyone. Less chances of it getting ugly since its not individual based and it plays on this game's biggest strength that the devs can't program in - the community itself.
Love this idea.




Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
Here's one that I always thought that CoX should have done from the beginning:

You know those soda machines in the entrance of the office and warehouse mishes? Sell the ad space to a soda company. I think it'd be awesome to actually see real world soda machines in game.
Originally Posted by Crim_the_Cold View Post
This ^. It would be even cooler if the soda machines sold special inspirations. Like Coke would improve your perception and boost end recovery for around 30 seconds or Vitamin water would improve your regen and max hp.
The thing with ideas like this is, they're not going to be anything other than an "oh cool" moment. The big soda/food/whatever makers do their advertising with an eye toward Millions of people at once, not tens of thousands.

I for one pay my subscription fee so I have a place that specifically ISN'T subject to real world product placement. I've seen it in all forms, and it's just tasteless and insidious to me. If there weren't an opt out, I seriously would have stopped subscribing to this game (as much as I love it) when the original ingame ads started.

Big companies don't pay big bucks to advertise to a few thousand gamers. It doesn't pay. It's not worth the money, either for the people who take the time to engineer the ads ingame, or the people paying to be seen.

Besides, we're here to come up with ways to promote this game to the people who currently aren't playing. I defy anyone to even anecdotally tell me they would subscribe to a game simply because that game had "realistic ads"

It won't bring in new people. Ideas that bring in new people are good. Ideas that either try to pull money out of my pocket, or money out of the pockets of advertisers when it serves no purpose aren't good.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Okay, you asked for it...

I know for a fact that there is a demand that the NCsoft store is NOT meeting, that requires no art time, and no (game) programming. It would take a bit of programming, but on the accounts/web team's part. The only thing needed is to be able to generate codes for people to pay for. What am I talking about?

  • CoH Collector's Edition in-game goodies. VIP/Destined One badge, Prestige Power Slide temp power, and the Cape of the Four Winds costume piece.
  • CoV Collector's Edition in-game goodies. Arachnos cape and chest symbol.

As a suggestion, get a programmer to bundle the above into a new Original Collector's Editions In-game Goody Pack code for people to throw money at Paragon Studios.
I have something that the ingame store NEEDS and doesn't have currently:
Allow people to gift game time/item packs/other goodies

I've PM'd Avatea about this and you may not be the person she got in touch with about it, but if you have anything to say about it, push for this.

In short: I used to be able to get a code that I could send to someone and they could use it. Because of security changes (primarily because of problems in other NC games), that doesn't work any more. However other games have secure ways to gift fun little things to other people.

You'd have more of my money if I could gift item packs to my girlfriend. nuff said.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
I can only speak for myself, but with regards to the T-shirts/Hero-Con issue, I didn't go to teh Con for the shirt. I would much rather have them available for everyone, rather than something 'exclusive' just because I could afford to meet the Devs in person. In my opinion, more people wearing shirts emblazoned with the game's name, the better.
SO much this.

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Not if we had moving hair in the game, no
Wow you're sliping GG, it took you 170 post before you brought up the hair thing.

Ok BP my litle sugestion is a commerical, but not for TV. For movie theaters. This could completely hit the fabled "target audience". I mean how much more targeted could you get than to see a CoX commerical before Iron Man 2?



Wait... we have a marketing department????

Color me surprised! [/Facetious jab]

Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
There is still one adventure left for me and it would be to face my most fearsome nemesis – all of you.
You're damn right there. You do realize that there's a lot of people that aren't happy with the fact that our beloved game seems to go almost completely unnoticed by the world at large, right?

I hope the fact that you're sticking your neck out here means that someone upstairs is finally serious about putting in the money to get new blood pumping into the game and more actual advertisements out where people can SEE them.



Originally Posted by Basilisk View Post
p.s. You guys should TOTALLY hire Dark_Respite. It's a shame to see that talent and passion going unrewarded. Plus, it'd make for good P.R.
This. I'm sure you will ignore this comment, as people in such precarious positions that have to do with PR tend to avoid things like this.... but she's been more active in getting people in MY real life excited about City of Heroes than anything the marketing department has ever done.

This should be seriously considered.



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Allow people to gift game time/item packs/other goodies

This has been suggested a great number of times, and will continue to be suggested into its implemented in a satisfactory manner. As a SG leader I want this. As a person with friends in-game I want this.

I can understand fraud concerns making NCSoft hesitant, but this would be a boon for the community. I strongly advocated making NCCoins an option (not the only option!) for payment, and, well, maybe I should be advocating that again. I realize that with only Exteel using them right now their appeal may well have diminished at NCSoft's level, but a lot of work went into getting that set up (background stuff, distribution, etc), so I think it would make sense to build off of that. I believe every NCSoft game has microtransactional items/services, that time cards can be used to buy NCCoins, etc., so to me it seems like a good step.

"Buy a costume pack for $9.99 or 1000 NCCoin!"

I would really like to PM/email my friends/SG mates with a code from a $10 card I bought at 7-11. Seriously. And honestly? The more people buy those, the more distributors would want to carry them. As Robert Garriot noted long ago, a retail presense is advertising that helps pay for itself.

There's a dead horse available for whipping if we need to make mention not everyone has a credit card, uses PayPal, is computer savvy, etc. This would be a good option.



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
I have something that the ingame store NEEDS and doesn't have currently:
Allow people to gift game time/item packs/other goodies

Definitely. Times two.

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
Love this idea.

Yeah. I hope that would also help motivate people to be extra nice and helpful to new folks (not that they aren't already).



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
I have something that the ingame store NEEDS and doesn't have currently:
Allow people to gift game time/item packs/other goodies

I've PM'd Avatea about this and you may not be the person she got in touch with about it, but if you have anything to say about it, push for this.

In short: I used to be able to get a code that I could send to someone and they could use it. Because of security changes (primarily because of problems in other NC games), that doesn't work any more. However other games have secure ways to gift fun little things to other people.

You'd have more of my money if I could gift item packs to my girlfriend. nuff said.
This. What I would especially love would be the ability to buy a virtual game time card and gift the code to someone else. There have been a few times when I've wanted to give a friend a month of time for whatever reason (birthday/holiday gift, just wanting them back in the game for a bit, etc..), but there are absolutely no stores in my area that sell NCsoft time cards. So unless I wanted to order timecards from an online store or ebay (and I don't), I can't do this.

Being able to gift time to other people would be a godsend. Probably a nightmare for my wallet, but a godsend none the less.



Originally Posted by Severe View Post
dont we need actual marketing for a postion to be filled like this??.0

Just Lucky that way...



There is a reward for current players bringing in new customers. If you use the refer a friend program, you get a free month of play for yourself. I've used it when bringing in a few different people and everyone was quite happy all around.

Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
I have something that the ingame store NEEDS and doesn't have currently:
Allow people to gift game time/item packs/other goodies
Absolutely this.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



This you BPebbel?

Found in a mission, wont say which (since i forgot, sorry.)

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).