Hello from Paragon Marketing

Ad Astra



It seems you want to avoid any advertising that does not properly target your intended audience. I do not what criteria such an audience needs to meet since I do have access to the same data as you do but I am going to assume that patrons of comic book stores fit.

I would then like to suggest setting up a retailer website for comic book shops in order for them to access promotions/content/advertising materials/etc. Besides a mass mailing to the retailers to alert them to the site, I would hope quarterly contests to win a free copy and/or free time to City of Heroes would be a relatively cheap way of advertising the game. I imagine the retailer doing something like an art contest, as a prize for some tournament or as a raffle in order to give these items away.

Let the comic shop owners throw their own mini-contests and advertise for you in exchange for a few free games and time cards to hand out once a quarter or however often you see fit. Use it in conjunction with Steam so you do not have to mail hundreds of copies so when it comes time to provide the freebie where an email of codes is all you need.

One hurdle though is how do you know if such retailers are actually throwing a contest or just signing up to hand out codes with no effort on their part. One, does it matter if you get some new subscribers? I don't know but I'm sure you would figure that part out. If it does matter though, then I would think sending in a picture showing a CoH display in their store would suffice(of course, you would need to provide the appropriate advertising material). Would a CoH display that stays in view for a week or two be better than advertising in comic books? Again, I don't know but I would hope it is substantially cheaper and would hit all the comic book geeks when they come to pick up their books instead of the limited amount of comics you chose to advertise in.

That's all I got as everyone else has covered the gamut of options pretty well. Thanks for posting and welcome to the forums.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I think that's the fastest we've ever scared off an employee!
Nowhere near the fastest
On the old Euro forums, BAB got an...interesting response when he showed up
The problem was that he had to make a Euro account to be able to post there, and he did it during the evening here, so the Euro mod wasn't at work, and wans't around to first confirm it really was BAB, and second, wasn't able to give him a red name - so when a guy with BAB's name and avatar, but without a red name, introduced himself, the thread turned weird very quickly - and he never bothered to post there again

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



A refer-a-friend program would be nice.

With some incenitives(?) for both parties, of course.



Originally Posted by Jbot View Post
A refer-a-friend program would be nice.

With some incenitives(?) for both parties, of course.
Umm.... we already have one of those.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Umm.... we already have one of those.



Just testing my uh...

past... postification... thingy...


thats it...



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Umm.... we already have a bland one of those.

I want a super refer-a-friend program, to go with my superhero game. I want it to be the best refer-a-friend program in the industry, just like we have the best community, SSK, leveling pacts, and the countless other innovations that this game has that makes playing with friends easier, and more fun that any other MMO.

Screw settling for second best. I want other game developers getting hauled over the coals by their boss, to face up to a "why the hell didn't you come up with that?"



Originally Posted by Basilisk View Post
You guys should TOTALLY hire Dark_Respite. It's a shame to see that talent and passion going unrewarded. Plus, it'd make for good P.R.
Originally Posted by Lady_Sadako View Post

Please hire Samuraiko. There, I said it.
Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Also: Hire Samuraiko
Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
Let Samuriko help with the ads.
Originally Posted by Evilanna View Post
Actually, I think they should pay you to make videos to promote the game Samuraiko!
Mr. Pebble, there were more I missed, but I am sure you get the drift.

Samuraiko (Dark_Respite) has, for the sheer joy of doing it, produced videos that highlight cool things about CoH/CoV. Her sense of framing of shot, timing the cuts, composition and choice of music are superb. You WANT to fight the Rikti, have wings and fly or join the Midnighters after you see her videos!

Just pick one: the promo for Invasion or the promo for Midnight Hour. Just by words on a screen, musical cues and fine choice of video shots, your game looks like the coolest, most dramatic thing evar.

We are serious about this.

Hire Samuraiko!

Just in case it still doesn't register:


Thank you.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



I've been quoted more times then I thought I would've been.



Originally Posted by Jbot View Post
I've been quoted more times then I thought I would've been.
What are you talking about?



Hiring Samuraiko (Dark_Respite) would go a long way in marketing this game.

It was her Dropship Down video that finally convinced my friend to join. Even after hearing me brag about the game for years!! He's been playing ever since.

I'm in the camp that actually liked the ingame ads. We already have the billboards, seeing actual products instead of fake ones made the world seem more... real. Even if it was just some lame ol shoe...

I'll second the idea that our original reviews need to be reviewed and updated to reflect the current game.

Also, I think you should hire Samuraiko (Dark_Respite) because she's earned it.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Add me to the list of players who didn't mind in-game ads.

I remember thinking to myself "Whatever happened to the ads?" many months ago. They didn't bother me one bit.

Heck, I often wonder why I never saw SGs/VGs using them to promote themselves or their in-game events, despite talk on the forums that this was possible.


"If you two don't work this out RIGHT NOW, I'm turning this invasion around and going home!" - Emperor Cole



To avoid having every billboard with the same add, perhaps they could limit adds to a percenatge of them? Like if a zone has 25 billboards, then an add could be limited to say 5 of them - and if there weren't 5 different adds to fill them all, then they could just use the default adds we have now.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Samuraiko! Samuraiko! Samuraiko!

Hire her!!!!

She has talent, ambition, actually wants to work hard, and loves what she does...



So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Also would like to see more "City Of" merchandise offered for sale... T-shirts, coffee mugs, pens, mousepads, posters, you name it.

If this is really too much to ask, then at least provide some "printer-ready"* artwork, and we'll print our OWN "City of" T-shirt iron-on transfers.

*(By "printer-ready" I mean fairly large images, horizontally-flipped for convenience.)


"If you two don't work this out RIGHT NOW, I'm turning this invasion around and going home!" - Emperor Cole



Even though the fine gentleman in question is no longer active on these forums, on his behalf I'm going to park this right here and hope that BP takes a look at it.


Because if strips the hell out of any other CoX merchandising I've ever seen.

Oh and yeah, while I remember, who's the person we should direct EU Marketing questions to? I don't have a pitchfork but I have been known to handcuff people to radiators before.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



I'm adding my name to hire Samuraiko the best "free" advertising you have ever had.

Her Vids beats the official ones by a mile.

Still asking is there anyone in EU marketing or are we being left to die out.

Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
Alts http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/4488
CoH faces http://faces.cohtitan.com/profile/mereman



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
To avoid having every billboard with the same add, perhaps they could limit adds to a percenatge of them? Like if a zone has 25 billboards, then an add could be limited to say 5 of them - and if there weren't 5 different adds to fill them all, then they could just use the default adds we have now.


"If you two don't work this out RIGHT NOW, I'm turning this invasion around and going home!" - Emperor Cole



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
Even though the fine gentleman in question is no longer active on these forums, on his behalf I'm going to park this right here and hope that BP takes a look at it.


Because if strips the hell out of any other CoX merchandising I've ever seen.

Oh and yeah, while I remember, who's the person we should direct EU Marketing questions to? I don't have a pitchfork but I have been known to handcuff people to radiators before.
Agreed mate.

As for EU marketing.. you are jokin'... there's no such animal

Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
Alts http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/4488
CoH faces http://faces.cohtitan.com/profile/mereman



Originally Posted by mereman View Post
I'm adding my name to hire Samuraiko the best "free" advertising you have ever had.

Her Vids beats the official ones by a mile.

Damn, I knew there was something I was forgetting to mention too. Most definitely this. I know three people who at least tried the game through watching her videos. That passion and talent deserves reward and recognition. Just eat the humble pie and hire her already.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



Hmmm...not sure how much more I can add here that hasn't been said but...

I'd say web advertising is probably one of the strongest ways we could get the word out. The trick is that it needs to be in places that people are likely to see it and give it a second glance.

Taking a page from EVE Online, I'd try targeting sites like Bluesnews, Techreport, Arstechnica and maybe even Firingsquad.

Also, never underestimate the power of good web comics. Particularly coming to mind right now are: Looking For Group and Least I could Do.

The sites I listed above are where I learned about most of the MMOs I have tried over the years. Never underestimate the numbers of the geek community and the power of a good laugh. Also, we used to have some kind of relationship with Scott Kurtz of PVP, but I have no idea why we stopped doing banner ads or special comics with him.

In any case, online advertising is pretty much where I would aim. I would say that comic books would help if we could get a wide enough coverage with them, but I don't know the costs involved. Internet folks are a better bet, and I think more likely to click on a banner ad for COX once it was done well.

I'm not sure what it costs to make those banner ads that have embedded video, but some CGI stuff with Desdemona and Tyrant might go a long way toward getting people to pay a bit of attention.



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
Even though the fine gentleman in question is no longer active on these forums
Expect him back in July

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by TargetOne View Post
Also would like to see more "City Of" merchandise offered for sale... T-shirts, coffee mugs, pens, mousepads, posters, you name it.

If this is really too much to ask, then at least provide some "printer-ready"* artwork, and we'll print our OWN "City of" T-shirt iron-on transfers.

*(By "printer-ready" I mean fairly large images, horizontally-flipped for convenience.)
Also plush Rikti monkeys and fire imps.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online

nightblade7295@gmail.com if you want to stay in touch



I think CoX needs more merchandise.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm a Nintendo fanboy, and when I go somewhere I wear one of my many Nintendo t-shirts and hats and I even have a couple of Pokemon plushies in the rear window of my car. I LOVE to show off my fanboy-ness to other people, and I'd really like the ability to do the same thing with CoX.

Merch suggestions:

- Toys: Action figures. While custom figures of player characters would rock, I think some signature characters would be a great starting point.

- Plushies: Again, signature characters are a good starting point, but some enemy mobs would be cool too. I'd be first in line for Captain Mako, Rikti Monkey, and Freakshow Tank plushies.

- Clothing: T-shirts. Some simple blue, red, and black(?) tees with the CoH, CoV, and GR logos respectively. A set of tees with the AT symbols (and maybe a description of the AT on the back) would work as well. Also some tees with villain group symbols (Freakshow, CoT, Arachnos, PPD, etc). And last but not least, a tee that simply says "Everything is a Nemesis plot."