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  1. I tried it with my blaster. I got one on my third spawn and thought, "Man, this is easy money!" Then I killed around two thousand more hellions and skulls and got nothing, before I got bored and wandered off. I have no idea whether the RNG was holding out on me after that first drop or if that's normal, but it wasn't a good return on my time investment.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
    On Dark Affinity:
    +Regen/Recovery for defeated foes doesn't sound like it will be practical in a combat environment, because they won't have noticeable effects until the majority of the enemy is dead unless the buff magnitude is extremely high, due to the nature of the beast with those two attributes, and by the time the majority of a spawn is dead... they're not really helpful attributes. Sure, maybe it will reduce down-time at low levels when everyone is sucking wind due to poor slotting (assuming this even ends up available at low levels?), but towards the higher end of the game it sounds pretty useless to me.
    This will really depend on the numbers - not only the amount of +regen, but also the recharge and duration. If it can be made permanent or near-perma, and provides solid +regen with a typical x8 spawn's worth of minions, it will be fantastic in high end play. The point in this case wouldn't be to reduce down-time, it would be to have a layered mitigation buff to one of the less-easily boosted layers (regeneration) going into the next mob.

    The +recovery aspect I suspect will be less useful by late game for buffing the team, since most folks work out their own endurance issues. However, it might prove very handy for the user's personal end management and provide more build flexibility.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    No I'm not. I've always done that, and it's always been there. You can do that today. It was always helpful when you had a good SO drop. Bam, you could make room inside a power for the new SO, and get a new +1 in your DOs out of it.
    Wait, you can do that, really? Huh. That would have been helpful back around i3-i8 if only I'd known... and yes, I've been playing continuously since my registration date, and I'm fairly knowledgeable about the game. Live and learn I guess, although nowadays it's basically a useless bit of trivia...
  4. I ran it twice. The second run took 8:12, and that included a couple of wrong turns - I'm sure I could shave 30 seconds or so off that, and it wasn't with a purpled-out monster character, just a mediocre scrapper.

    The point of the time commentary here isn't e-peen, it's the ridiculous rewards being offered. The Alignment Merit reward selection is clearly way out of bounds, compared both to the time and effort required, and the other rewards offered on the table.

    I'd strongly advise the devs to fix that before it's been live so long it's seen as a big nerf. PR-wise it's always better to nip things in the bud early, especially since you've discussed selling access to these arcs in the marketplace. It gets pretty sticky reducing what many will see as the reason they bought this arc, the massively disproportionate rewards. I guess if the intent is Pay2win (it's possible...) then ignore what I've said.

    A-merits aside, I rather enjoyed it. Beautiful maps! The next time I play it (for the nearly-free LotG 7.5), I'll take more time to savor it and may have further feedback.

    Addendum: I realize that the rewards cap at twice/week, but it's still a 20-minute solo LotG or Numina's once per week. Per character. Level 20's are not hard to populate servers with.
  5. */Super Reflexes is the best I've found, as it lets you click glowies while mobs are shooting at you without being interrupted. Anything at the soft cap to ranged & AoE will work, but SR also has strong defense debuff protection and is simple and cheap to get to the caps.

    As mentioned above you probably want a fast attack chain of AoEs in your primary/epics for harvesting tips, so... spines/sr/* or */sr/dark perhaps? That should be able to AoE level 20-ish mobs as fast as you can get to them. Note that finishing off every mob in each spawn is a waste of time - get as many in the central clump as possible and move on to the next one.

    As for stalker vs. scrapper, when you're capped for defenses the stealth is totally unnecessary, so the two are pretty equivalent really.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
    One question for the OP: Did you notice this during a LAMBDA trial? Because the containers that explode stun AND repel you, which might be why you're flying so quickly.

    PS: Carry break-frees.
    No. I've done extensive testing in AE, and I have noticed this on a wide variety of maps prior to that.

    PS: I do. The drift speed with significant flight speed enhancement/bonuses is such that you often have less than a second before you're in aggro range of another mob. In the case of the drift shooting you straight up with vertically stacked mobs (balconies, etc.), it can be a small fraction of a second.
  7. I just tested with Fly, and I drifted every time for the 35 tests done (Fly + IR was no drifts out of 30+ tests as expected). Interestingly though, sometimes the drift seemed faster than others. Sometimes it would be slowed down to around normal Hover speed, and other times it seemed to be pretty much full Fly speed. Since judging the speed is pretty subjective I didn't record stats on that, but I strongly suspect it's in about the same ratio as Hover's drift:stop.

    What I think is happening is that the toggle tick rate means that it may or may not apply one tick of the inertia control portion of Hover and Fly (Red Tomax calls it MovementFriction, so I assume that's the internal name) before the toggle is suppressed, depending on when the mez hits. Hover has a value for this of +100, which I assume means 100% and when the tick applies it stops you completely. Fly has a value of +8, which means it only partially slows you when its timing lasts past the mez.

    I think the ideal solution, if the game engine can do it, would be to make the +MovementFriction portion of Hover and Fly be unsuppressible, similar to armor toggles. However, I'm not sure if only part of a toggle can remain unsuppressed. Alternately if the MovementFriction is non-self-stacking, increasing the duration might work.

    I sent Synapse a note about this and he said he'd have his folks look into it, so any further insight or ideas for testing would be welcome.
  8. Luckily I have a kinetics character handy, so I ran the test with Hover + Inertial Reduction. I got to 0:38 drift:stop before I got bored. Roderick's basic proposition that it's based on inertia seems to be plausible, as IR completely cancels the drift when mezzed.
  9. Well, this goes to show the value in doing a control when experimenting. I did 50 tests using CJ + Hover, and got a 30:20 drift:stop ratio, that is 30 times I kept floating off in the direction of travel, 20 times I stopped where I was mezzed.

    For a control I used just Hover, and got... a 30:20 drift:stop ratio. So two thing learned, the bug doesn't always occur, and Combat Jumping doesn't appear to affect it at all.

    I'll do a bit more testing with different power combinations when I have time. One thing of note is that my initial post is incorrect in that the bug seems to affect Fly and Hover equally, it's just noticed more often with Hover since it's used in combat more often.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
    If the mez effect that causes the problem does so because it suppresses all non-enemy-affecting toggles, then I find it unlikely that CJ, SJ, NR, or BR will help at all. IR might, though.
    I just finished an initial test of CJ + Hover, using a custom mob with just a basic hold in AE. It seemed to prevent the continued movement around half the time, although I haven't done it enough for any real statistics, and haven't started keeping track yet.

    I suspect it has to do with the timing of the toggle. According to City of Data Combat Jumping applies its effects for .75 seconds and refreshes them every .5 seconds. Despite the toggle supressing when mezzed, it seems that sometimes the effect is still active long enough to stop the drift, since toggle supression just prevents new ticks from being applied and doesn't remove ones already on the player.
  11. Thank you Roderick, that's incredibly useful advice! I'll have to see if I can tweak things to fit in Combat Jumping, at least until they fix it.
  12. If so, it seems likely that it isn't a bug that was introduced per se, and more of them forgetting to add -flightspeed to holds when they made the toggle change. Not that it makes me feel any better when I zip off and smack into a Zeus Titan...
  13. After causing a team wipe twice in the same mission due to this bug, I felt compelled to post about this. If nothing else it's something people should be prepared to work around until it's fixed.

    Being held (possibly slept also, not certain) while hovering and moving will shoot you off in the direction you were traveling at full speed. For anyone who has hover slotted up for speed, global flight speed bonuses, Siphon Speed or some combination thereof, that can put you in aggro range of an extra spawn before you can click a breakfree.

    Does anyone know when this bug was introduced? I haven't played a combat hoverer for quite some time, until I recently pulled an old character out of cold storage. I know it certainly didn't do that last time I played him.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Furio View Post
    Ignored my point, though. You'd alienate a lot more than the 30days and done crowd by allowing existing customers to transfer levels from original MMO to sequel MMO. And if you're *just* going to retain your existing customer base (and the few people that wouldn't find that level of pandering to your old customers off-putting), why bother with the effort and expense of a new game?
    It wouldn't just be pandering to the current customer base, it would also be pandering to everyone who's played CoH in the past. While I don't have figures on that, I expect the number is quite large. Obviously anecdotal, but of the MMO players I know the majority have played CoH at some point, most of those have at least one level 50, and only one is currently subscribed.

    The main drawback to such an approach would be the requirement that an endgame be well developed by launch. Since a lot of new MMOs seem to lose customers due to people reaching the endgame before they thought they would, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Of course CoH 1 is 7 years old and just getting an endgame now, so I guess it's easier said than done.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Never. If the new game could accomodate our existing characters, its technology would just be given to us, period.
    Might I refer you to the Cottage Rule? If they can't even get rid of some very nearly useless powers, they certainly can't do more than visual changes to our system without calling it CoH 2.

    No one - NO ONE - decides to spend a huge amount of money and resources to make a new game that is not a new game. If the new game isn't different, it won't be made. Even if Positron lost his mind completely and decided to test this theory, no on would give him the resources to do it.
    Yeah, conventional thinking and attempts to clone the market leader have been working so very well for the MMO industry lately... Listen, I'm not claiming to represent how conventional MMO publishers think, since I think they're idiots.

    Wait, why the hell am I replying to Arcanaville? *sigh* This can only end badly since I don't have limitless time to respond to bombast and certitude. I cede the point, you're right, they definitely shouldn't try to retain their existing customer base at the risk of loosing some customers who would cancel after their first month.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    If there were to be a CoH2, everyone should know that there is no such thing as moving one's level 50s into the new game, right?

    You can't 'reboot' a franchise and give the players of the original such a HUGE advantage over those who are new to the game. Any newbies would nerdrage out over such an unfair disadvantage.
    Yeah, this is one of those things that "everyone should know", an accepted truth. Yet there's absolutely no basis for it beyond trying to duplicate the shortcomings of previous MMO sequels. There is no reason you couldn't transfer existing characters over to their closest equivalent in the new system, or just transfer levels over if the two systems are too widely divergent.

    As for the the nerdraging newbies, I'd like to let you in on a secret: The people who buy every new MMO that comes out, race a character to the level cap, and then quit when their free month is up? They are not customers worth worrying about. I don't think the MMO marketing people have figured that out yet.

    There may be valid reasons to start everyone out on the ground floor in this hypothetical sequel. However, what the customer who's just killing time 'till the next WoW expansion comes out thinks is not one of them.
  17. Okay, I clearly know absolutely nothing about farming or farms. I think I've heard the term 'ambush farm' before, but I've never seen such a beast. The best I could do after some slight tweaking of my difficulty settings was a bit under 1 million inf/min, but clearly this wasn't farming, it was running a bog-standard CoH mission quickly. I would be interested to see what someone who had a clue could do though.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    Storm particulary, I just named that one for bait/fun. Storm is usually considered the bane of AoE minmaxers, what with LS, Tornado and Hurricane scattering those mobs we love to keep tightly bunched up together (unless one spends time herding stuff to corners, but... that's time spent) ; but with Freezing Rain and a blast set like Ice (as Wanted suggested) it should probably be competitive with the best farmers, the way things are right now. I think a fire/cold corruptor would be much more interesting to farm with.
    Actually herding stuff to corners doesn't take much time at all, at least not on city outdoor maps. Plow through a couple spawns with Hurricane and your travel power of choice running, drop Freezing Rain at the nearest corner, and while they jog into the Patch of Certain Doom you can be taking out a third mob with regular AoEs or Judgement. Between the slow and knockdown of FR, nothing but bosses (which I assume you turn off for farming) are getting out before the broken Reactive Interface kills it - no need to stand there and watch it do its work.

    I'm not a huge fan of farming, but if there's some sort of gold standard test for farm runs I'd be more than happy to test out my Storm/Energy (the anti-Brute ) on it with a timer running. I doubt I could set a record time, but I bet it'd be competitive. I would feel bad about exploiting the poorly implemented proc, but I reported it before it went live, so now I get to sit back and enjoy until they fix it.
  19. Yeah, I heard it was doing this in beta. I had figured they removed the proc from pseudopets for live release because it was overpowered, and when it came back it would have the 10 second limit applied, but I guess not. Ah well, I've done my duty in reporting that it still does grievous damage. Now I guess I'll enjoy it until they find time to "nerf" it back to sanity.

    <wonka> Stop. Don't. </wonka>
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
    Incarnate Powers
    • Pets should now apply the Reactive Interface DoT as expected.
    Freezing Rain becomes a major source of damage under your implementation of this. I tested against some +3's, with only FR and the tier 3 (25% -res/50% DoT) Reactive. Minions died within 5 or so seconds, Lieutenants died or were nearly dead by the end of one rain, and Bosses died with 3 applications of FR. Keep in mind that it's a debuff power, and the tiny damage ticks are there mostly for flavor.

    I don't have any other toons with Reactive Interface to test this on, but presumably this applies to all pseudopets which do rapid "attacks" - it does to Tornado, and presumably would apply to e.g. Ice Storm, Rain of Fire, Carrion Creepers, and possibly Bonfire, Spectral Terror, etc.

    Clearly rains should only be checking for proc every 10 seconds, as normal IO damage procs work (I'd argue that value could be 5 seconds, but that's another topic - regardless, it should be consistent). I presume you won't hold up the release of this important patch over this issue, but I highly recommend fixing it sometime soon to keep some vague semblance of balance between powersets.
  21. Please forgive the melodramatic title, but after attempting 4 trials today through the new LFG interface I've made some observations. In a nutshell, half-sized leagues this soon after release seem almost destined to fail.

    What happens is the LFG queue starts up a trial as soon as the minimum size league is achieved. They start working on the task, but almost inevitably people start to die, for several reasons. 1) This is new content, and people don't know it yet, 2) Nobody has any Incarnate abilities beyond Alpha yet, and 3) They're running it with the minimum team size. The first two problems will eventually sort themselves out, the last won't without adjustment from the devs.

    After a few deaths, people start to quit. They seem (anecdotally) to be quitting more than in normal taskforces actually, which I find kind of distressing... pure conjecture here, but I wonder if the fact that a computer rather than a person put the team together lessens peoples' sense of responsibility? Anyway, that's a side track.

    The result of people quitting isn't as clear as it would be in a taskforce - in a TF if the team drops below a certain threshold people at least see the problem. With LFG leagues, when people drop out they're replaced with new folks. Folks who don't know what's going on, and because they weren't there from the start probably have an even lower sense of group responsibility. Once one of these trials starts to go downhill I've seen quite rapid turnover at times, folks basically just popping in to look around and leaving. This is obviously bad for the trial, but IMHO this sort of mercenary attitude is also bad for the community.

    If I had to propose a solution, the easiest would be to give people an option when joining the LFG queue of whether they'd prefer a full (or nearly full) team, or the minimum size. I personally would prefer to not start out short-handed when the content is new. I'd much rather wait in queue longer to have a decent chance at success.

    Another possible thing to look at is the algorithm for assigning people who join tasks in progress - purely anecdotal, but I haven't yet seen new members popping into my leagues until after people start quitting. This tells me that the computer's probably assigning people to the leagues with the least members first, which means in most cases those half-sized leagues it starts you out with will never get bigger, because the leagues that are circling the drain will gobble up the new recruits in their death throes.

    I'm certainly not writing this in any sort of rage, and I'm not claiming that my experiences are universal. I have high hopes for the LFG system, but my initial experiences with it in a live server environment leave me concerned.

    p.s. Actually I decided to check to make sure this topic wasn't redundant, and apparently the learned sage Zombie Man noted this problem (and proposed a solution) on page 1 of the beta feedback thread - I guess my foresight wasn't so keen. Given that, I guess the purpose of this post is simply to point out that I see it happening in-game, repeatedly, not just in theory.
  22. NeonMan

    Incarnate system

    Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
    I have no idea which incarnate aplha I should go for.

    Endurance gets eaten quick when I run my toggles. Which are Maneuvers, Dispursion Bubble and Flame Armor. But I am not sure that warrents me taking the regen alpha, considdering it does not benefit my powers as much as others.
    Based on what you've said, I would highly recommend Cardiac, the endurance reduction alpha. I'm not sure what you mean by, "it does not benefit my powers as much as others". Every power you use consumes endurance, be they click or toggle, and they all benefit from Cardiac.

    None of the toggles you listed above are optional, they're all important to the survival of you and your team. Being able to use them and all the rest of your powers without endurance problems will almost certainly prove more beneficial than any of the other alpha options. If you haven't yet experienced life without endurance issues, you may be surprised how much you've been holding back. At least that's been my experience.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
    • Fixed an issue that allowed observers to attack arena combatants while using Walk.
    Of all the powers that could possibly be used to grief... Walk?! Nice catch, whoever found this.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Draggynn View Post
    I will need to play around and see if I can determine exactly what this means gameplay wise. (I'm so used to playing with Steamy Mist, I just think about behavior with it on as the norm sometimes )
    My personal experience is... well, that it's very helpful. One playstyle I sometimes use (depending on the group) is 'backstop'. It's especially useful if we have a tanker who stops at the front edge of the spawn instead of jumping in the middle, or if someone else on the team is using knockback. Basically I hop to the far side of the spawn, turn on Hurricane, and nudge the guys in the back up to the tanker, and shove anything knocked out of the group back in. Steamy Mist's non-supressing stealth lets me do that while quite close to the next spawn (practice is required to know where to stop), so the fight doesn't turn into over-aggro.

    I have to say that's one heck of a detailed breakdown of one power, downright encyclopedic. Re: slotting, my personal preference is the following:
    Impervium Armor: Resist, IA: Resist/End, Ribosome Exposure [Resist/End], LotG: Def, LotG: Def/End, LotG: Def/+7.5% Recharge

    That gets you 54% Resist and Defense and 82% End Reduction, as well as some decent set boni and the global recharge. It answers the "Reistance or Defense?" question handily with "Both!"