Storm Summoning Guide excerpt for feedback (Steamy Mist)
Steamy Mist (Basic Version):
Steamy Mist is a player based area of effect toggle that buffs your team. The power provides stealth; a defense buff; a resistance buff to fire, cold, and energy damage; and protection and resistance to confuse to all allies who stay within range of you. As a toggle it requires endurance to maintain and will shut off if you run out of endurance.
Should I take this Power? 5/5
Steamy Mist is a toggle buff that is quite potent. You can simply turn the power on and forget about it while providing a substantial buff to your team. It requires no thought to use, unlike most storm powers, and its main downside is that you have a cloud around you that some people may tease looks like you passed gas. It also has a bit of an endurance cost, but you should take this power turn it on, and never look back.
How Should I slot it? (basic version)
Seeing as you're going to be running this power permanently, you will probably want to devote at least one slot, maybe 2, to endurance reduction, although there are so many other things to slot for, this seems a shame. However Steamy Mist will take 30% of your base recovery or 1 endurance every 2 seconds. (That said if you are only going to slot endurance reductions one place, your attacks are often a better choice as typical low level attacks cost just slightly more endurance than their recharge, so they drain 1 endurance every second rather than the 0.5 of Steamy Mist) There are two ways to slot Steamy Mist (and if you can do both even better): resistance, and defense. Just looking at the numbers the resistance provided, 20%, is greater than the defense provided, 5%. Thus you get more bang for your buck by slotting resistance. However, it is not quite that simple, because defense becomes substantially more effective the more of it you have, so if you have other defense granting powers (maneuvers, combat jumping, hover, weave) or play with people that use other defense buffs or defense focused builds, you could consider slotting for defense. For a more detailed discussion of the tradeoffs, see the advanced section. Remember that due to Enhancement Diversification it is not worth slotting more than three Single Origin enhancement's worth of a single attribute in a power.
Steamy Mist (Advanced Version):
What are Steamy Mist's Stats? (For Defenders):
Available Level: 6
Activation Time: 1.87s
Recharge Time: 15.00s
Endurance Cost: 0.52/s
Accuracy: 1.00X
Power Type: Toggle
Target Type:Self Effect Area: AoE -- 40.00 ft. radius (255 targets max)
Effects @lvl 50:
+3500.00% stealth radius on target unresistable (PvE or 35 feet)Strategy:
+38900.00% stealth radius on target unresistable (PvP or 389 feet)
+5% Defense to all (that's typed, positional, and psionic) unresistable
+20% resistance to fire/cold/energy damage on target
+216.25% resistance to confuse on target unresistable
+8.65 confuse protection on target unresistable
What happens if I get mezzed while running Steamy Mist?
Because Steamy Mist is a toggle buff when you are mezzed Steamy Mist's effects will suppress but the power will not turn off. (If a toggle power effects enemies then the toggle will shut off when you are mezzed (slept, stunned, held, terrorized) and you would need to turn the power back on.) Steamy Mist will continue to run, draining endurance, even though you will get no benefit from it. As soon as you are unmezzed the buffs from Steamy Mist will be restored.
Is Steamy Mist a defense or a resistance power?
Going by the numbers, Steamy Mist is predominantly a resistance power as it provides 20% resistance only 5 % defense. Because defense and resistance are Schedule B the powers can only be enhanced 60% with enhancements. Thus you can get ~30% resistance and ~8% defense. However, the numbers obscure their relative importance. Whereas the resistance portion of the power will only have an effect on energy, fire, and cold damage, the defense will affect all damage types. Although energy damage is fairly common, there are a much smaller number of enemies who deal fire and cold damage with the majority of damage in the game being smashing or lethal.
Both resistance and defense become more effective as the total amount increases. Gaining 30% resistance when you have none, simply reduces the damage you take by 30%, however if you already have 40% resistance, then gaining 30% resistance reduces the damage you take by 50%. (30% of original damage as opposed to 60% of original damage). Because of the way calculations work in the game, whereas the goal for resistance is to hit 95% (for tanks, Epic ATs are limited to 85%, and everyone else to 75%: See here for characteristic limits) , the goal for defense is to hit the Soft Cap at 45%. See the appendix for an explanation of what the Soft Cap is! Not only is this number much lower than the 95% resistance goal, but there are lots of ways for all players to gain defense (Combat Jumping, Hover, Weave, Maneuvers, Stealth. However, Stealth and Invisibility will not stack with Steamy Mist for you) and lots of invention origin set bonuses that contribute towards this goal. Thus many players, especially at higher levels, will already have substantial defense, so your little bit extra can push players to the soft cap.
Furthermore resistance does nothing to stop you from getting hit, so any status effects of debuffs that go along with an attack will still be applied no matter how high your resistance. Defense on the other hand will stop attacks from getting through altogether, and because the attack never lands, you are not affected by any debuffs or status effects that might be associated with it. Since storm defenders have no status protection (except confuse) for themselves, this can be a good way to avoid getting mezzed.
Just for show, if you took Steamy Mist and Maneuvers and slotted them for defense you could get ~13.5 Defense for you team and if you took Weave and Combat Jumping and slotted them you could have ~25% defense for yourself. Effectively reducing the damage you take by half and that's without any set bonuses. Not that I necessarily recommend building this way, as you need to sacrifice several powers and make some hard cuts to do this, but it is one possibility.
How good is Steamy Mist's stealth?
A Typical Mob can you see you from 50 ft away (Minions 45, Lieutenants 50, bosses 54, Giant Monsters and Turrets 100, and Sniper 149). Steamy Mist reduces this distance by 35 ft which means that you can come within 15 feet of most enemies before they will be able to see you. Although the text for Steamy Mist claims that this stealth will not stack with any other powers, it only means that it cannot be used in conjunction with Stealth or Invisibility from the Concealment Power Pool. It will however stack with super speed (which only provides stealth in PvE of 35 ft) and a stealth IO proc (30 feet). Both of which will give you stealth above the 55 feet that bosses can see effectively making you invisible. Note that this stealth suppresses if you attack or are attacked.
However don't become completely complacent and think that no one can you see, remember that both Nemesis and Crey have snipers (identified by their classification as snipers rather than minions) that have significantly higher perception. There are also a handful of mobs: Rikti Drones, Rularuu Eyeballs (officially called Sentinels), and Knives of Artemis which ignore stealth altogether. It doesn't matter how much you have, to them, you have 0.
Do I need to turn Steamy Mist off for escorts?
Steamy Mist should not interfere with escort missions as stealth is negated once an NPC is rescued that needs to be escorted out. There have however been reports of this tech not working as intended. So, if you notice the NPC seems to get lost easily or has trouble following you or a teammate, then you can turn off Steamy Mist or use O2 Boost on the escort and that should solve the problem.
How does Steamy Mist protect me from confusion effects?
I'm just going to point you to the appendix on status effects, but in short, the confuse protection of 8.65 confuse means that it will take at least a magnitude 8.66 confuse to Confuse your teammates. If your teammates are confused by a magnitude confuse less than 8.65 all they need to do is reenter Steamy Mist and they will be freed of the status effect. If you or a teammate within Steamy Mist is hit with a total confuse magnitude greater than 8.65, thanks to the confuse resistance, the duration of the confuse will only be 31% as long.
Since confuse is a rarely seen effect, you may not be familiar with it. When a player becomes confused, the target of any power they use will be a randomly determined friend or foe regardless of who is currently targeted. Furthermore pets and pseudopets(those that don't show up in the pet window like freezing rain, tornado, Lightning Storm) will also become confused. This can be especially devastating if your Lightning Storm starts attacking you instead of enemies. Fortunately, Steamy Mist will provide you significant protection from this situation. Although confuse is rarely seen, most armor sets do not include protection from it, so in the rare cases where it is encountered Steamy Mist can be a valuable asset.
How should I slot it? (Advanced Version):
Should I slot for Resistance or Defense?
This is really a personal choice, and you should read the above section titled "Is Steamy Mist a Defense or a Resistance power?" to help you make up your mind.
If I slot an enhancement with a special effect does everyone within Steamy Mist get the benefit?
Unfortunately, no. Knockback protection, status protection, additional defense, additional resistance, and so on, all apply only to you. Of course enhancements that increase the defense or resistance of Steamy Mist through normal means (meaning not a +3% defense to all IO) will increase Steamy Mists effectiveness for everyone.
Should I put KB Protection enhancer in Steamy Mist?
Steamy Mist can except both the Steadfast Protection: Knockback Protection and the Karma: Knockback Protection enhancement. Since you may want to slot Steamy Mist for Defense, Resistance, and Endurance, I would check if you have other powers that could accept these IOs, before sticking them both in Steamy Mist. That said, once you start using KB IOs you will miss them on every character that does not have them. There is no more getting knocked down my council grenades, by ruin mages earthquakes, or many other of a slew of KB effects. Each enhancement provides 4 points of Knockback Protection. I advocate trying to fit both IOs into your build as 8 points will protect you from almost everything except Fake Nemesis Staffs (Mag 9). These are global enhancements.
How does the Aegis Psionic/Status Resistance IO Work?
**NOTE THIS MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE** The functioning of the Aegis Proc was changed in i17 and may be further modified in the near future. To be clear, the IO provides resistance to status effects, not protection. This means that it will reduce the duration of the effects, but have no impact on whether you are affected by a status effect or not. See the appendix for more information on status protection and status resistance. Although the Aegis enhancment claims that it will provide a 20% reduction in status effect duration (it used to) currently is will only grant 20% resistance to status effects which will result in a 16.7% reduction in duration. If slotted in Steamy Mist, or any toggle power, you will get this bonus as long as the power is on, and 10 seconds after you shut the power off. This bonus remains active even if you are mezzed and Steamy Mist's other effects are suppressed. If this enhancement were slotted in a click power, you would only get the 20% resistance for the 10 seconds after you activate the power.
The psionic resistance of the power is hardly worth mentioning at 3% (you will take 3% less damage from psionic attacks) but works as a global enhancement.
Should I Slot Impervious Skin: Status Resistance?
Like the Aegis enhancement discussed above, the Impervious Skin enhancement provides Status Effect Resistance, not protection. See the appendix for more on status protection and resistance. So it will reduce the duration of Status Effects on you, but not prevent a status effect from being applied. This enhancement only provides 7.5 status resistance. The text for the enhancement claims that it provides a 7.5% reduction in duration, however the duration reduction is only (1 - 1/(1+.075) =~7%). If you have already slotted the Aegis IO, then you only get ~5% additional duration reduction (1-/(1+.2+.075) = 21.6%). Thus If you are going to slot a Status Resistance IO, go with the Aegis, and don't even bother with the Impervious Skin. However, if you are desperate for every bit of status resistance you can find, you can slot 5 up to five of this enhancement (although they must go in a resistance power and you may only slot 1 in a power so you are unlikely to have 5 slots where you could put them) .
The Impervious Skin: Status Resistance is a global enhancement.
In most cases, however, a defenders best protection against getting mezzed is a good offense. Take out the mezzers before they take you out.
Should I slot the Luck of The Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed?
The Luck of the Gambler enhancement has two components. The defense components works like any other dual aspect invention enhancement, but the recharge component effects your global recharge, meaning that it increases the recharge of all powers by 7.5%. Because Storm Summoning has several powerful abilities on relatively long recharges (Freezing Rain, Tornado, Lightning Storm, and to a lesser extent Thunder Clap[LINKED IN FINAL GUIDE]) the set can really benefit from additional recharge. I highly recommend, when slotting invention sets to attempt to maximize the recharge in your build and one slot for 7.5% bonus is an excellent way to do that since most recharge bonuses are at the 5 enhancement mark.
Also, the Luck of the Gambler is not unique, so you can slot 5 of these in your build if you have 5 powers that take defense enhancements.
The global recharge operates as a global enhancement.
Should I slot a Steadfast Protection: Resistance/Defense or the Gladiator's Armor: TP Protection, +Def(All) ?
This decision goes along with the "Is Steamy Mist a defense or a resistance power?" Each of these enhancements will provide you with an additional 3% defense to all (that's to all positional types and all damage types including psionic). Thus if you are designing a defense focused build these two enhancements would net you an additional 6% defense. Read the discussion above regarding resistance vs defense to determine if this option would be good for you. Although the Gladiator's Armor enhancement may seem appealing, because it is a PvP enhancement, it only drops from other players and is thus extremely rare. If you intend to purchase one of these, be prepared to spend 2 billion influence (that is the maximum amount of influence that a player can possess at one time).
The resistance component of Steadfast Protection works like any other IO and thus can be an excellent choice in Steamy Mist since it has a sizeable resistance aspect to enhance. The Gladiator's armor IO on the other hand can just as easily be put in any other power (and if you're building for defense you surely have other defense powers) and I would advise you to save the Steamy Mist slots for other options.
The TP protection that comes with the Gladiator's Armor IO only matters in PvP where other players may attempt to use teleport foe (or wormhole) on you and the TP protection can help protect you.
These enhancements are global enhancements.
What about Impervium Armor: +Psionic Resistance, Kismet: Increased to Hit, Shield Wall: TP Protection, Resist(All)?
In my opinion none of these enhancements are worth slotting. They all provide benefits that are too small to justify the slots. All of these enhancements are global enhancements.
The Impervium Armor will provide you with 3% resistance to psionic damage which means that instead of taking 100 damage, you will take 97. The Kismet IO will provide you with a 6% to hit bonus, but with freezing rain you really shouldn't be having trouble hitting anything. Shield Wall provides TP protection which is only useful in PvP and 3% resistance which means that instead of taking 100 damage you will take 97. If you happen to slot Steamy Mist for 30% resistance then against Fire/Cold/Energy damage you will go from with just steam mist taking 70 out of 100 damage, to with the enhancement taking 67/100 damage: a 4.3% improvement.
So which invention sets should I slot?
Which invention sets look good will obviously depend a lot on how many other global enhancements you choose to put in Steamy Mist, and whether you decide to go for defense or resistance. Personally I prefer to fill Steamy Mist with Hamidon Enhancements which provide a full single origin enhancement's worth of defense or resistance AND a full single origin enhancement's worth of endurance reduction. For defense you can slot either Cytoskeletons or, due to a bug, Enzymes. The risk with slotting Enzymes is that if the bug gets fixed the Hamidon enhancement will no longer increase defense and only enhance endurance. For resistance you can use the Ribosome Exposure. At that point you can use the other slots to reach the enhancment diversification limit for defense and resistance, or slot some of the various global IOs discussed above.
If you decide to fill out Steamy Mist with invention sets, consider sets that provide recovery bonuses as Storm is very endurance heavy and the recovery bonus only requires two slots. If you are slotting multiple X/end IOs you may want to swap out one of the Hamidon Enhancements so that the endurance component isn't wasted, since a lvl 50 defense or resistance invention enhancement is better than the a twice combined Hamidon Enhancement, so if you are already at the enhancment diversification cap for endurance, there are better choices.
I don't think there any especially compelling sets for Steamy Mist but if you are set on set bonuses, it's worth noting that 5 Aegises, which can includes the global status protection enhancement will net you 4.7% defense to fire/cold/area of effect. Of course, most likely if you are building for defense you are looking to soft cap ranged. If you are looking to maximize your -recharge, 5 Red Fortunes will provide you with 5% recharge, but if you're going to do that, you had better make the 6th slot a Luck of the Gambler, otherwise you could have just slotted the one enhancement and gotten a better (+7.5% recharge) bonus.
Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here
Appendix: Steamy Mist
What is this defense soft cap?
When you hear the term soft cap in game, people are almost always referring to the defense soft cap. The soft cap is the amount of defense required to ensure that you are hit as little as the game allows by enemies. This value is 45% defense. This value is called the soft cap because it is possible to have more defense, there just isn't any difference between having 50% defense and 45% defense unless you are fighting enemies that are +6 to you. Of course having defense over the soft cap means that if your defense is debuffed you will still be at the defense cap.
To see why 45% is the soft cap look at the to hit formula:
HitChance = Clamp( AccMods × Clamp( BaseHitChance + ToHitMods DefMods ) )
HitChance: This is the chance that a mob will hit you
BaseHitChance: All mobs have a base to hit chance of 50%.
ToHitMod: any mob up to 5 levels higher than you has a ToHitModifier of 0. To see what happens with higher level mobs see: here
Clamp limits the value to being within the 95% to 5% range. so if the value inside clamp is under 5% it becomes 5%
DefMods: This value is how much defense you have. Because of the clamp, it is useless to lower this value below 5%, thus 45% (50%-45% = 5%)
AccMod: This is the accuracy modifier of the mob and depends on mob level:
0: 1.0
+1: 1.1
+2: 1.2
+3: 1.3
+4: 1.4
+5: 1.5
Thus even if you are at the soft cap for defense, a +4 enemy still has a 7% chance to hit you, and this value cannot be lowered any further using defense because of the Clamp.
What are Hamidon Origin Enhancements?
Hamidon Origin Enhancements and Synthetic Hamidon Origin enhancements are lvl 50 enhancements that are available by completing a Hamidon Raid or the Statesman's Task Force. (Although this guide doesn't apply to villains, the Lord Recluse Strike Force will also award them). Hamidon Origin Enhancements enhance multiple aspects of a power all at Single Origin Enhancement levels. They can also be combined like Single Origin enhancements so that you can actually slot the equivalent of lvl 52 Hamidon Origin enhancements. For a complete list of the enhancements see here.
What are Global Enhancements?
Global enhancements, are enhancements that provide a benefit to your character and not just to the power they are slotted in. Although there are also procs that provide these sorts of benefits, these enhancements provide their benefit regardless of whether the power they are slotted in is on and regardless of whether the power is greyed out (from exemplaring) as long as you are not more than three levels below the level of the enhancement.
Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here
Too sleepy to actually read right now, so all I have is a typo for ya.
How Should I slot it? (basic version)
... Just looking at the numbers the resistance provided, 20%, is greater than the defense provided, 5%. Thus you get more bang for your buck by slotting resistance. However, it is not quite that simple, because defense becomes substantially more effective the more of it you have, so if you have other defense granting powers (maneuvers, combat jumping, hover, weave) or play with people that use other defense buffs or defense focused builds, you could consider slotting for defense.... |
Too sleepy to actually read right now, so all I have is a typo for ya.
Maybe mention, in the basic version, that the resistance is only to three damage types. That's semi important and maybe shouldn't wait for the advanced part. |
Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here
Do I need to turn Steamy Mist off for escorts?
Steamy Mist should not interfere with escort missions as stealth is negated once an NPC is rescued that needs to be escorted out. There have however been reports of this tech not working as intended. So, if you notice the NPC seems to get lost easily or has trouble following you or a teammate, then you can turn off Steamy Mist or use O2 Boost on the escort and that should solve the problem. |
There are two different types of escorts: combat and non-combat. Combat escorts are unaffected by your stealth while non-combat escorts will have difficulty following you since stealth isn't negated by them. Additionally, non-combat escorts cannot have any powers used on them, so O2 boost won't help.
Results from further testing:
Interesting. Tested with a stealth proc and steamy mist. Non-Combat escort: When you rescue a non-combat escort a negative stealth icon will show up. Whenever you are being followed by the escort and for 10 seconds (might be 12) afterward the stealth proc is suppressed. However, Steamy Mist appears to be exempt from this rule. Thus, if I ditch the escort and run over to a mob before the 10 seconds have expired, they can see me, but not until I get VERY close. If I wait the 10 seconds, then I have full invis again. Because Steamy Mist doesn't suppress the escort has trouble following. If I turn off Steamy Mist though, the stealth proc suppresses, and the escort is able to follow me as though I had no stealth on...which I don't.
Combat-Escorts will also cause the negative stealth icon to show up, but there appears to be no effect. The combat-escort had no trouble seeing me, and I still have full stealth and can fly up to enemies unseen (until the combat escort comes along and attacks them that is).
I'm curious if the suppression is just with the stealth proc to avoid the proc in swift issue, or with actual powers as well. Off to do more testing:
Hmm, stealth also suppresses, but invisibility, superspeed, and warshade stealth don't.
Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here
[Size="5"]How Should I slot it? (basic version)
There are two ways to slot Steamy Mist (and if you can do both even better): resistance, and defense. Just looking at the numbers the resistance provided, 20%, is greater than the defense provided, 5%. Thus you get more bang for your buck by slotting resistance. However, it is not quite that simple, because defense becomes substantially more effective the more of it you have, so if you have other defense granting powers (maneuvers, combat jumping, hover, weave) or play with people that use other defense buffs or defense focused builds, you could consider slotting for defense. |
" Just looking at the numbers the resistance provided, 20% against Fire/Energy/Cold, is a higher number than the defense provided, 5% vs All. "
As a secondary change "greater" is a weighted word, implying not only "larger" but also "better". So you are swaying opinion by using it.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
This is not entirely accurate. The power may have 20% resistance, but only to three damage types (fire, energy, cold), vs Defense to ALL. This is a colossal difference, and even a bigger criteria than the stacking of defenses since 70%+ of all attacks in the game have a smashing and/or lethal component which the resistance is useless for, but the defense is not. While 20% is a higher number than 5%, this section reads as if the 20% to only three types is equivalent or on a par with 5% vs all. Even for a basic section, I'd say:
" Just looking at the numbers the resistance provided, 20% against Fire/Energy/Cold, is a higher number than the defense provided, 5% vs All. " As a secondary change "greater" is a weighted word, implying not only "larger" but also "better". So you are swaying opinion by using it. |
Paragraph 1 of the advanced section:
Going by the numbers, Steamy Mist is predominantly a resistance power as it provides 20% resistance only 5 % defense. Because defense and resistance are Schedule B the powers can only be enhanced 60% with enhancements. Thus you can get ~30% resistance and ~8% defense. However, the numbers obscure their relative importance. Whereas the resistance portion of the power will only have an effect on energy, fire, and cold damage, the defense will affect all damage types. Although energy damage is fairly common, there are a much smaller number of enemies who deal fire and cold damage with the majority of damage in the game being smashing or lethal. |
Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here
This may be outside the scope of your guide, but I find Steamy Mist to be a great costume change power. (Thunder Clap too.)
Nice work. Well written and giving good advice. Plus I like the colors you selected for the headlines.
There are some minor things I'd like to comment on..
Should I put KB Protection enhancer in Steamy Mist? |
If the question is should I put two (!) KB protection enhancers in Steamy Mist? my answer would be no maybe even NO!

Mag 4 KB protection is usually all you need. In the rare cases where mag 4 isn't enough mag 8 typically isn't enough either. Mag 12 KB protection seems to make a difference again, but you need three enhancers for it and better have the slots (it's a nice byproduct if you slot BotZ for ranged and AoE defense, though).
Should I slot the Luck of The Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed? |

What about Impervium Armor: +Psionic Resistance, Kismet: Increased to Hit, Shield Wall: TP Protection, Resist(All)? |
I don't think there any especially compelling sets for Steamy Mist |
If the question is should I put two (!) KB protection enhancers in Steamy Mist? my answer would be no
maybe even NO!
![]() Mag 4 KB protection is usually all you need. In the rare cases where mag 4 isn't enough mag 8 typically isn't enough either. Mag 12 KB protection seems to make a difference again, but you need three enhancers for it and better have the slots (it's a nice byproduct if you slot BotZ for ranged and AoE defense, though). |
I disagree with your take on Kismet:+6% ToHit. In a running toggle power this is a permanent +6% to ToHit which has more impact than a similar sized bonus to accuracy. It's a very good IO and often a good choice for the 5th or 6th enhancement slot in Steamy Mist (after slotting it for defense). |
Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here
Freezing Rain poofing debuffs bug means my stormy slots some accuracy and Kismet +6% just like everyone else.
(But the Kismet doesn't go into Steamy Mist, I need def and res enhancers there!)
Freezing Rain poofing debuffs bug means my stormy slots some accuracy and Kismet +6% just like everyone else.
![]() (But the Kismet doesn't go into Steamy Mist, I need def and res enhancers there!) |
I've just been testing it this morning though and out of 25 uses when the enemies were in Freezing Rain through the whole rain, 16 times I saw the poofing bug, and 9 times the debuff lasted throughout the entire first 30 second duration. In none of those trials, however, did I see the reduced trailing portion of the slow and -recharge debuff. I only ever saw the reduced portion when enemies left Freezing Rain before the power expired. Do you think it's worthwhile to put a thread about this in the bugs section?Does sleet have these same issues? Does this effect controllers equally? I may post asking for a cold and a controller to test.
Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here
::raises this thread from the depths::
I'm doing beta testing for mids stuff right now, and I stumbled across the fact that all stealth powers do not suppress equally. This is something that I've suspected for a long time based on my gameplay experience, but have never been able to look at closely. There are separate tags for damaging enemies, attacking enemies, and getting hit by enemies, and different stealths suppress under different circumstances. The only thing that universally suppresses all stealths (of the ones I've seen) are clicking a glowy. Most stealth powers that are not in a pool will ONLY suppress due to glowy clicking, and steamy mist is one of them.
TLDR: Steamy mist does not suppress when you attack or are attacked.
The +35 is the pve version.
::raises this thread from the depths::
I'm doing beta testing for mids stuff right now, and I stumbled across the fact that all stealth powers do not suppress equally. This is something that I've suspected for a long time based on my gameplay experience, but have never been able to look at closely. There are separate tags for damaging enemies, attacking enemies, and getting hit by enemies, and different stealths suppress under different circumstances. The only thing that universally suppresses all stealths (of the ones I've seen) are clicking a glowy. Most stealth powers that are not in a pool will ONLY suppress due to glowy clicking, and steamy mist is one of them. TLDR: Steamy mist does not suppress when you attack or are attacked. Evidence: The +35 is the pve version. |
Hmm, very interesting. I had noticed this when monitoring stealth but assumed it was a glitch since enemies still seemed able to see me. But I guess that was due to aggro mechanics essentially over riding stealth (as I understand it) rather than stealth suppressing. That might explain though why I often have an easier time getting small pulls than teammates, and would certainly explain being better at not drawing the aggro of a second close group. I will need to play around and see if I can determine exactly what this means gameplay wise. (I'm so used to playing with Steamy Mist, I just think about behavior with it on as the norm sometimes

Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here
I will need to play around and see if I can determine exactly what this means gameplay wise. (I'm so used to playing with Steamy Mist, I just think about behavior with it on as the norm sometimes
![]() |
I have to say that's one heck of a detailed breakdown of one power, downright encyclopedic. Re: slotting, my personal preference is the following:
Impervium Armor: Resist, IA: Resist/End, Ribosome Exposure [Resist/End], LotG: Def, LotG: Def/End, LotG: Def/+7.5% Recharge
That gets you 54% Resist and Defense and 82% End Reduction, as well as some decent set boni and the global recharge. It answers the "Reistance or Defense?" question handily with "Both!"
Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here
And Here I was looking forward to writing the Steamy Mist section because I was sure it would be short...silly Draggynn. Now I'm looking forward to Thunderclap...because that one has to be short right?? At least that power only does 1 thing. I'm starting to get a little burned out, so I think this reads much blander than the other sections, so I may try to give it a little more "attitude" when I revise for the final guide.
If you are interested in reading the other sections:
O2 Boost
Snow Storm
Freezing Rain
Thunder Clap
The original target of the guide (over a year ago) was for relatively experienced players, but those that didn't have a firm grasp of underlying game mechanics. The goal of this guide was also to be one stop shopping for any questions you might have about Storm Summoning so it is quite comprehensive (I hope). Based on feedback I have modified the structure of the guide to attempt to make it more accessible to new players, although it now has a strange combination of treating you like you know a lot and like you know nothing.
Although the guide is intended to be comprehensive, I would not call it objective and is certainly subject to my biases, although I attempt to present contrasting view points as well.
All feedback is welcome, although I wouldn't worry too much about grammar at this stage as I have not done a thorough proofreading seeing as the guide is likely to change. I am particularly interested in any questions you have about Steamy Mist that you don't see answered, or information that you believe I have wrong or that I have omitted.
And I believe the guide is now posted with all links active. If you notice anything that looks like it should be linked and isn't, or is linked improperly, please let me know.
Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here