Issue 20 Patch notes - Build 2010.201104210057.1






  • The command "/league" can now be used as an alias to send chat to the League channel.
  • Attempting to invite a 7th team to your league should no longer spam an error message 6 times.
  • There is now a sound played when receiving messages on the League chat channel.
  • Corrected a debug message appearing when Leagues are broken up under certain circumstances.

  • Bidding the same items separately causing a sold stack to lock with greater than 2 billion INF should is no longer possible.
    • Contact Customer Service if you still have any such stacks locked in your Auction House UI


Animal Pack
  • Animal Fur texture is now available for Flat feet.
  • On Cat Claw feet, the claws themselves no longer inherit a color tinting.
  • A tintable striped version of the Animal Cat tail has been added as "Animated - Cat Tail 2".

  • Monstrous Fur texture is now available for Flat feet.

  • Reward Merits, Vanguard Merits, Architect Tickets, Astral & Empyrean Merits, Incarnate Components and Discount Coupons can no longer be deleted.

  • Reward tables for endgame events have been adjusted based upon collected data.
    • Players will now find their chance of being awarded higher tier rewards has been slightly increased.
  • The following powers can now be used during Incarnate Trials and other instances where Temporary Powers were disabled
    • Event Costume Powers
    • Halloween Costume Powers
    • Travel-Only Temp Powers such as the Raptor Pack (these are still unavailable during Arena matches)
  • The Objective section of an Incarnate Trial should now display When the Zone Event UI is minimized

Incarnate Trial - Lambda Sector
  • Removed checks on the number of players present in Lambda Sector's first two stages.
  • Players should no longer be able to get stuck on the door leading to the interior of Lambda Sector.
  • The mini-map location inside Lambda Sector where player markers first appear should no longer be missing room graphics.

Incarnate Trial – Behavioral Adjustment Facility
  • Grounded a pair of floating bivouac buildings

Incarnate Powers
  • Ion Judgement jumps are now properly set to ignore the effect of player buffs like the rest of the Judgement powers.
  • The ice shards in Judgement - Cryonic should now always aim in the same direction as the rest of the effect.
  • Pets should now apply the Reactive Interface DoT as expected.
  • All Lore support pets now provide positional defense as well as typed defense.
  • Mk. VI Essence attacks now appear in the Pets Combat Log.

Incarnate Components
  • Conversions have been added to the Incarnate Creation interface which allow the following:
    • Freely downgrade Incarnate Components into a component of lesser rank of your choice. (Very Rare->Rare, Rare->Uncommon, Uncommon->Common)
    • Side-grade Incarnate Components into a component of equal rank of your choice. This conversion requires expending 2 Incarnate Threads for a conversion between Common Components, 6 Incarnate Threads for a conversion between Uncommon Components, 30 Incarnate Threads for a conversion between Rare Components, and 150 Incarnate Threads for a conversion between Very Rare Components.
  • The previous Breakdown conversions have been reorganized into the new Common, Uncommon, Rare and Very Rare tabs in the crafting window to keep them together.


  • Today's Newspaper - Frostfire is now on trial for killing nearly an entire "detachment" of Longbow rather than a "dispatchment".
  • Recruitment Flyer - This mission should no longer complete prematurely.
  • A Strange Mystical Trinket - You now must defeat Raveshna and the other captors around Orsen Greenfield before you can talk to him.
  • A Strange Mystical Trinket - The epilogue window when you leave the mission now has appropriate text.
  • Wanted Poster with Your Face - Doppelgangers will no longer premature attack the Longbow holding them hostage on the Vigilante version of this mission.
  • Morality Mission \ With Honors - Doc Quantum will not converse with the player until he is rescued.

  • Players who are defeated when Bobcat is defeated will still receive the Kitty's Got Claws badge if the conditions have been met.
  • The 5th Column Gladiator badge is now also awarded to anyone who completes the Dr. Khan TF or Barracuda SF. This award will be retroactive

  • Fixed an issue where Malta gas swarm missiles were being created at inappropriate level ranges.
  • Midnight Squad Living Armor has made a return to the appropriate places in the game.
  • Rikti Pylons' Swarm Missiles now correctly check against AoE Defense, instead of Ranged Defense.

User Interface
  • The option to hide buff numbers will now function at the league level.
  • An internal debug menu has been edited so that it should no longer have a chance to randomly appear on the User Interface.

German Client
  • Corrected an error in the log message for receiving Incarnate XP.
  • Text should no longer get cut off from certain chat bubbles in the Behavioral Adjustment Facility, B.A.F., cut scenes.



Admiral Sutter Task Force
  • When you talk to Admiral Sutter he will immediately give you his cell phone.
  • Col. Duray's Air Strike should no longer target players in the buried section of Destroyed Skyway City.
  • Significantly increased the radius of Jane Temblor and Fusion's signature powers as well as properly adjusted their special mechanics which make knockback/knockup protection inapplicable under certain conditions.
  • Harbinger's Bombs now have much reduced HP as originally intended.
  • The target area has been increased for Praetorian Drones

Dr. Kahn Task Force / Barracuda Strike Force
  • The merit rewards for the Dr. Khan Task Force and the Barracuda Strike Force had been mistakenly reversed. This is now corrected to the pre-I19 values.

Story Arcs
  • Roy Cooling - The longbow skiff is now replaced by a jump bot incinerator, which has an easier time navigating the environment than the skiff.
  • Roy Cooling - Mission 2: The mini map is now visible when exiting the office building.
  • Tina Macintyre - The Instant Army now gives out its proper souvenir clue.
  • Numina - Some text on The Unity Plague story arc has been restored to its original state.

  • Kheldians should no longer encounter Crey Nictus Hunters spawning at inappropriate levels.

  • Ice Mastery \ Ice Blast no longer incorrect states it accepts To-Hit Debuff and Accurate To-Hit Debuff sets.
  • Aid Other no longer uses the Nova animation when used twice from a combat stance.
  • Super Inspirations - Ultimate Super Inspiration now states in its description that its effects last for 180 seconds.
  • Blaze Mastery \ Char Scrapper crits now do the proper amount of damage in PVP.
  • Cold Mastery \ Frozen Armor now has correct toggle info text

  • The Energy Ring Toss power used by the Attendants of the Carnival of Shadows will now be checked against Ranged Defense rather than Melee Defense.


  • Arbiters will no longer refer to the old Lackey system in leveling up messages.


Ice Mistral Strike Force
  • On mission "Destroy the Crystals", all enemies now spawn above-ground, can be defeated, and allowing successful completion of the strike force.

Dr. Kahn Task Force / Barracuda Strike Force
  • The merit rewards for the Dr. Khan Task Force and the Barracuda Strike Force had been mistakenly reversed. This is now corrected to the pre-I19 values.

Silver Mantis Strike Force
  • Enemies in the Sky Raider ship interior during the final mission will no longer vanish when attacked.

Story Arcs
  • Diviner Maros - Legacy Chain which would randomly attack each other have settled their differences and stopped infighting.

  • Stalker Kinetic Melee \ Concentrated Strike now will automatically refresh Build Up as its critical effect when used from the Hidden state. In additional a Build Up message will be displayed over the player when this effect is triggered.
  • Mu Mastery \ Electric Shackles, Soul Mastery \ Soul Drain, Soul Storm, Levithan Mastery \ School of Sharks, Spirit Shark Jaws should no longer perform Scourge bonus damage when used by Defenders.
  • Dominator Ice Mastery \ Sleet is no longer affected by the no-phase timer.



Story Arcs
  • Transmuter Mission 3 Task 2 - This map no longer has a black occlusion wall separating a hallway from a room.
  • IVY – Task 2 - The option to Abandon Mission has been removed from the appropriate Neuron dialogue window.
  • (Praetorian) Dr. Hetzfeld - A door that players could fall through has been closed in the last mission.

Support Centre for our English European players
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Support-Center f�r deutschsprachige Spieler



This is a great mix of changes for all content of various types. There are a ton of much-needed bugfixes here. And a lot of great QoL stuff that we asked for a long time ago. Overall this cheers up my bad mood over the trial reward system. I'd like to see this go live quickly.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



All Lore support pets now provide positional defense as well as typed defense.
Right on!

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post


Dr. Kahn Task Force / Barracuda Strike Force
  • The merit rewards for the Dr. Khan Task Force and the Barracuda Strike Force had been mistakenly reversed. This is now corrected to the pre-I19 values.



Dr. Kahn Task Force / Barracuda Strike Force
  • The merit rewards for the Dr. Khan Task Force and the Barracuda Strike Force had been mistakenly reversed. This is not corrected to the pre-I19 values.

"Ooo! A little fight in you! I like that..."

"Then you're going to love me."



Devs hate villains =)

Also, liking these changes, can't wait for them to go live!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I haven't even read all the notes yet but I had to post immediately when I saw the Animal Pack tweaks/additions. Mad props for doing that. Very happy and impressed!!

Now I'll go back to reading the rest.

EDIT - OK, I've read the rest. Awesome stuff. Hope this goes Live soonish!

My Corner of DeviantART

The Queen's Menagerie



Originally Posted by ModernMyth View Post
I'm guessing either a typo or the Barracuda SF merit rewards are just staying as is and the Khan TF is the only one being adjusted.

Edit: Typo it is then.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
[*]The following powers can now be used during Incarnate Trials and other instances where Temporary Powers were disabled
  • Event Costume Powers
  • Halloween Costume Powers
  • Travel-Only Temp Powers such as the Raptor Pack (these are still unavailable during Arena matches)
No Origin temps?



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
[*]All Lore support pets now provide positional defense as well as typed defense.
Well dang, I had my incarnatation plans all mapped out and now I'm going to have to reconsider. All kidding aside, it's a welcome change.



My name is Chad Gulzow-Man, and I approve of this patch to the test server.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



reading through this, a lot of these are much needed and it does make me very happy and i cant wait for these to go live



Lots of very nice fixes. It's good to see old bugs getting squashed.


Also on Steam



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
No Origin temps?

Seriously buddy, get over it. You should be tired about asking this everytime you get the chance.
You are even worst than me asking for new costumes all time.



I have to say these patches make me very happy & how soon till live is the question?!? Excellent work Devs & thank-you!

Confusion is Lord & Chaos is my Best Friend!! Shall I introduce you??
MArc# 5232 Bastet's Unleashing *a Solo-able arc*
Gae'Atha- lvl 50 Emp/Ele/Psi Def
Sekmet's Fel Blood- lvl 50 Rad/Ther/GW Corr



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post

  • The 5th Column Gladiator badge is now also awarded to anyone who completes the Dr. Khan TF or Barracuda SF. This award will be retroactive
Now those of us who missed the first anniversary (even if just barely) can get access to this gladiator.

/em thumbsup

Blondeshell (1381 badges) - My other badge hunters
VidiotMaps Master Cartographer
MArc #87989 - Enter, The Conglomerate
Invention Salvage Distribution Charts



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post

Seriously buddy, get over it. You should be tired about asking this everytime you get the chance.
You are even worst than me asking for new costumes all time.

theres 7-23 other poeple in the league who most likely have some fire or energy dmg, its not that big of a deal





Animal Pack

  • Animal Fur texture is now available for Flat feet.
  • On Cat Claw feet, the claws themselves no longer inherit a color tinting.
  • A tintable striped version of the Animal Cat tail has been added as "Animated - Cat Tail 2".
  • Monstrous Fur texture is now available for Flat feet.

  • Reward Merits, Vanguard Merits, Architect Tickets, Astral & Empyrean Merits, Incarnate Components and Discount Coupons can no longer be deleted.
Gotta love this patch!
Thanks devs to add some minor things to booster packs based on our feedback, even if the "ship has sailed".



Originally Posted by Blondeshell View Post
Now those of us who missed the first anniversary (even if just barely) can get access to this gladiator.

/em thumbsup
Yeah - that's an awesome change - one little step closer to 1,000 for me now

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Awsome modding a paid pack is almost unheard of i salute the devs. other things that would add value to animal pack that may not be to hard to do.

the easiest would be...
Add cat textures to dog/bird/cow heads this will increase the variety of options and sinct they are just skins should not be too hard this would allow a fox colouring or dalmation looks. spotty tails....stripe or spots on wings add some bird value .. just a thought.

Id love to see a wolf head with seprate ears giving the option for a long eared dog like a coyote or fox with different patterns.. maybe even some floppy ears.. maybe even a fox/coyote head.....though i know this is probibly to much to ask. maybe for the housepets stuff pack.

and all the animal pack heads need to be about 20%-40% bigger or make the head slider make more of a impact on the size especially of females its wierd to have a wolf or bird with the head smaller than my chars breasts....on minimum.

as far as stuff pack fixes in general... bollero furr as sholders for tight/with skin... id like to see resistance sholders and an option on robot arms... and sleaveless coats/shirts



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
  • Monstrous Fur texture is now available for Flat feet.
Good, now I can fix my hobbit archer.

South Park for avatars

Protector: Postmaster Bot/FF

Postal Express (Tech Blaster, AR/Dev)
Nukular Man (Sci Defender, Rad/Rad)



Rikti Pylons' Swarm Missiles now correctly check against AoE Defense, instead of Ranged Defense.
wuh. its been ranged for as long as i have been playing.



Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
Lots of very nice fixes. It's good to see old bugs getting squashed.
I know I've reported the one about The Instant Army not awarding its souvenir several times since August 2010. I realize most people don't care about the souvenirs, but for my main it's been the -only- Ouroboros souvenir (both red and blueside) that has not been working. That means that was the only Ouro "gold star" I didn't have done. Now along with badges I'll have that particular collection done as well.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post

Animal Pack
  • Animal Fur texture is now available for Flat feet.
  • On Cat Claw feet, the claws themselves no longer inherit a color tinting.
  • A tintable striped version of the Animal Cat tail has been added as "Animated - Cat Tail 2".

  • Monstrous Fur texture is now available for Flat feet.
Thank you!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Beltzhak View Post
wuh. its been ranged for as long as i have been playing.
That's because it's been bugged since the Pylons were first introduced.

However, this is going to seriously annoy quite a few people who use pylons for DPS testing but don't have high AoE defense... I wonder if the devs might consider placing an Inactive Rikti Pylon with no attacks and no XP / rewards but normal pylon HP and regen somewhere in the RWZ for us to use as a punching bag?

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636