CoH-related iPhone/iPad apps




Jokes about its name aside (I've heard them, and giggled appropriately), has anyone actually bought an iPad? If so, have you considered what kind of CoH-related apps you'd like to see on it? Specifically, what apps would you like to see that could conceivably be community-developed? (So something like, "I want an iPad version of CoH!" or "I want a costume creator!" wouldn't practically fall into that category.)

And just out of curiosity, does anyone have any experience developing for the iPhone? Objective C is kind of a beast, not to be trifled with.

What would you be willing to pay for CoH-related apps? Would you only use freebie ones? Would you snag some $0.99 ones? Would you be willing to plunk down a few bucks for something particularly useful? How would you personally define "particularly useful"?

Keep in mind that these questions are all hypothetical. I'm not intending on developing anything for the iPhone or iPad in the near future, I have way too much on my plate. Plus, there's also the not inconsiderable legal hurdle of having to get NCsoft's permission before using any of their IP for anything commercial. Still, I am curious what you all think.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



I'd also like to point out: unless someone gets .Net fully-functional on an iPad, "I want Mids' on my iPad!" would mean starting from scratch.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
I'd also like to point out: unless someone gets .Net fully-functional on an iPad, "I want Mids' on my iPad!" would mean starting from scratch.
Actually, that's not out of the question. It's not free, mind you. In fact, it's $400 for the cheap-o license. Still, it's out there.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



I don't know about Monotouch, but the last time I investigated Mono, it did not have enough of the .Net functionality to run Mids'.



...Pocket Mids. Yes.

Though... my Dream app would have to be a COH Companion.

Basically a Super Streamlined version of Paragon Wiki, with a dash of Vidiot Maps thrown in for good measure.

Badge Maps, Enemies by Zone (and Zones by -Enemy group-. A feature Paragon Wiki really needs).

Basically, everything ParagonWiki offers, but streamlined so that you can tap through it quickly. It'd be nice to have a full map of the zone you were in on the side too. If HeroStats could track your current zone, and display the relevant map on the iPad, that would be -The Sex-.



Double Post because editing crashes the forums...

Picture if you will, an iPad, framing a map of Paragon City, the Rogue Isles, or Praetoria. On the top of a sidebar lies a search pad. You can switch regions by swiping. By using a plugin like Glycerine, the game will be able to load up a map of the relevant zone, marking contacts, badges, and regions. A sidebar lets you see a list of enemy groups, contacts, stores, and badges.

You could look up a complete list of enemies that appear in the zone (and in paper/radio missions), their powers, what badges they're good for, etc.

You could look up contacts. Events...

Basically, it's the Hitchiker's Guide to city of.



I have no interest in iFruit, iKotex, iCrap or any of the like at this time. I have my iPod Classic 160GB for music and my phone is just that... a phone.

Droids, iPhones, Meh! I'm plugged into a wall socket for nearly 55% of my day via my desktop, laptop, and the Etch A Sketch I cross-wired through my Toaster Oven and an old BetaMax.

So... I guess that would mean I couldn't care less about an App, free or otherwise, for a device that I don't have any use for.

Now, if I were to actually end up with such a device, on a service plan that didn't gouge me for every little detail, then maybe I would be interested in...

Pocket Mids
Pocket Costumer
Pocket Market Watch*
Pocket Gallery of WW and GW...oh wait...

*runs off to develop something that I can charge the community for so I can makes me some munnies too*

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Jokes about its name aside (I've heard them, and giggled appropriately), has anyone actually bought an iPad? If so, have you considered what kind of CoH-related apps you'd like to see on it? Specifically, what apps would you like to see that could conceivably be community-developed? (So something like, "I want an iPad version of CoH!" or "I want a costume creator!" wouldn't practically fall into that category.)
Actually, I don't see why they COULDN'T make an iPhone/iPad version of the costume creator. Just think about it, it could be linked to your account so that you would have access to any available costume peices. Think up a good costume on the bus, at work, or in the shower*? Simply grab your iTool of choice, make the costume, and then save it to upload later for use as a character or when using the mission editor.

*Do not use the iPhone or iPad in the shower. Do not feed them after midnight. Do not taunt happy fun iBall.



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
Actually, I don't see why they COULDN'T make an iPhone/iPad version of the costume creator.
It's a technical possibility. Much more so for the dev team than the community, though. (A community-developed costume creator would have to first interpret the model structure used by the game.) And I doubt the devs would spend time on such a thing because...

On the other hand, it's a legal nightmare as far as I understand. They made a separate costume creator for the Korean version of the game, but nothing over here, and the Korean version was never updated. Ever wonder why?



Actually, the first useful thing I did with my iPad is check the wiki while looking for history plaques. OK, maybe not useful, but at least purposeful (not just messing around). And honestly, I'm not sure what I would want besides what I can get with Safari (the wiki, vidiots maps).

(Yes, posted from my iPad.)

Quote of the moment: This, too, shall pass.
Justice superteamers: We have a website now, in case the forums get closed early. If you've ever run with us, come visit us again before the curtain falls. We're running bucket list characters--anything you've always wanted to play but never got around to.



I have an ipad

It's a beta version



I'd like to see a CoX facebook app. Not a fan of the tampod though....



Two Words:

CoH Vault

*bails on thread*

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



ipad, schmi-pad. Do it on Android.

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Two Words:

CoH Vault

*bails on thread*

When I was playing CO, they came out with a free app. It let you check you're friends list, send in-game e-mails, check your stats, read the news thats posted on the website. Overall it was pretty cool. I didn't get much use out of it since i quit a week later. It did some cool stuff and it is free. WoW also has their Armory app that i believe is free where you can do similar things.

"while some people would say fish, cow, ambush!"-Ice9



Originally Posted by Furio View Post
ipad, schmi-pad. Do it on Android.
This. I'm more a fan of open platforms, but hey more power to whoever likes being told by Apple what they can and can't do.

Also, seeing as how Apple is now suing HTC over Android, I would watch out. The only reason to do something like that is because Apple recognizes what serious competition Android is becoming.



mids on iphone would be cool. chunky though, i imagine.
i'd be more interested in a recipe/IO spreadsheet database so i can keep track of what all i need for my various alts (i can never remember if i need 16 sets of bonesnap or 18).



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
I'm more a fan of open platforms
But that means you don't necessarily have to ever buy anything from the company that made it ever again! They hate that sorta thing...

I'm guessing that in 20 years times (if not sooner) nothing will be open.

The only app for an iPad-type object I'd want is one to play the game itself. Maybe; I prefer a real keyboard for typing.



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
But that means you don't necessarily have to ever buy anything from the company that made it ever again! They hate that sorta thing...

I'm guessing that in 20 years times (if not sooner) nothing will be open.
Unlikely. Linux isn't going to disappear or go closed source in twenty years. Some things like java pretty much *can't* go closed in only twenty years due to their nature and the way they are licensed and managed.

Oh, and in keeping with the theme, posted from iPad.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Jokes about its name aside (I've heard them, and giggled appropriately), has anyone actually bought an iPad? If so, have you considered what kind of CoH-related apps you'd like to see on it? Specifically, what apps would you like to see that could conceivably be community-developed? (So something like, "I want an iPad version of CoH!" or "I want a costume creator!" wouldn't practically fall into that category.)

And just out of curiosity, does anyone have any experience developing for the iPhone? Objective C is kind of a beast, not to be trifled with.

What would you be willing to pay for CoH-related apps? Would you only use freebie ones? Would you snag some $0.99 ones? Would you be willing to plunk down a few bucks for something particularly useful? How would you personally define "particularly useful"?

Keep in mind that these questions are all hypothetical. I'm not intending on developing anything for the iPhone or iPad in the near future, I have way too much on my plate. Plus, there's also the not inconsiderable legal hurdle of having to get NCsoft's permission before using any of their IP for anything commercial. Still, I am curious what you all think.
I would like to have a Market app so I can check my Auction Items whenever I am away from the game.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
It's a technical possibility. Much more so for the dev team than the community, though. (A community-developed costume creator would have to first interpret the model structure used by the game.) And I doubt the devs would spend time on such a thing because...

On the other hand, it's a legal nightmare as far as I understand. They made a separate costume creator for the Korean version of the game, but nothing over here, and the Korean version was never updated. Ever wonder why?

added to which I suspect more than one person would cry "I want this for my XYZ" not just the iWhatever.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



I would throw $5 or $6 at iMids, especially if it wasn't ad-supported. I would also love a free or really cheap iPhone app for CoH Vault if/when it ever ships. But what I want even more than those two is an app like Wikipanion, only for ParagonWiki instead of Wikipedia.



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Two Words:

CoH Vault

*bails on thread*
/thread, but only if...

Originally Posted by Furio View Post
ipad, schmi-pad. Do it on Android.
Oh, okay, carry on then, /thread.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
I'm guessing that in 20 years times (if not sooner) nothing will be open.
I don't see that happening. Too many people are against completely closed platforms. Besides, there isn't enough of a benefit(if any) to closed platforms for people to abandon open platforms.



I would like Mids, a nice recipie/Invention database....and an app that lets me connect to global chat servers while not in game.


.....I will marry war witch if she does it!

*goes back to his corner to cry because he knows ICOX isn't happening.*