CoH-related iPhone/iPad apps




I don't think we're going to run out of Free Software Neckbeards any time soon. (That said, I shaved mine off years ago, and am about to replace my Ubuntu server with a Mac Mini.)

I agree with the above, though. A scrollable map of Paragon would be nice. Not sure if a specialized version of ParagonWiki would really need to happen, or if that couldn't be just as well handled by bookmarking the parts you want fast access to.

Don't have an iPad yet, but I will at some point. The best use I've come up with for it so far is a replacement for sheet music, if it'll stay put on a music stand.

Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia



Rather than getting an iPad, why not a netbook, or HP's Slate? You can run whatever you want on those.

They're also able to do things that the iPad will never do.

Necrobond - 50 BS/Inv Scrapper made in I1
Rickar - 50 Bots/FF Mastermind
Anti-Muon - 42 Warshade
Ivory Sicarius - 45 Crab Spider

Aber ja, nat�rlich Hans nass ist, er steht unter einem Wasserfall.



Originally Posted by Necrotron View Post
Rather than getting an iPad, why not a netbook, or HP's Slate? You can run whatever you want on those.

They're also able to do things that the iPad will never do.
Don't bring logic and common sense when talking about Apple products. If the fanboys don't come after you, Mr. Job's goons will.



Originally Posted by Necrotron View Post
Rather than getting an iPad, why not a netbook, or HP's Slate? You can run whatever you want on those.
I don't intend to really push an Apple or anti-Apple agenda. I really do hope that Android, the Slate, and other such technologies and platforms take off. The more, the merrier, I say! The fact of the matter, for better or worse, is that a LOT of people do have iPhones and it looks like a lot of people will have iPads. Another fact of the matter is that I have an iPhone. I don't have an iPad, and I don't really intend to get one anytime soon. If Google came out with an Android-based tablet, or if the HP Slate were available today, I assure you that I'd have one by now. Hopefully that will be soon (not Soon™) in coming.

These have been some really great ideas. Being one of the administrators of the Titan Network, I was happy to see Pocket Wiki and Pocket Mids ideas put out there. I really like the idea of a Pocket VidiotMaps, too. I can't promise that anything like that will ever happen, especially since I have a lot on my plate and, as I pointed out, any apps, even community-developed ones, would pretty much have to be signed off on by NCsoft.

I do wonder what would be involved in actually make some of these applications happen. Like I said, I've only dabbled in Xcode, Objective C, and the iPhone SDK, so I kinda feel grossly unprepared to even try to code up something like this. Steering the conversation towards the other part of my question (hopefully without nixing the topic of CoH-related app ideas), does anyone have experience in developing for the iPhone/iPad platform? If so, what has it been like for you? Have you just taken it up recently? Do you also have experience developing for the Mac? Anyone here a registered developer with actual apps out there on the Apple App Store?

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by Necrotron View Post
Rather than getting an iPad, why not a netbook, or HP's Slate? You can run whatever you want on those.
Because a netbook is just a crappy version of my laptop, which literally does everything a netbook does only better. What the iPad does, it does fairly well and better than my laptop or a netbook. Like be light and start instantly for one.

Its certainly not perfect, but given that I already own an iPhone, I can afford to be an early adopter for the iPad.

The HP Slate looks interesting, but a) I can't buy one yet and b) running Windows 7 is likely to hamper the product by trying to shoehorn a general purpose OS onto a clearly special purpose platform.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
Don't bring logic and common sense when talking about Apple products. If the fanboys don't come after you, Mr. Job's goons will.
That was kind of my point - people won't knowingly toss open platforms over their shoulders, they'll just be happy to sign up for things like iPads/Andriods, etc. that are by nature designed to be anti-open. Something of a back-door "getting rid of open platform" effect.

You "neckbeard"ers out there may be right though, one never knows for sure.



I have an iPhone and I love it. It does everything my old mobile phone did and its web browser is excellent for everything But Flash. I probably won't get an iPad though, I'm getting a netbook soon.

As for CoH iPhone apps, I'd pay up to 10euro (I'm in Poland) for pretty much anything CoH related as long as it wasn't just a rip-off collection of screenshots or one of those scam apps. Sth like WoWs Armory app would be nice, a CC would be awesome, and an app that let me use the AH would also be great.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Well I'd pay 10 bucks for Mid's on my Mac, seriously. Yeah I know that has nothing to do with the topic.



Originally Posted by Necrotron View Post
Rather than getting an iPad, why not a netbook, or HP's Slate? You can run whatever you want on those.

They're also able to do things that the iPad will never do.
Well, if what I want to run is the OS the iPad runs on? Apple's integration of products is generally pretty nice. I ran SuSE Linux as my sole OS for a couple of years, and Debian for a while after that, so I'm not entirely unfamiliar with the alternatives.

Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Because a netbook is just a crappy version of my laptop, which literally does everything a netbook does only better. What the iPad does, it does fairly well and better than my laptop or a netbook. Like be light and start instantly for one.

Its certainly not perfect, but given that I already own an iPhone, I can afford to be an early adopter for the iPad.

The HP Slate looks interesting, but a) I can't buy one yet and b) running Windows 7 is likely to hamper the product by trying to shoehorn a general purpose OS onto a clearly special purpose platform.
I agree with what you say, and yet I disagree on a fundamental level. You're right in that the iPad is creating a new platform, a new and completely independent category of devices to live alongside a smartphone and a computer or Mac, but I do not believe that this category is long for this world.

I can insult the iPhone until my lungs are worn out, my cheeks are blue, and my brain is frazzled (and I frequently do) but I cannot deny the success Apple had in completely reinventing the smartphone as we know it. They managed to totally change people's conceptions on what a phone could be. No amount of debating will take that away from them. Even Android, my platform of choice, takes many cues from the interface paradigms that Apple created.

But the iPad feels too arbitrary. The iPhone came into a market previously dominated by Blackberry, Nokia's symbian phones, and the jungle of Windows Mobile phones, all of which were categorically a nightmare. Blackberries were generally the more polished of the lot, but I still don't believe ease of use was a concern. With the post-iPhone market, Palm, Google, and Microsoft are now chasing Apple.

But the iPad is going up against laptops; netbooks, notebooks, and even Macbooks. It's undoubtedly very slim (and rather attractive), but at 12", it competes against far tougher game for space in my laptop bag. And here, of course, is another problem; Even if you take absolutely no accessories with you, including the charger (which may be possible given the battery) and you use only the included case, you will still be putting it in a bag. I can't imagine myself walking through town, on a train, in my car, or in university carrying around the iPad all on its own. I will have a bag for it, and I will take it out as needed. In this, it is no longer living alongside my laptop - it is competing directly with it.

In contrast, there is the smartphone. This competes with nothing but other phones. It is, by default, in your pocket. There is a supreme level of convenience here. You don't have to think about which phone you bring with you; you just take your phone and go. It lives in harmony with your laptop or computer. In contrast, if I had an iPad, there would be very little chance of me taking it out of the house if I had a laptop (or Macbook) to choose from.

This is a problem with all tablet devices. I simply do not believe that this category of device is going to take off.

I've been keeping an eye on the World's Press about the iPhone, and there seems to be one universal criticism: No multitasking. I'm not very good with words, so I shall quote someone else.

Originally Posted by Gizmodo
iPad launch meant long hours, and I am glad to be going home. In the air, I nap as we ascend. When I wake up, and log on to Virgin America's Wi-Fi, I finally have the time to fall in love. The new flavor of interface puts menus on the left and stuff on the right, so you don't have to click around much to switch between emails, tweet streams and songs, compared to on an iPhone. What I do is type this note. Then I notice, sometimes it thinks it's still an iPhone, and not a computer. Work people IM me, and the resulting popups ruin my focus mid word. To switch to AIM from my notes, I have to hit the home button, swipe to another home screen and open another program... "This is not how a computer should behave," I mumble.
Again, I'm not here to be inflammatory. I just want my opinion on this heard.

Necrobond - 50 BS/Inv Scrapper made in I1
Rickar - 50 Bots/FF Mastermind
Anti-Muon - 42 Warshade
Ivory Sicarius - 45 Crab Spider

Aber ja, nat�rlich Hans nass ist, er steht unter einem Wasserfall.



It hadn't actually occurred to me to take an iPad outside. I haven't seen one in person yet, but I definitely see your point: if it's big enough to take up laptop-sized space, but far less capable than a laptop, then it's probably a silly thing to carry around if what you want is a laptop. I'd very likely never take it outside, and just use it for light-duty stuff that I can suddenly do without being at my desk or using a phone, such as: quick web browsing, a way for someone to catch me over IM, maybe reading things or playing games on the sofa. If I'm going outside, I'll take the phone, and not the iPad.

I really think it's more about convenience than power. In fact, another use I thought of for it (this thread is slowly nudging me towards the Apple store): I could put all the pdf manuals I've got for my guitar amps, pedals, etc on it. Means I don't have to flip away from Logic if I'm recording something and need to look up the amperage on the fuse I just blew. It might be a silly example, but to me it's the same as having ParagonWiki on a separate device: I can leave CoH running full-screen and see what's going on, and look stuff up all I want on something else. That sounds compelling to me.

Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
This. I'm more a fan of open platforms, but hey more power to whoever likes being told by Apple what they can and can't do.

Also, seeing as how Apple is now suing HTC over Android, I would watch out. The only reason to do something like that is because Apple recognizes what serious competition Android is becoming.
The hilarity is Apple has an extremely long history of doing really scary Orwellian crap and suing people into oblivion for pretty much just daring to compete against them... and yet people still buy the marketing crap that Apple is fighting the good fight against the evil Microsoft empire.

Start here if you'd like a humorous overview of some of their latest:



Originally Posted by Gorgar View Post
I really think it's more about convenience than power. In fact, another use I thought of for it (this thread is slowly nudging me towards the Apple store): I could put all the pdf manuals I've got for my guitar amps, pedals, etc on it. Means I don't have to flip away from Logic if I'm recording something and need to look up the amperage on the fuse I just blew. It might be a silly example, but to me it's the same as having ParagonWiki on a separate device: I can leave CoH running full-screen and see what's going on, and look stuff up all I want on something else. That sounds compelling to me.
On that note, the iPad is incapable of saving PDFs for later viewing. Well, iPad Safari is, anyway. I'm not sure if you'd be able to transfer them over by iTunes or whatever.

Necrobond - 50 BS/Inv Scrapper made in I1
Rickar - 50 Bots/FF Mastermind
Anti-Muon - 42 Warshade
Ivory Sicarius - 45 Crab Spider

Aber ja, nat�rlich Hans nass ist, er steht unter einem Wasserfall.



Originally Posted by NobleFox View Post
The hilarity is Apple has an extremely long history of doing really scary Orwellian crap and suing people into oblivion for pretty much just daring to compete against them... and yet people still buy the marketing crap that Apple is fighting the good fight against the evil Microsoft empire.

Start here if you'd like a humorous overview of some of their latest:

That's a good read. Apple is one of a very few companies that I refuse to (knowingly) give my money to. Don't get me wrong, they make good hardware and their smart. I just don't like the way they do business.

I'm not a fan of Microsoft either, but they are necessary to my computer usage unfortunately. But if that changes, I'll drop them too.



Originally Posted by Necrotron View Post
I agree with what you say, and yet I disagree on a fundamental level. You're right in that the iPad is creating a new platform, a new and completely independent category of devices to live alongside a smartphone and a computer or Mac, but I do not believe that this category is long for this world.

I can insult the iPhone until my lungs are worn out, my cheeks are blue, and my brain is frazzled (and I frequently do) but I cannot deny the success Apple had in completely reinventing the smartphone as we know it. They managed to totally change people's conceptions on what a phone could be. No amount of debating will take that away from them. Even Android, my platform of choice, takes many cues from the interface paradigms that Apple created.

But the iPad feels too arbitrary. The iPhone came into a market previously dominated by Blackberry, Nokia's symbian phones, and the jungle of Windows Mobile phones, all of which were categorically a nightmare. Blackberries were generally the more polished of the lot, but I still don't believe ease of use was a concern. With the post-iPhone market, Palm, Google, and Microsoft are now chasing Apple.

But the iPad is going up against laptops; netbooks, notebooks, and even Macbooks. It's undoubtedly very slim (and rather attractive), but at 12", it competes against far tougher game for space in my laptop bag. And here, of course, is another problem; Even if you take absolutely no accessories with you, including the charger (which may be possible given the battery) and you use only the included case, you will still be putting it in a bag. I can't imagine myself walking through town, on a train, in my car, or in university carrying around the iPad all on its own. I will have a bag for it, and I will take it out as needed. In this, it is no longer living alongside my laptop - it is competing directly with it.

In contrast, there is the smartphone. This competes with nothing but other phones. It is, by default, in your pocket. There is a supreme level of convenience here. You don't have to think about which phone you bring with you; you just take your phone and go. It lives in harmony with your laptop or computer. In contrast, if I had an iPad, there would be very little chance of me taking it out of the house if I had a laptop (or Macbook) to choose from.

This is a problem with all tablet devices. I simply do not believe that this category of device is going to take off.

I've been keeping an eye on the World's Press about the iPhone, and there seems to be one universal criticism: No multitasking. I'm not very good with words, so I shall quote someone else.

Again, I'm not here to be inflammatory. I just want my opinion on this heard.
There's two different issues here: the actual limits and capabilities of the tablet platform in general, and the specific design decisions (i.e. multitasking) that Apple made in the first generation iPad.

In my opinion, the reason why there is a place for tablet computing is the same reason there is a place for smartphones. There's absolutely nothing my iPhone or anyone else's smartphone does that my laptop can't do - not even make phone calls in theory. So why do smartphones exist?

1. They have a convenient form-factor
2. They are almost instantly available
3. They are specifically streamlined to do certain things, such as actually making phone calls.

The last one is the one most computer people fail to recognize. Computer jockeys are notoriously bad at understanding the requirements of consumer electronics devices in general. More features is automatically better in the general computer world. But not in the consumer electronics world. Computer people laughed at the iPod shuffle. They were dead wrong.

Its too early to know if the iPad and its constellation of apps will make the jump to convenience item, but its certainly within the ballpark. The battery life alone makes the iPad a player in the consumer electronics field that no laptop or notebook can touch: if you need a device that only needs to do a subset of things, but needs to do them untethered all day long, you have three choices: laptop/notebook, smartphone, tablet. Based on my testing, the iPad will be running long past the point where both of the others will be dead (even smartphones burn their batteries up too quickly when doing heavy app running or network transfers).

I know would much rather find an app that would record my meetings than bang away on my laptop (if this app didn't exist, I had already suggested to a few people to write it). Things like this, and not clunky attempts to do the same thing we already do on laptops, are where tablet computing is going to ultimately go, and app evolution like that is what tablet computing needs to carve out a place for itself.

Now, things like document management and multitasking (at least some version of it) are things Apple is going to have to improve on. But those things are not limitations on tablet computing, just the limits on the 1.0 version of the iPad, and perhaps on Apple itself. The 1.0 version of the iPhone wasn't all that great either. But in my opinion, having seen tablets from the GO and the Newton up to the iPad, I think until recently just like smartphones would have been ludicrous to try to create in the 80s, the technology to make a genuinely interesting tablet computer has only existed very recently. History is simply not a good guide for whether tablet computers will ultimately succeed.

In any case, I think the Kindle is the defacto counter-example to the notion that tablet computing is a temporary fad. I think as electronic book readers continue to get better, they will continue to displace print as the means to carry around and read documents and books. The Kindle is the extreme example of the special purpose computing device, and I don't think its going anywhere. Apple is betting that you can succeed selling the couple-dozen use tablet rather than the single use tablet. They might ultimately fail, but I don't think it will be because tablet computing itself is doomed.

In the long run, tablet computing only has to hold its own for another decade or so. The entire game of portable computing in general is going to change because of the twin advances of cloud computing and wireless broadband. And in fact, there are iPad app developers that are just getting their feet wet trying to sidestep all of the limitations of the iPad by moving both storage and computing into the cloud.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Guys, I didn't post this to start a flame war about how much the iPhone and/or iPad sucks and/or rocks. I have my own issues with Apple, believe me, and I know a device like the iPad isn't for everyone. This post wasn't meant to encourage anyone to actually go out and buy an iPad. If you want one, get one. If you don't, by gummy, don't.

But I will point out yet again that no matter what your personal choice is, it doesn't change the fact that a lot of people own iPhones. And it appears that a lot of people are going to be owning iPads, too. Like I said, I own an iPhone, and I can think of a lot of really neat CoH-related uses for it, if someone were to actually take up the task or writing the apps. I don't have an iPad, but given that iPhone apps run on it and it has a lot of similarities to the iPhone, I can imagine pretty well what the experience would be like.

My goal here was twofold. First, I am genuinely interested in what the interest level in having CoH-related iPhone/iPad apps are. I do have Xcode installed, I've played around with it, and there is the possibility that I could, in theory, write an app or two. If I did, not having a lot of experience in developing Mac apps, it wouldn't be very sophisticated or powerful, but maybe some simple widget-type apps are within the realm of reason. But again, I'll point out that I'm far away from being at the point of even doing that, especially with the hurdle of having to get NCsoft to sign off on allowing me (or anyone, for that matter) to release an application using their IP. So far away, in fact, that for practical purposes, it's best just to consider it indefinite.

Thus the second point of interest in posting this thread. I was wondering, not to put too find a point on it, if there might be anyone else out there with more experience than I have in developing apps for the iPhone/iPad. Someone that I could, you know, bounce questions off of when I run into something I just don't understand. (Which has been happening a lot in trying to pick up Objective C and the iPhone SDK.) Also, if the interest was high enough, I wanted to possibly pique the interest of Paragon Studios. Maybe one of their developers will see this thread and, in his or her spare time, throw a few ideas together and have something officially released. I can tell you that one of their developers has an infinitely greater chance of getting something out the door than I do, if for no other reason than they have the inside pipeline to the powers-that-be that would give them permission to do so.

If you're anti-Apple for whatever reason, hey, I feel your pain. In some fundamental ways, they truly do suck, and I really do hope that eventually, Android does manage to take over that market. By all means, go start your own Android thread. But until it does (and I actually own an Android device), I'm not looking for a fight. I'm just looking to satisfy my own curiosity and poke around to see what kind of interest--both from end-users and from developers--is out there. And maybe even to get a few ideas to file away in case I get bored one day.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by Necrotron View Post
On that note, the iPad is incapable of saving PDFs for later viewing. Well, iPad Safari is, anyway. I'm not sure if you'd be able to transfer them over by iTunes or whatever.
One significant limitation on the iPad currently is no universal storage. Every app must maintain its own separate and isolated storage. So the iPad itself doesn't "sync" documents, its actually iPad apps that do. If an iPad app is written to support document synchronization, the app itself shows up in iTunes with a document folder you can stick things in. iTunes will then sync those documents into the working directory of the app itself on your iPad.

Its clunky and a major limitation of the iPad. While I can appreciate the app isolation intrinsic to the design of the product, the ability to share data between different apps on the device in *some* way is something that has to be resolved eventually to fully unlock the potential of the product. Or Apple risks losing control of this issue altogether by being trumped by the cloud computing people, to the detriment of both themselves and most of their (non-cloud dependent) app developers.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I'm just looking to satisfy my own curiosity and poke around to see what kind of interest--both from end-users and from developers--is out there. And maybe even to get a few ideas to file away in case I get bored one day.
One thing you could play around with if you didn't want to commit to making an iPhone CoH app might be to make a mobile skin of paragonwiki. It would be an interesting mental exercise just to try to figure out how to make the most useful possible interface that will fit on a smartphone screen. That thought process would be a necessary first step to making a good iPhone (or other mobile device) app anyway.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I think the iPad can be mounted remotely, like a hard-drive, allowing you to transfer files directly to it. I am curious how that is implemented, as far as apps being able to access those files and save to that area.

(Note: I do not have an iPad... yet. Silly international ship dates).

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Trust the computer. The computer knows all.



I've very little to add on this now. Arcana makes a lot of valid points, and beyond that, only our opinions differ.

Also, my intention wasn't to start a flame war; I feel our debate was rather cordial. For that alone, I hold everyone in this thread in high esteem.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
One thing you could play around with if you didn't want to commit to making an iPhone CoH app might be to make a mobile skin of paragonwiki. It would be an interesting mental exercise just to try to figure out how to make the most useful possible interface that will fit on a smartphone screen. That thought process would be a necessary first step to making a good iPhone (or other mobile device) app anyway.
Yes! That's genius. Make something with HTML5 up the wazoo. That's how Google have managed to get their unapproved apps on the iPhone, you just go to the web site in question and add the bookmark to your home screen. No developer license, no approval from Apple, no cost.

SuckerPunch's planner definitely seems more appropriate than a port of Mid's. The possibilities intrigue me.

This should also work on competing handsets, depending on what resolutions the UI supported.

Necrobond - 50 BS/Inv Scrapper made in I1
Rickar - 50 Bots/FF Mastermind
Anti-Muon - 42 Warshade
Ivory Sicarius - 45 Crab Spider

Aber ja, nat�rlich Hans nass ist, er steht unter einem Wasserfall.



Originally Posted by Necrotron View Post
Yes! That's genius. Make something with HTML5 up the wazoo. That's how Google have managed to get their unapproved apps on the iPhone, you just go to the web site in question and add the bookmark to your home screen. No developer license, no approval from Apple, no cost.

SuckerPunch's planner definitely seems more appropriate than a port of Mid's. The possibilities intrigue me.

This should also work on competing handsets, depending on what resolutions the UI supported.
I've always thought that if apps weren't charged for, then it would be OK to put them on the App store. I think that Microsoft put this policy in place for apps that were going to pull information about XBox Live. Of course, I'm not a lawyer

Unfortunately, SuckerPunch has been absent again as of late. He's had a bunch of exciting stuff happen in real life, so the planner kinda stalled again. I agree that a mobile version of the planner would be nice, it's just a lot of work to get something like that going, especially when your

As for working on competing handsets, I think that with the exception of the older browsers (like AT&T's browser on my old RAZR), most are near-standards compliant and have CSS & JavaScript support. At that point, I would assume it is as difficult as developing for two different desktop browsers.

I've been tossing an idea around for a "touch" (mobile browser) version of CIT, but my biggest issue so far is that I'm nowhere near the guru of CSS that SuckerPunch is.

[url=""]ParagonWiki User Page[/url]

[url=""]City Info Tracker[/url]




iPhone OS 4 has multitasking.

Necrobond - 50 BS/Inv Scrapper made in I1
Rickar - 50 Bots/FF Mastermind
Anti-Muon - 42 Warshade
Ivory Sicarius - 45 Crab Spider

Aber ja, nat�rlich Hans nass ist, er steht unter einem Wasserfall.



I dunno.

I can't help but feel like the whole "app market" concept will pass, but I've got a Droid, so I'm biased.

To me- a FULLY (with flash enabled) web-capable phone doesn't need *much* of an app store and kinda makes the app market concept obsolete. Developers can make a web app that's NOT platform or device or form-factor specific and has a much larger potential market. For all the iPhone game apps out there, they're nothing compared to what's available in flash games online.

If there was a iphone or droid app, what would I like to see? Well, as others have mentioned, Mid's would be nice, but I rarely use that anymore... I've stopped planning out my characters for optimization & just have fun with concept builds & conveniently-available IO sets.



Oh, Apple, why must you do this? D:

Necrobond - 50 BS/Inv Scrapper made in I1
Rickar - 50 Bots/FF Mastermind
Anti-Muon - 42 Warshade
Ivory Sicarius - 45 Crab Spider

Aber ja, nat�rlich Hans nass ist, er steht unter einem Wasserfall.