Why is it harder to revamp a zone than to make a new one?
I don't think it's 'harder' to revamp an old zone than it is to create a new one but...
They get more 'bang for their bucks' when they create a new zone since people can go 'oooh shiney!' instead of 'it's about bloody time!' when they revamp an old zone.
I agree with the people saying that we've already GOT enough zones, how about revamping the crap and near useless ones FIRST before focusing on 'ooh shiney!'. I had hoped with War Witch incharge the stance would change unfortunately it seems the relentless forward march of the shiney continues.
Agree - the devs never said it is harder to redevelop old zones, just that it takes just as much time to do that as create a new zone.
To slightly disagree with Dr Mechano, CoH has enough zones and definitely has some that need a revamp (all untouched hazard zones, for instance) while CoV really needs some new zones to help fill it out more (and perhaps provide another story outside of the 'Destined One' meta-story).
To slightly disagree with Dr Mechano, CoH has enough zones and definitely has some that need a revamp (all untouched hazard zones, for instance) while CoV really needs some new zones to help fill it out more (and perhaps provide another story outside of the 'Destined One' meta-story).
Hmm so Villains get new zones while Heroside gets revamps, both get new content, both get what is technically a 'new zone' and villains get some exclusive content people have been crying out for...hmm think that would be good...
Didn't they change the architecture in the Hollows & Faultline? I remember the Hollows being more difficult to travel through (especially without travel powers) with pits and cliffs and chasms and Faultline was re-designed to show the effects of construction and rebuilding.
In that case, I can see where it would take just as long to revamp a zone as to design a new one. Even the time you save by not redesigning the whole zone is then offset by making sure the new pieces fit together, making sure the new mission doors go where they should (I'm looking at you, "Mission door in the AE sidewalk" bug), new contact placement, etc.
If you were to "revamp" Steel Canyon by just changing the missions and onctacts I don't think it'd take so long. But I doubt many people would be impressed by it either.
I think they sort of blew up the old faultline and put a new one on top of it.
Anyone remember? It was eather that or Rikti war zone that when revamped, people who at one point logged off there were later logging into the old forms of the zones.
Villains: Add more stuff
Seriously. It's not that hard to get a head around. Blueside needs quality. Redside needs more quantity.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Faultline got a good revamp.
This Video gives a good look at what Fault was back in the day...
As to a possible reason for new and shiney over revamp, think about this:
I believe either Posi or War Witch stated, maybe in something Herocon related, that the overall resources needed to do a zone revamp (like Faultline) is about the same as doing a new zone. I personally, as much as I would like to see some zones, blue side, overhauled, would rather see their efforts put into newer material than updating existing stuff.
Let's also keep in mind that the Hollows updates were mainly stuff War Witch was doing on the side (Like BABs and the Walk Power).
Now if I had my choice of which zone needed a Fault-like revamp...
Boomtown, I choose You!
Thank you for the time...

I'd like to know why it's actually easier to make a new zone than it is to revamp an old one? What does a revamp involve that making a new zone doesn't?
Now, while I don't know about all of the inner workings concerning all of this, I believe it has to do with a full revamp (i.e. Faultline) mostly involving a massive amount of manipulation of zone geometry, new arcs, and rework of spawn locations. If any individual portion of that could be reduced, then the design work would, feasibly, be reduced, though that's assuming that there would be no problem with simply transferring it over. The oft asked for Shadow Shard revamp could probably include very little manipulation of the geometry (just adding an island for villains without having to change all of the other islands), and minimal rework of spawns (switching out normal soldiers for Arachnos soldiers in regions physically close to the vill base). A vast majority of the development would, hopefully, be focused upon writing the story and placing new contacts (which, if the Cimerora update can be any gauge of, isn't nearly as resource consumptive as manipulating the zone itself).
What I simply cannot understand is HOW the hell they think revamping is, somehow, magically inferior to new zones? New zones !!!= better. There is so much dross in the old blueside zones that is sitting there, weighing it all down. There is a reason I either try and get on RWZ teams or teams that speed up levelling blueside, when im not playing redside. Because Blueside content is dire. It truly is.
Blueside has quantity. But it sure as heck does not have quality. Redside, however, has a lot of quality.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
The difference I think is that there is a disconnect between what the playerbase things is a revamp and what the dev team's standards for a revamp is. Then again I think the playerbase expectation differs by zone.
Take Dark Astoria:
Add 4 contacts, with story arcs maybe a 5th for a TF, maybe not.
Playerbase cheers that DA has been 'revamped'. For no more work than adding 4 new contacts anywhere else.
this would require rejigging the main zone map for construction sites, Adding contacts, changing spawns. This would be at least as much work as Faultline was.
I don't think the 4 contacts and call it good would be well received by the players here.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
I think that if it's extreme enough a revamp, it can practically be a new zone. I, for example, wouldn't be suprised if they update Boomtown to be the new Fifth Column HQ.
There's a mission in the 15-19 range your villain goes to the (now under reconstruction) Baumton. There're cranes and buildings going up, and all sorts. What with issue fifteen poking its head up more recently, I'm expecting the reconstruction to be under new management soon enough. I'm hoping for a Striga Isle-esque zone: a hazard zone, but with enough to do there it isn't ignored.
I believe the actual line (and I believe it was actually a War Witch one) was that it's almost as much work to revamp a zone as it is to simply create a new zone outright.
I've posted excerpts from my chatlogs of the event many times before, but I'm not at the PC with the transcripts at the moment...
I also recall that Posi stated that the devs had done 2 zone revamps - and at the time RCS/RWZ, Faultline and Hollows had all seen changes. Looking at the dev language used it's always looked to me that Posi was not counting the Hollows rebalance as a zone revamp, and so it follows that some rebalancing and minor changes may still be on the cards for other zones.
It's the major architectural/geometry changes and fleshing out with 3 or more contacts worth of new missions that takes almost as much effort as a new zone - and seeing the work done to RCS/RWZ and Faultline it's easy to appreciate that.
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my toons
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Don't forget Atlas, Galaxy and Kings Row have had minor revamps.
Spawns were changed, longbow and police patrols added that actually fight mobs.
Made the intial zone experience feel much more 'alive' than previously.
Even expanding this basic tech throughout the other city zones would be significant progress in changing the 'feel' of the outdoors experience.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
What I simply cannot understand is HOW the hell they think revamping is, somehow, magically inferior to new zones? New zones !!!= better.
For many (x+1) zones must be better and bigger than a game with a mere x zones... And because many MMO players seem to think this then the press will often make more noise about a game getting a new zone than it will over an existing zone being reworked.
Devs who realise this know that they'll get a much better reaction from the press and prospective players spending 100 days working on a new zone rather than spending 80 days working on making an underutilised zone fun and full of existing players having fun.
For a non-CoX example: Like it or loathe it, I've seen many complaints/negative comments about Champions Online only having 5 zones at launch (and until last weeks update). But the fact is that each zone in that game was several times the size of most zones in CoX, with an accompanying number of contacts/missions.
And I'm sure I recall seeing several posts worried that GR may only be 2 or 3 zones, without considering that 2 or 3 zones in GR could be nearly as big as Paragon City if the zones are a similar size to the shadow shard zones (or bigger).
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my toons
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Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
The difference I think is that there is a disconnect between what the playerbase things is a revamp and what the dev team's standards for a revamp is. Then again I think the playerbase expectation differs by zone.
Take Dark Astoria: Add 4 contacts, with story arcs maybe a 5th for a TF, maybe not. Playerbase cheers that DA has been 'revamped'. For no more work than adding 4 new contacts anywhere else. |
I would so love this to happen.
I think the other reason we are getting new zones rather than re-vamped old ones is because this way the devs only need to create one new zone an issue, rather than revamping one and creating a new one for villains. This also explains the tendency towards co-op.
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So I found a post I made last June about this (in a thread about If you could design the next expansion?...). It contains the excerpt from my chatlogs from the EU pocket D event.
Hopefully this helps show exactly what was said re: zone revamps, though if not I'll look into reposting a larger chunk complete with timestamps.
Of course, it all relies on my being honest enough not to edit or misreport...
Seriously, I think Positron lost a screw somewhere when he said they were not going to revamp the older zones. [/ QUOTE ] When did he say that? He didn't say that in the anniversary EU pocket D event, as I'm guessing you think he did. Couple of notes: 1. The EU pocket D exchange about zone revamps/new zones actually went: Golden Girl1: Positron, are there any plans to give older zones a Faultline-style makeover, like Boomtown, for example, or would you rather add new zones to the game first? Positron: Right now, we'd rather add zones Positron: since a revamp takes almost as much time Notice that, to paraphrase, he said 'at this point in time we'd prefer to create new zones'. That is not the same as saying that now or in the future they will not do any zone revamps. It doesn't even say that they don't have any future ones planned. They may even have some being done now, as there is an overwhelming reason to revamp a zone, even though they'd 'prefer' not to. 2. What counts as a zone revamp??? At the EU pocket D event, Posi stated that they'd done 2 zone revamps: Positron: So we've done two "revamps" to zones so far. Positron: So we have a good metric on how much time it takes Positron: And for a smidge more time, we can make a brand new zone. But in recent years we've seen revamps to RCS, Faultline and Hollows haven't we? Now it's possible that he misremembered or miscounted, but I doubt it. It appears RCS/RWZ and Faultline were both revamps in the devs eyes - they both had a good range of zone story arcs and contacts added, and saw changes to the zones architecture/geometry. The changes made to the Hollows were far less intensive and seem to not count as a revamp in the devs eyes. But we did see a reasonable shake up in the zone spawns, a new contact for repeatable missions and some new facilities (involving minor architecture/geometry changes). If that's how the devs do see it then of course what they refer to as a zone revamp will be nearly as much work as creating a new zone. Practically half of FL was redesigned - with the rebuild and dam area being added. RWZ has quite a few new areas, not least of all the vanguard base itself. And both had at least 3 zone story arcs added. It makes me wonder exactly where a zone revamp starts. Maybe adding a single zone arc contact and a repeatable contact to DA, but leaving the architecture untouched wouldn't count as a revamp. If that's the case then it's possible that DA and Boom could see some more use without being given the full dev-qualifying 'revamp' treatment. So even if the devs aren't planning what they class as a zone revamp it is still possible that they are planning what the playerbase would see as a zone revamp. |
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my toons
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Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
So I found the post I originally did with timestamped (with times using British Summer Time, GMT+1) excerpts from the chatlog of the EU pocket D 5th anniversary event.
The full post is here.
The main section regarding zones/mission is midway through the post:
* On new content: 04-28-2009 18:06:08 [Local] Positron: We could write Arcs, but with MA out there, we'd rather write TF/SF's 04-28-2009 18:06:36 [Local] Golden Girl1: Positron, are there any plans to give older zones a Faultline-style makeover, like Boomtown, for example, or would you rather add new zones to the game first? 04-28-2009 18:06:53 [Local] Positron: Right now, we'd rather add zones 04-28-2009 18:07:04 [Local] Positron: since a revamp takes almost as much time 04-28-2009 18:31:29 [Local] Positron: So we've done two "revamps" to zones so far. 04-28-2009 18:31:41 [Local] Positron: So we have a good metric on how much time it takes 04-28-2009 18:31:54 [Local] Positron: And for a smidge more time, we can make a brand new zone. 04-28-2009 18:33:18 [Local] Positron: But we can make COOL zones Note that this is second reference to 'COOL' (both times capitalised, 1st time referring to the 5th TF/SFs) 04-28-2009 18:31:51 [Local] Fulcrum: Posi, do we need to get the umbrellas ready for the 'coming storm' anytime soon? 04-28-2009 18:32:11 [Local] Positron: Coming storm is still a ways away. |
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
I think adding AND revamping have their ups and downs. There's evidence of both options being a waste of time, as well as being a success. I do however think that BOTH should be done, to an extent. New zones can bring in new ideas and concepts. But also if we only add zones we'll end up with 100 zones, only 5 of which are ever used.
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
PAX has seen a reconfirmation of the devs preference for new zones over revamps:
Q: Any plans to revisit old hazard zones?
Bianco Yes, they do revisit sometimes, but only when it makes sense; they like creating new one a lot more.
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
Boy I hope a DEV reads and answers this ...
![]() Both Positron and War Witch state they would prefer to concentrate resources on making new zones rather than revamping old ones because it's easier to do so. I'd like to know why it's actually easier to make a new zone than it is to revamp an old one? What does a revamp involve that making a new zone doesn't? |
1) you have check all legacy content and make sure it gets pointed to the new version of the zone (or somewhere else).
2) revamped zones are in essence new zones, they just happen to look a lot like the old one. In order to accomplish that, they can either build a map using all new textures and models and try to make it look exactly like the old one (where it needs to), or they need to take a copy of the old map cut out sections that need to change, and put in your new assets. The problem with the first is getting it to look enough like the old one to match. The problem with the second is getting the sections to fit together and blend and look right.
The reason they feel new zones are easier is the same reason a general contractor will tell you they prefer building new houses to remodeling old ones. When you go into a remodel you have no idea what the people who came before you did until you rip stuff out and get a look.
Fun Fact: did you know that "old" Faultline and "old" Rikti Crash Site are still part of the game?
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
I wish they'd hire ONE new dev and say, "Hey, you are here to create a steady stream of new content. While you can implement your own ideas, we strongly suggest you exploit the existing lore. Players have been clamoring for new content that reflects the unexplored lore behind Perez Park, Boomtown, and Dark Astoria. Now ... get to it!"
It bugs me that it seems like changing zone geometry is a "requirement" in the dev's eyes when what most probably want is just one or two story arcs and maybe a TF to the zones.
Boy I hope a DEV reads and answers this ...
Both Positron and War Witch state they would prefer to concentrate resources on making new zones rather than revamping old ones because it's easier to do so.
I'd like to know why it's actually easier to make a new zone than it is to revamp an old one? What does a revamp involve that making a new zone doesn't?
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