Instant leveling fromNCSoft?

Adeon Hawkwood



In general I agree with the sentiment that autoleveling is bad. But the reality is that the RMT people cause a lot of problems, and if it were possible to destroy their business model without destroying the game, it might be an acceptable trade-off.

Under certain conditions, it might make sense for NCSoft to sell you an autoleveled third build that functions only under certain circumstances: a PvP build, for example, that only works in PvP zones and the arena. Your other builds would have to be leveled the normal way.

The price for that build would have to be commensurate with the subscription time lost. For example, if it were determined that it takes on average 100 hours to level a character to 50 under optimal conditions (these are just numbers I'm throwing out -- the devs would have to compute real values), and the average player spends 10 hours a week, it would take 10 weeks, or two months, of subscription time to get to level 50. The price would thus be $30 to autolevel to 50.

A compromise might be the ability to pay for turning on 2XP permanently for a character, or maybe even 4XP or higher. Patrol XP is already a move in that direction, but you have to leave the character idle for a time.

Another possibility would be to allow the purchase of autoleveled characters only by veterans of a certain level.

A corresponding change that might also make sense would be to allow you to purchase veteran rewards up front: if you buy two years of subscription time at once, you immediately get all the vet rewards (though you don't actually get the vet badges).



I don't think it is a bad idea for NCsoft to sell leveling upgrades.

Some people enjoy playing the game by leveling up themselves. Other people enjoy coming in at the top, and will abuse the game mechanics trying to get there.

I wouldn't ever buy a level, since I'd prefer to level by playing the game, but other people would do it.

NCsoft should probably also sell inf as well. Again, I'm not interested in buying it, as I don't really need it to play, but clearly a lot of people do buy inf from RMT types. I'd rather see that money going to Paragon Studios for game development.

I don't see how this would be the death knell for the game. People who want these things are already getting them done. It won't stop people from playing at lower levels, and it won't stop people from earning inf.

In fact, one change I could foresee for the game in relation to this is something of an abolishment of level-oriented content, and more of a move toward content suitable for any level, where completion of an arc might unlock subsequent arcs in the story.



Originally Posted by JohnX View Post
But sometimes people THINK they want something, but in fact they really don't. The toons that I've powerleveled have been the very first ones I've abandoned or deleted. If it were offered, I'm not entirely certain that I would use it.
Quoted because, well, it shows that a lack of investment in a character makes that character disposable.

Yes, there are outliers like "I only PVP" or "I only run MA for merits" or whatever, but in the new throwaway gaming mentality, why shorten a gamer's mental investment?


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

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Originally Posted by Comeuppance View Post
The fun in this game lies in the journey, not the destination.
Exactly! The first thing I do when I get a char to 50 is park them and make a new alt.

Okay, I'm lying. I make new alts all the time. Which is why it took me over a year to get my first 50. But to reiterate, the Journey in CoX is what it's all about. While other games toss around terms like "End Game Content", we've always managed to avoid that here because there is so fricken much to do between 1 and 50 that I never get bored of it.

Case-in-point, the first Issue added a new zone with content for level 5-15 players. Other new content that was added over many Issues included zones for levels 15-25, 20-30, and 30-40 because the devs have known all along that giving players more reasons to create alts was far more important than giving them reasons to race to 50 to play some "End Game".



Originally Posted by konshu View Post
Other people enjoy coming in at the top, and will abuse the game mechanics trying to get there.
And the people that like to play that way aren't going to be loyal customers. They get bored quickly and move on to other games. I want the devs to cater to their loyal customers. It's the loyal customers that pay the bills here, not the flash in the pans.

We already experienced how the lookieloos react when they were able to get to level 50 in a day when the AE came out. They quickly got bored, started complaining and quit. By September they were gone.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
We already experienced how the lookieloos react when they were able to get to level 50 in a day when the AE came out. They quickly got bored, started complaining and quit. By September they were gone.

We even had one of our SG founders come in just for the AE, then he disappeared when they "nerfed" it. Flake. NCSoft is not making any money off his account now.

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Originally Posted by Catharctic View Post
People shouldn't get pissy about this idea because it was actually suggested in a marketing survey a couple years ago.
And I'm guessing it got a lot of responses like the ones in this thread, which is probably one of the reasons why it was never implemented.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
How about this, instead: Upon reaching whatever veteran reward this is, you can outolevel one character. Period. That I could actually see happening.
/this and signed!



Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
Yeah, it'd be really cool to have a bunch of level 50s running around who are completely inexperienced and clueless about their powersets. I'd definitely love to team with them! *rolleyes*

Those who want to learn the game can do so - and it's no different to the situation we've had until recently with the AE.

There's a good and bad side to this:

The good side is that people can get a 50 without having to grind it out (as some might say... though that's not my opinion) and can access all the content from day one.

The down side is that if they do that they may think "is that all there is?" and quit.

I am not against the original post (which I believe is in the right place because it's not simply a suggestion - note to the snark in immediate response) but I'd offer some further ideas to temper the suggestion:

1) Make it unlockable by achieving at least one 50 on both sides (all 3 soon)

2) The Purchase Price comes with 1,000,000 inf and 500 merits (reflected in the price) to further kill the gold sellers. As the original suggestion stands they would love to be waiting in the wings to pounce on a brand new 50 with a "Buy 50,000,000 inf for only $XXXX - potentially this could open markets for them not shut them out of the game. If people are willing to spend $50.00 on buying "gold" then let NCSoft take that $50 and spending it benefiting the game. Those are the people that will pay for that offer.

I suspect only a minority would actually avail themselves of the offer but what it would do would nail the gold sellers and PLing companies - it removes risk from the buyer and makes it legit and if priced right undercuts the gold sellers

Arguably it could be worthwhile NC offering a store where Inf, Merits, Tickets and Salvage can be bought for hard cash. It's a mature game now and staggering rapidly to its autumn years, it's not gonna be around forever - so they may as well cash in while they can.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Thye should just make a PVP server for those of us sick of the grind. Have instant 50s free accolades and any recipes from a vendor. It would only be a pvp server so I dont see the harm.

But of course lolpvp nothing like this is ever gonna be done most likely. sigh.



eleventy bajillion percent /unsigned to this idea. and to all those that think this is a good idea, what MMO do you plan on going to next when NC shuts the doors? stop thinking about how you would use it and think how the 100 some odd thousand others would use it.

In general I agree with the sentiment that autoleveling is bad. But the reality is that the RMT people cause a lot of problems, and if it were possible to destroy their business model without destroying the game, it might be an acceptable trade-off.
as for this^^, rodion, i really don't think the RMT'ers are affecting this game anymore. i haven't seen any emails lately, but i can guess that infl/inf is around $10/billion? sound right anyone? that means that no one is buying from them anymore. they are trying to get sales to pay their people and failing at it and it shows in this game.



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
they are trying to get sales to pay their people and failing at it and it shows in this game.

Sadly I think this says a lot more about the state of the game and how NCSoft markets it than the RMTers

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by BubblegumBomb View Post
I was just thinking the other day about the PLers. How would your guys feel if Paragon/NCSoft offered you the chance for a small fee to start out as a 50? The character would start in AP with 0 inf and badges, just like a level one, only you need to go see a trainer and 'level up'. This might help to put the paid PL sites out of business. It will also give players a chance to not have to level grind another character and would be another source of income for the Devs to work with. Maybe $10 for 'Auto Level' option?

No. No no no no no.

It completely and utterly misses the point of the whole freaking game.

The game is, and always has been, about the journey to 50. Once you get there, yeah, there's other things to do. But it's about the journey, not the destination.


Whaddya think? Too strong?

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What i rather see is a Vet reward that lets you get to 20 because I really do not care for the lower levels. Especially since, if you need Stamina, there does 3 powers for Fitness pool.
After 5+ years running the content at lower levels get old and I done different directions on every new character.

Valaraine: Master Archer & Electricity Whiz.
(Archer - lvl 50, swordswoman - lvl 50, Elec zapper - lvl 35, Ice/DB tank - lvl 50, Arch/En - lvl 26, Lvl 33 Blade wielder, trick archer - lvl 34, flame tank - lvl 30, rad specialist - lvl 44.)
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Originally Posted by Juteboxhero View Post
What i rather see is a Vet reward that lets you get to 20 because I really do not care for the lower levels. Especially since, if you need Stamina, there does 3 powers for Fitness pool.
After 5+ years running the content at lower levels get old and I done different directions on every new character.
GR might be just the thing for you then

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I've asked people before what they would do if they had a literal "I Win" button that would take them to 50. I got mixed answers, but about half of them said they would use it once or twice.

It made me sad.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I've asked people before what they would do if they had a literal "I Win" button that would take them to 50. I got mixed answers, but about half of them said they would use it once or twice.

It made me sad.
I'd use it at least once. Not because it would give me an instant level 50, but because it's a button.

Curiosity trumps principle, here.

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Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue

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Originally Posted by DKellis View Post
Curiosity trumps principle, here.

Well put!

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



I don't understand why anyone has such difficulties leveling in this game. We've had 2 or 3 xp curves, debt nerfs, and changes to the difficulty system. This game was easy enough to level 1 - 50 before all the xp curves.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
I don't understand why anyone has such difficulties leveling in this game. We've had 2 or 3 xp curves, debt nerfs, and changes to the difficulty system. This game was easy enough to level 1 - 50 before all the xp curves.

Noy, have I ever told you just how much I love your forum name?

They totally need to either remake or just finish that damn series... my childhood is tarnished because I lack CLOSURE!!!!!



Originally Posted by Catharctic View Post
People shouldn't get pissy about this idea because it was actually suggested in a marketing survey a couple years ago.
And marketing never comes up with bad ideas, right?

It was a bad idea then, it's a bad idea now, and it'll be a bad idea the next time it's brought up, too.

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
i don't follow. So, if something appears on a marketing survey people are not allowed to disagree with it from then on?

i think i need to start making some targeted marketing surveys.
That's not what I meant. I should have worded it slightly better. I meant to say:

People shouldn't get pissy toward the OP about this idea because it was actually suggested in a marketing survey a couple years ago. The seed was sown by NCSoft's outstanding "Marketing department".

While I'm at it, all the people talking about the journey being fun over and over and over and over probably enjoy watching grass grow. I'm looking forward to the End Game system.



Originally Posted by Antigonus View Post
Unless you have completed the journey dozens of times, in which case it loses alot of the fun factor.

I would do it in a heartbeat. I PvP, and that's pretty much it. I haven't leveled a character legitimately in over a year, and have no plans to till at least GR because the PvE is so damn boring now. Payed auto-level would keep me playing (and paying) for far longer.
I like Guild Wars' solution to this. In GW, you can create a "PvP Character". PvP characters start at the level cap, and have access to every skill you've unlocked with normal characters (or, you can buy the $10 PvP skill unlock pack...). However, PvP characters may only do PvP. Normal character may run through the storylines, and may PvP if they choose, but PvP characters can only do PvP.

CoH doesn't really have skill unlocking like GW does, but the basic idea would be the same. Make the PvP zones connected, and put arena terminals in them. Allow people to make PvP-only characters which start at level 50. Done.



Can someone explain how the game gets damaged by allowing players to officially buy their levels and inf instead of buying it on the black market?

All I've heard people say here is that they wouldn't take advantage of such a program, or they might do it once or twice.

So ... where's the damage coming from?