Instant leveling fromNCSoft?

Adeon Hawkwood



Personally, I don't want a "Instant 50" button, but I would be very happy to have an "Instant 22" Button.

And if it weren't for the need for stamina, I wouldn't want that.

Most sets-- especially Controllers and Scrappers which tend to be my favorite sets-- need stamina to really blossom. So from 16-20 it's almost always the Fitness Pool for me.

So once I get my travel power at 14, I know that it's going to be 8 more levels before I get to try a NEW power.

Until you get to 22-- SO and Stamina level-- you can't really be sure if a set your playing is going to be fun or not. If I could save the time to just get there and see what I think of the set right away, I'd be very happy.

And on a Content level ... well, to be honest, most of the old content isn't worth playing. Vahzilok have a damage type you most likely don't have a defense to, Clockwork drain endurance you're already having trouble dealing with ... it's just not a lot of fun.

Maybe the new Going Rogue Content will be great (and the Devs have certainly done good work with Faultline and RWZ), but this game badly needs a Content overhaul.

If the Journey rather than the Destination is your selling point, then you really want to make sure you have first class accomodations if you want to build or maintain your player base.

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Originally Posted by konshu View Post
Can someone explain how the game gets damaged by allowing players to officially buy their levels and inf instead of buying it on the black market?

All I've heard people say here is that they wouldn't take advantage of such a program, or they might do it once or twice.

So ... where's the damage coming from?

The typical response will be that it causes people to get bored with the game too fast. They get their 50, see that there is not really anything special to do at 50, and then leave the game.

I have a few problem with that reasoning.

1) While it would be true in some cases, it would not be true in many others. PvPers for instance would love this idea and have asked for it before. Say what you will about PvP and the people who play it, they are paying customers who usually have multiple accounts. That's money in the bank right there. And if this happened, along with fixing some major issues with PvP, we would actually see some growth in that area. While many people wouldn't like that idea, NCSoft would because that's more money for them. I imagine there are a few other sub-groups that would like this idea as well.

2) This game isn't getting any bigger. Face it people, it's just not going to happen. The population has never seen more than a temporary growth spike, after which it slides back down. That's not a DOOOOOOOOMM statement, it's fact. Those of us that are still here are here for the long haul. Most of us have done the PvE game to death and have multiple 50s. The ones that still love it don't have to do anything different. They can just keep on playing the game as they always have. Those of us that are bored to tears with PvE can use this to keep playing the part of the game we like, and consequently keep paying for it.

The only down side of pay to level is that some newer players would use it and leave before they really played the game. I don't really see that as a problem since it is happening already thanks to AE and RMT PLing services. Those are the people that the game doesn't really need, so just give them what they really want and send them on there way a few dollars poorer. The difference is that NCSoft will get the money instead of the PLers. And if it proves to be more of a problem than that, then level restrict it and make it a Vet reward as has been suggested. Then the only people using it are the ones who are at the point in the game where they are getting bored. IF they are already on the fence about leaving, then this might keep them around for a little longer to easily try new sets without slogging through 50 levels of content they've already see a hundred times before.



Originally Posted by Antigonus View Post
2) This game isn't getting any bigger. Face it people, it's just not going to happen. The population has never seen more than a temporary growth spike, after which it slides back down. That's not a DOOOOOOOOMM statement, it's fact.
Yes, it's a fact. But it's also a fact for near every subscription-based MMO on the market. MMOs have to fight a battle of survival by increasing retention (slowing the downward slide) and constantly updating the game (each update hopefully drawing new customers or bringing back old ones). Some otherwise unsustainable MMOs ride on the backs of other games from the same publisher (I believe EverQuest is in this situation with regard to EverQuest 2). Even Ultima Online still has updates. UO had a game patch as recently as last December, and a major expansion last September.

I believe the only subscription MMOs which do not follow this general rule are WoW (the 800-pound gorilla in the room) and, strangely, EVE Online. While WoW is obvious, I don't believe EVE's subscriber base has decreased over the course of a single quarter more than a few hundred players, and it is generally increasing.



Originally Posted by konshu View Post
Can someone explain how the game gets damaged by allowing players to officially buy their levels and inf instead of buying it on the black market?

All I've heard people say here is that they wouldn't take advantage of such a program, or they might do it once or twice.

So ... where's the damage coming from?
My response is that it doesn't necessarily damages the game itself (although the inflation from NCSoft selling inf would probably not be a good thing) but that it damages the image that the game projects in the marketplace.

Most MMOs do have stores that sell in-game stuff. However for ones which have a pay-to-play model the stuff is almost always things that are primarily cosmetic and have at most a minuscule impact on gameplay (new costumes, mini-pets etc.). Selling things that have a significant impact (cash, faster leveling etc.) is primarily the purview of "free-to-play" MMOs.

If CoX started selling instant level 50s (or even worse inf) directly I think that a lot of people would take it to mean that NCSoft felt the game was no longer able to support itself through subscription fees and that changing to a more micro-transaction based model was necessary to maintain a solid revenue stream (similar to D&DO). This isn't to say that this would be the case but I think starting to sell level 50s or inf would tarnish the game's image.



I'd prefer a new server where this happened for free. Make it the PvP server. Offer free transfer to it for a week or so.

It would at least stop those who exploit AE on thier way to get those 50's from saturating the market with ticket won goods.

Then we could see how busy that server was compared to others, and theres even a chance that the 'PL'd Noobs' vanish from teams as they are on the PL server.

Personally I'd hate it. The characters that I had on test that got zapped to 50 bored me pretty quickily.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by BubblegumBomb View Post
I was just thinking the other day about the PLers. How would your guys feel if Paragon/NCSoft offered you the chance for a small fee to start out as a 50? The character would start in AP with 0 inf and badges, just like a level one, only you need to go see a trainer and 'level up'.
I wouldn't use it.

I pay to play the game, not to "own" level 50 characters.

I level up so I can experience how different powers interact and how a character performs with those powers at different levels. I can develop attack chains and get comfortable enough with a character to be subconsciously aware of power recharge and animation times, which makes playing the game more fluid and immersive for me. Instantly having a level 50 character means spending most of my time staring at the power tray, rather than at the game itself, and I don't want to do that.

Being level 50 means getting level 50 drops, specifically IO recipes and salvage, and I usually don't want those. I prefer slotting lower level IOs because it gives me more latitude when I'm exemplared down. Doing that at level 50 means spending a lot of inf* at the market to get pool B and C/D stuff, or spending a lot of time exemplared down to get pool A stuff. Essentially, just being level 50 forces me to find ways to manipulate the system or rely on other players to get what I want out of the game, rather than simply playing, if I want anything other than level 50 enhancements. I don't like that and prefer to avoid it if at all possible.

Content. There isn't much at 50. Yes, I can use Ouroboros to experience some of the 1-49 content, but not all of it, and not the same way I'd experience it by leveling up. How many interesting missions/arcs, how many badges, how many unique team experiences, how many new players who I might have met would I miss by skipping everything from 1-49? More than I care to, or can, list, some of which I can't even quantify.

I don't care for grinding, and if I opted to auto-level (or power-level) a character to 50, that's all I'd have to look forward to, grinding. I'd have no inf*, no merits, no recipes, no salvage, no enhancements, nothing to pay for slotting out that character. I'd have to grind relentlessly. I quit playing WoW because I had to spend 2-4 hours every day just grinding (to get consumables or cash to buy consumables for raids and instances) to equip my "end-game" characters. I'm not going to do that here either.

I have several level 50 characters already, but only one of them is interesting and fun enough for me to want to continue playing at level 50, my TA/Dark/Dark, Parthenia. Having more level 50 characters that I likely won't be interested in beyond the novelty of having them or checking out what they might be like at 50... just doesn't appeal to me. Especially if there's an additional fee attached.

Lastly, I'm one of those silly fools who believe that appreciation is directly proportional investment. The harder and more you work for something, the more you value it. I can't love a character that I didn't earn, no matter how much I might love the concept, name, costume or powers. When I play my characters to 50, I value them because they represent investments of time, creativity and effort (what little this game requires) on my part. Being handed a "free" 50 is like being given anything, I'm not going to cherish it or miss it if I lose it, or really care about it while I have it.

I wouldn't use an option to have any character automatically leveled to 50. Such a thing would represent the opposite of everything that keeps me interested in this game.

This might help to put the paid PL sites out of business.
Or it might just make them lower their prices slightly, or switch to "gold farming" instead of power-leveling.

It will also give players a chance to not have to level grind another character
They'd still have to grind, since they'd be broke and naked at 50. They'd just have to grind broke and naked... or turn to a PL/farm team, or buy inf* from outside sources, thereby completely negating the entire purpose of having a character auto-leveled to 50.



I bet ouit of ALL of my ideas this is the worst.... Hey wait, this not mine... Please yell at him bad ideas is my job. There is no point in being level 50, like 90% of poeple would do it, then there will be barely any teams at all from level 1-48.

So, NO, NO, NO, infinity times NO, and no LOL.

Then again...... if they make it so you need 5 level 50s at least two need to be a villian then MAYBE...

Or, or, make it cost $10 dollars??? I hate this idea BUT, if we did do I would want to make it so you need some 50s or pay $10 dollars : )



Originally Posted by BubblegumBomb View Post
Its ok to disagree and say 'bad idea'. I'm just bored and figured i would toss it out there.
And i'm kicking it even further...Kick the baby



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I give this idea the tag: Anchor - will sink the game.

By far the biggest mistake any subscription-driven game can make is to start selling levels. Yes, they'll probably make some cash off the impatient and filthy rich, but how much cash are they going to lose from people cancelling their subscriptions in a huff of ragequit?

The moment the speed of progress becomes proportionate to the size of your wallet, this stops being a game and becomes an insult, in my opinion.

To a point i agree with this. But i can see a value in it as well. DDO, after a certain framework of points earned, lets you begin characters at lvl 4 instead of lvl 1 - not a big deal overall but its nice to get past teh "lowbie fell 3 ft off a ledge and died" phase.

Stamina seems to be when a character - at least for me, can see whether its a good playable toon, again - IMO. Why not a small fee for a toon that stamina lvl?

*nerf* Darn! Oh well.. I will just have to rebuild. Ah.. this works *nerf*
Darn it.. well I will rebuild again.. oh this might *nerf*
Grr.. this is getting annoying.. rebuild agai- *nerf*
I wasn't even finished rebuilding the las- *nerf* But.. *nerf* I *nerf* ......*nerf* *nerf* *nerf*



In my opinion, if you don't know how to play your character well without stamina, you just simply don't know how to play your character.

Or, in lolcatspeak... if j00z cant plai gud witout cheezburger, u sux0rz!!!



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
Sadly I think this says a lot more about the state of the game and how NCSoft markets it than the RMTers
WTF are you talking about? how does RMT sales falling through the floor have anything to do with how NC markets this game? did you not understand what i said?



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
In my opinion, if you don't know how to play your character well without stamina, you just simply don't know how to play your character.

Or, in lolcatspeak... if j00z cant plai gud witout cheezburger, u sux0rz!!!
You might as well say the same about inspirations.

Or travel powers.

Or enhancements.

Stamina is just one more element of the game that people use or don't. Saying that somebody doesn't know the game because they take Stamina is either stupid or arrogant. I'll let you decide which.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
In my opinion, if you don't know how to play your character well without stamina, you just simply don't know how to play your character.

Or, in lolcatspeak... if j00z cant plai gud witout cheezburger, u sux0rz!!!

you go try to solo an AV/GM without stamina, gogogo. Couldn't pull it off? didn't think so.

Your obviously playing on easy mode some of us actually like a challenge and need our blue bar hold up that's where stamina comes in.



Originally Posted by Antigonus View Post
Stamina is just one more element of the game that people use or don't. Saying that somebody doesn't know the game because they take Stamina is either stupid or arrogant. I'll let you decide which.
Note my choice of words more carefully please. I never mentioned JUST them taking stamina. I was referencing them "needing" stamina to be able to play their characters.

You can easily survive this game without travel powers, with the multitude ways to get around.

Enhancements... well I don't know where that comes from, I've never seen anyone running any character without enhancements before, those seem to be crucial. But stamina? Completely optional.

And what I'm saying, since apparently I need to spell it out more clearly, is that if someone feels that they 'need' stamina, then they are doing something wrong. Because then it's no longer a 'choice', using your word.



Originally Posted by Lucky View Post
you go try to solo an AV/GM without stamina, gogogo. Couldn't pull it off? didn't think so.
GMs and AVs were never meant to be solo-ed. That's why you used to have to "cheat" the system to even get them to appear inside your missions.



Originally Posted by Lucky View Post
you go try to solo an AV/GM without stamina, gogogo. Couldn't pull it off? didn't think so.

Your obviously playing on easy mode some of us actually like a challenge and need our blue bar hold up that's where stamina comes in.
FAIL. anything can be done without stamina. hell, the bonuses from sets can do more then stamina. go blow that smoke somewhere else please.



Originally Posted by DKellis View Post
I'd use it at least once. Not because it would give me an instant level 50, but because it's a button.

Curiosity trumps principle, here.

Hmm... What this button does?

*press the button*



** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
FAIL. anything can be done without stamina. hell, the bonuses from sets can do more then stamina. go blow that smoke somewhere else please.

lol you got pics of you soloing a AV/GM without stamina? Proof please don't just spout nonsense kthxbye.

edit. also caps lock=cool

double edit: you obviously have no exp in doing these things so please keep your troll comments to yourself and try not to say things when they just make you look the fool. kthxbye



Originally Posted by KayJMM View Post
Hmm... What this button does?

*press the button*
NO! You've doomed us all!!!!




Originally Posted by stellar View Post
To a point i agree with this. But i can see a value in it as well. DDO, after a certain framework of points earned, lets you begin characters at lvl 4 instead of lvl 1 - not a big deal overall but its nice to get past teh "lowbie fell 3 ft off a ledge and died" phase.

Stamina seems to be when a character - at least for me, can see whether its a good playable toon, again - IMO. Why not a small fee for a toon that stamina lvl?

Westly seems to have missed the 2 IMO's in there, and nowhere did i say that i couldnt play a toon well without it - it just for me, flows better when i have it. Nice strawman tho. I hate responding to a trollish post - usually i dont have a prob with his, but my question remains.

If ppl were able to pay to get to 14, (6 for long term vets) for travel power lvl, or what have you - would that be reasonable to you all?

*nerf* Darn! Oh well.. I will just have to rebuild. Ah.. this works *nerf*
Darn it.. well I will rebuild again.. oh this might *nerf*
Grr.. this is getting annoying.. rebuild agai- *nerf*
I wasn't even finished rebuilding the las- *nerf* But.. *nerf* I *nerf* ......*nerf* *nerf* *nerf*



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
NO! You've doomed us all!!!!

But... but... it was a button!

It was big... rounded... red...

And had something written on it...

I was pretty certain that the word was DANCER... I think i need to upgrade my glasses...

** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.



People can pay to get to any level they desire. It's not my place to say how they should play.

I just don't see the point in it is all.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
In my opinion, if you don't know how to play your character well without stamina, you just simply don't know how to play your character.

Or, in lolcatspeak... if j00z cant plai gud witout cheezburger, u sux0rz!!!

Whatever. You're entitled to your opinion.

I'm talking about what's fun for ME.

Your opinions may vary.

Certain toons can do without stamina and still be effective, but name one toon that does BETTER without it than it does with it.

My COX Fanfiction:

Blue's Assembled Story Links



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
Certain toons can do without stamina and still be effective, but name one toon that does BETTER without it than it does with it.

A Warshade. That would be one less awesome power that they could pick from their natural sets that would be useless 2/3rds of the time.



Originally Posted by Lucky View Post
lol you got pics of you soloing a AV/GM without stamina? Proof please don't just spout nonsense kthxbye.

edit. also caps lock=cool

double edit: you obviously have no exp in doing these things so please keep your troll comments to yourself and try not to say things when they just make you look the fool. kthxbye
excuse me? i have plenty of experience. all you need is the right sets. so again, you fail. i wasn't trolling and i don't look like a fool. you do.