Anyone else never use IOs?




It depends on what the character's purpose is.

If it's primarily for buffing/debuffing, I'll usually buy some common End Redux IOs at level 20 or so (and maybe some Accuracy IOs if ToHit checks are required, as with Transfusion), and then slot whatever good drops come my way. I'll generally ignore broader enhancements until I get to around 40. (Last night, I noticed I was having endurance issues on my DP/Rad Corruptor, so I logged in to my main villain who needs to work on crafting anyway and made a bunch of low level End Redux IOs. I went a bit nuts with slotting them, but now I never need to rest after long fights anymore... He's 21 now, and will probably keep that slotting for another 16 levels at least.)

If the character is intended to output damage, then I generally buy Accuracy, Damage and Recharge SOs on the cheap out of the market or by trading Merits/Architect Tickets for them every 5 levels. I don't dip into the SG's stash of crafted IOs if I can avoid it, as I hate throwing away group property and don't want to waste respecs to pull it all back out again. Once I get into the late levels, I'll do a bunch of level 50 SOs and/or common IOs in all my powers, then I'll start thinking about working with sets.

I definitely don't go forward with a plan to never use IOs, but many of my characters get shelved before they reach the stage where I'd start worrying about obtaining them. I do sometimes plan characters with the intent of never using IO sets and only using commons, but frankly, if you can handle the cost of crafting, there's no reason to use SOs over 40-50 common IOs.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



I normally start getting IOs at 10. Mostly generics, but often kb protections, sometimes mez resist etc.
Most of my lowbies get played a couple of times a week. So is easy to bid at market and keep my slots filled instead of trying to change over a heap at once. Most times level 10-24 IO's can get got for 5000 inf. Lately I have been grabbing from SG base as well, but most times easier to buy than traveling there and back.
I'll buy high level junk recipes/SOs/etc to vendor if need be for inf.

Lots of set IOs I'll frankenslot at low levels (easier blueside but still possible red). Not for any set bonues, but for availabilty.

Only ever grab the degradable enhancements if rushing to a mission. Too much a pain to be upgrading, and seems wasteful of my inf.

Only IO out important main and played lots toons. Only really have a couple of those as time investment is a chore.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



I only ever use Inventions in the late game. People keep saying "But you don't have to worry about them after you get them!" to which I reply "Poppycock! Why would I bother with Inventions if not to get more enhancement than a +3 SO can give me? So I don't bother with Commons until level 37 to get 40s. I used to then upgrade to 45s and then to 50s, but it cost me more money than I could make, so I dropped the 45s and these days I go straight from 40s to 50s.

I don't know what could possibly be required to buy level 50 Inventions for SO prices, but I've never been able to get them for less than 400 000 per enhancement, so that's another big reason why I so rarely bother - they just cost far too much. I suppose if I had some specific badges or if I saved up my salvage or if I played the Market, I might be able to get the things for less, but the fact remains that ALL of the above are massive time sinks and boring grinds than I honestly care to commit to. I buy my SOs off the rack, and I'm prepared to pay more for Commons bought in the same way. In fact, if I could buy them off a vendor instead of off the Market, I would.

I never, ever use sets. At all. Any set recipe I get, I dump on the market if it'll sell for more than 5000. I don't want to bother with either learning the science behind set bonuses or actually bothering with rarity. Common Inventions are common and require common salvage, which at the very worst is just expensive. Sets are Uncommon and Rare, hence expensive and hence requiring expensive parts. People tell me I can find cheap alternate sets, but I'm not going to bother. If half the system is denied to me, I'm just not going to mess with any part of it. I'll stick to systems that I have full and easy access to.

The key phrase for me is "I'm not going to bother." I never subscribed to the notion of work in games and I don't try to get a real-life-like "accomplishment" feeling, as I want my games to be all fun all the time and never, ever be work. I work a job to pay for this. I don't want to pay for a second job.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Street_Wolf View Post
I know I can't be the only one who's perfectly content to just slot out SOs.
I prefer playing melee toons which I do IO/Purp/PvP out. However, I'm perfectly fine just using SOs or common IOs on support toons. I also have a Fire/Kin/Stone Controller that I sometimes farm with that just has SOs except for two IOs: a KB Protection and a Kismet +ToHit.

Winteriel Ice/Fire/Soul Tanker | @TBoxer Global | City of Heroes R.I.P. (2004-2012)



I wate till 22 or 25 then slot IO's I genraly dont bother with it untill then. at 35 I make a few more IO's and some times a 3 pice Effency addaptor for stamana (depends on how the toon is so far) then at 50 I use mids plan out a full set build ask for help on it in the AT forums and then farm/TF/SF's till i can build it all.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
Outside of needing missions to unlock the stores, I find reslotting SOs to be very easy. It takes what, all of 5 minutes?
I found it to be a time consuming process that I hated so much I would just log off a character who's enhancements had just gone read and go play someone else for a while.

Kitting out with IOs is much simpler (at least the way I do it) even though there is a temporal component absent from SOs.

Open market, place lowball bids on crafted generic IOs, wait for badgers to dump their wares cheap, pick up and slot wins.

Most of my bids fill overnight. Even the ones that take a few days aren't a bother, as the enhancements I'm replacing with them don't weaken and expire so I can afford to wait.

I hated fishing through disorganized lists of enhancements with intentionally confusing, non-descriptive names. I prefer the system where 'accuracy' is called 'accuracy', even if I have to pick up my enhancement the next day.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Street_Wolf View Post
I think it's odd that some players find to to be a hassle to replace SOs.
When I ding L45, I'm going to have to purchase/craft 3 IOs. From there to L50, I will end up purchasing 11 more IOs for a total of 14.

When you ding L45 and are a SO-only character, how many will you purchase between that moment until L50?



Commons I start using at 40. I usually don't Set IO till 45-50. Once there I will spend a lot of time and respecs getting the set bonuses right and frequently use things like Centrioles, etc.

Only thing I really do with squishies (that means Blasters for me) as far as set bonuses and uniques and globals go is frankenslot+maybe a Hami-O+whatever proc I like, or a -KB or +stealth as needed.

The biggest money I spend is on my Tanks and Scrappers getting them tougher with set bonuses and/or more damage, procs, etc.

Once GR hits, I expect to spend well for my new Crab and maybe a Stalker and keep em blue side.

Masterminds annoy everybody, sooner or later. Heck, Masterminds annoy themselves.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
When you ding L45 and are a SO-only character, how many will you purchase between that moment until L50?

Depends- will they be watching their SOs wither away, dealing with greatly reduces efficiency until they turn red, or will they be buying fresh stacks for combining so their power level stays constant?


The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I found the trick to IO's is in stacking the bonuses.
Yeah, a single 4% regen bonus is lackluster, but 5 of them and you see a difference.

Each individual bonus kinda sucks but you can do some monsterous specialization if you tweak the layout right.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Depends- will they be watching their SOs wither away, dealing with greatly reduces efficiency until they turn red, or will they be buying fresh stacks for combining so their power level stays constant?

It's times like this that I miss the old forum's *smirk* emote, so I'll just toss this picture up.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Open market, place lowball bids on crafted generic IOs, wait for badgers to dump their wares cheap, pick up and slot wins.

Most of my bids fill overnight. Even the ones that take a few days aren't a bother, as the enhancements I'm replacing with them don't weaken and expire so I can afford to wait.

I hated fishing through disorganized lists of enhancements with intentionally confusing, non-descriptive names. I prefer the system where 'accuracy' is called 'accuracy', even if I have to pick up my enhancement the next day.
That's still far less convenient from a certain perspective, though, Goat. SOs I can replace NOW. I don't have to plan in advance, I don't have to worry about room, I don't have to WAIT. I'd be plotting along and be like *DING* Huh? I levelled up? Oh, hey, I can use level 30 SOs! Off to the store, me hearty! Five minutes later, I'm sporting a brand new set of enhancements.

With Inventions, that's not even close to how it goes. Since I never, EVER plan ahead, I end up having to buy Inventions both for a high price and very slowly, so whenever I level up, I end up devoting an hour, possibly two to this and blowing quite literally my entire stock of Inf on Inventions.

In fact, getting a stack of Inventions is THE MOST BORING THING that I have to do in the entire game, and this is including all of those "Go speak with" missions AND the irritating treks between Crimson and Indigo. I HATE HATE HATE getting Inventions.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



For me it depends on how much I like the character. My favorite characters are heavily IOed and at the highest level of performance I can get them to without spending a freakin' fortune on it. I won't farm or play the market, so they get IOed very slowly, as I get drops or build up enough influence/infamy to make a few purchases. Generally I buy IO sets one set at a time. Like "Okay, I have some cash now, I think I'll throw a set of Mako's Bite in Follow Up", and then I go back to playing.

I have never stood around for hours buying and slotting every power a character has, I don't have much time to play these days and don't want to spend it all at the market and invention table.

Before I get to that point SOs are just fine. I'm not obsessed with getting uber performance immediately, I work on it slowly.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



I dont use set IOs cba with them slap them on AH for 5 inf jsut to get shot of them. I will use normal IOs tho as they quite easy to obtain and craft, but if they not avalible to my character, SOs will do me fine.

Defiant: Snow + many other alts

Arc ID 61069



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
That's still far less convenient from a certain perspective, though, Goat. SOs I can replace NOW. I don't have to plan in advance, I don't have to worry about room, I don't have to WAIT. I'd be plotting along and be like *DING* Huh? I levelled up? Oh, hey, I can use level 30 SOs! Off to the store, me hearty! Five minutes later, I'm sporting a brand new set of enhancements.

With Inventions, that's not even close to how it goes. Since I never, EVER plan ahead, I end up having to buy Inventions both for a high price and very slowly, so whenever I level up, I end up devoting an hour, possibly two to this and blowing quite literally my entire stock of Inf on Inventions.

In fact, getting a stack of Inventions is THE MOST BORING THING that I have to do in the entire game, and this is including all of those "Go speak with" missions AND the irritating treks between Crimson and Indigo. I HATE HATE HATE getting Inventions.

I know we're unlikely to convince you otherwise, you have your way that works. I can't go as far as Goat, figuring out everything i might need, filling all my purchase slots with bids for things i may need in 5 levels. But crafting inventions you need can be as quick and easy as visitng the market or a vendor to sell that stack of recipes and salvage you have. Take a few minutes between missions whenever it's convenient for you to stop by a university and see what you can craft. Don't waste time at the market if you don't want, i rarely do. Just craft from what you have on hand. If you're doing tasks around your level and fighting a mix of foes you'll have all the parts you need for enhancements of your level. And a few extra minutes at a uni saves you more time and trouble with expireing enhancements later. Then if you still end up with some empty slots or not getting what you need then buy regular enhancements to complete things. Don't bother wasting your time replacing every invention every time you can use the next level. The whole point is you don't have to, freeing you up to keep playing. Taking hours is an extreme method, you can still utilise inventions without going that far. This is more directed at people that don't use them than you specifically Samuel, but your post happened to stick out at me at the time. In summary, inventions doesn't have to be work if you don't want it to be.



I use IOs as their recipes and ingredients drop. Everything else, I'm fine with SOs.

I don't bother with more, because I don't want to bother learning the intricacies of the Market.

I don't want to bother learning the intricacies of the Market, because I don't want to bother with the slings and arrows of the louder forum experts on the topic. I'm sure there's good advice in there, but when it's wrapped inside insults, the effort expended ceases to be worth the rewards.

I want to play the game, not suffer attacks on my mental capacity.

Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue

Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~



Originally Posted by Camper View Post
It's incredibly annoying to replace enhancements every 5 levels. I avoid it like the plague.
I find trying to craft a common IO with common salvage that for some reason is going for 50K on the market as annoying so I avoid it like the plague. Yes, I can do missions to where I get the proper salvage, but then I could have just bought an SO and been done with it. Don't get me started about needing that common salvage for 10 IOs...



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
I find trying to craft a common IO with common salvage that for some reason is going for 50K on the market as annoying so I avoid it like the plague.
Again, this is all up to personal preference but I went last night at lvl 26 and put in the following bids:
8x lvl 30 Damage IO @ 1,000
8x Iron @ 500
8x Masterwork Weapon @ 1,000

I wasn't entirely optimistic because Masterworks were going for 25,000 (I think the weekend helped drive prices up) but by the end of the night when I was level 30, I had purchased everything for 20k. Throw in the creation costs and I still saved about 75% versus buying eight lvl 30 SOs and these will never go red on me.

I had actually slotted up all new SOs at 27 because I knew I wanted to play all evening and try to hit 30+. A full array of SOs at that level cost me right around a million influence. Saving 75% of that can mean a lot for a character who isn't being fed influence from an alt, etc. And, again, you don't have to spend another 1.3 at lvl 35 and 1.75 million at level 40, etc.

I don't personally care how other people enhance themselves but some people who think it's too much of a hassle/expense might find they can save a lot of time and influence by taking the plunge to at least common IOs.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
I don't use any enhancements (except drops) until level 12, when I put in some acc and end DOs. I replace with a full set of DOs at 17, then switch over to generic IOs at 22.
That's almost backwards to how I do it; I'll slot Acc TOs in my attacks (if I have the spare influence while buying up salvage like Luck Charms) up until 12, when I try to slot my character out with generic IOs -- a 15 IO is a touch better than a +2 DO, and a 20 IO is better than a +3 DO. At 22, I'll switch to SOs, because 25 IOs are about a -1 SO, then I'll do the SO-upgrade thing once at 27, then at 32 start slotting generic IOs, which are a shade better than +2 SOs at that point. From there, I'll keep slotting whatever generic IOs I can get while collecting pieces for the sets once I get to the 42-45 range.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Originally Posted by DKellis View Post
I use IOs as their recipes and ingredients drop. Everything else, I'm fine with SOs.

I don't bother with more, because I don't want to bother learning the intricacies of the Market.

I don't want to bother learning the intricacies of the Market, because I don't want to bother with the slings and arrows of the louder forum experts on the topic. I'm sure there's good advice in there, but when it's wrapped inside insults, the effort expended ceases to be worth the rewards.

I want to play the game, not suffer attacks on my mental capacity.
The market forum is actually a pretty nice place if you come to ask for advice. It can get a little nasty if you come in with the attitude that the market forum people are evil market manupulators that are out to get the average player, but I don't think that's surprising.



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
I find trying to craft a common IO with common salvage that for some reason is going for 50K on the market as annoying so I avoid it like the plague. Yes, I can do missions to where I get the proper salvage, but then I could have just bought an SO and been done with it. Don't get me started about needing that common salvage for 10 IOs...
To each their own.



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
I find trying to craft a common IO with common salvage that for some reason is going for 50K on the market as annoying so I avoid it like the plague. Yes, I can do missions to where I get the proper salvage, but then I could have just bought an SO and been done with it. Don't get me started about needing that common salvage for 10 IOs...
50K is the "buy it now" price.

There's an easier way. Even at that price, you only have to pay 50K once. And then you wind up with an enhancer you never have to worry about again. I think objectively, you would spend less time on the IO. You'll definitely spend less money.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



For whatever it's worth, this weekend I picked up an assortment of pre-crafted level 30 and 35 common IOs for 35-55k each, with bids up no longer than 24 hours (I placed bids before logging for the night yesterday and they were filled by the time I logged on after work today). A little higher than SO vendor prices (which are around 25-40k at that level), but not by a lot (and double xp tends to inflate prices a bit). The price history usually makes it look worse than it is, with some of the ones I got showing 300k+ when I put in the bids.

I also almost never craft common IOs as outside of chars with the crafting badges the crafting fee usually means they're no cheaper (and sometimes more expensive, depending which salvage they require) than just buying pre-crafted ones. I do craft set ones as the situation is the other way around there (to the point you can often make a profit just buying recipes, salvage, crafting them, then posting the result for sale) but they're another kettle of fish.

I only find common IOs to get pricey at 40-50 (especially 50), but I view those as luxury items. A level 30 common IO is roughly equivalent to an SO (if you average over the lifetime of the SO) so those are usually what I look at if I'm on a budget.

Not expecting or trying to "convert" anyone that just plain prefers SOs and npc vendors btw, but for those who are only put off by the crafting part or the prices you can skip the former and the latter is generally not half as bad as first glance may suggest.



I can understand Samuel_Tow's position on the market; rare salvage does not exist therefore it (set IOs) does not exist. I know there's some other things I treat that way. Strangely, I can't remember what they are. ... Must be working!

Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
50K is the "buy it now" price.
That is the price.
That's being unreasonable.
  • Enough market history to see that bidding overnight works.
    Either that, or the idea shows up in the loading screen tips.
  • Juggling salvage, recipes and enhancements I
    • have
    • have bidded for
    against my build is confusing.[1]

The design is: loot you get goes on the Market. These, therefore, are impossible:
  • bigger storage
    So I can hold the pieces I need for four out of five slots on a power and still have room to go clobbering. Then when bids fill for the last slot, I can craft and slot all at once and never wander around with clogged enhancement tray slots and/or a partly-slotted power.
  • more transaction slots
    to be able to buy and sell at the same time.
The less transaction slots we have, the more - Inconvenient! - alt-tabbing and copying and ARGH! into Mid's and a spreadsheet there is.

[1]The best way to get around this for merely-frankenslotted builds is to flip your way to a comfortable thousand million or whatever, isn't it. *shiver*

Meben, 38 Kat/SR NPK Stalker (Defiant)



When I first started playing the game. (Well when I returned after about a year or so
after COH release) I didn't use IO's at all really. Then I got curious about them and
started to get into it and.. well now slotting characters and crafting IO's is one of the
biggest things I love to do do...

TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!