Things that make you happy

Adeon Hawkwood



Using my ws 'shadow step' power to tp a hellion past the drones and under the atlas statue. Using inky aspect to keep him nicely docile. /em grief over his lifeless body after he's been 1 shotted by a passing hero. Then using Dark Extraction so that he can LIVE AGAIN!....briefly.

Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. MARCUS AURELIUS (121-180 AD)



Things that make you happy
Not missing.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by treboreleets View Post
Propel. I made a Grav Dom just to use this power.

Knockback in general. Watching thugs go flying from my blows make my characters feel "super." I really like knocking low level guys off of rooftops.
Back before ED, when high-level En/En Blasters could go to Atlas Park and engage in Hellion Golf -- lining up on a level-1 Hellion, hitting Power Boost then Power Push six-slotted for Knockback, and watch them sail across the zone...

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



soloing a Red, Elite Boss, Dr. Vahzilok on my Broadsword/Regen while my SG informs me of what impossibility I was attempting to achieve (This occurred nearly four years ago, mind.)

Finishing off an entire legion of hell with my dead comrades as my only audience.

In the Lady Grey Task Force, during the Hamidon part, when my scrapper was told to just 'hang back' because I didn't have the necessary ranged attacks to fight Hamidon, so I flew off and started soloing the Rikti up atop the cliffs (+3). After awhile my team seemed discouraged, and a few members where leaving, so I swooped back down to see what the problem was. Apparently they could kill the yellow's, but were having difficulty with the Blue's because the Green's were healing them too greatly for them to take 'em out.

So I flew into the damn Hamidon, with Dull Pain and Instant Healing going, and proceeded to kill all of the Green Mitos while the rest of the team watched, then proceeded to kill the blues as well. Mysteriously, half the team came back.


On a Blaster, shooting the explosive barrels being carted around in Stirga Island with an AOE.

Setting up a Trip Mine and then raining down a Flamethrower on my AR/Dev while their bodies are being hurled all over the place.

Nova. And just Nova. Out of all the nukes, it is easily the most gratifying.

Reading a Newspaper while I direct my minions to destruction on a Mastermind.

The little ghost-ling citizens you can see just out of the corner of your eye while in Dark Astoria, cheerfully waving at you as though thankful that a Hero has finally visited this desolated place (that's the feeling I got, anyway).

Ultra-Mode. If anyone hasn't checked it out yet, or can't, I urge you to be able too. I felt like a tourist in my own city, running around to places I never go because of how remote they are and gawking at their polished beauty.

Ragdoll Physics. One of my favorite examples is during a Croatoa mission, any Croatoa mission, where you are fighting on that giant hill. To jump into hordes of Redcaps and then knock them all over the place is fun enough, but combining it with the fact that after a knockback they would slide 20 or 30 feet past you was a recipe for hilarity.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
The little ghost-ling citizens you can see just out of the corner of your eye while in Dark Astoria, cheerfully waving at you as though thankful that a Hero has finally visited this desolated place (that's the feeling I got, anyway).
Seriously? I've never seen any citizens in DA!



It took me FOREVER to get to 38 on my Grav/Storm Controller, but finally I had Lightning Storm.

The first time the cloud formed above me, with the rolling thunder and the sudden ZOT! on the baddies, I almost shouted for joy.

(So naturally Lightning Storm has since been "corrected" to fire half as fast as it once did, but it is still a wonderful power.)

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



My Warshades. Just everything they do. "C'mere." *hold, zap, self buff, heal from, make explode, create pet*

Superstrength and Shield Charge on my tanks. Like standing in bad-guy popcorn.

Domination. (The inherent power, not the fetish.)

"Look. Bunch of scrapyarders gathered..." *seeds, roots, fling thorns, explode, vines, continue*

Vernon von Grunn. "Laugh with me!"

/agree on DA. It'll make me even happier if they fit storyarcs and contacts in there.

Energy blast's snipe. "Bu-bye!"

Radiation's tennis balls of doooom. Complete with photon torpedo sound.



Massive Knockback makes everything better.

Caveman Etc: Inv/Stone Tank, Hyperdrive Etc: Gravity/Kinetics Controller, Terra-Storm Etc: Earth/Storm Controller, Cpt. Thunderstrike: Energy/Electric Blaster, Psicada: Sonic/Energy Blaster, Neon Ranger: Archery/Electric Blaster, Devlin Hellshot: Dark/Dual Pistols Defender



Originally Posted by Mike_Ray View Post
Aim-Build Up-Snipe on a lvl 1 Skull from about a foot away with a lvl 50 Blaster. That amuses me way more than it should
Ok, THAT was funny.

Originally Posted by Coin View Post
Pop a couple of red and yellow inspirations.

Run into a big group.

Stand still.


Build Up.




And mine...Lvl 50 foot stomp on a roof mob in Atlas.



Lift, at level fifty, six slotted for knock up.
"See that airliner?"
"See it now?"



1. When I get neg-repped even though I have rep disabled. (It makes me laugh more than might as well verbally insult a deaf man.)

2. When griefers and trolls get banned.

3. When new people join the game, and when people who left the game come back.
Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



Originally Posted by treboreleets View Post
Knockback in general. Watching thugs go flying from my blows make my characters feel "super." I really like knocking low level guys off of rooftops.
This. Especially "radial" knockback like in Nova. Coolest thing in the game IMHO.



To be honest, I like fighting statues. When all the foes are standing there helpless while they get melted down, that makes me giggle like a schoolgirl.


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



When you meet that dedicated role-player with a funny and unique character concept.

Finally getting that hard to earn badge.

Looking at my character info sheet and seeing lots and lots of beautiful, shiny badges.

When someone makes a comment on your character bio.

One shotting an enemy.

Building a costume that is super cool/a super neat concept and having it come out so perfect that you never ever alter your first costume slot again.

Edit: I forgot one: City of Heroes 2.



I could list a few... but the biggest and definitely most common aspect of this game that makes me smile, laugh and simply enjoy myself so much is...

Ragdoll physics.

Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
Ragdoll physics. One of the older additions to the game that really made it look and feel better.
I'm so glad I tried this game after ragdoll physics was already implemented.
I've always felt that I may not have stayed otherwise.
It truly adds this invaluable level of enjoyment to my playing.

Originally Posted by flashrains View Post
You know how sometimes the ragdoll physics glitches and enemies get stuck in things? Once, on I think my dom, I knocked a guy back and he stuck to the edge of the platform I was standing on. Thing is, the anchor point happened to be one of his hands... so it ended up being the really stereotypical "dramatic have mercy save me halp halp" scene. Until I stomped his fingers.

That made me happy!
I have had similar instances!
So awesome!

Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Ragdoll Physics. One of my favorite examples is during a Croatoa mission, any Croatoa mission, where you are fighting on that giant hill. To jump into hordes of Redcaps and then knock them all over the place is fun enough, but combining it with the fact that after a knockback they would slide 20 or 30 feet past you was a recipe for hilarity.
Haha... Yep... while knockback and sending enemies (And, hey, even being sent) flying.... especially off of high places... is fantastic enough... The sliding that can happen on slopes (And stairs, oh my) is just another terrific element of our glorious ragdoll physics!!

Woohoo, it makes me happy just thinking about it!!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Whee, knockback. The first thing I did when I got my first 50 (Martial ARts Scrapper)? Six-slotted Crane Kick for KB, respecced into Teleport Foe, and spent the next hour teleporting Hellions on top of the Atlas Globe to see how far I could punt them.

... Until I discovered that I could, in fact, punt them from the edge of the fence into the square where everyone hangs out. The reactions seen as lifeless Hellion ragdolls came sailing into the dance parties and costume contests were completely priceless.

These days? Watching a risky plan produce spectacular results. Before I deleted it, my Fire/Dark Corruptor offered two sources of this: 1) Run through a Mayhem Mission and trigger every ambush on the map, and then go hide behind the bank door with a tar patch waiting - or 2) Superspeed to the end of a mission. Toggle Darkest Night onto the boss, and then run all the way back to the first corner of a mission and wait. The end results were the same: Tar patch + Rain of Fire + Fire Breath + Fire Ball = 30 or 40 dead mobs with one setup. There's the aggro cap, sure, but it happened so quickly that the mobs that didn't come running still had enough 'hate' to come running once the first batch died.. and into the same trap!



The players who give you a rare recipe or millions of inf, for no reason.

I can't be all Larfleezy myself, so I do what I can to make someone else happy. (Gave a random hero in Atlas 2 HO's last night, but logged off too quickly to see if they noticed or said thanks.)
Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



Originally Posted by ResidentBaka View Post
This thread is for things in or about CoH that make you crazy happy, totally ecstatic, unbelievably joyous, SO DAMN JOLLY, CHEERFUL LIKE WOAH TOTALLY PANTS-ON-HEAD RETARDED WITH MIRTH or just kinda make you go "Gee, I'm glad this is."
You rang?

Petless Mastermind Strike Forces (seriously, this is probably the wackiest thing I've ever done)

All-Mastermind zone invasion (once...never again...)

Being amidst dozens of zombies with my Mercs/Traps

Watching the sunset in The Abyss on the waterfall.

Masterminds in general

Getting in large teams on small population servers after an hour of soloing

Worst Costume Contests (you won't believe your eyes)

Engaging Archvillain battles with surprise twists and objectives.

Getting a team of people to play your undiscovered and unnoticed AE arc that you spent weeks if not a couple months on, and then having them give you props on the climax battle (which is, of course, the most important part of the arc ending)

Beach parties in Talos. What? It's a load of random fun.

Melee-only zone PvP --No duels-- (cringe, elite PvPers, cringe)

Finishing an Archvillain or Gaint Monster with a well-timed Energy Transfer or Knockout Blow

Force Bubble. Oh the infinite fun I've had with it.



My new 'rad/rad' tank.

Tanks, of course, do not get rad powers in either their primary or their secondary, so a real rad tank is an impossibilty - Atomsmash uses Stone Armor and Energy Melee, colored the brightest, sickliest green they can be colored, and the result looks so nuclear that playing him really feels like playing an honest-to-god radiation tank, and by extension like I've made something that previously didn't exist in the game (yes, I know there are plenty more stone/energy tanks out there; I'm just talking about how I cobbled it together since the devs haven't given us "real" rad tanks). Really, it just looks awesome.



Cheesecake, delivered to my door.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



I've got to agree with the people above, ragdoll physics really make the game more bearable and combat more fun.
Overall it makes me happy to kill bunch of enemies with a certain combo and watch the bodies hit the floor one-by-one with ragdoll physics. Or just kill a guy and watch him fall off a ledge.

Too bad that the i17 ragdoll physics are goofier than ever. The ragdoll physics in the game are not perfect, but the new ones included in issue 17 are way worse and can't be considered an improvement.



Personally, what really does it for me is an impossibly cool costume that I GET TO PLAY WITH! When I was a kid, all I ever had were old beat-up action figures of Skeletor (and He-Man never aired in my country) and a box of the old green small soldiers. A cool action figure was like a dream come true. Here, I get to make my action figures cooler than any toy (my) money could by AND they get to actually move around and do amazing things. Really, does it get better than this?

From time to time, I hit upon a character that, as I play, I keep stopping mid-action and thinking to myself: "My God... This is actually real! I can't believe how cool this is!" That sort of thing REALLY makes any playsession worthwhile, and that sort of high takes weeks to go away and probably days to recover.

Of course, BABs and David seem to have it in for me, because BABs has consistently refused to give me an implausibly big honking sword, especially for females whose weapons are just tiny, and David doesn't seem to think muscular textures for females would look good. Sad, sad day, this is, but my giant green swordswoman will remain one of my most favourite characters even if I have to basically push the creator to its limits to achieve it

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.