Things that make you happy

Adeon Hawkwood



Stepping off a roof top before activating Fly for a cushy swoop. And alternately, jumping up before activating Fly for a quicky swoop.

I also like being surprised when I get ping-ponged by a fortuitously sequenced set of knockbacks.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
My god

*I'm determined to keep saying it until someone gets the reference.

An Amazonian attack...A deadly bee weapon. Bees, My god.



Knocking a baddie off a tall building, then leaping after him to finish the job. Bonus points if you defeat him before he lands.



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
Dropping a shiv in the middle of a MM horde and then nuking them from orbit with a warburg nuke. Awwww I love it so
Ohhh... that is a thing of beauty!

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



Addendum: killing Skuls in Perez Park on level 20+ characters with at least one AoE attack.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Scrappers. Especially my /invul scrapper, soft-capped for smashing/lethal, wading into an entire room of Council set for 8 people. And then crane kicking them around the room.

Inferno on my blaster. This is one of only two toons I have with extensive purple sets (defined by me as more than one 5-piece damage set). Massive recharge, I can chain two single target attacks plus fireball, can toss out rain of fire every group if I like, and inferno every other group. Tons of fun!

I was on a team last night with this character and flew down a hall and around the corner expecting an empty dead end (we were spread out and searching for what was left) and I flew straight into an entire group of enemies by accident. I hit buildup, aim, and inferno... and they all died. One of my teammates had followed me around the corner and said, "Wow, was that you?" That character's name, by the way, was "Unimpressed".

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Scrappers. I looooove Scrappers.

The character outfits I make. I looooove the character outfits I make.

Inventions. I looooove Inventions.

The people working on this game. I looooove the people working on this game.

The community around this game. I looooove the community around this game.

All these things cannot be said enough, but I will keep on saying them for many years to come. And I love that.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Double XP weekends!



Originally Posted by ResidentBaka View Post
things in or about CoH that make you crazy happy, totally ecstatic, unbelievably joyous, SO DAMN JOLLY, CHEERFUL LIKE WOAH TOTALLY PANTS-ON-HEAD RETARDED WITH MIRTH
Bouncing. High mag KB, low level foes. Leaping off of the highest point I can reach in outdoor zones. Peacebringer powers. /e teabag. Newspaper parties.

And those completely random perfect screenshot moments.



  • Thinking up new "forms" of damz for my ingame persona. At the moment its busting. Whats next? Well i got a few ideas brewing lets say.
  • Seeing something totally unexpected ingame. Being shot at by titans in a MA mission from out of nowhere is STILL my best OMG WTF LMAO moment, just wish i remember which arc because now i want to play it again!
  • Lightning rod. That power is the sole reason i made an elec/ scrapper!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



On top of the tall buildings near the tram in Bricks spawn Crey. Usually they are harassing some poor pedestrian who happened to wander up 200 flights of stairs.

Combine this with Knockback powers....They fall out of your visual range before hitting the ground. Very satisfying. The pedestrian will thank you, then proceed to run off the building.

The fire chief dancing when you save a building from burning down in Steel Canyon. This is usually followed by him running into the sewer, making me question the budget of the Paragon Fire Department.

The Dark Watcher mission that lands you in the Nemesis Shadow Shard base. My tanks LOVE this mission.



Originally Posted by Calash View Post
The fire chief dancing when you save a building from burning down in Steel Canyon.
Really? He's usually gone by the time I circle around doublechecking the building.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



There is nothing more awesome than a Build up, Headsplitter critical hit.




1. The Costume Creator
2. Roleplayers
3. The friends I've made on here
4. The Willpower set.
5. The Named Villains in the Game.
6. Costume Contests.



Seer Marino's arc. Or really, any arc with Wretch as an ally in it.

Actually, it's really just Wretch.



Caltroping Atlas mobs to death with my level 50 Eng/Dev Blaster.






Getting two or more critical hits with Broadsword's tier 9 attack, Head Splitter. It always makes me wince with joy when I hear that satisfying tearing sound and seeing a pair of giant orange numbers fly into the air!

Spending hours and hours and hours and hours on the costume creator because I just love it oh so much!

Pummel. I love that attack. No other attack makes me feel like such an oppressive goon!

Using Foot Stomp in the middle of a bunch of destructible object in a Mayhem mission, just to watch everything get wrecked around my character, which papers and bits of trash flying everywhere!

Filling my inspiration tray with red inspirations, and using them on my Energy Melee Brute with full Fury with Energy Transfer and one-shotting a boss.

Standing in the middle of a large group of enemies with my Spines/Fire Scrapper!

Last but not least...

Dual Pistols. I love everything about that set. It fully restored my interest in this game after about 4 years.



Originally Posted by Calash View Post
Combine this with Knockback powers....They fall out of your visual range before hitting the ground. Very satisfying. The pedestrian will thank you, then proceed to run off the building.
Pedestrian: Thank you for rescuing me! *turns and heads towards the edge of the roof*
Me: All in a days work good citizen...hey! What are you doing? Noooo!



Originally Posted by RobertoLyon View Post
Caltroping Atlas mobs to death with my level 50 Eng/Dev Blaster.



Yeah. I always do that if I see a large group of greys. And the nice perk with this is that tossing Caltrops doesn't invoke speed suppression, so I can screw 'em with a fly-by.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Using a power with knock-up on a lower level for for the elevation, then hitting them with Nemesis Staff before they land for the mega knockback, and watching them sail out of sight....

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



Originally Posted by DarkEther View Post
Using a power with knock-up on a lower level for for the elevation, then hitting them with Nemesis Staff before they land for the mega knockback, and watching them sail out of sight....
...I saw some losers who made unabashed Team Rocket copyright-infringement-clones in Atlas the other day. Now I want to find them and PVP them on my gravity dom.



Aim-Build Up-Snipe on a lvl 1 Skull from about a foot away with a lvl 50 Blaster. That amuses me way more than it should



Ragdoll physics. One of the older additions to the game that really made it look and feel better.

I've Crane-Kicked people who slid to the edge of a dropoff and rolled as they tumbled over it, so that one arm rose up as they disappeared and it looked like they were waving bye-bye. That was really hysterical. Recently I've been running a Spines Scrapper and enemies break and run from me while suffering the toxic damage-over-time secondary effect (stacked from several attacks, sometimes) -- I'll see 3-4 guys running away from me and fanning out, then all at once they crumple, tumble, and roll to the ground.

Area knockdown is another effect that fills me with the kind of glee that I hope isn't showing on my face when anybody's looking.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog