Things that make you happy

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
My god

*I'm determined to keep saying it until someone gets the reference.
Linkara is where I know it from. which came from amazon's attack, but I' sure you're thinkin of the apathetic version Linkara used.

I commend your good taste



Originally Posted by Indiramourning View Post
Pedestrian: Thank you for rescuing me! *turns and heads towards the edge of the roof*
Me: All in a days work good citizen...hey! What are you doing? Noooo!
I tend to do the same thing, only with a more dramatic rush to try and stop them from falling. I actually tend to do the same thing when villains start running for the edge, at least human ones

"Stop! you ma be an irredeemable waste of skin who wil never amount to anything remotely like good or justice, but it's not worth killing yourrself over!"


"oh... you... um... Survived. I guess I can go back to punching you then?"



Badges and simply pwning mobs



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
Ragdoll physics. One of the older additions to the game that really made it look and feel better.

I've Crane-Kicked people who slid to the edge of a dropoff and rolled as they tumbled over it, so that one arm rose up as they disappeared and it looked like they were waving bye-bye. That was really hysterical. Recently I've been running a Spines Scrapper and enemies break and run from me while suffering the toxic damage-over-time secondary effect (stacked from several attacks, sometimes) -- I'll see 3-4 guys running away from me and fanning out, then all at once they crumple, tumble, and roll to the ground.

Area knockdown is another effect that fills me with the kind of glee that I hope isn't showing on my face when anybody's looking.
You know how sometimes the ragdoll physics glitches and enemies get stuck in things? Once, on I think my dom, I knocked a guy back and he stuck to the edge of the platform I was standing on. Thing is, the anchor point happened to be one of his hands... so it ended up being the really stereotypical "dramatic have mercy save me halp halp" scene. Until I stomped his fingers.

That made me happy!



Originally Posted by ResidentBaka View Post
This thread is for things in or about CoH that make you crazy happy, totally ecstatic, unbelievably joyous, SO DAMN JOLLY, CHEERFUL LIKE WOAH TOTALLY PANTS-ON-HEAD RETARDED WITH MIRTH or just kinda make you go "Gee, I'm glad this is."
  • The temp power baseball bat. Makes me laugh every time I use it.
  • Going bowling for baddies in lowbie zones, using repel. My goal is to see how far I can make them go, and what objects I can make them hit & then bounce off.
  • The atlas park victim NPC stampede. I like to fly about, on my empathy/psy defender, and defeat hellions at range. Then the helpless victim madly runs after me. I continue this to see how many I can get to follow me. Max record of mine so far is 25 npcs.
  • Whenever one of my alts gets that temp power (part of a mission), which is much like energy torrent, I like to run around the upper roads in skyway, and send baddies flying off the road and awaaaaaaaaay into the sky and watch them plummet.
  • Force bubble. *glee*
  • The devs actually talking to the players on the forums & taking/giving feedback, and even contributing in humorous posts.
  • Supergroup bases and the ability to stack things to the point you can build some unbelievable creations.
  • Finding hidden stuff / easter eggs in game.
  • My assault bot. He kicks ***. Oooh and both of the animations when you summon your robots and dismiss them -- those flying bots with rocket feet are so cool!
  • Trip mine. I once spent what felt like an eternity, filling up a hallway with trip mines, and then pulled one of the evil praetorian EBs into the hallway to his doom. *muah hahahahhaah*
  • The rez in the poison set - Elixir of Life - never gets old. Love it when used on a player who has never seen it before, and freaking out when they start to puke. Hehehe.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
Doctor Creed's missions, especially the mission where you use the Anti-Serum to blow up Infected (every time I finish this mission I spend the next 8-10 minutes circling the building that the mission is in, using the Anti-Serum as much as I can until it expires)
This. I absolutely have a ball doing this also!

Originally Posted by RobertoLyon View Post
Caltroping Atlas mobs to death with my level 50 Eng/Dev Blaster.
I have a 50 Energy/Dev blaster with caltrops also.
I bought just 1 purple from that set (Targeted AoE?) which has a chance for KB in it, and stuck it in caltrops.

Whenever I visit atlas, I drop my proc-trops on the hellions and laugh as I watch them try to run, slowly DoT and flung all over the place as they die.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.



Shield Charge on a Scrapper. I took my BS/Shield Scrapper out last weekend for the heck of it after a few months of inactivity on that character, and I feel like they buffed Shield Charge while I wasn't looking.

The Ballad of Iron Percy



Turning on repel and running past all the luddites sitting on the edge of Aeon City, and then watching them scramble back up to be bounced back down.

now that's lolz



Lift with my lvl 50 grav/emp. Slotted for KB. On a lvl 1 hellion. It sends him up into the stratosphere.

Turning up Force bubble at the cimeroran wall and try to make a minion fly into the town. With good positionning and timing it's doable to "push" a mob on a large distance without him falling.

Dark armor lover.

The Claws/DA Scrapper guide.



Playing in ICON. I've probobaly logged more hours in ICON than i have playing the game.

Playing with my friends. I never have as much fun as i do when i play with people i love, Psygon, Gonk, Morty, Maximus Prime, Rab, Uzzi etc. You make the game awesome

Finding that awesome combination of good costume, good name and fun powersets. I have so very few this has fitted on. Third version of Sapphic Neko broadsword/shield became a major hit, much more so than the other two, which i still like alot . Sapphic Shock, elec/shield brute, so much powah, and i love her outfit Gunsmith Cat, AR/EM blaster, always hated AR until we could change the model of the rifle, now i love it
I have other comboes which are fun, but lacking that special something, be it name, costume or powersets.



Beating up grey enemies for badges. Or sometimes just beating up greys for no particular reason... but if there's a badge involved, then I just love it all the more. Killing one or a couple in a single shot, have the rest just look at me in a moment of pure terror, and then scatter every which way in a vain attempt to live. Some may try to take a shot or two at me, before realizing it's useless. I cackle maniacally, and hunt each one down in my own sick, twisted little game.

So much fun.



When you put costume pieces together in a way you never have before, and it looks so amazing you smack yourself in the face for not thinking of it years ago.



A fresh cut into a piece of construction paper.....



Seeing a ranged attack curve around (or through) walls to tag that runner for enough damage to defeat.

It's hugely immersion-breaking, it's entirely luck-based, and it's only available with ranged attacks, but there's just that sense of rightness in seeing that critter HP bar lose that last bit of health with such elegance.

Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue

Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~



Seeds of Confusion : Dance puppets, dance.
Wormhole : Fly puppets, fly
Double-mired Quasar : Explode puppets, explode (followed by popping a blue, Stygian Circle and ripping one of their souls out to serve as a lovely pet).



Originally Posted by Carnifax View Post
Double-mired Quasar : Explode puppets, explode (followed by popping a blue, Stygian Circle and ripping one of their souls out to serve as a lovely pet).

Dark Extraction on a GM just to see the body float 30 feet into the air and spin.



Diving into aggro cap of +2 Nemesis on my /Energy Aura Brute and reaping the sweet, sweet rewards.

Brb, need to reset this mission.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
Playing in ICON. I've probobaly logged more hours in ICON than i have playing the game.
Join the club! *high five!*



My Claws Stalker just discovered the joys of group Knockback with Shockwave. I absolutely love finishing guys with this power. Best one was a Security Guard that ended up with his face embeded in a wall.



Re-experiencing the game with Sister Flame. It is always fun to listen to her questions about the zones and see her experiencing each of them for the first time.

We ventured into Croatoa this weekend to earn some XP. Sister Flame enjoyed the enemies and even managed to level up to 27. She asked me if there was a trainer in Croatoa and I said yes and showed her who it was.

Hearing her excited voice yipping at me after recognizing the trainer and then watching her run off to get her younger sister to show her as well was priceless.

The Elementals - Brother Frost and Sister Flame

Who Is Sister Flame?

Arc 118690 - Sibling Rivalry (Sister Flame) Tweaked 09/15/09



I am extremely happy that the Tech in the RSF has finally been dealt with.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho