February 2010 FArt Battle - VOTE!!




she does play...

Maybe I should have stated that when I introduced her.

For those of you that have me as a global friend if you see me on a toon American Magus she is playing American Mystic.

still...if the the FArt mistress says no then I will just have her use my main account to vote and remove myself from voting next month.



1) Clutch
2) Lousy Day
3) Battlewraith



1. Lousy Day
2. Frost
3. Battlewraith



1. Lousy Day
2. Clutch
3. PyroNympho



1 - Lousy Day
2 - Clutch
3 - Battlewraith
These were my original votes, as I didn't read the comments first. I didn't realize that Battlewraith is the one who dropped out (and a real shame, too; that was a great piece), so I'm going to switch my third place vote to Eddy Swan.

@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL="http://tobyfife.blogspot.com/"]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog



1st: Toxic Shia
2nd: Happy Dan
3rd: Clutch



Dang Battlewraith! - sorry to see you backout.

Out of curiousity, when does this month's voting end?

Globals: Johnnykat & Johnnykat2




Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
Voting closes whenever I damn well please! Or Midnight Friday. Whichever comes first.
Says the FArt Mistress.

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



1. Clutch
2. Lousy Day
3. Juggertha

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



1.) Eddy Swan
2.) Clutch
3.) Frost

A lot of good art, was a very tough vote!



1. Clutch
2. Battlewraith
3. Lousy Day

http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/Massacre_Melanie -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Says the FArt Mistress.
Hey Thanks! - I looked over this like 2 or 3 times too and missed it.

Globals: Johnnykat & Johnnykat2




1. Johnny Kat

2 Juggertha

3 Clutch



1) Clutch
2) Lousy Day
3) Eddy Swan

1+2 basically came down to a coin flip... but in the end how can I not vote for lesbian spanking???

I pretty much threw out any pic that had more than the pin up itself. I know it was just a theme and it wasn't restricted to pure pin ups but that was what I wanted to see. *shrug* Unfortunately most felt the need to add more than just the hot chick in a tantalizing pose... Well, maybe fortunately, it did make my choices easier.

CR - You may have edged out Eddy if you hadn't included the schedule book... And some kind of background would probably have helped as well.

Battlewraith - I love your pic but to me it's more of a scene than a pin up.

Pyro - Very nice job, actually a bit better than I expected. (err, I mean that in a good way!) The pic had a kind of naughty postacrd feel to it which didn't neccessarily get it out of the running for me but I think you lost some points in my head since I'd recently seen a Naughty Nadya pic that had a similiar theme.

U-Naught - I like the calander idea though I think it would have been better if the calendar part was included more, kind of looked odd just having the top part of first row... Also, Brutal Wendy looks more quirky than hot to me.

Cresent - Errr, the churning butter thing kind of threw me... Also, without the comments, I just didn't see a CoH connection besides the logo on the butter churn and that just seemed too thrown on to count for me - CoH (in my mind) should be a real part of the work, not an add on.

Happy Dan - I think I mentioned before that this has a Rosie the Riveter feel to me, which is good, but you were up against some stiff competition... I also think even the lack of suggestion of legs didn't work well for me. *shrug*

Johnny Kat - I really like the merging of Carnival and Pirate, that worked really well... But I just didn't feel it was needed for this. Carnival chicks are hot enough as is... I also think the sexiness factor could have been more prominent.

Toxic Shia - Nice work, nice pose, nice subject matter... Just didn't quite pop enough for me. I think I would have prefered less words and some kind of background...

Frost - Great idea and execution, but like I mentioned earlier, I was personally looking for more pure pin up. (Kind of hypocritical considering my entry, I know... But I didn't vote for me either)

Implicit Bookcarrier - Making me think of Yoko Ono is not going to help me like your pin up Neither is man butt! But still you pulled it off well.

Juggertha - I thought this was hilarious and a great take on the theme... Greatly executed. To me though, amatuer porn and pin ups are two different beasts. Another theme and you'd have been right up there in the running with this pic...

Bubbawheat - This seemed more like a celebrity scandal rag than a pin up magazine to me... Like their photographers were trying to catch incriminating photos rather than posed glamour shots. And since I had a very strict pin up kind of vibe in my head... *shrug* I like the concept though... I also think you may have benefited from using shots from more than just that one chick...

Scooter Two - Nicely done but I think you would have benefited by finding a way to make Swan pop out from the rest of the pic a bit more. I'm not exactly sure what to suggest, maybe a darker background or something? Not sure, but I think with her being so pale and with the white costume, she's almost overlooked in the pic...

Anyway, just figured I'd share my thoughts. Take them or leave them as you see fit, I'm by no means a qualified critic



Sorry to see people dropping, but that was what whittled down last year'scontest as well. Sometimes, I think that this is just as much endurance as it is ability.


My votes:
1. Clutch - when I saw this, I almost dropped out. It was everything I could have wanted to do in a pin-up, and more. It made me totally rethink how I wanted to approach this month.
2. Lousy Day - I dig the subtleuse of the tri-pod.
3. PyroNympho - Followed the challenge to a T.

Looking forward to March... let's bring the noise!



I pretty much threw out any pic that had more than the pin up itself. I know it was just a theme and it wasn't restricted to pure pin ups but that was what I wanted to see. *shrug* Unfortunately most felt the need to add more than just the hot chick in a tantalizing pose... Well, maybe fortunately, it did make my choices easier.

Battlewraith - I love your pic but to me it's more of a scene than a pin up.




I think this is the real issue.

Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
2) Lousy Day

I pretty much threw out any pic that had more than the pin up itself.
LD's pic was a full scene, which according to that logic, should have been out of the running. Opinion is opinion, but that's flawed logic.

http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/Massacre_Melanie -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



Hmph, ya, does seem kind of harsh pin up only rule I imposed there... But once this became a non-elimination month I just decided to make it easy on myself...

And hopefully you don't take me calling you art a scene rather than a pin up as some kind of insult... Like I said, I loved the piece and all the details in it from the pong on the TV set to the hula hoops and donut. My point was kind of that the whole scene is something that deserves attention where as in a pin up it should pretty much just be the model that has your eye lingering...



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
Hmph, ya, does seem kind of harsh pin up only rule I imposed there...
Yeah. I'm kinda wondering how I can graphic design up a pinup (With my particular skills being more in the layout department and less in the illustration area) You're lucky you got what you did!

Still, it's a reasonable criteria for this month.



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
Implicit Bookcarrier ....Neither is man butt!

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



Originally Posted by PowerStream View Post
1) Clutch
2) Battlewraith
3) Johnny Kat

This was a super tough one though! Amazing stuff by everyone!
edit - Wassy hasn't instructed us to revote since Battlewraith has dropped out () BUT if she does and I don't get back here this is how I would re-vote:

1) Clutch
2) Johnny Kat
3) This is the hard one. There are about 5 I would say hit the pin up feel... But I'd have to go with.... Lousy Day!

Good job again everyone!



Originally Posted by Suichiro View Post
I think this is the real issue.

LD's pic was a full scene, which according to that logic, should have been out of the running. Opinion is opinion, but that's flawed logic.
It was indeed a full scene but the background elements didn't grab the eye and attention in the same way. They completed the scene but weren't as worthy of attention and study.

It's not that there were other elements to the pic so much as how much those elements drew attention away from the model who should be the focal point.

Originally Posted by Frost
Yeah. I'm kinda wondering how I can graphic design up a pinup (With my particular skills being more in the layout department and less in the illustration area) You're lucky you got what you did!

Still, it's a reasonable criteria for this month.
Just like I couldn't really write a pin up... I wouldn't have voted for myself under this criteria either.

I was looking for the most pin upy of the entries with the best arts. Didn't mean to imply other entries weren't good or weren't worthy of consideration, just how I myself whittled down the field after elimination was negated. If it was still an elimination month I probably would have taken more care not to cut out entries which I felt fit the theme fine... But since it was gone I felt fine being more hard core about the theme than was strictly neccessary.



Originally Posted by Suichiro View Post
I think this is the real issue.

LD's pic was a full scene, which according to that logic, should have been out of the running. Opinion is opinion, but that's flawed logic.
Wow is right. Ya, I'm glad I wasn't the only one that thought this was a contradiction.

Globals: Johnnykat & Johnnykat2
