February 2010 FArt Battle - VOTE!!




Originally Posted by Scootertwo View Post
1. Clutch
2. ScooterTwo
3. Happy Dan

It's no secret I have two accounts, however, my Fiance` has taken an interest in this and wants to vote.

the votes from Scooter Two are my fiance` and no way influenced by me.
It's no secret a lot of us all have alt accounts. My question is, does she play the game too? I mean, I have a GF and family that like art...they could use all my alt accounts to vote, but is that really fair and is it consistent to what this contest was intended for?

Globals: Johnnykat & Johnnykat2




..err.. if ALL the votes are centered around the same 5 or 6 artists...

how do you find out which of the OTHER artists are gonna be eliminated????



Originally Posted by Implicit Bookcarrier View Post
..err.. if ALL the votes are centered around the same 5 or 6 artists...

how do you find out which of the OTHER artists are gonna be eliminated????
Great question!

Globals: Johnnykat & Johnnykat2




May have to change the rules to "One vote per household" in order to nip the insanity in the butt. Otherwise, counting the votes will take up a lot of time since most of us have two, three or more accounts.

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



Originally Posted by VexXxa View Post
May have to change the rules to "One vote per household" in order to nip the insanity in the butt. Otherwise, counting the votes will take up a lot of time since most of us have two, three or more accounts.
Ya, something like that would make sense. Because multiple account voting seems like opening a big can o' worms imo.

Globals: Johnnykat & Johnnykat2




Originally Posted by Johnnykat View Post
It's no secret a lot of us all have alt accounts. My question is, does she play the game too? I mean, I have a GF and family that like art...they could use all my alt accounts to vote, but is that really fair and is it consistent to what this contest was intended for?
..she could play on his account anyway.. perhaps a special ..err..rule.. for avoiding husband or wife "aggro" ..
however if there are anymore laws in effect, then I wish to tack on a pork barrel addin that would give two million more dollers to my private air field ..



1 Johnnykat

2 Clutch

3 Juggertha



I'm going to officially withdraw from this competition, so I think you guys don't need to sweat the elimination thing until next month. Good luck all!




Originally Posted by FrozenDeath View Post
I'm going to officially withdraw from this competition, so I think you guys don't need to sweat the elimination thing until next month. Good luck all!
I'm really sorry to hear that, as your entries have obviously been quite popular the past couple months =(

Though yes, I will take that as an elimination. We'll still be voting for immunity, however.

As to multiple accounts; yeah, I also don't like it. We wanted to keep this to active players, which is why the voting was contained to the boards and not to dA or somewhere else where keeping tallies would be easier. Getting to be too sticky of a situation.

I prefer how Bubbawheat used his vote to come to a consensus with him and his little woman. Especially with doing the 1, 2, 3 voting, this seems like the best solution.



Originally Posted by FrozenDeath View Post
I'm going to officially withdraw from this competition, so I think you guys don't need to sweat the elimination thing until next month. Good luck all!

*sniffle*.. no fair :*(

..will you stay if we kick someone else off?.. we can invite Foo back and then throw him out real quick...



Originally Posted by Implicit Bookcarrier View Post
..she could play on his account anyway.. perhaps a special ..err..rule.. for avoiding husband or wife "aggro" ..
however if there are anymore laws in effect, then I wish to tack on a pork barrel addin that would give two million more dollars to my private air field ..

Tartyr, you crack me up.



I think getting 3 votes "per household" is pretty fair, and this is coming from someone who has made two votes in many of the rounds that I've voted in (as my wife and I share an account, and didn't always agree on which one we thought was the best).

Also, what's your decision on Scooter's Fiancee's vote this time around, for those of us keeping score at home?

Also also, did you get the spreadsheet I sent? Or did you already have another method to keep track of the votes?



Originally Posted by FrozenDeath View Post
I'm going to officially withdraw from this competition, so I think you guys don't need to sweat the elimination thing until next month. Good luck all!
awww! Really sorry to see that!

Hope everything's okay! Or are you just focusing on getting the book finished? Either way, good luck right back at you!



Originally Posted by FrozenDeath View Post
I'm going to officially withdraw from this competition, so I think you guys don't need to sweat the elimination thing until next month. Good luck all!

sorry to hear that buddy. I know I have come to that train of thought a few times this month, it is difficult to find time in a month to devote to this contest with other things going on.



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post

Tartyr, you crack me up.
*huggles Red Valkyria* ..awww...ty..

if I could, I would go back to Tartyrsause.. but I dont know how many
sharp objects would be thrown at me if I changed my deviant name back to
the original again..

..plus I dont think this NEW coh board is as advanced as the OLD one when it comes
to renaming yourself :*(

..I COULD call myself, Tartyrsause the Implicit Bookcarrier.. but I dont know how well
that would look in a business card ..hmm....

..and sense im off on a tangent.. I made my parents watch the Davinci Code tonight, after
they told me they just watched the Passion of Christ at a friends house..
.... *chalks another check box off his bucket list*...



1. Clutch
2. Scootertwo
3. Frost

(and this was really hard to decide!)

Global is @Mellissandria
I don't have that much art, but I do write stories and I do collect art on
my DA account



Originally Posted by Implicit Bookcarrier View Post
..err.. if ALL the votes are centered around the same 5 or 6 artists...

how do you find out which of the OTHER artists are gonna be eliminated????
of course most of the votes will be clustered around the top.. Let's face it, there are probably 3 tiers of contestants; the top artists, the learners/hobbyists and then me a guy with no talent or skills but who entered anyway...

The 1st, 2nd and 3rd system was put in to spread the votes around a but more and I think it has had some effect but it's not a cure all. We'll still likely end up with some tied with no points or maybe just 1...

As the deadweight (me? Gets eliminated and the field shrinks I think we'll see less and less need for some tie breaker on who gets eliminated... But for these early months I would think Wassy is going to have to come up with something...

@Battlewraith - sorry to see you drop out, really liked both your entries and was expecting some great stuff to come. Hopefully it's so you can focus on the book and such...

As for multiple accounts and stuff - whatever. If my tax refund is large enough maybe I'll just buy myself the 2010 FArt title... . (note to self, do TurboTax before I get eliminated!)

Seriously though, I would never vote for myself even if I thought I had the best submission but I understand that others have different views on the matter. The kicker is, it is allowed in this contest. Since it is, and since the rules allow all players to vote (determined by them having an account to post with) I don't see how we can invalidate multiple accounts...

Scooters two accounts make it obvious but I would imagine we do not know the account names of most peoples second accounts. Should they get the advantage because they were sneakier?

I look at it much like I look at strategic voting, campaigning for votes or quietly bribing people with sex and ice cream - there's no practicle way to prevent it so it's up to each persons own morality, judgement, decision, whatever on whether they should or not...

To ask Wassy to police all this when it was never even against the rules would be, in my opinion, too much of a burden to expect of her..,



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
Should they get the advantage because they were sneakier?
I think the honor system works here. Wassy posted up above that it's basically one vote per person playing the game, not per account. Hopefully everybody here is willing to abide by that, as hard as it is to police. Again, it's not like there's an actual prize involved at the end, so...making an end-run around the rules is pretty...cheap.

Anyway, my vote will be coming. I'm still trying to pick between them all.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
You can PM Avatea and request your forum name be changed.
k.. im gonna PM her..

...err.. and I did this all to show EVERYONE that they should never
change there forum name...



Originally Posted by Implicit Bookcarrier View Post
k.. im gonna PM her..

...err.. and I did this all to show EVERYONE that they should never
change there forum name...
I have no buyers remorse. I hated 'electagonist' and using 'Eddy Swan' has brought me nothing but good.



1: Juggertha
2: Lousy_Day
3: Clutch

Since I guess we shouldn't be voting for FrozenDeath then?

Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here



My votes:

1. Juggertha
2. Johnny Kat
3. Lousy Day



Shame to see BattleWraith go, great art there.
It does make my life easier on voting, though;

1: Lousy Day - Superbly done, and very classical
2: Clutch - Is it wrong that this picture has made me see Libby in a whole different way? ^^;
3: Happy Dan - Nicely done, I just really like that style.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.