February 2010 FArt Battle - VOTE!!




well we should try to be SOMEWHAT civil after all... this is the fan-art ..err..fart
contest in the "FOR FUN" section of a forum after all.. and let us not forget that as we all know
a group of artists in one place is like a turd floating in a toilet.. if you piss on it
to much, it tends to make a big stink and break up into tiny bits and float away..
well, unless theirs toilet paper over it.. I consider Wassy to be like the half dissolved
toilet paper, holding our artist turd in place.. HOWEVER, if you do pee hard
enough, even a
good covering of TP will fall apart... that's what this non-helpful arguing is like..
its like drinking a super large frosty drink and then filling up your bladder for
major peeing when you
get to the restroom.. AND not just any peeing, its like that cold hard peeing
that you get when you hold it for a long time and you can almost TASTE it
cause your bladders so full.. and yes, I know it fells good to let it out in the
restroom instead of the theater seat you came from.. cuz thats what
this forum is.. a theater.. after all it says FOR FUN on its
forum name.. so we should be having fun while drinking our frosty drinks..
but no so much that we should use that fullness of fun to fuel a turd splinting pee
into the toilet of artistic endeavor known as the fart contest.... you can pee
and fart at the same time... however its very uncomfortable and not good, cuz then
you might ruin your aim and pee on the wall or something.. it true that this fart
contest might sometimes stink and it might get loud sometimes.. but all farts will pass, and
only the sent of turds and pee will remain.
what we really need is less pee and more turds.. NOT just any turds.. but those
strong ones with corn husks in them and little green bits of salad.. the types of
turds that make it hard to pee to bits.. and thats what we need.. one
good POO that will help bind us all up into one strong fart that no pee
can break.. no matter how many super large frosty drinks are consumed to make it..





*hangs head* .. yea, this is why I dont make long posts..



gross and TL/DR all of it mostly out of



Weee!, have fun with that Pyro. Join the rest of us tablet-enthusiasts ^.^



Congratz Pyro!




Originally Posted by Tartyrsause View Post
well we should try to be SOMEWHAT civil after all... this is the fan-art ..err..fart
contest in the "FOR FUN" section of a forum after all.. and let us not forget that as we all know
a group of artists in one place is like a turd floating in a toilet.. if you piss on it
to much, it tends to make a big stink and break up into tiny bits and float away..
well, unless theirs toilet paper over it.. I consider Wassy to be like the half dissolved
toilet paper, holding our artist turd in place.. HOWEVER, if you do pee hard
enough, even a
good covering of TP will fall apart... that's what this non-helpful arguing is like..
its like drinking a super large frosty drink and then filling up your bladder for
major peeing when you
get to the restroom.. AND not just any peeing, its like that cold hard peeing
that you get when you hold it for a long time and you can almost TASTE it
cause your bladders so full.. and yes, I know it fells good to let it out in the
restroom instead of the theater seat you came from.. cuz thats what
this forum is.. a theater.. after all it says FOR FUN on its
forum name.. so we should be having fun while drinking our frosty drinks..
but no so much that we should use that fullness of fun to fuel a turd splinting pee
into the toilet of artistic endeavor known as the fart contest.... you can pee
and fart at the same time... however its very uncomfortable and not good, cuz then
you might ruin your aim and pee on the wall or something.. it true that this fart
contest might sometimes stink and it might get loud sometimes.. but all farts will pass, and
only the sent of turds and pee will remain.
what we really need is less pee and more turds.. NOT just any turds.. but those
strong ones with corn husks in them and little green bits of salad.. the types of
turds that make it hard to pee to bits.. and thats what we need.. one
good POO that will help bind us all up into one strong fart that no pee
can break.. no matter how many super large frosty drinks are consumed to make it..
OMG!!! That is the funniest thing I have ever read in the forums!!! Thanks for the LMFAOROFL, Tartyr!!!

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



Originally Posted by Tartyrsause View Post
well we should try to be SOMEWHAT civil after all... this is the fan-art ..err..fart
contest in the "FOR FUN" section of a forum after all.. and let us not forget that as we all know
a group of artists in one place is like a turd floating in a toilet.. if you piss on it
to much, it tends to make a big stink and break up into tiny bits and float away..
well, unless theirs toilet paper over it.. I consider Wassy to be like the half dissolved
toilet paper, holding our artist turd in place.. HOWEVER, if you do pee hard
enough, even a
good covering of TP will fall apart... that's what this non-helpful arguing is like..
its like drinking a super large frosty drink and then filling up your bladder for
major peeing when you
get to the restroom.. AND not just any peeing, its like that cold hard peeing
that you get when you hold it for a long time and you can almost TASTE it
cause your bladders so full.. and yes, I know it fells good to let it out in the
restroom instead of the theater seat you came from.. cuz thats what
this forum is.. a theater.. after all it says FOR FUN on its
forum name.. so we should be having fun while drinking our frosty drinks..
but no so much that we should use that fullness of fun to fuel a turd splinting pee
into the toilet of artistic endeavor known as the fart contest.... you can pee
and fart at the same time... however its very uncomfortable and not good, cuz then
you might ruin your aim and pee on the wall or something.. it true that this fart
contest might sometimes stink and it might get loud sometimes.. but all farts will pass, and
only the sent of turds and pee will remain.
what we really need is less pee and more turds.. NOT just any turds.. but those
strong ones with corn husks in them and little green bits of salad.. the types of
turds that make it hard to pee to bits.. and thats what we need.. one
good POO that will help bind us all up into one strong fart that no pee
can break.. no matter how many super large frosty drinks are consumed to make it..

I'll have what he's having...

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



Tartyrsause, that is one of the most disgusting things I have ever read on a forum, anywhere. and I find it offense to have a group of artists compared to such. not funny at all to me.



that is one of the most disgusting things I have ever read on a forum, anywhere. and I find it offense to have a group of artists compared to such. not funny at all to me.

Im sorry U-Naught, just thought i would inject some toilet humor into the mix.. sorry if your personally offended, I apologize to you if my comments about poo wasn't funny for you..

anyway, sorry if you took the post personally, it was just meant in jest.. I know whats funny to some may not be funny to all and im sorry if my post was not taken well by you, it was not my intent to insult you in anyway..




http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/Massacre_Melanie -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



Originally Posted by U-Naught View Post
Tartyrsause, that is one of the most disgusting things I have ever read on a forum, anywhere. and I find it offense to have a group of artists compared to such. not funny at all to me.
Here ya go U-Naught.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



If voting is going on still, I would like to vote for the following:

1: Johnny Kat

2: Juggertha

3: Clutch

Everyones art was outstanding, just these 3 stuck out to me the most.



I knew I shoulda done my first idea.

At least I got 2 points that weren't Fiance` or me.



Holy CARP!! when did that happen?

Sorry I totally missed that one.



Voting will go on until midnight tonight!



Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
Well...in other news...all you dang artist have inspired me to purchase a tablet. On my break today...I got the Wacom- Intuos4 Medium USB Tablet with Pen and Mouse...so I'm gonna have some questions.

Thanks gang...can't wait to get it home and set up!

WOOT!...Wacom FTW! Congrats.

Globals: Johnnykat & Johnnykat2




My Votes:

1) U-Naught
2) Johnnykat
3) Bubbawheat

*PLEASE NOTE: Battlewraith backing out more or less threw off how I intended to vote (you bastige BW). With that said, I put all the names of peoples art I liked into a coffee cup (since there are always like 2 or 3 of those sitting near me at all times lols). And the above is what was drawn. YES, of course my name was in the cup - I don't subscribe to the "I wouldn't want to be that guy" attitude. I mean seriously, one this is supposed to be for fun, two I like what I did (shame on me), and three if our world leaders can and do vote for themselves then I guess I can too and shouldn't feel awkward about it.

Now, as for other pieces I liked and that were also in the cup (and not in any order): BW, Clutch, Juggertha, Eddy, LD, Frost, Happy Dan and Shia.

**PLEASE PLEASE NOTE: It's hard to read wet coffee covered pieces of paper.

Globals: Johnnykat & Johnnykat2




It wouldn't be fair for Clutch not to get a 1st place vote because I couldn't decide 2nd and 3rd, so I used random drawing for the other two as well, but without using a coffee cup.

1. Clutch
2. Toxic Shia
3. Frost

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