February 2010 FArt Battle - VOTE!!




awww but I dinnit do anything



But but but I was tryin to help...

Stupid Bill Cosby and his puddin snaks...



If voting is still going on...

1. Clutch
2. Jugg
3. Lousy Day

Sure today is the first day of the rest of your life. But so was yesterday. And look how that turned out.



1st - Johnny Kat
2nd - Shia
3rd - Juggertha



I usually try not to vote in these things, not because I don't like drama (actually I love it, especially pointless board drama), but because as one of the participants it almost feels like cheating to me. Also its a lot of work, and damnit, I worked hard enough making art for the darn thing already.

Though I agree with the earlier statement by what's her name, I'd rather someone give me (constructive) negative feed back on something I drew rather than nothing at all. Sure, silence can speak volumes, but I don't want to be flipping through volumes to find out what whoever doesn't like it.

So, on to the voting... I'm gunna go...

1. Battlewraith
2. Clutch
3. Lousy Day

-I absolutely love the color sheme in Battlewraiths pic, and the lightning. There's no mistake what he wants you to look at first off, the big, shiney, scantily clad female. The background characters, also, all direct your eye back to her, because they're all looking at her. I shall say though that the kids face freaks me out a little. Everyone else looks normal, but his face... I dunno, maybe it's the odd shape of his mouth, and his black donut. There's something evil about that child... something dark... he's fearless enough to creep up next to a super strong girl holding a block of concerete over his head, and has the undropped balls to grope her while she's holding it over him. I think that child may be more than he appears. But her face glows, her boobs light up the place, and her expression has that look of surprise you see on many cheesecake style images of buxxom women. And once again, I really love the color scheme, and the muted colors in the background, and really bright range on /her/. Great layout!

-Clutch had a great piece, and he submitted it right off the bat. It's unmistakably valentines day themed too, because of the HUGE heart, and the pinks and purples in it. The expression and rich colors in the woman sitting in the chair seem a bit more... deeper... and higher contrast than the girl on her lap, though. Her hair (and boobs) have a bit more gleam and shiney to them than the prostrated Liberty, I think. And the pose, and presentation there is great, it's fantastic cheesecake (and as some pointed out, the panties down around her foot is a nice touch). I can definitely see the Normon Rockwell influence that the artist wanted to work into his piece, and that's pretty amazing... there's something about both of the girl's faces that sort of ring with his style, along with the color pallet that he chose... although... I think the bent over girls butt cheeks could have used a bit more debth, somehow. Color-wise, they felt slightly flat to me, especially compared to the golden glimmering off the girl punishing her. But, over all, fantastic job. It's way more than I could have pulled off.

I voted Lousy Day third in my line up of favorite 3 pieces, mostly because the woman's face seemed somewhat off, maybe more so when I back up a little than when I look at it closely. I think it may be the structure of her face, and she sharpness of her nose, and the different shapes of her eyes. However, over all, this is a great cheese cake picture. Classic, in more ways than one. The color scheme, overall, has that brown-overlay... warm look like a lot of old illustratrions from like the 50's and earlier have, and the pose somehow has that classic feel to me... also, somehow, her simple US flag costume feels like something that would have been designed back when they were first coming up with such classic costume designs as the original Supermans, or Wonder Woman's outfits. It also has a fun painted look to it, with the trees and lake off in the background, and the clouds all feeling oddly traditional to me. This whole image has me imagining myself sneaking into an old world war II cheesecake picture and lifting the girls skirt with a stick, and being a big kicker for the nostalgic look, I vote this in.

edit: Oh and on a side note, I discovered my submission fits perfectly on iphones as a wallpaper.



See I don't think I was saying no one should give their criticism/critiques/praises. I just think maybe we should have that separated over in the entry thread. If anything to help avoid the drama here and to help Wassy tally the votes. I mean who doesn't want to help Wassy tally?



It's been really hard coming to a decision, it really has. But I suppose I really ought to stop dilly-dallying on this, so my opinion goes thus:

1. Juggertha
Not only does it meet both the Romance and the Pin-Up criteria, but it makes me chuckle.

2. U-naught
The classic pin-up medium of the last few decades of the 20th Century; possibly the only reason Pirelli aren't suing is because she's got too many clothes on

3. Clutch
I guess it's a romance, of sorts, and a pin-up. Plus I clearly have issues surrounding a desire to see Ms Liberty embarrassed

There are several others who were almost on the list but I just had to stop chopping and changing the top three at some point. It's taken me a few days of going back and forth to reach a decision - having three votes certainly makes me think harder about how I allocate them. I really think it's a very fine group of entries, and I'd like to offer my humble congratulations to everyone who entered on some really imaginative work. I'm enjoying this, and I'm really looking forward to seeing the March FArts.



<looks at title of thread>

February 2010 FArt Battle - VOTE!!


Not seeing the Sub-Title

***** & moan about other people opinions.

To keep this running smoothly and from turning into needless drama, critiques should probably go elsewhere, like their respective DA pages (or back in the thread where the entries were posted in the first place.)



LOL, shoving the dramah under the rug does nothing to alleviate it. Just makes a bigger mess to clean up when it finally spills over.

Frankly, I've been enjoying the entire board a whole lot more over the past months. Even if people are "fighting" about things more, it's a hell of a lot more healthy. You actually know where people stand now, no more back alley allegiances and hushed smacktalk behind other people's backs.

Everyone's got an opinion to share, you either learn to deal with it somehow, or lose what makes people unique in the first place. Other people may enjoy beating up mindless robot zombies, but I prefer my forum mates alive and kicking, thank you.

http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/Massacre_Melanie -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
Oh, I'm not saying that people should not express their opinion. Far from it, but I think critiques/comments would have been more helpful and better situated, in the Submission thread.

Hear, hear!!

I think posting stuff like that here has the potential to influence a voter, and I'd rather us not go there.

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Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
Oh, I'm not saying that people should not express their opinion. Far from it, but I think critiques/comments would have been more helpful and better situated, in the Submission thread.
...hmm.. wonder if after we make a thread for voting.. we can ALSO make another thread for critiques and comments... thus we can give opinions on art while keeping the voting thread clean.. err.. maybe...

anyway, critique thread would HAVE ta have all the art posted on the begining of the thread like it is for the voting thread or people will try posting to the voting thead cuz they think theres more attention on that thread..

BUT if we had a critique thread, people could read it and find out what way they want to vote on the voting thread and give comments on art without making the voting thread so hard to tally for counting votes...

hmm.. or at least that would work in my humble opinion..



The critiques should go with the submission thread. As I've posted the past couple themes, it benefits the artists to get feedback on their pieces before the deadline. They have right up to the wire to make any tweaks on their submissions, as files can be updated without a problem on dA. No need for another whole thread.



Originally Posted by Suichiro View Post
LOL, shoving the dramah under the rug does nothing to alleviate it. Just makes a bigger mess to clean up when it finally spills over.

Frankly, I've been enjoying the entire board a whole lot more over the past months. Even if people are "fighting" about things more, it's a hell of a lot more healthy. You actually know where people stand now, no more back alley allegiances and hushed smacktalk behind other people's backs.

Everyone's got an opinion to share, you either learn to deal with it somehow, or lose what makes people unique in the first place. Other people may enjoy beating up mindless robot zombies, but I prefer my forum mates alive and kicking, thank you.
I totally agree to whatever you said, despite the fact I read none of it. I'd also like to say, if you didn't vote for me, you're a communist.



Originally Posted by Suichiro View Post
LOL, shoving the dramah under the rug does nothing to alleviate it. Just makes a bigger mess to clean up when it finally spills over.

Frankly, I've been enjoying the entire board a whole lot more over the past months. Even if people are "fighting" about things more, it's a hell of a lot more healthy. You actually know where people stand now, no more back alley allegiances and hushed smacktalk behind other people's backs.

Everyone's got an opinion to share, you either learn to deal with it somehow, or lose what makes people unique in the first place. Other people may enjoy beating up mindless robot zombies, but I prefer my forum mates alive and kicking, thank you.
I'll share my opinion then - I think the forum has gotten worse, not better. I found the forum far friendlier and more supportive years/months ago.

Some people love the drama - they enjoy the fight. Some people seek it out.

I always thought that this forum was for sharing screenshots and fan art - not for tearing others apart.


But that's just one unsophisticated opinion.



Only 2 days left to vote! Spread the word!!



Any comment has the potential to influence a vote no matter where it is posted. Those that want to make up their own minds with no outside interference don't have to read the thread at all. Even with a huge monitor the first post listing all the entries more than fills it... just don't scroll down. View the entries on Wassy's site... or go straight to the DA gallery and look through them there... then hit new reply at the top of the thread and make your choices. There are so many options for viewing this time around that it's easily done with no reading required. Those that want input from others of course will be reading all the threads anyway.

As for the ease of counting. Set the posts per page to 500 so everything is on one long page, hit "Control+F" put a 3 (or 1 or 2 whichever is less common) in the search field and just keep hitting find next to quickly jump down the page to all the votes. Any votes not numbered won't be counted anyway so you won't miss any. That is up to Wassy though, if it's really an issue for her she can just declare this purely a vote thread no comments allowed and that would solve it.

Also I don't think we need a whole other thread.
We already have 2-3 per month already.
*grumble grumble*

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



The environment on these forums has always been somewhat poisoned--not by "drama", but by people wanting nothing more than to police a strict code of etiquette on the proceedings and maintain a perpetual saccharin friendliness. City of Prozac.

Caegmen's posting of his thoughts (and the fallout) is not drama. It's the best thing to possibly happen to this thread. I spent a little over 2 weeks working on my entry. When I finished it, I thought to myself "this painting represents everything I've been working to improve over the last year." Then I read with horror as some guy categorically rejects it from consideration based on some personal interpretation of the rules that I could not foresee.

That's a ****** but to an artist, it's invaluable. You need to know what someone else is thinking. You need to know how an audience might view your work, in contrast to how you intended it to be viewed.

If you're voting in this competition, you don't need to justify your opinion. You can just have an attitude "I just like what I like." But if you do voice an rationale and it pisses people off, that's an opportunity to see things from a different perspective. Maybe your opinion will evolve as a result, maybe not. Whatever the outcome, heated exchange of ideas shouldn't be written off as drama.

Btw, I've always felt the people shouldn't be commenting on the art during the voting. But it's happened during every one of these competitions and this is the first time I've really noticed it being raised as an issue. And I agree with Chris, realistically speaking prohibiting it from this thread will just shut the communication down. The whole thing is already spread over multiple threads and multiple sites.




*peers back over the thread* Wow, I sure missed alot of fun by not popping around more often.



Originally Posted by Juggertha View Post
I'll share my opinion then - I think the forum has gotten worse, not better. I found the forum far friendlier and more supportive years/months ago.

Some people love the drama - they enjoy the fight. Some people seek it out.

I always thought that this forum was for sharing screenshots and fan art - not for tearing others apart.


But that's just one unsophisticated opinion.
Says the guy who has both me and BW banned from his DA page, as well as re-subscribed to a game he wasn't playing, just so he could argue in a thread where his name was mentioned. Seems like you create a lot of dramah yourself, bud. Me? At least I'm open with it. :3

http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/Massacre_Melanie -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



I don't mean to be a junior moderator here, but if we could move that *points up (a couple posts)* particular thread of conversation out of the voting thread...that'd probably be a good idea. Lest we go down roads that cause our voting thread to get locked and/or deleted.