1010 -
What are your global handles/recognizable names?--- @FD.---
What server do you primarily play on? Freedom.
What server do you prmarily PvP on? Protector,Freedom
What toons do you have to offer for 8v8 PvP?Psy/EM-Rad/Pain(corr)-sonic/kin(corr)em/wp(stalker), Bane Spider and a bunch more ..
Which of these toons is on Freedom?All.
If any, what toons would you be willing to transfer to Freedom for a league?--Ys-
What do you consider your primary/optimal role in a team setting?--Blaster/Stalker/Kin, but w/e is fine
What do you consider your favorite role in a team setting? Blaster.
Would you be willing to make a new toon and level it to 50?Ys
Would you be willing to respec into a new build for a league?Ys
Briefly describe your experience in PvP. (If you were on other 8v8 teams list them here, any substantial experience here also)-A Bunch--
(OPTIONAL) (Only answer if you have a firm grasp of team rosters)
Name Captains you would prefer to play for, minimum of 3. If you pick 3 I can guarantee you a spot on one of the 3 you choose, if you don't then whoever drafts you will be final. Also when we get down to the last draftees, there might be instances where people have to be picked in order to keep teams even numbers, in this case the draft protection will not apply.
On Articts Team/ Venny/ Telth , im here for the fun just send me a global tell @FD. ..---- FD.--- -
Quote:Yeah I think it would be beneficial to the game play experience, at least enough to warrant adding it.
You're asking the wrong question. The right question is "Does adding a ranged attack to the fighting pool provide significant increase in game experience compared to the cost required to implement it?"
But yes, it is that big a deal. The power would need to be balanced, coded, and animated (you cannot assume it's simple copy/paste). What other pool power has five powers? There could be code that needs re-written to allow more than four powers in a pool.
As for it being a big deal--I don't see the point in speculating over it. The devs are the ones who know what would be involved. They are the ones that would decide whether it would be worth the effort. I look at the suggestions part of the forum as a place to share ideas. Maybe that change isn't feasible. But maybe the idea would be incorporated somewhere down the road in a new set. Maybe they already have plans to expand the power pools and are looking to place something new in there anyway. Who knows.
I usually don't bother posting suggestions because it seems that people who are not involved in the development of the game shoot things down based on what they assume are the development issues involved. We are not rednames. If you don't like the idea of a ranged attack in the figthing pool for some reason, that's fine. But don't choke the idea of it based on assumptions of what it would take to enact it. That's their issue to decide, not that of the playerbase.
I know a lot of people that have a 1-slotted boxing or kick in their build that they don't even slot in the tray. That's a waste and I think if there was a ranged alternative people would get more use out of the power for various reasons. -
Collaboration is a pretty open-ended term. There are probably as many different ways to collaborate as there are groups of people who want to work together. I think what Chris means by it, in the context of this thread, is the comic book style division of labor: drawer, inker, colorist.
If the original linework has to be preserved, maybe that should be explicitly stated? It pretty much rules out people who use a painterly approach, such as myself, from this collaboration. -
I borrowed Dee Dee's Johhny Depp picture to talk about using curves to establish value in photoshop here:
Sorry about the ad popups, usually you can click out of it. -
Quote:Thanks! I was just going to do a quick livestream demonstration on how I use the curves function to change value in a drawing. JD is helpful because the drawing part is done and it's evenly shaded so I can just muck around with the filter.
How is JD helpful with curves, I wonder? I didn't use curves... I think *giggles* But sure.. though it's not finished yet.... and.. as long as you mention it's one of my drawings obviously . -
Hi DD,
Can I use your Johhny Depp pic in a tutorial on using curves in Photoshop? -
I emailed a copy of the book to everyone I had an address for. I wasn't able to send it to:
Naughty Nadya
Masked Shrike
Brand Frontier
So if any of you read this, please note me on DA. Also, I accidentally left out an important piece, so I'll be mailing an updated version of the pdf soon. -
All of the imagery for the sketchbook is now done. If you preordered a copy, please check my DA journal for more info. -
Awesome work Deebs, always glad to see more of your art
Here's mine:
Probably a bit easier to take it all in on my DA page.
http://battlewraith.deviantart.com/a...ntry-202252450 -
To a certain extent yes. I don't have the mouth cavity sculpted, so I couldn't animate this model speaking without adding more detail to the face. But I could have him walking, picking things up, fighting, etc. When I'm done texturing it I will go ahead and put him in a pose doing something.
Hi guys,
Here's an update on the Comrade Hero sculpt I've been working on:
This is flat color, kind of like primer on a car. Next I'll be adding highlights, textures, etc. The book is coming along well too, only 6 black and white sketches to go! -
Quote:That's one of the nice things about having art done of your game characters--you can move beyond the limitations of the character generator and add unique details. I had a claws stalker that I always pictured as throwing cutlery. Gratz!
She's a scrapper, with claws in one hand that look like her late father's tailoring shears. In this picture Domo used knitting needles, a far more original look. -
Chris I posted a comment in this thread to Bubba. He responded. I was done with this thread.
The only one belaboring anything here is you. First to defend your entries, which was unnecessary because I didn't attack them. Then to "trashtalk" me, apparently because I mentioned you. Then to lecture me (incorrectly) on quoting and use of plurals. And so on.
You're giving me an easy out? Of what? Explain exactly what I'm bowing out from and maybe I'll consider it. But throw some strawmen at me and put words in my mouth and I'll respond. Get smarmy and tedious and I'll tell you you're smarmy and tedious.
Quote:Lol the irony. Pot meet Kettle. Send me a pm whenever you like, I'm too lazy to message people over nothing.Petty disputes WILL happen on a forum, that's inevitable, but when they do it says a lot about your character if you see an opportunity to bow out gracefully, and you actually take it. -
That's a good idea Chris. Go do something productive with your time.
Lol pardon me Chris are you now assessing my mental state in addition to lecturing me on grammar?
The only thing that bothers me is when when someone misrepresents something I've said. You took one sentence from my post and took it to mean the opposite of the whole. I'm not going to get into a rhetorical pissing contest over it--it doesn't come across as enlightened, it's just tedious and anal-retentive. Just go back and read my post that elicited this ****, it's pretty clear that I am not telling Bubba that having a "concept" should be part of the rules.
Quote:Hahaha it's not vast but I could send you a couple interesting emails.Aside from the vast history I bet you guys have! -
Quote:I never said it was, or should be a rule. I think you quoted me out of context and are missing the point.
Suggestions do not a rule make. -
Lol Chris if you scroll up in this thread you will see Bubba's suggestion on having a clear concept. I responded to his post because:
1. He's running this competition and I think the person in charge often sets the tone.
2. The results so far don't agree with what he's saying. I mentioned your entries simply because they underscore the point.
Quote:**and in the spirit of good natured trashtalking ** -
Quote:Well, I can't help replying to this...it's in my nature. First of all, how is anyone to anticipate what the voting public is going to regard as a better concept? Why is a cat eating an ice cream cone a better concept than an ice blaster standing over his frozen victim--which happens to be an identifiable villain group from the game? This month and last month Chris submitted basically headshots that did very well. Where's the concept?
I think one thing that this month has made pretty clear - a lot of the time it's not always about the technique and detail in your work as it is about the overall concept. Lousy Day's piece might not be the most detailed, but it had one of the best concepts. The same can be said about Darth Delicious's piece - for a black and white sketch it made up for the lack of polish with a strong concept. Just something to think about for future months.
Content is subjective. Execution is something that can actually be objectively appraised. You can look at a piece and see that an artist done more in terms of composition, anatomy, perspective, etc. If execution isn't going to be a defining factor, why bother putting work into it? It's a crapshoot,there's no telling what people are going to like with the theme changing every month. -
Doh! Well there's two Cherry pics, one is the finished version of the one you saw and then there's another greyscale composition.
If you signed up for the book project, please check out this journal entry:
I'm almost done with the color pictures, which are the ones that are the most time consuming. I've posted a list of characters for whom I still need to do a black and white sketch. But since the project has taken so long I thought I'd give these people the option of changing to another character if they wanted.