February 2010 FArt Battle - VOTE!!




Sorry I can't help commenting on this as well:

Happy Dan - I think I mentioned before that this has a Rosie the Riveter feel to me, which is good, but you were up against some stiff competition... I also think even the lack of suggestion of legs didn't work well for me. *shrug*
Caemgen, your number three pic is Eddy's, which lacks feet, hands, and heads.




Originally Posted by FrozenDeath View Post
Sorry I can't help commenting on this as well:

Caemgen, your number three pic is Eddy's, which lacks feet, hands, and heads.

Wow... note to self: Keep your mouth shut in the future!

Seeing as how none of the arts give us a full 360 view of each subject from each and every angle, possible or not, every pic has something missing...

In Eddy Swan's pic the pieces that are cut off are done so by the border of the image. The positioning of the border also seems to have been done very artistically. To me it is as if the point is that these could be any two enemies who are yet drawn together. The pic, to me, seems to be about the attraction, or maybe just pure sexuality, and that of foes coming together... And which specific person each of those foes were seems kind of immaterial to the point of the pic to me...

In Happy Dan's art it just appears to me as if the legs were missing, that he didn't get around to them or didn't know what to do with them. He may have thought the image worked better that way artistically, I am certainly not going to say I am inside any artists head, but I can only go by how the image reads to me. I would have prefered a fade out of the leg - The way the costume just defines the lower body of the subject just didn't work for me at all...

But, end of the day, it is quite possible that some of my comments are contradictory and while I don't mind explaining my views, I don't apologize for not being 100% consistant. First off I'm not an art critic. Sorry I added comments regarding those I didn't pick but I wanted to explain a bit how I felt about each of them. I actually thought I was trying to be constructive and complimentary for the most part. I will not make that mistake again.

Secondly, what works for me in one piece of art may not work for me in another. Hell, I hate tie dye but that doesn't mean I haven't seen the occasionally hippy chick wearing it and making it look damn good. I am not a huge fan of chibi's but there's just something about Deeb's style that really makes them work. *shrug* There is just something about art that almost forces contradictory opinions from one piece to another from time to time.



1. Clutch
2. Lousy Day
3. Toxic Shia



Originally Posted by FrozenDeath View Post
Sorry I can't help commenting on this as well:

Caemgen, your number three pic is Eddy's, which lacks feet, hands, and heads.
Not that I agree necessarily with Caemgen's points but to be fair... hands, feet and heads not showing because the image is "zoomed in" is different from a girl with no legs.

I don't see a contradiction there.

Also while I don't share or agree with his criteria (or his vote for that matter) I will say that when looking at Battlewraiths piece I too found my self looking at the girl then that little boys face, the pong match (nice touch that ) playing on the lost's tv/head and the hula clocks and then back to the kids face... a lot (creepy kid lol) and even wondering what was up with the black donut in his hand and trying to guess if the other guy in the background was a hero villain or something else... oh hey that's the donut shop in Overbrook, cool! and what was the score on the pong match and is that somehow significant? Basically I was bouncing all over the place.

While I don't think less of the piece for all it includes I understand what Caemgen is saying about it...

For LD's piece I see girl... oh hey look it's Sally... and back to the girl and ooh her tripod is holding up her dress and hey he snuck his Heoz tag/logo on the sign... and back the girl again.

There were more cool things going on in BW's piece but LD's work just does a better job of keeping my attention focused on the girl.

P.S. @ Caemgen... did you (or anyone else for that matter ) even bother to read the book?

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



I did see the book CR. While I probably wouldn't have totally gotten that without your description of the piece to be honest,i t's a great piece none-the-less and your humor is always a treat.



Not that I agree necessarily with Caemgen's points but to be fair... hands, feet and heads not showing because the image is "zoomed in" is different from a girl with no legs.
Both are cropped. Dan's is cropped by the border around the figure in a manner more typical to advertising. Eddy's is cropped by the border around the edge. Why one is egregious and rules it out as a contender while the other lifts it to the number 3 spot is an arbitrary distinction I don't hold. And seriously, you really think Dan is representing some kind of amputee here?

There were more cool things going on in BW's piece but LD's work just does a better job of keeping my attention focused on the girl.
I incorporated a spiral pattern in my piece in order to direct your eye around the composition. Your eye is supposed to circulate through the picture. What Caegmen is looking for here in design circles is called a "quick read." It's typical in things like book covers where there is one dominant idea that has to be conveyed quickly with nothing else to distract. It's not very sophisticated design and most visual artists will try to accomplish more if they have the option.




With the exception of Clutch those pieces that are getting the most attention seem to be the newer entries. That's it...I'm not submitting until the last day next month assuming I'm not DQ'd for letting my Fiance` use my/her account to vote.



Beauty..... Eye.... Beholder.......

More votes less drama please.

Although maybe the votes thread is not the place to note your critiques or opinions so as not to sway others. Kinda like voting places must keep political affiliation signs so many feet away from the actual polling place and you can't wearclothing that supports one candidate over another into the polling places....

But this is Wassy's contest....



No joke. Let's keep the drama to a minimum fart people.



1. Pyro
2. Frost
3. Happy Dan



Some statistics so far, through Larissa's votes (just keeping score at home, and I like statistics. These are not official, I won't be revealing any early results, and I only counted Scooter's first set of votes)

Total points so far: 222
Point difference between first and second: 35 points
Point difference between second and third: 3 points
Total points from the lower half of the participants: 11 points, or 5% of the total votes.
If we only had one vote? Every place from 2nd through 9th place would be different



FYI, I'll let Scooter and Mrs. Scooter each have their votes this month. Like Caemgen's fan fic, the issue didn't come up beforehand, so there wasn't an actual rule. Going forward, please do household votes. Beyond that, I can't really police that much because I'm obviously not going to know everyone's multiple account names (if they're not obvious).



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
stuff and stuff and lots of stuff and reasons stuff is not "pin up enough" and more stuff
Please note that this month wasn't "pin up". This month was "romance, and/or pin up". Several of your personally-disqualified images can easily be considered "romance" images. Therefore, you might want to re-think all those comments you made.

In the end, of course, your votes are your votes, but they should at least be counting the whole theme, not a part of it.

(Note: I'm not saying this to fuel the drama. It just hadn't been mentioned, and I think was a glaring void in the commentary.)

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



BTW, is there any way we can get the February entries on the front page of #CityofHeroes instead of the January ones?



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
Implicit Bookcarrier - Making me think of Yoko Ono is not going to help me like your pin up Neither is man butt! But still you pulled it off well.

Mako man butt is cute!!.. you KNOW you like that fishy shark-man tail

Originally Posted by VexXxa View Post



Originally Posted by FrozenDeath View Post
Both are cropped. Dan's is cropped by the border around the figure in a manner more typical to advertising. Eddy's is cropped by the border around the edge. Why one is egregious and rules it out as a contender while the other lifts it to the number 3 spot is an arbitrary distinction I don't hold. And seriously, you really think Dan is representing some kind of amputee here?
No more so than you think Eddy is showing headless quadrupolegics... in other words, of course not.

However there is still a distinction to be made. Both can be lumped under the general category of cropping but they are very different techniques and used to different effect. Eddy's choice pulls the viewer in more as if your face were inches away thus you field of view would be filled and Dan's as you pointed out is more common to advertising and puts attention on the logo or wording filling the space of what's missing. Visually the difference is obvious between partially out of frame and not shown at all and I think you understand what I am saying even if you disagree yes?

I incorporated a spiral pattern in my piece in order to direct your eye around the composition. Your eye is supposed to circulate through the picture. What Caegmen is looking for here in design circles is called a "quick read." It's typical in things like book covers where there is one dominant idea that has to be conveyed quickly with nothing else to distract. It's not very sophisticated design and most visual artists will try to accomplish more if they have the option.
Yep "quick read" is the term I was thinking of as well (on this you and I agree). Again while I don't share his criteria for voting I do understand what he was trying to say.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



I appreciate Caemgen sharing his thoughts on all the participants. But I can see why no one else does.



Originally Posted by Caemgen
Implicit Bookcarrier - Making me think of Yoko Ono is not going to help me like your pin up Neither is man butt! But still you pulled it off well.
Wouldn't that be fish-butt?... hey look on the bright side... he could've gone with fish sticks.
Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
I appreciate Caemgen sharing his thoughts on all the participants. But I can see why no one else does.
Yeah cuz he's weird n stuffz.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Wow, drama on the Internet... Go figure*

Anyway, this will be my final comments on this bruhaha as I want to take one last stab at clearing a couple things up but have no desire to have a lengthy debate on what boils down to personal opinions and tastes...*

Art is always subjective. What one person likes may not work for the next person. Each may be able to clearly point out why they do or do not like a particular piece of art and even when they disagree on a specific point it doesn't neccessarily make one person right or wrong. Art is art. It is not math where there is a right and wrong answer. It is not science with provable facts. If art was NOT subjective then there would be no point to have voting in a contest.

Part of the subjective nature of art also means that some likes and dislikes of an individual may not be based in cleary explainable thoughts or points but may be more emotional or gut reactive... Just as you cannot convince a person to fall in love with another (they either feel it or they don't, facts won't change it) so too is art often liked or not on a more indefinable basis.

I have no problem with people feeling I am wrong for going hardcore on the theme to decide who got my votes. It was a theme, not a strict assignment, so there was some leeway for the artists to explore as they saw fit. My choice to kind of limit myself to the most strict definition was arbitrary and thus I see no problem with people disagreeing with me on that...

I would like to point out again, however, that I only came to this arbitrary, self imposed limitation after the month became a non elimination month and immunity was all but in the bag. Basically after I felt my vote had little or no relevance. That being the case I decided to make things easy on myself and hold myself strictly to the most strident interpretation of the theme... If portions of what was being voted for were still in doubt I would have judged on a different basis...

"For this month's theme, I'm looking for some classic pin-ups." - Wassy

Sure, she went on to allow artists to stretch the theme and as Fan Art Mistress that is totally her right. However, I also believe it is my right to make my judgements on the basis of what I like and dislike, what I felt best fit the theme and what I ft strayed too far and which arts I liked best based on my own feelings, opinions and likes. Sorry that so many of you disagree.

I suppose I could have just kept my mouth shut and voted for myself and the people I liked best... Or shut up and voted for people I thought would be easy to beat down the line... Or whatever. That just isn't me though. I will vote for those I think did the best job. Period. That includes a combination of best fitting the theme and best art.

Some disagree with how strictly I enforced fitting the theme and that is fine. Personally I have more problem with those who base their votes on things that have nothing to do with talent of fitting the theme but since the board citizenry isn't up in arms over those people I guess I am the only one...

Ah well, that's my general thoughts on the topic, now to get to specifics..*

On the cropping issue:
As I said before, to me Eddy Swan's cropping appears to have been an artistic decision while Dan's seemed to come off more unfinished than choice. This is my interpretation of how it looks and I could easily be wrong... However, I can only go by what I see and how I see it, how it works for me. Unless we're going to hold interview sessions with each artist to delve into their thoughts and intents I'm not sure what else I should do.

And sure, both cropped... Both used the same technique in essence. Are you going to tell me that two different artists using the same technique inevitably pull it off equally as well?because the difference between the two, in my opinion, is how well they pulled it off.

Spiral PTterns and Quick Reads
First off, I apologize for not being sophisticated enough to properly hold opinions and thoughts on art. However I do not believe sophistication was a requirement for voting in the contest. I thought Wassy's rule was pretty much just that you had to have a message board account...

Snarkiness aside, I wish to express again how much I really liked your art. I thought all of the elements were done exceptionally well and I loved the added touches. Hell, I've admired your arts since I came to these boards and have been eagerly waiting for you to open up for commissions...

But your explanation of the spiral pattern just kind of proves to me why I didn't feel your piece was one which best fit this months theme. To me, a pin up should focus on the subject - generally the girl. As was your intent, my focus moved around the picture instead, drawing focus from the girl. It is a great work of art just not, in my opinion, one of the best pin ups.

I respect your right to disagree with me going with the strictest adherance to the pin up theme... However, even with the looser theme I probably would have kept in mind if the elimination for the month wasn't eliminated and immunity all but decided, I'm still not sure I would have thought your piece fit the theme...

The theme was pin ups and was open to loose interpretations of pin ups and related materials but to me your piece is in action scene. An action scene with a hot chick as the main subject and with some comedic elements thrown in but not, to me, a pin up.*

Well, I suppose it is a pin up in the comic book sense of a pin up being a page or pages basically designed to be taken out and put up on a wall but Wassy expressed that she meant classic pin ups -"For this month's theme, I'm looking for some classic pin-ups. I'm thinking along the lines of Alberto Vargas (or Olivia DeBerardinis for a recent example). Think fantasy, cheesecake, frivolity, playfulness." and I personally feel you strayed too far from that field...

I hope you understand that there is nothing personal in my voting or decision making process. I have absolutely no problem with you and am always glad to see your arts, your comments and even your libestreams when I can make them. I find you very interesting and knowledgable. I respect your right to hold different views, opinions, feelings and beliefs than I do... *And I most definitely grant you are more knowledgeable about art than I am. That being the case I still bieve my thoughts, opinions and feelings are valid. They may not be right but then again I believe there is very little absolute right or wrong when it comes to individuals likes or dislikes of art... Though I could be wrong about that...

First off, I do not believe that is an actual quote of mine. There are ways to quote someone and yet indicate that's parts of the actual quote were changed for the sake of brevity, comedy or whatever. *I would appreciate that courtesy in the future. I can get enough heat for my own words, I don't need extra for being misquoted.

Secondly, this was indeed pin up month.

Originally Posted by Wassy
... and restraining orders are being processed! For February we're going have a little romance, and the option for a little extra. Yes, in honor of Valentine's Day, and because I'm very bad at delayed gratification, the long-touted pin-up month is NOW!

For this month's theme, I'm looking for some classic pin-ups. I'm thinking along the lines of Alberto Vargas (or Olivia DeBerardinis for a recent example). Think fantasy, cheesecake, frivolity, playfulness. Your piece does not need to be a direct pin-up, but must be in relation to it.
Sound pretty pin up monthy to me...

Romance was a secondary theme and going by a strict interpretation of the originly posted rules, romance was only for those with moral objections to pin ups.

Originally Posted by Wassy
If you are deeply morally opposed to the world of the pin-up, a piece centering on romance is also acceptable.
I'm not sure if this is why it was a glaring void in the commentary or not but I thinks it's justification enough for me not needing to rethink all those comments I made.

In conclusion, I really have no idea why I feel the need to justify the basis on which I voted. Ok, I was stupid enough to say it aloud... *But I believe I made my decisions based on reasons od art and theme, perhaps not reasons anyone else agrees with but at least I did use those criteria. Meanwhile we have people voting for themselves, at least one person I recall stating they would vote for a specific person no matter wha, and who knows what else being used as voting criteria. I do not wish to start debate on other voting methods but I do find it very amusing that it is one that actually uses the art and the theme, in whatever manner, that is being questioned and attacked.

I intended my comments on each piece mainly as praise and I didn't think of any of my comments as criticism so much as just my thoughts or opinions... Anyone who has seen my art should know I have no basis to criticize others. I apologize if anyone took my thoughts and opinions as attacks - they were most definitely not meant that way! *I will not apologize for my thoughts and opinions though. * And shame on anyone who ever does.

I'll not be responding I. This thread again as I never meant to cause drama and this is not the place for it. *If someone wishes to further have a discussion on the merits of feeling, thoughts, opinions et. about art and starts a thread just for that, I'll happily join in, but barring that I sha from here out hold my tongue (and fingers) on commenting on any art on these boards in any way unless I know explicitly that the artist wants to hear my opinion... It's just not worth the bother otherwise.



As far as I'm concerned, it's not the opinions that are at fault here. It's the non-adherence to your own self imposed rules. Would have been much better if you just said "I like this piece because..." and not stated any method for choice at all.

I can't argue what you like or don't like. I can *certainly* argue based on an agreed upon rule set. Therein is the problem. Something to think about in the future.

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Most people's opinions and judgements are not codified. Sure, they have some guidelines, but in general, people are able to switch them up depending on circumstance. People vote how they do - it's their call.

Questioning why is fine. But we have to be sure we're not scaring away expression.



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
Wow, drama on the Internet... Go figure*

Anyway, this will be my final comments on this bruhaha as I want to take one last stab at clearing a couple things up but have no desire to have a lengthy debate on what boils down to personal opinions and tastes...*

Art is always subjective. What one person likes may not work for the next person. Each may be able to clearly point out why they do or do not like a particular piece of art and even when they disagree on a specific point it doesn't neccessarily make one person right or wrong. Art is art. It is not math where there is a right and wrong answer. It is not science with provable facts. If art was NOT subjective then there would be no point to have voting in a contest.

Part of the subjective nature of art also means that some likes and dislikes of an individual may not be based in cleary explainable thoughts or points but may be more emotional or gut reactive... Just as you cannot convince a person to fall in love with another (they either feel it or they don't, facts won't change it) so too is art often liked or not on a more indefinable basis.

I have no problem with people feeling I am wrong for going hardcore on the theme to decide who got my votes. It was a theme, not a strict assignment, so there was some leeway for the artists to explore as they saw fit. My choice to kind of limit myself to the most strict definition was arbitrary and thus I see no problem with people disagreeing with me on that...

I would like to point out again, however, that I only came to this arbitrary, self imposed limitation after the month became a non elimination month and immunity was all but in the bag. Basically after I felt my vote had little or no relevance. That being the case I decided to make things easy on myself and hold myself strictly to the most strident interpretation of the theme... If portions of what was being voted for were still in doubt I would have judged on a different basis...

"For this month's theme, I'm looking for some classic pin-ups." - Wassy

Sure, she went on to allow artists to stretch the theme and as Fan Art Mistress that is totally her right. However, I also believe it is my right to make my judgements on the basis of what I like and dislike, what I felt best fit the theme and what I ft strayed too far and which arts I liked best based on my own feelings, opinions and likes. Sorry that so many of you disagree.

I suppose I could have just kept my mouth shut and voted for myself and the people I liked best... Or shut up and voted for people I thought would be easy to beat down the line... Or whatever. That just isn't me though. I will vote for those I think did the best job. Period. That includes a combination of best fitting the theme and best art.

Some disagree with how strictly I enforced fitting the theme and that is fine. Personally I have more problem with those who base their votes on things that have nothing to do with talent of fitting the theme but since the board citizenry isn't up in arms over those people I guess I am the only one...

Ah well, that's my general thoughts on the topic, now to get to specifics..*

On the cropping issue:
As I said before, to me Eddy Swan's cropping appears to have been an artistic decision while Dan's seemed to come off more unfinished than choice. This is my interpretation of how it looks and I could easily be wrong... However, I can only go by what I see and how I see it, how it works for me. Unless we're going to hold interview sessions with each artist to delve into their thoughts and intents I'm not sure what else I should do.

And sure, both cropped... Both used the same technique in essence. Are you going to tell me that two different artists using the same technique inevitably pull it off equally as well?because the difference between the two, in my opinion, is how well they pulled it off.

Spiral PTterns and Quick Reads
First off, I apologize for not being sophisticated enough to properly hold opinions and thoughts on art. However I do not believe sophistication was a requirement for voting in the contest. I thought Wassy's rule was pretty much just that you had to have a message board account...

Snarkiness aside, I wish to express again how much I really liked your art. I thought all of the elements were done exceptionally well and I loved the added touches. Hell, I've admired your arts since I came to these boards and have been eagerly waiting for you to open up for commissions...

But your explanation of the spiral pattern just kind of proves to me why I didn't feel your piece was one which best fit this months theme. To me, a pin up should focus on the subject - generally the girl. As was your intent, my focus moved around the picture instead, drawing focus from the girl. It is a great work of art just not, in my opinion, one of the best pin ups.

I respect your right to disagree with me going with the strictest adherance to the pin up theme... However, even with the looser theme I probably would have kept in mind if the elimination for the month wasn't eliminated and immunity all but decided, I'm still not sure I would have thought your piece fit the theme...

The theme was pin ups and was open to loose interpretations of pin ups and related materials but to me your piece is in action scene. An action scene with a hot chick as the main subject and with some comedic elements thrown in but not, to me, a pin up.*

Well, I suppose it is a pin up in the comic book sense of a pin up being a page or pages basically designed to be taken out and put up on a wall but Wassy expressed that she meant classic pin ups -"For this month's theme, I'm looking for some classic pin-ups. I'm thinking along the lines of Alberto Vargas (or Olivia DeBerardinis for a recent example). Think fantasy, cheesecake, frivolity, playfulness." and I personally feel you strayed too far from that field...

I hope you understand that there is nothing personal in my voting or decision making process. I have absolutely no problem with you and am always glad to see your arts, your comments and even your libestreams when I can make them. I find you very interesting and knowledgable. I respect your right to hold different views, opinions, feelings and beliefs than I do... *And I most definitely grant you are more knowledgeable about art than I am. That being the case I still bieve my thoughts, opinions and feelings are valid. They may not be right but then again I believe there is very little absolute right or wrong when it comes to individuals likes or dislikes of art... Though I could be wrong about that...

First off, I do not believe that is an actual quote of mine. There are ways to quote someone and yet indicate that's parts of the actual quote were changed for the sake of brevity, comedy or whatever. *I would appreciate that courtesy in the future. I can get enough heat for my own words, I don't need extra for being misquoted.

Secondly, this was indeed pin up month.

Sound pretty pin up monthy to me...

Romance was a secondary theme and going by a strict interpretation of the originly posted rules, romance was only for those with moral objections to pin ups.

I'm not sure if this is why it was a glaring void in the commentary or not but I thinks it's justification enough for me not needing to rethink all those comments I made.

In conclusion, I really have no idea why I feel the need to justify the basis on which I voted. Ok, I was stupid enough to say it aloud... *But I believe I made my decisions based on reasons od art and theme, perhaps not reasons anyone else agrees with but at least I did use those criteria. Meanwhile we have people voting for themselves, at least one person I recall stating they would vote for a specific person no matter wha, and who knows what else being used as voting criteria. I do not wish to start debate on other voting methods but I do find it very amusing that it is one that actually uses the art and the theme, in whatever manner, that is being questioned and attacked.

I intended my comments on each piece mainly as praise and I didn't think of any of my comments as criticism so much as just my thoughts or opinions... Anyone who has seen my art should know I have no basis to criticize others. I apologize if anyone took my thoughts and opinions as attacks - they were most definitely not meant that way! *I will not apologize for my thoughts and opinions though. * And shame on anyone who ever does.

I'll not be responding I. This thread again as I never meant to cause drama and this is not the place for it. *If someone wishes to further have a discussion on the merits of feeling, thoughts, opinions et. about art and starts a thread just for that, I'll happily join in, but barring that I sha from here out hold my tongue (and fingers) on commenting on any art on these boards in any way unless I know explicitly that the artist wants to hear my opinion... It's just not worth the bother otherwise.
..im sure this is all fine and well.. but it rather pales in comparison to the GREATER point as to why you are afraid of a lil mako booty in a pic...

as far as OTHER arguing goes.. as long as no one else leaves or quits or gets upset and ..err.. well leaves or quits... then simply discussing or giving your opinion on someones artwork should be fine..

I personally would rather have someone tell me whats wrong or right with a pic, instead of just saying " its ok "



Originally Posted by Tartyrsause View Post
I personally would rather have someone tell me whats wrong or right with a pic, instead of just saying " its ok "
Me too. I'd prefer to get some feedback from folks on what I can do to improve. But getting feedback that says that my entry wasn't pin-up-y enough doesn't help at all. All it does is make me feel annoyed and arbitrarily dismissed.

I've got no problems with not making the voting cut (I honestly don't care about votes. They're nice and all, but it's not why I'm doing this) and I'm not disputing the fact the he has the right to vote however he wants. Heck, vote based on the best use of the color red for all I care! It's all valid to me.

The comments on why certain pieces didn't make the cut are where this whole situation annoys me. If you're going to try to provide feedback, provide it on the pieces individual merits, not on how they conform to some arbitrary restrictions you placed on the voting. It's mostly unhelpful.

EDIT: Just wanted to make mention that I'll be leaving this subject alone from here on out. Don't want to contribute more to the derail Just wanted to try to explain why I found the situation annoying.



I'm putting you all in time-out and taking away your puddin' snacks.