February 2010 FArt Battle - VOTE!!




Only about 4 hours left to vote!



.. we need a vote count...then a re-vote count for anyone using the california voting machines and we need ta count the dangling chads..



Originally Posted by Tartyrsause View Post
.. we need a vote count...then a re-vote count for anyone using the california voting machines and we need ta count the dangling chads..

Hey, you leave my dangling chads outta this!

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There's still time! I'm only 75 points away from first place!



Originally Posted by DarkEther View Post
Hey, you leave my dangling chads outta this!
..ahhh haa.. NEW rule.. anyone with three testicles or four nipples, gets an extra vote

*pokes board* ...

didnt we have someone named Douglas Shuler running around here at one point???

*pout*..there should be a rule about awsome artists that only lurk :*(



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
There's still time! I'm only 75 points away from first place!
Think you may have missed a couple votes there. Looks more like 83 to me.

Of course Clutch has a 46 point lead on everybody at the moment, so he's blowing everybody away.



1. Clutch.
Captured the theme, pretty overt but at the same time suggestive if you think on it a moment (Domi is just Ms. Liberty just from a another dimension... she's spanking herself, get it?). It's got love and pink hearts, it's got pinup elements, it's got lesbian spanking... what's not to love?

2. Juggertha.
Probably would've gone with Battlewraith here but since he has withdrawn (and call me crazy but I think once your out of the contest your piece should no longer be eligible to receive votes) I will just give him honorable mention. I will go with Juggertha instead. There are little things I could point out but most have been mentioned already... there is just something about Ms. Liberty's expression that wins me over, it's a whole other side of her we never get to see. The Kleenex was pretty funny too.

Shows a huge improvement from last month. Maybe Pyro always had the capability to do this (in which case you've been holding out buddy!) or maybe he just learned how recently but it pretty much leapfrogged what I am capable of digitally and shows lots of potential. Nicely done.

Other standouts Bindweed, U-naught, Frost and Caemgen (already mentioned BW/FD).

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
Only about 4 hours left to vote!
Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
But that's only 9 o'clock.


Wassy lives in the fuuuuuuuuuuturrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre (eerie noises).

Ends Midnight EST. She posted at 8pm EST.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



We have...52 minutes left to vote.



Voting has ended! Winner of immunity in March is CLUTCH!

As Battlewraith has withdrawn from competition, I'm counting that as February's elimination.

Frost put together some graphs and charts, as well. Great job, guys!



Holy jeebus, winning with almost 50 points ahead of number two. That's practically the definition of landslide.

Congrats Clutch! And lucky for Crestent that BW bowed out, you squeezed past an elimination.

Btw, I've updated the Player Events thread with details on the February win/March theme.

I am so excited for March's entries. Everyone's entries this month were awesome! I hope March is even more awesome!

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by DarkEther View Post
Congrats to the top finishers, and to all who competed! There were a number of nice pieces, and it was tough even picking three.
/echo this!

Still confused over this whole Board Name/DA Name clash. I'm Bindweed on these boards and on my global in game, but that name was taken years ago on DA by someone who hasn't posted there since 2006, so I'm something else on DA.

Wait! I know! We could have a server list merge with DA and transfer our global handles!



Originally Posted by Bindweed View Post
/echo this!

Still confused over this whole Board Name/DA Name clash. I'm Bindweed on these boards and on my global in game, but that name was taken years ago on DA by someone who hasn't posted there since 2006, so I'm something else on DA.

Wait! I know! We could have a server list merge with DA and transfer our global handles!
*runs up and kicks wassy in the shin* ... speaking of that.. I need Tartyrsause added to the base if you could...

or I could just keep ImplicitBookcarrier.. whatevers easyer..



I'm loving those graphs. Thanks so much for putting time into those Frost.

and thanks to all those that voted for me.

Let's hope we all bring the heat this next month.



Congrats to Clutch, Lousy_Day, and Juggertha for winning top honors this month. Well deserved.

and Congrats, too, to the rest for some worthy entries.



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
Congratulations to the Gold, Silver, and Bronze medal winners.

An outstanding job by all participants and I concur, it was difficult even picking just three.

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



Now that the voting's over, I feel the want to share my opinions of all the entries. (note: these are my personal opinions, and as such, reflect my random and arbitrary tastes. (order comes from how they are listed in the DA section.))

Christopher Robin: Generally, I really love his style. He does amazing work with just a pencil. But this is not his best work, admittedly (coming off a fever, I don't blame him, but I gotta vote for the work) Pros: nudity - always a plus. Cons: the blushing in pencil looked more like a rash to me.

U-Naught: I really liked the concept - a Zig pin-up calendar, and I thought the character was well drawn, and I have used that top on a couple of my favorite characters. Pros: concept, details. Cons: Wasn't much of a pin-up pose, and the character herself is more quirky than sexy.

Crestent: I won't say much about this because it was a super-rush to avoid elimination, and it shows. Hope you're able to put more time into it next time.

Drunkfu/Toxic Shia: Love the pose, concept and style. I'm glad Shia's humor made it in, even if it the suggestion came from someone else. This was definitely a close contender for my vote. Pros: most everything. Cons: Um... I guess I didn't really like the gun at the bottom.

Caemgen: I'll be honest, I didn't read it other than the first couple lines, which I thought were funny. And I feel for him, being art-handicapped myself. Pros: original concept Cons: not visual.

Derango/Frost: Another contestant sharing my own art-handicap and going with a different style. Pros: It's very professional looking and quite funny. Cons: The silhouette wasn't quite suggestive enough to say pin-up for me personally.

Eddy Swan: And another contestant doing a rush-job. Again, it shows as I really like a lot of Eddy's other works, but this one really feels rushed to me. Pros: Great job of making the concept work, and making it hot. Cons: Lacks the detail and polish of your other works.

HeozArt/Lousy Day: Another great work from a lousy artist Pros: Really captured the classic pin-up feel and had a lot of whimsy to it. Cons: You couldn't give any panty-love to the pin-up? And more randomly, the cloud looked (unintentionally) like a FArt cloud.

ImplicitBookcarrier/Tartyrsauce: Another fun entry from Tartyr. Pros: really liked the Ono/Lennon recreation, and love the look on Mako's face. Cons: But didn't like the expression on Ghost Widow's face. Also, looked a little like Mako was trying to hump her.

JohnnyKat: (My 1st place vote) I love the look of the Carnies and I'm glad to see them represented. Also loved the wordplay of Carnival Cruises, and it's an art style I really like, along with the parrot and pirate hat which seem random, but somehow fit perfectly. Pros: Art style, Carnie, pose, concept. Cons: The winking eye looks a little odd when I look more closely.

BattleWraith/FrozenDeath: Great piece of art with a lot of fun humor in it. Pros: loved all the touches of humor, even the random clockwork hula hoops, the pose is really great and it's a shame he dropped out of the competition. Cons: I just couldn't get past the creepy look on the kid's face. *shiver*

PyroNympho: I hope I'm not sounding repetitive when I say this, but I like the style of this piece. Pros: I like the clean lines and the look on her face. Oh, and nudity... Cons: ...Though I thought the breasts might be a little *too* big. And I wasn't a big fan of the overall pose.

HappyDan/Bindweed: Another really great concept with the classic WWII pin-up style poster. Pros: love the look on her face and the overall concept. Cons: I agree with Caemgen, I thought the way the legs were cutoff was a little off-putting for me. There's nothing wrong with it per-se, but it was just a little off for me.

brthieme/Clutch: (My 2nd place vote) The hands-down winner of the competition and it shows. From the style, to the concept, to the technical skill, it's an all around great piece. Pros: Everything, the colors, the look on Dominatrix's face, the extra pair of panties. Cons: The only thing I can really find (and I hate to do this because I did it before on another fantastic piece by Clutch) is Dominatrix's breasts seem a little mismatched.

Juggertha: Another amazing piece with a great concept and great artwork to go with it. Pros: very funny concept which brings up a lot of fun questions. Cons: Lib's panties are missing the crotch, and the letter seems like it should be handwritten, but it's obviously a font.

Bubbawheat: I thought this was a big step up from last month's entry, and I really liked how the pose in the lower left shot looked like a stripper act starting up. I won't say I'm not a little disappointed that I didn't get hardly any notice at all in the competition. A couple comments and one third place vote (thanks again Johnny) Pros: A bit of humor and what I thought was a decent concept. Cons: Not enough "art" for a fan art competition I guess, and could use more variety in the costumes or characters.

ScooterTwo: I thought this was another big step up from an upcoming artist. I thought this is his best work yet. Pros: really loved the pose on this one, very unique but still sexy. Cons: The couch seems a little flat, could maybe use a slight angle to show it off better.