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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnnykat View Post
    Hey all. Just wanted to say thanks in regards to hosting this event every month Wassy, thanks to all the artist and to the players who followed and voted! It was fun to make it this far, but in light of recent RL events my available time to contribute to this just got whammied! So I unfortunately/fortunately (depends on the perspective lol) need to withdraw from this event and focus on some new exciting RL design/art opportunities that got "the go ahead" today!

    Good luck on the following months guys - keep up the good work!
    and !! As others have said: sad to see you go, but Congrats and Best Wishes on the New Opportunities! May they turn into Wonderful Endeavors filled with Well-Earned Rewards! :BigThumbsUp:
  2. Congratulations CR! (big thumbsup)

    and to ALL the other contestants, too! Great job all!

    It was fun participating, I enjoyed it!

    I am hoping to get around to finishing my piece (but I'm also hoping to finish LAST month's piece, and I aint got to it yet, either! ). As I said - I may not be as active & around as I was, but who knows what the future holds?

    Thanks again for the support and the votes! I appreciate it!

    You all hang in there - and knock one outta th' park for me next month!
  3. *ahem* would be funny to show a recognizable COH or COV Sig character go in to update their look, and come out wearing WOW outfit.
  4. What AngelWing and Sapphic_Neko said RE: Closed Beta and Non-Disclosure Agreements

    However - There IS the Official "Going Rogue" website, which has various media (Screen shots, videos, etc.) of a lot of the stuff

  5. Tough Month to pick! (have I said that for all of em?)

    1) Toxic_Shia - simple, fun, right to the point + thought-provoking about the "vote" thing
    2) Juggertha - another simple, right to the point image
    3) ChristopherRobin - the magnum opus!

    and all the rest are great, too!!!! (well, except for that last one )
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
    You can submit it. As far as my last official check, I know I saw yours and that CR couldn't put everything up all at once. If it starts a firestorm, I'll take the flak.
    Okay - have done (thanks)
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
    My clock could have been weird, but I did have an alarm for 12 to check the thread and make note of the entries. I did see U-Naught's up, and that CR was having issues getting everything up at once.
    Color me surprized! So, I hadn't submitted my (ahem) "entry" to the COH group on DA (because I was sure I'd missed the deadline) - so, Wassy, shall I do that now?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
    If not having a perfectly completed (is there such a thing even?) entry meant you were out of the contest there would be very few people left indeed and the prior years would have been over much sooner.

    You may not get as many votes as with a completed piece but as long as Wassy declares that it meets the requirements for the month you are still in it U-naught.
    You're very kind, Sir Robin. But I think I also missed the deadline by several minutes (I got a sticky note tacked onto my monitor since the beginning of the war to remind me that Wassy's midnight is my 9 pm). But I got no "death wish" - if I'm in, tha's cool. I *am* bummed that I didn't get it ..well, anywhere near where I envisioned it - but its a decision I can live with.

    Still - I'm liking everybody else's entries! They're all great! :thumbsup:
  9. Well - here's my FAIL!

    If I'd completed it, it would have had a title like: "Issue # 32 - The TRUTH Finally Revealed!" (Subtitle: They've Been Here All Along)

    (There'd be more NPC's - and I'd probably zoom in more - the NPC's are supposed to all have just pulled off rubber masks, revealing they've been Rikti all along. But, hadda give priority to some r-l stuff (good stuff) and so none of the great, wonderous-ness of the concept will have to wait.)

    Real Life has been - well, interesting (in a mostly good way!). And I just let this one go. Sorry folks, I guess I'm out. I wish all the best of luck - honestly, everybody! (I *think* I'll be around - but much less than before)

  10. First, just to be clear - it wasn't my intention, Caemgen, to call you cheap - rather I was addressing the general idea of running a contest for the sole purpose of getting lots of essentially free art. (which you did mention on the initial post). Just to be clear.

    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
    Originally Posted by U-Naught View Post
    If the person running the contest is *really* just trying to get lots of art for cheap or free (and I agree that thats what some of them are doing) - I think thats pretty crummy and slimy and they should be smacked. But, I know not everyone running contests are that self-serving - for some its just an inventive way of generating some interest and activity.
    Why is that crummy? *Isn't it a buyers job to get the most for their money? Is it crummier than buying bulk?

    Assuming equal quality (big assumption but for sake of argument...) isn't it a bit foolish not to seek the best deal? Should one feel the need to purchase individual pieces and pay more just to make sure no feelings are hurt? *And should one feel the need to purchase local arts rather than get a cheaper price from someone overseas?

    How much altruism should be imbued into the collecting of arts and where should it be directed?
    I understand that we all want to get the best bang for our money, (since we -work- to earn that money in the first place). And don't we all want to get, at the very least, fair compensation for the work that we do for others?

    I know we don't live in a perfect world. I get the economics, I get the "Free Market" idea.

    I search for the best price I can get when I go to buy something (unless there are other factors that override that, like urgent need, etc.).

    I also realize that there are many artists on Deviant Art and even Here who will happily do artwork for others for free, just out of enthusiasm or friendship or whimsy.

    But - if a person is throwing a "contest" with the -INTENT- of "Ha! I'll get scads of artwork, and I'll ONLY have to pay for, like, ONE piece! Cool Beans!" - doesn't that seem rather disrespectful of the artist's work, of their time and effort? I mean, if the -INTENT- there is to slide right by having to pay each artist for each individual work?

    Key word: -INTENT-

    Yeah, I think that's crummy.

    Of course I get the concept that a contest is a contest - there will be winners and losers. If the rules, prizes, selection criteria, and benefits, etc. are spelled out up front (and not misrepresented) - the entrants should know and accept the terms when they choose to enter. And yeah, a "Draw Me" contest run by a random user on Deviant Art is not the same as a "Design our Next Billboard" contest put on by Coca-Cola.

    but still, if the -INTENT- of the contest creator is to knowingly finagle free art out of a bunch of artists? Yeah, I think thats crummy.

    -- That's not meant as a rant, nor as an accusation -- just a statement of my opinion on it, okay?

    There is one sort-of related tangential thought that this discussion brings to my mind: I've read in various threads, blogs, journals - and I've heard it in person from a few people - not just artists, but some other professions as well. *There's the concern that all those DA artists offering to do commissions for really very little money (like single figure dollars for a character portrait) make it tougher for others who charge significantly more to get business. *I've heard "I just can't afford to sell my work that cheaply! *You're killing me here!" *and I can kinda understand that, to some degree. *

    As an artist, we're putting time and effort, skill, and (hopefully) heart into our work - and that should be worth something. *Something of equal worth to to what we put in. *So, I can understand when a guy (or girl) - who is trying to make a living from doing the art that they love - gets frustrated when someone turns away saying "Dude! That's too much! Why should I pay you that much, when I can just go to this other guy on DA and get my character done for five bucks??!?" *(understanding that to some, the difference in "quality" of said art may or may not be a determining factor)

    But, that's reality for ya, isn't it? *That's always going to be there in the world and we've just gotta deal with it. *There's always someone doing it for less. *(well, and there's also a big difference between doing sketches for fun and "working as a professional in the industry")

    Where was I again?
    I just barely touched on this a bit but yeah... I think, for working/professional artists trying to make a living, or even just occasional spare cash, there are bigger problems than contests... Contests they can choose to enter or not but they are forced to compete with people from other countries... Many of which can and do work for far cheaper...

    I've not worried too much about prices in my little collecting career. I think there was maybe one person I didn't commission because I thought their price too much. I've turned away from far more artists for reasons like not even ballparking prices beforehand, for having blatently political stuff in their gallery that offended me, for having payment methods which were too annoying or for just seeming like a jerk...

    But I can't help but believe that there are those who are commissioning based on price and frankly there's a lot of south American and Asian artists who are working very very cheap.*
    And I only mentioned it myself because I thought it was at least tangentially related - as you said: "Too many contests with lots of entries can hurt the commission trade".

    Again, Deviant Art has members that range from kids posting stick-figure drawings of Pokemon to Full-on Professionals working for Marvel and DC. You're right in that "Big-Time" artists working out there in "the Industry" do have bigger things to worry over than _LittleTimmy256_ on DA doing "commissions" for a nickel. and *ANY* working artist will have to deal with finicky buyers and under-cutting competition - I get that, too.

    I just thought it was of interest to the discussion.

    I also know that there is a sort of "cottage industry" of artists doing game-fan-related, or comic-fan-related, or tv & movie-fan-related "commissioned" art work. Places like this board, and DA, the WOW-boards, and elsewhere are are the Places-To-Be-Seen to get your name and work out into the view of potential customers. "Free Samples" are part of the promotional game.

    It *would* be nice if we lived in a world where each and every one of us human beings recognized the value of each other's work, and we all were able to give and receive fair and just compensation (in whatever form) for that work. But Reality is not Ideal - and I guess we all just do what we can.
  11. Not sure I'm adding anything new here (lots of good discussion already), but I did want to chime in.

    I think, for one thing, its easy to forget that the world's big with gobs and gobs of different people and different viewpoints - by which I mean that you can go out and ask these questions of people and get gobs and gobs of different answers and opinions. And, really, they're all valid - for the individuals that give them. (not tryin' to be "wishy-washy" there - just trying to remind myself that *my* opinion aint everyone's)

    that said:

    Competition is often a good motivator for people to try and stretch beyond their norm. I've actually had instructors that made competitions out of every class assignment. (I will admit, it made *me* uncomfortable - but it fired-up many of the other students) It *does* have its downsides, in that someone "loses" - and that don't feel good.

    Sometimes the motivation isn't as important - for some, whether or not there's money involved, they're just in it to be competitive. Granted, for others, it *is* the money - but, thats kinda to be expected.

    If the person running the contest is *really* just trying to get lots of art for cheap or free (and I agree that thats what some of them are doing) - I think thats pretty crummy and slimy and they should be smacked. But, I know not everyone running contests are that self-serving - for some its just an inventive way of generating some interest and activity.

    As artists (and, really, people in general), we're going to run into both types - those who *will* take advantage of us and those who won't. Its crummy, but yer gonna get burned sometimes in life - ya just gotta hope you can learn from the experience, learn to spot the bad ones and avoid em.

    I do think there's some value to the "getting exposure" part of contests, tho - very much so in the Thor's Assassin contest, but also in many others. With the way DeviantArt is set up, the more places your art appears, the better (well, if you *want* the exposure). If I were to do a contest like that - I'd try to make every effort to showcase ALL the entries that I could, so even those who "lost" would be getting something out of it. (not sure how I'd accomplish that - but if I was gonna do it, I put some MAJOR thought into it)

    and, yeah - I've also heard of those who offer "exposure for struggling young artists" in exchange for doing FREE work for their "project". I hear that happens in Hollywood a lot.

    There is one sort-of related tangential thought that this discussion brings to my mind: I've read in various threads, blogs, journals - and I've heard it in person from a few people - not just artists, but some other professions as well. There's the concern that all those DA artists offering to do commissions for really very little money (like single figure dollars for a character portrait) make it tougher for others who charge significantly more to get business. I've heard "I just can't afford to sell my work that cheaply! You're killing me here!" and I can kinda understand that, to some degree.

    As an artist, we're putting time and effort, skill, and (hopefully) heart into our work - and that should be worth something. Something of equal worth to to what we put in. So, I can understand when a guy (or girl) - who is trying to make a living from doing the art that they love - gets frustrated when someone turns away saying "Dude! That's too much! Why should I pay you that much, when I can just go to this other guy on DA and get my character done for five bucks??!?" (understanding that to some, the difference in "quality" of said art may or may not be a determining factor)

    But, that's reality for ya, isn't it? That's always going to be there in the world and we've just gotta deal with it. There's always someone doing it for less. (well, and there's also a big difference between doing sketches for fun and "working as a professional in the industry")

    Where was I again?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LadyJudgement View Post
    I am suddenly hearing the 70s "Batgirl" theme song, but with "TA" sung in it's place...
    NOW you've done it! That's stuck in my head, too!

    ('scuze me while I go search for those episodes online..)
  13. How about this: What if Marcus Cole had a motorcycle with him on that fateful day - instead of drinking from that fountain himself, what if Marcus had poured the "special" water from that "special" fountain INTO the gas tank on his motorcycle!

    StatesCycle was born!

    ...and, and its nemesis: the Arachno-Bike!
  14. U-Naught


    Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
    So whats between the bacon and the cookie? Cream Cheese Frosting or hollandaise?
    "Bacon Chocolate Chip Cookies with Maple Cinnamon Glaze"


    EDIT: this looks like the actual recipe, for those interested --
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
    I don't really know if I can qualify this as a retcon. This isn't truly a retcon to the CoH cannon, as it doesn't have anything to do with the story, but where the game was made.

    Bindweed had asked me about something similar. He wanted to know if the "What If...?" covers would be what a retcon is, and I said it depended. If the "What If...?" pertained to the storyline, then yes. If it was some of the ones where it was "What If Stan Lee Created Catwoman?", then no.
    Well, Wassy - interestingly, that actually clarifies this month's requirement for me a goodly bit! (and I thought I had it clear in my head before) I still think the idea I'm holding in my head is correct.. but I'm gonna go ahead and shoot you a PM to ask for certain!
  16. Yo! Caemgen,

    Happy To the Bee-Box Birthity Dee-Ay-Ee-Ay-Ee-Ay-Yo!

  17. U-Naught


    Originally Posted by SuperLexxx View Post
    They're all kinda neat - but this one's my fave - I love the pattern on the torso! And I really like the way you do the faces!
  18. Happy Birthday (if, perhaps, a little late )
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thornster View Post
    Oh now you are killing me ... I will have to look into it a little more ... there may be an option I haven't set or something ... because if it Corel doesn't support and PS did ... then that 300$ I saved may not feel as good ...
    Is there any sort of "support" contact (email, phone, online forum) for the Corel software you've got? (I Know, "support??!?! HA!" but sometimes it can actually exist & work) If there is, it might be worth checking on.

    I'd be really surprised if Corel didn't have tablet/pressure support - they've been in the game for a long time.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StormVyxen View Post
    Happy Birfday to yet another person I share my b-day with! =P
    So, Happy Birthday LadyJudgement *and* StormVyxen, then?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Most recent - my Dark/Therm Corruptor, Therra Malevola, by Cric (at DA)

    They're all really great, but THAT One is really my favorite! Wow!
  22. Thats a GREAT piece! Very nice, very Evocative!
  23. U-Naught

    Kirby style

    Originally Posted by LadyJudgement View Post
    Actually, THERE ya go... free download by Inker Extraordinaire, Brian Denham or Danerot of DA fame. His Kirby Krackles brush, makes doing Jack Kirby a breeze...

    I've actually made 3 of my own based on Jack's inks, well Joe Sinott's, but it's the same thing. Allows you all those wonderful dots, with a single stroke on the tablet.


    EDIT: Now for Photoshop fans, courtesy of Pascal-Verhoef of DA (a Brian convert like me ), click here.
    Hey, cool stuff there, LJ. Thanks. I'll take a look at those Photshop brushes.
  24. U-Naught

    Kirby style

    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    There ya go!