Digital Art Programs




As many of you know I bought PS Jr. a Bamboo tablet back in November for his birthday. Well NOW my hard drive took a nose dive and I can't find my original copies of Photoshop that we'd been using. It was an old 6.0 version anyway. So I know I can't afford $500-$1000 for CS5 so what would your recommendations be for a good replacement that he could use to practice his digital drawings?

Right now he still prefers pen n paper drawing and then scanning it and letting me play with colors but he has been trying to color some of his own things as well.

Speaking of - He has a WIP of Thor's Assassin (I KNOW RIGHT?!?! LOL) that he's been asking me to scan, but since I bought a new comp this weekend I haven't had a chance.

Anyway thanks for your suggestions and help. You guys and girls are always very helpful!



Is your son in school? You can get a student discount on Photoshop if so. The Design Standard (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) is $300 if you're a student or an educator.



The GIMP is functional but...the interface is confusing as all hell.

You might want to grab a demo of Photoshop Elements to see if that'll do what your son needs.

It doesn't have the really advanced photoshop-y stuff (biggest omissions are probably going to be layer masks, the pen tool and some of the more advanced adjustment layers) but if he's just getting his feet wet, it's a good (cheaper) option.



Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
Is your son in school? You can get a student discount on Photoshop if so. The Design Standard (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) is $300 if you're a student or an educator.
He is in a state run charter program that is an online home school so I'd have to look and see if that is considered okay. That's a great suggestion though!

So does Elements have what a beginning digital artist would need? It was hard to tell by Adobe's descriptions. It seemed more for the home photographer than anything. BUT I could download a trial version.



Hmm, actually come to think of it, I'm not sure how well Elements interacts with a tablet. You should definitely check out a demo to see if it'll work out. I just thought I'd suggest it for consideration.

It is aimed at photo manipulation but a lot of the basic drawing tools are still in there.

Another option for a cheaper graphics package is Corel's PaintShop Pro. But that's also aimed at photos these days too.

Basically you've got Photoshop/Painter in the multi hundred dollar range and anything below that is aimed more towards photoediting but still might do in a pinch.

The GIMP is free, powerful but suffers from a UI that's confusing at best. Can't hurt to give it a try though, being all free.

EDIT: I'll have to bow out on specifics though as I don't really use this stuff from a "digital artist" point of view. Just wanted to toss some names into the ring for consideration.



I'd check out ebay for older versions of Photoshop, make sure you check the buyer thoroughly... We had bought a $200 version of Illustrator for the Mac, and then upgraded to CS3, it was much cheaper than buying the whole thing from scratch. I believe Photoshop 7 or 8 is compatible with CS - CS3.



Originally Posted by PowerStream View Post
He is in a state run charter program that is an online home school so I'd have to look and see if that is considered okay. That's a great suggestion though!

So does Elements have what a beginning digital artist would need? It was hard to tell by Adobe's descriptions. It seemed more for the home photographer than anything. BUT I could download a trial version.
Most of the digital art I've done was in photoshop elements. I only recently upgraded to CS5.

I did this one all in Photoshop elements. I don't remember which version. I think maybe 7. This one was done partly in elements, but I finished it in CS2. I'm positive I could've done everything in elements though. I just don't use that many features in photoshop.

Elements works fine with a tablet. In fact, that is what my tablet came with. It is the best choice for a beginning digital artist in my opinion.



I use Photoshop (got it when I had more money than I have now)

(of these others, I haven't played with them - although I heard some pretty good recommendations for AutoDesk SketchBook Pro)

I did a little searching, found a few others - then found this site that covers 11 apps: an "overview of 11 Digital Painting programs"

AutoDesk SketchBook Pro 2010 (~$85-100 ?)

Pixarra TwistedBrush Pro Studio - looks like $89 until May 31st

ArtRage by Ambient Design - looks like ArtRage Studio Pro is $80
individual feature comparison chart

openCanvas 4.5+ (6800 Japanese yen ??)

Paint.NET - freeware

PD Pro Digital Painter ("Project Dogwaffle" ??) ($89 ??)



I own Artrage Studio Pro. I prefer Photoshop but I have done some work in Artrage and it's a pretty decent package for under a hundred dollars.




Originally Posted by Blood_Wolffe View Post

Elements works fine with a tablet. In fact, that is what my tablet came with. It is the best choice for a beginning digital artist in my opinion.
Now that you mention it I think something did come in the box with the tablet but I didn't pay it any mind since we had Photoshop. I'll check that out when I get home. Nothing beats free!

Thanks everyone for your great suggestions. I'm sure we will be trying out a few of these to see which he likes best.



Originally Posted by U-Naught View Post
I use Photoshop (got it when I had more money than I have now)

(of these others, I haven't played with them - although I heard some pretty good recommendations for AutoDesk SketchBook Pro)

I did a little searching, found a few others - then found this site that covers 11 apps: an "overview of 11 Digital Painting programs"

AutoDesk SketchBook Pro 2010 (~$85-100 ?)

Pixarra TwistedBrush Pro Studio - looks like $89 until May 31st

ArtRage by Ambient Design - looks like ArtRage Studio Pro is $80
individual feature comparison chart

openCanvas 4.5+ (6800 Japanese yen ??)

Paint.NET - freeware

PD Pro Digital Painter ("Project Dogwaffle" ??) ($89 ??)
Auto Desk Sketchbook Pro was a lot of fun, I played with the trial. I've also used Art Rage and Open Canvas and recommend both. Wow haven't seen Dogwaffle in ages, we knew the guy who created it, and he gave us a free sample when it first came out. Was passable if I remember... Also there is SAI, which was a lot of fun to try.



I have an old version of Corel and I was thinking of upgrading it ... and at about half the price of the Full Photoshop for the full version of CorelDRAW® Graphics Suite X5 which comes with CorelDRAW® X5 (for vector work) and Corel® PHOTO-PAINT™ X5 (for the photoshop like work) I was just wondering why it isn't mentionned anywhere?

(They do mention PaintShop Photo Pro X3 but that isn't the one I was refering to [that is under 100$ canadian btw, but I have no idea what it can do. I never used it.])

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
Char Site | My DeviantArt



Paintshop Photo Pro, which just used to be called Paint Shop Pro, is a great first time program. Yes, cheap as all get out, but not cheap on abilities, customization and fun. I'd recommend it as if I remember right, it can do some vector as well as raster work.



Originally Posted by PowerStream View Post
As many of you know I bought PS Jr. a Bamboo tablet back in November for his birthday. Well NOW my hard drive took a nose dive and I can't find my original copies of Photoshop that we'd been using. It was an old 6.0 version anyway. So I know I can't afford $500-$1000 for CS5 so what would your recommendations be for a good replacement that he could use to practice his digital drawings?

Right now he still prefers pen n paper drawing and then scanning it and letting me play with colors but he has been trying to color some of his own things as well.
Hmm, have you thought to try Corel Painter Sketchpad? (Free demo, $120 full, can't hurt.) Or Corel Painter 11? (Also free demo, but $320 price tag might be a bit much for you.)

Both are compatible with PSD, and both are made with tablets in mind. Their focus is closer to traditional art tools (Paints) as opposed to Photoshop.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I just updaded my Corel softwares (actually my first "legal" versions) and bought CorelDRAW® Graphics Suite X5. For some reason I was expecting the photo manip software to support the pressure sesitivity of my tablet, but it doesn't seem to. I was wondering if Photoshop does? or does one have to head more towards a Painter type program for that.
I'm just thinking about inking at this time and think that I could go much faster if I could ink using a pressure sensitive pen instead of a static sized brush.

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
Char Site | My DeviantArt



Photoshop (as well as Illustrator) absolutely support pen pressure sensitivity. PS also now supports pen ANGLE sensitivity.



Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
Photoshop (as well as Illustrator) absolutely support pen pressure sensitivity. PS also now supports pen ANGLE sensitivity.
Oh now you are killing me ... I will have to look into it a little more ... there may be an option I haven't set or something ... because if it Corel doesn't support and PS did ... then that 300$ I saved may not feel as good ...

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
Char Site | My DeviantArt



It is a setting in the brush dynamics, but I find they usually default there automatically if you're using a tablet. And the pen pressure sensitivity is something that's been in PS since at the very least CS2 (I'm sure earlier, but that's the earliest version I started using it with a tablet).



Originally Posted by Thornster View Post
Oh now you are killing me ... I will have to look into it a little more ... there may be an option I haven't set or something ... because if it Corel doesn't support and PS did ... then that 300$ I saved may not feel as good ...
Is there any sort of "support" contact (email, phone, online forum) for the Corel software you've got? (I Know, "support??!?! HA!" but sometimes it can actually exist & work) If there is, it might be worth checking on.

I'd be really surprised if Corel didn't have tablet/pressure support - they've been in the game for a long time.



downloading the Wacom driver ftw

now to learn how to draw! *blush*

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
Char Site | My DeviantArt



Hmmmm...that is an interesting piece o' ink blots and scribbles.

Your sig is quite kool Thornster! ! Very unique!

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



Just jumping in here again... We ended up using the version of Coral Painter that came with the tablet and it does support the touch sensitivity. I unfortunately haven't checked on any new arts Jr. has created but will check when I get home and post up something if he's got any...

I know he still prefers pencil and paper...



Originally Posted by PowerStream View Post
Just jumping in here again... We ended up using the version of Coral Painter that came with the tablet and it does support the touch sensitivity. I unfortunately haven't checked on any new arts Jr. has created but will check when I get home and post up something if he's got any...

I know he still prefers pencil and paper...
Pencil and paper should be mastered first. Its arguably harder to do than digital, because there is no 'back' button it's the way I learned, and they prefered people who had traditional skills when I signed up here at Uni

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Even without Edit>Undo, I actually have an easier time getting nicer results with traditional material over digital. I'm a very tactile person, and I think its a combination of the smoother surface texture of the tablet and the bit of disconnect from the work that makes it trickier on me than good ol' traditional media.