Good character names are running out, huh?

Ad Astra



Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
Actually only the first part was for you. And yes. It is absurd that you searched the internet, found a word hidden in the bowels of the English language, took it as your name, and held it up high as a proud example that good names aren't taken. And yes. You did hold it up high and proud by putting a forum topic up with the title "Good character names are running out, huh?" The "Huh?" in particular insists response and does so in a "high" fashion.
You people insist on misquoting me, huh? Do me a favour - go back and reread my original post, then please quote any place I accused or criticised anyone. Not where I alluded to it, not where wording might have suggested it, not where one specific word may have implied it. Quote me where I said anything that would be dismissive of other people. Because I checked. I specifically went back and re-read my original post from a month ago, and I found precisely what I remembered - I detailed the events that led up to my finding my own name.

You may insist on ignoring context, but I'm going to reiterate it once again, despite me having explained it no less than three times in this very thread, which you conveniently ignored. This whole thread never intended to tell people that they sucked, or that they should be more creative. The single purpose I created it was because I was overjoyed with the name I found and I decided to post about it. I'm saddened that you're so determined to read malice into my joy, but at this point I'm half-expecting people to read my posts backwards and expose me as the anti-christ, with all the insults and misquotes I've had to wade through recently.

Read carefully, because this is important: I thought good names were running out. I did, myself, alone, on my own. I never suggested or inferred that other people thought so or were uncreative. Not in the original post, and the rest was likely a response to someone else. I thought that good character names are running out, and I proved MYSELF wrong. Well, I hope you'll excuse me if I delight in proving myself wrong and finding a good name I like despite not expecting to. I seriously thought I'd have to settle for a personal name of some sort, but lo and behold, I didn't.

And frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn if you don't like it. It's MY name for MY character that I like, and since you have no business playing my characters, you have no right and no place to judge how good it is, unless you can convince me that I only think I like it but actually don't.

Please, next time you decide to misquote me, actually include quotes with links to the source posts.

I'll notice you didn't quote or dispute that fact, so why are you taking out one of the variables of the equation and arguing it?
Ugh! For the love of... Context! Context! Context! Why must everyone insist on pulling specific points completely out of context and then hold me to task on them? I wasn't arguing your example at all. I don't WANT to argue your example at all, because it's irrelevant (I'll explain). I didn't want to quote all of your numbers because I did not address any of your numbers, which should be obvious from reading my reply.

The whole point was to explain that I didn't feel naming your character just "Flame" was something people do, but even if they did, the names are not taken.

For your benefit On Virtue the names:
All are taken except for Flame, which is unavailable. I suppose there must be a DC or Marvel comic with that name. Now I've just put up 23 words which, by themselves are probably fairly decent names in some cases, good names in others, and a bit of a stretch for a couple. I did not go into the various Captains or mis-spellings, the word alterations because I've spent enough time alt-tabbing between the check name button and this page to show you that most of these words are taken as names. I'll also note that these 23 are the only ones I checked, but every one of them (Coals?!) was taken or unavailable.
And again you ignore my evidence that both Fire and Flame are available on Pinnacle, choosing instead to point out that they're taken on Virtue. So? Are we somehow looking for the names to be free on ALL the servers, or do they need to be free on Virtue in particular? I checked on the server that I play, because that's what I had selected. If you were talking about names running out ON FREEDOM AND VIRTUE, then it may have benefited you to specify that, so I wouldn't have to go looking for examples you're just going to handwave as irrelevant.

As for the chance overlaps being too big of a chance: Eh. That's more than a touch of selfishness speaking. And no. I don't want your names. I don't want anyone's names. But if fifteen people all want to be called "Fire Guy" more power to them. It doesn't hurt -you- to see a bunch of newbs running around with the "Obvious" name. And you can sit back and dig through the internet for obscure words to have your own private name that noone will ever take.
I'm not sure why you insist on claiming that I'm doing this because I don't want other people to use my names, but it just proves that you didn't actually read my post to begin with, as I don't want to assume you'd sink so low as to string together straw man after straw man. If you'd actually read my post or pretty much any part of the actual thread before laying your unfounded, insulting allegations, you'd have spotted that I have no problem with people using my names. I don't value the uniqueness of names any more so than I value the uniqueness of costumes, and given that I'm not suggesting that costumes cannot be duplicated, it should be safe to assume that's not very highly.

What I HATE is ambiguity, and this is why numbers exercise is irrelevant. A system for naming HAS to be non-ambiguous. This is a basic requirement for a naming system to have any point. It must give me at least one clear, always-visible indicator by which I can tell one character from another at a glance, one parameter that cannot change, or at least not change easily. This is the character's name. Any system that allows multiple people to use the same name at the same time is flawed in its very exception, because it ignores the point of having names to begin with. The system needs a unique identifier, and unless that identifier is a name, then the system becomes fugly.

Many people suggest that we go the Champions Online rout of appending global to the end of character names, and I WILL NOT support this. Not now, not ever. I don't care how you spin it, global name attached to local name is UGLY, and I do not want to see it in my game. You can browbeat and demonise me all you want. I'm not going to concede. In fact, you can save yourself some time and effort and, you know, read the thread, because this is at least the second time I'm explaining this exact thing.

If you can suggest a system that is both unambiguous at ALL times, and yet not ugly ever at all, then by all means, suggest it. I've made that offer dozens of times, and every time I get either no response, or it is suggested to me that I go to hell. No, I'm sorry, but slamming your fist in your hand and calling me a big meanie will not convince me. Either find an argument that doesn't rely on character assassination, or drop this.

Perhaps he started out with "Fireball" and will wind up with "Phlogiston Sphere". Sure it's a ungique and interesting name, but it certainly doesn't roll off the tongue in the middle of a Fifth Column fist-fight. "Phlogiston Sphere?! Nein! You can't be here! You were supposed to die in the reactor!"
Says you. Why is everyone suddenly the end all and be all of public opinion? I LIKE that name, and if it's not used, I'm actually going to use it, myself. Why is it that every time one of these threads come up, invariably someone decides to descend into arrogance and claim that the names of people who are happy with the system suck and they should be ashamed of themselves, while the only names that don't suck are the names already taken? It's almost as if a name can't be considered good if it ISN'T taken.

How much do you want to bet that either Fire or Flame will have been taken on Pinnacle after I listed them here?

Really, though, why is it suddenly incomprehensible for the forum population to make an argument without browbeating the person they are arguing with? What, did disagreeing turn into declaring open warfare when I wasn't looking? The point to having an argument is to have two sides that disagree. If you start with the belief that you are invariably right and the other guy is incurably wrong, then you come as a big self-righteous arrogant bully. And you have the temerity to tell me to get off my high horse?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Phone Numbers.

That's it. That's all. Phone numbers. Un-ambiguous strings of numbers strung together.

Using 1 (XXX) XXX-XXXX you can have over a billion combinations of different numbers (I.E. different characters) without overlap. Meanwhile character names need not be unique.

The telephone number string could be easily put into a "Cell Phone" directory friends list or whatever. Add the character's name, AT, level, and a small picture and you've got a way to locate whoever you want indexed by all the current values -and- a phone number.

Heck. Wanna make it more "Super Heroic"? Make it the MedCom system's numbering. Individualized identification numbers on ever hero license.

Now you don't need unique names and have a method which is canonically sound, since every hero must register and all villains come out of a prison system and, thus, have their own numbers.

And I apologize, Sam, if it seems like I'm browbeating you or coming at you sideways. I'm not. Every post I've put in should be read deadpan, flat, and emotionless except -specific- words that I visually accent.


*Edit* Err... HeroComm was Star Trek... I meant MedCom >.>



If it weren't for your forum reg date, I could swear I've seen you suggest this before, but I think that thread was VERY old in the old forums. Either way, I've seen this suggested.

My main problem with phone numbers is that, as I seem to be reading them, they'll be tucked away in a folder somewhere, with just the name to go by. Admittedly, it's like using Global Friends, but can also be used to tell strangers apart, but it doesn't seem to do that very easily. Yes, I realise it's not likely that I'll get two people of the same name on my team, but when I do (and I will), getting chat from [Team]Duplicate Name: will be confusing as all hell.

That's really the big thing for me. When people are standing in front of me, I can usually use costume for immediate distinction, but when I see a chat message in my chat tabs, it's hard to tell who it's from. Name colours have been suggested in the past, but those are both ambiguous, already in use and confusing to the colour blind.

Now, I'll be the first to admit - I don't think a system for non-unique names can be made that will satisfy me, but I also know that sooner or later, that will come to pass. It's just inevitable. And when it does, I won't really start a riot insisting to give it back, because this isn't a make-or-break issue for me. But until such a system is added over my head, I just don't think I'll change my opinion on the subject.

As with all of these things, it doesn't really come down to me dismissing an argument or you getting it through, as we're both just single people out of an entire playerbase. That's kind of why I feel safe in dismissing this system - mine is just one opinion to add to the countless others, and as long as that's going to be true, it might as well be pure opinion undiluted by exceptions.

At the end of the day, I don't want to take away people's names, I don't want to force them to search or alternate. If anything I want to help them find better names and, if possible, reassure them that there are still names left to use, even if it doesn't look like it. Keep looking. You'll find one eventually. Beyond that, as long as I don't make the large-scale decisions, I'll stick to defending the current system just because I don't see an alternative. And if it gets changed from under me, then oh well.

I mean, it's not like they'll institute a service that lets us buy levels. Right?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
Nacht Maus
Sacred Blade
Cobalt Constable
Shining Starlight
Silversaint X
Velocity X
Darkfall X
Jumper Girl
Portal Girl
Graveyard Girl (noting a trend?)
Psi-Girl X
Starlight X
Gizmo-Girl X
Longfang Vasquez
Samantha Bogart
Timesplitter X
Frankengirl X

All names I've used on Virtue. Any that has an X beside it is one that I used the i for L trick to get because I simply gave up hunting through synonyms and getting rejections.
You grabbed Honey-Bee on Virtue? You were lucky.

3 Years ago when I was new to the game, I wanted to call my MA/SR Scrapper Honey Bee, as that was her nickname back in the old AD&D days instead of the cliched Grasshopper for a martial artist type. However, Honey Bee was taken, and even being new to the game, I was not surprised, very briefly disappointed but not surprised. Then I tried Honey-Bee, and that was taken as well. Finally, I decided her real first name was Bree, so I called her Honey-Bree (Honey Bree was also available, but I felt the - worked best with that combo). Then when that big name purge came about back around the time of the big prestige grant, one of those two first choices came available (I think it was Honey-Bee, but can't remember for certain).

I seriously considered paying the $10 to change her name, (just like I paid to change Twilight-Vixen to Twilight Vixen, since that came available too on Virtue in the big name purge). However, in the end, I decided that Honey-Bree would remain Honey-Bree...



A number in the chat window would be a simple addition to that, first person to log in with X name gets "1" and so forth

1:Flame-Guy:Hey everybody!
2:Flameguy: Hey everybody!

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Furious Flambe is available on Virtue as of this post...



Furious Flambe sounds more like a Monkey Fight Club monkey than a super hero/villain. At least, that is the imagery that comes to mind for me with that name. (shrug)



Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
Is it me, or does she really have no underwear?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I have to wonder why anyone would want the same name as some other already active character on a server. First of all, it doesn't fit the comic book standard. Every hero and villain has a unique name. Yes, there have been times when different people were behind a particular mask, but there was still only one of that character.

Secondly, even if the Devs employ some sort of system ID tag that operates behind the scenes, players tend to link the name to the behavior of the person running the character. Do you really want to be linked to the possible bad behavior of another? Since all characters can have multiple costumes (and now even different body types) names are what people work from. If someone with a character who has the exact same name as you give themselves a bad rep, there will be other players who WILL link you to that same rep. Some griefers may even use it to intentionally copy another player's character to do just that. And don't try to tell me that it'll never happen; you'll never lose betting on the worst of Human nature.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Is it me, or does she really have no underwear?
It's just you (and poor gamma/brightness/contrast adjustment).



Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
It's just you (and poor gamma/brightness/contrast adjustment).
Well that's disappointing...

Cool costume, though. I like the more stylistic designs.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by HellsPixie View Post
I have to wonder why anyone would want the same name as some other already active character on a server. First of all, it doesn't fit the comic book standard. Every hero and villain has a unique name. Yes, there have been times when different people were behind a particular mask, but there was still only one of that character.

Secondly, even if the Devs employ some sort of system ID tag that operates behind the scenes, players tend to link the name to the behavior of the person running the character. Do you really want to be linked to the possible bad behavior of another? Since all characters can have multiple costumes (and now even different body types) names are what people work from. If someone with a character who has the exact same name as you give themselves a bad rep, there will be other players who WILL link you to that same rep. Some griefers may even use it to intentionally copy another player's character to do just that. And don't try to tell me that it'll never happen; you'll never lose betting on the worst of Human nature.
Hasn't there been more than one Phoenix at a time?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Hasn't there been more than one Phoenix at a time?

Three most common examples.

And then this is just an example of how stupid things can get when people try to copy a name and can't get it.

Including a HORSE that is in (requited!) love with Supergirl. I don't care how you twist and bend it. That they are emotionally involved was just... -weird-.




Originally Posted by HellsPixie View Post
I have to wonder why anyone would want the same name as some other already active character on a server. First of all, it doesn't fit the comic book standard. Every hero and villain has a unique name. Yes, there have been times when different people were behind a particular mask, but there was still only one of that character.
This. We are superheroes. Therefore, by definition we are special and unique characters. Two different characters with the same name would ruin that.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Well that's disappointing...
You know she's an imaginary character, right? You can dress her any way you like, in your mind.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Well here's an idea then: let us pick any name we want, but keep the "check name" function to count how many people also share the same name.

Do you want to be called Deathscream no matter what? Now you can. Would you prefer that your name is super-special and no one is already using it? Use "check name" to check.

I'm sure someone would want to argue against this by saying "But Tangler, what if someone were to take my unique snowflake of a name AFTER I got it first?" to which really I have to ask you just how often has the occasion happened to you, where you see someone running around with a variation of your character's name, or you see a character running around with the name you wanted to take? I know it has never happened to me yet.

A Penny For Your Thoughts #348691 <- Dev's Choice'd by Dr. Aeon!
Submit your MA arc for review & my arcs thread



Names gotten recently:

Pyrohemia - a fictional medical condition in which your blood is combustible on contact with air. Pyro means "of or related to fire". Hemia is a suffix that refers to a blood condition, ("emia" is also used, as seen in leukemia) The character is a mutant whose blood is flammable. Fire/Regen scrapper.

.40 Caliber Cure - A Dual Pistols/Dark Miasma corruptor who sees himself as a hero. His handguns fire .40 caliber bullets and he considers himself the "cure" for crime, so he is .40 Caliber Cure.

Hallowed Point - A play on "hollowpoint" which is a type of bullet. Hallowed means sacred or worshipped. It is also a song by the metal band Slayer. Dual Pistols/Mental Manipulation blater.

Names aren't that hard to come up with if you think outside the box a little bit. All 3 of those names are good ones, and not at all obvious to most people.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post

Names gotten recently:

.40 Caliber Cure
Hallowed Point

All 3 of those names are good ones, and not at all obvious to most people.
Nothing personal, but they're not all that obvious because quite frankly... they suck

One man's trash... and that's the problem.

I'm not addressing the rest of this post specifically to you, but to the community in general.

I feel sorry for the new players when they buy Going Rogue: Thesaurus Edition.

If we can't implement Global Name Association soon, then at least provide a solid name wipe (ie every character that is less than level 50, and on an account that hasn't been paid for in at least 6 months gets a generic name, and a free rename token if they ever come back).

Let's face it, if you didn't pay your rent/mortgage for 6 months, how long would you get to keep "your" address?

[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]The #1 True Villain badge collector on Infinity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]



I've got 40 active alts made over the span of 6 years, all with names I genuinly like. I can't, and won't, keep an alt if the name isn't something i *LIKE*. So that's 40 right there. And I've prolly deleted that many or more, most with names that were OK to passable. I've just made 3 or 4 new guys recently, and gotten IMO good names.

Frankly, i enjoy the fact that most of the *common* names are taken, it forces me to get creative. I do alot of gooleing.. and frankly, i've learned crap in the process of coming up with new names... I'll be looking up names with an Ice related theme and end up reading articals on Ice Burgs and Glacures in the process... so naming my heros has also padded my vast "unless facts" pool that i'm ever so proud of. heh.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



The other night, I rolled my new AR/NRG Blaster: Not A Nemesis Plot

I was shocked that it wasn't taken yet. NANP is a Nemesis Automaton. Right now he's in his "Civilian" disguise but he'll get some more when he unlocks more costume slots.



Originally Posted by Thaumator View Post
Nothing personal, but they're not all that obvious because quite frankly... they suck

One man's trash... and that's the problem.
And a Thaumator is what exactly? It sounds like a device to regulate a furnace, or monitor the temperature of a turkey.

You think MY names suck. I looked at your signature, and most of the names I saw in there I thought were unoriginal, and well....sucked.

But, they are all names that were not taken when we tried them. And all 3 of the names I mentioned were my first attempt at naming the characters in question. And no matter what we may think of each others names...we are the only person known as that on whatever server they are on.

The problem arises when 600 people ALL want to be Firedude.

I absolutely despise the idea of being Firedude@Claws and Effect, because it's clunky and looks like crap. Also, the name on the screen is what people verbally address you as. Every time I saw that I would think: "Oh yay! Firedude at Claws and Effect is here to save us! Whatever would we do without Firedude at Claws and Effect?!"

There are a limited number of heroes in comics that share a name with another hero. The various members of the Green Lantern Corps comes to mind immediately. The thing there is, it is understood that the Green Lantern Corps is made up of representatives of different worlds across the galaxy, and they are all tied together through that. They aren't a completely random bunch of people that coincidentally all decided to call themselves Green Lantern.

Other characters are iconic because they are the ONLY one there is.

Which of these sounds like it would have more impact if you heard someone say it:

Oh, no! It's Batman!


Look out! It's one of the Batmen!

Criminals are afraid of Batman because of the mystery surrounding him. If there were guys named Batman on every street corner, there would be nothing special about him, so they wouldn't be any more afriad of him than your average police officer. It would have the effect of "Oh, another Batman? Anybody can be a Batman, no big deal, just shoot him and let's get outta here."

Unique names are what prevent you from being just another guy in tights and a cape. If I were committing a crime and was confronted by Mystic Lord, I might be a little apprehensive about it, wondering what this guy can do. If I were confronted by 9 guys ALL calling themselves Mystic Lord...I'd probably laugh at them and escape while they were arguing about who had the name first.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Thaumator View Post
Nothing personal, but they're not all that obvious because quite frankly... they suck
I really can't say I can see this argument as convincing no matter how I look at it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
And a Thaumator is what exactly? It sounds like a device to regulate a furnace, or monitor the temperature of a turkey.

You think MY names suck. I looked at your signature, and most of the names I saw in there I thought were unoriginal, and well....sucked.

But, they are all names that were not taken when we tried them. And all 3 of the names I mentioned were my first attempt at naming the characters in question. And no matter what we may think of each others names...we are the only person known as that on whatever server they are on.

The problem arises when 600 people ALL want to be Firedude.

I absolutely despise the idea of being Firedude@Claws and Effect, because it's clunky and looks like crap. Also, the name on the screen is what people verbally address you as. Every time I saw that I would think: "Oh yay! Firedude at Claws and Effect is here to save us! Whatever would we do without Firedude at Claws and Effect?!"

There are a limited number of heroes in comics that share a name with another hero. The various members of the Green Lantern Corps comes to mind immediately. The thing there is, it is understood that the Green Lantern Corps is made up of representatives of different worlds across the galaxy, and they are all tied together through that. They aren't a completely random bunch of people that coincidentally all decided to call themselves Green Lantern.

Other characters are iconic because they are the ONLY one there is.

Which of these sounds like it would have more impact if you heard someone say it:

Oh, no! It's Batman!


Look out! It's one of the Batmen!

Criminals are afraid of Batman because of the mystery surrounding him. If there were guys named Batman on every street corner, there would be nothing special about him, so they wouldn't be any more afriad of him than your average police officer. It would have the effect of "Oh, another Batman? Anybody can be a Batman, no big deal, just shoot him and let's get outta here."

Unique names are what prevent you from being just another guy in tights and a cape. If I were committing a crime and was confronted by Mystic Lord, I might be a little apprehensive about it, wondering what this guy can do. If I were confronted by 9 guys ALL calling themselves Mystic Lord...I'd probably laugh at them and escape while they were arguing about who had the name first.
Thaumator is a constructed word, presuambly from the same root as thaumaturgy (miracle working), thauma the greek word for miracle. I think it's quite a cool name.

But I agree with most of the rest of the post.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
Phone Numbers.

That's it. That's all. Phone numbers. Un-ambiguous strings of numbers strung together.

Using 1 (XXX) XXX-XXXX you can have over a billion combinations of different numbers (I.E. different characters) without overlap. Meanwhile character names need not be unique.

The telephone number string could be easily put into a "Cell Phone" directory friends list or whatever. Add the character's name, AT, level, and a small picture and you've got a way to locate whoever you want indexed by all the current values -and- a phone number.

Heck. Wanna make it more "Super Heroic"? Make it the MedCom system's numbering. Individualized identification numbers on ever hero license.

Now you don't need unique names and have a method which is canonically sound, since every hero must register and all villains come out of a prison system and, thus, have their own numbers.

And I apologize, Sam, if it seems like I'm browbeating you or coming at you sideways. I'm not. Every post I've put in should be read deadpan, flat, and emotionless except -specific- words that I visually accent.


*Edit* Err... HeroComm was Star Trek... I meant MedCom >.>
At first when I read this I thought you were implying that people should be assigned ID numbers instead of a local name. Then I realized that you were talking about attaching that to the global handle. Problem is, we already have personal ID numbers in the form of our Global handle. It's just that we use more letters, than numbers. Which means that a phone number still leaves us at square one, as far as character names go.

Either the ID number isn't visible, and there's no way to visibly tell between two characters with the same name, or it is visible, and it looks clunky. Even now folks complain that folks with numbers at the end of their names (with the exception of people playing robots with a model number) looks silly and bad. Using a global number like this would take us from "Fireguy23" to "Fireguy@459-276-9988"

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.