Good character names are running out, huh?

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Personally, I refuse to use any of the ugly workarounds for character names--no x[Name]x, no extraneous punctuation, no all-caps or spacing games (unless they're appropriate to the character for other reasons). You can still come up with decent names, you just have to approach it from a different angle sometimes.

For example, I have a blind character, too--my TA/A defender. I named him "Bluff", as in "Blind Man's Bluff", and tied it into his backstory. The name is connected with his defining characteristic without being a synonym for it, and it's a decent name that was available on Virtue.

I also recently started a Magic Origin rad defender on Freedom. I was quite surprised that the name "Hex Ray" wasn't taken, and it's a perfectly punny name for the character.

I get frustrated with naming sometimes, too--times when my first choice or two are taken--but I've never resorted to a thesaurus to name a character. French, German, and Latin dictionaries, maybe, but never a thesaurus.

The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
"Jubilee," which is a word I have still yet to see used in colloquial language AT ALL, and is a word that I, to this day, do not know the exact meaning of (not least of all because no-one ever uses it as a word).
I always thought of Jubilee as a southern/hick word for a party. (Which, honestly, matches the character's power to produce fireworks...)

I looked it up just now, and apparently the word actually means a year for rest occurring every 50 years (from the Old Testament), or a holy year when you're supposed to make a pilgrimage to Rome (Roman Catholicism).



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Two, it's a name not unlike what I'd expect to see on a comic book cover, and certainly not any more strange than, for instance, "Jubilee," which is a word I have still yet to see used in colloquial language AT ALL, and is a word that I, to this day, do not know the exact meaning of (not least of all because no-one ever uses it as a word).
Beyond "celebration", it's a measure of time in early Judaism. The pseudepigraphal book of Jubilees is an alternate telling of Genesis in 49 year periods.

I know nothing about the "real" comics Jubilee to make any connection between them though.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
I always thought of Jubilee as a southern/hick word for a party. (Which, honestly, matches the character's power to produce fireworks...)

I looked it up just now, and apparently the word actually means a year for rest occurring every 50 years (from the Old Testament), or a holy year when you're supposed to make a pilgrimage to Rome (Roman Catholicism).
That's the fifth and sixth definitions, though. Most people would use the word for an anniversary celebration or any other kind of festivity, if they weren't talking about Cherries Jubilee.

Jubilee works because she can create firework-like effects, which is something you might see at a Jubilee... the word isn't that obscure.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
I always thought of Jubilee as a southern/hick word for a party. (Which, honestly, matches the character's power to produce fireworks...)

I looked it up just now, and apparently the word actually means a year for rest occurring every 50 years (from the Old Testament), or a holy year when you're supposed to make a pilgrimage to Rome (Roman Catholicism).
It has also been used for specific anniversary celebrations, such as Queen Victoria's 60th year of ruling Great Britain (and India) which was referred to as a Diamond Jubilee.

Jubilee also accurs in some gospel songs, picking up on the Old Testament usage. It rhymes with so many other words and sounds a lot like a celebration (to me, but then I was raised hearing it used in songs all the time). In those songs (which probably influenced Fleeting's recognition of it as meaning a "southern/hick" word for a party) it is always used to speak of celebrating, often celebrating arrival in the Protestant Christian Heaven.

Jubilee is also a chain of supermarkets, BTW.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



I think one of the funnest parts of the game is in naming your Toons. As you can see, based on my signature below, I have a few toons with very different names. For example, my level 50 Controller Dark Braven, I originally wanted to call her Dark Raven,..and we all know that name is pretty much taken. So, I had to pull up, spell certain words by removing the "R" in Raven and see what I could come up with. After further thought, I then said to myself, my toon will be Brave and have a Dark side to her. So, I just combined Brave with Raven and got Dark Braven. For my other toon Zambrosia, I orginally wanted to name her Ambrosia, which is greek for food of the gods. Nope, already taken. So, using my Braven technique, I just dropped the "A" and added a "Z" and got Zambrosia. Ta-Da!

I also use a lot of greek goddess names for reference in naming my toons. The easy part is all my toons are women and I always take careful consideration in wanting to give them the best name and to make it easy for anyone who has to type my name in to send me a tell. Fusion 7 was my first toon and I used a number with the name as the name Fusion was already taken. In my toons description, I said it would take all 7 nuclei to combine to form a powerful explosion for her wondrous Nova. So, I was able to tie the name to the toons personality and attributes.

For another one of my toons, I wanted a "cat" theme with her so I ended up calling her "Cattalina". Originally wanted to spell it as Catalina like the island off of California but it was taken so I just added another "t" to make it Cattalina. You know it sounds like Catalina, it has a "cat" reference to it and is still pronounced the same way. See how that works? My last toon I rolled, Fhenix, I wanted to call Phoenix, the bird that rises from the ashes, can see the fun in this I hope. Picking a name to fit your toons personality. Anyways, after several, and I mean about a good hours worth of time, after several attempts I finally came up with Fhenix for my Fire/Kin Controller. Easy to spell, and when you look at it, you know it will sound like "Phoenix". Problem solved.

Good character names are not running out, just peoples imaginations. As you can see from my post, with a little thought you too can make a name for yourself.



I thought it was strange last week when I server transfer from Virtue to Freedom >.>

Earth Kin Troller, named Natural Stimulant

I got to keep her name, and then I made a place holder on Virtue to keep it...
But, I thought it was strange no one had it on the all mighty freedom server



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Not my favorite thing to do, but it is better than changing what I am going for completely. Also Keeper was my main for years, he was moved so he would not get ignored on the server I rarely use. Part of my fun came from the character's name, if I can keep that by framing the name, I will.
Keeper of Swords is available as well as Keeper of Daggers. Just checked.

My first alternate choice for your name wasn't: Blade Keeper

My second alternate choice was also taken: Sergeant at Arms, but both legitimate and alternate spellings (Serjeant-at-Arms (with the hyphens) and Serjeant at Arms (without hyphens) are both available. In some settings, the hyphenated spelling is preferred. I assume Sergeant-at-Arms would be acceptable as well.



Kinda random but I was suprised when my pvp ma/regen scrap's name (I love Lamp) was taken on about every server but mine :P I was moving him around to check pvp on other servers and on about 75% of the them, it was taken. I ended up just moving him back to triumph and reclaiming the name. I'm still sad that "Bee's Knees" was taken for my bee fire/sd scrap, but I just ended up naming it "Hornet's Nest".

(I have normal named toons, but after naming 40+ toons names that sound good/fit the character, it's lolz to name some randomly)

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Never really had a problem with obtaining a name on Virtue. Though, I had fun doing something new recently. Usually land a fairly decent name and -then- make the character. This time, the character was created and costumed first without any preconceived idea for a name. Crazy, right? Could have been there all night. I'm such a risk-taker!

Friends kept telling me how much fun fire/kins are. Jumped into the character creator and made a fairly plain model. Kept staring at all the hair and costume options in reds, orange hues and golds. Finally whipped one up with a swank bob of copper hair and gold undertones... stared at her for all of three seconds and thought, "Oh that's a cheerleader named Peaches if I ever saw one." Peaches didn't quite fit. Gave a few more seconds thought to her personality and vocabulary. Imagined her bouncing around and brightly chirping out how "Peachy Keen!" everything was. And since she is a kinetic, "Peachy Kin" was chosen and registered.

Total time on selecting a name that was available: far far less time than settling on hair. Minutes. Maybe that is an option for folks who have trouble coming up with names. I see threads and posts stating powersets and general background.. maybe they can create their look, capture printscreen to post, use the costume save option and then post. So many common powerset combos and background ideas mesh together over time but costume designs are still fairly highly individual.



Actually, I want to clarify something. I didn't do the google search to marvel at my own good fortune in finding a name no-one would spot, but rather to ensure I wasn't copying an established character. These days, almost any common word you pick to use will have a character attached to it. I mentioned Parallax, whom I found while I was searching for the meaning of the word, but there are others. In fact, you can make a game out of naming common words and seeing how many get a hit on a hero or a villain.

Just off the top of my head, things like shard, steel, blade, rock, ring... I'm just guessing out here. Hell, I have a character I gave a completely made-up name I thought of on the spot. Not 20 minutes in, I get a random tell asking me "Oh, hey! Billy Drake like the race driver?" Wha? So it goes. These days I always google my names before I finalise them just to make sure I'm not ripping off something famous.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I don't worry so much about single word names in respect to copyright.. since I'm not copying an existing character. Take Dakota for example. How easy is it for there to be tons of media with the name Dakota in it. There's a movie called Dakota, a restaurant in Idaho, a stripper named Dakota, a racehorse named Dakota, etc etc. If I'm lucky to find a simple name I enjoy and just whip out a costume and bio from my head, I'm confident that I won't be generic'd because some state official called NC. Copyright violations, to me, are "likeness" and "concept" attached to a name and not just the name itself.




The third hero I ever made, back in 2004, was an elec/elec blaster on Virtue named "Lady Faraday". She was fun to play, but as I was running out of character slots and I already had another blaster, Lady Faraday had to go!

Fast forward a few years later, when we're finally able to buy or earn more slots. Well now I was free to make more blasters! I decided I wanted to try and make an elec/elec blaster again. Surely the name "Lady Faraday" would have been taken by then! Nope! It was still available after all that time! So I took it again. That made me very happy.



In the last two months i created Feral Catgirl on Virtue, Freedom and Champion. But then it's such an obscure, esoteric name, neh?

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I think there is a guide somewhere on the boards explaining naming techniques. I do things like frame in "x" or add a dash. So I ended up with x Keeper of Blades x after moving one of my toons to Virtue. I tend to get the name I want in one way or another.

Personally i'ld be insulted if somebody pointed me in the direction of one of those guides but thats just me. Sure might be good for you lot, but all my characters are MY OWN CREATION. If i have to have any sort of help with any of them, they no longer feel like i made them, which is the main draw to me to making new characters. Making them my own.

Oh look theres x-sunnydisaster!


Quick we need to call Relent-less NOW!

I like mine to be as realistic as if it was in an actual superhero show, so those kind of sites are not for me

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
In the last two months i created Feral Catgirl on Virtue, Freedom and Champion. But then it's such an obscure, esoteric name, neh?
Less esoteric than "Schrödinger's Catgirl," which on Virtue is taken!

Not by me, though.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Personally i'ld be insulted if somebody pointed me in the direction of one of those guides but thats just me. Sure might be good for you lot, but all my characters are MY OWN CREATION. If i have to have any sort of help with any of them, they no longer feel like i made them, which is the main draw to me to making new characters. Making them my own.
Well, I take a very relaxed attitude towards these, as every time I ask for name or costume help, I get a lot of feedback, but not a lot that's an exact fit for my very narrow, very specific brand of taste. So I end up Frankensteining a name or concept at the end and I can still call it my own. I look at other people's guides, advice and general help the same way I look at online encyclopaedias and dictionaries - resources to draw on. Provided people offer their help with no commitment in return, why not just draw on what you enjoy and draw from a lot of people?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Not so much that the "good names" are taken... I do reward creativity... but always found the unique-name-identifier system rather ridiculously constraining. I liked seeing CO try to make the name issue moot... wasn't 100% sold on their solution, but it was an interesting effort.

(and... much to my surprise... didn't result in a billion drizzts. Even when the shards were full, I didn't encounter any similar names except for one intentional "multiple man" clone... or a dozen of them... depending on how you count... but I digress)

I'll often come up with a character idea & story when commuting. It's a little mental exercise... and these will often have names that convey more meaning or support the narrative in an important way, while still being relatively obscure. A good number of them ARE taken, and I've killed characters because of it... or just reserved them for appearances in my stories outside of the game.

It's an annoyance, but not rant-worthy.



Originally Posted by Fusion_7 View Post
Good character names are not running out, just peoples imaginations. As you can see from my post, with a little thought you too can make a name for yourself.
Similar statements come up whenever one of these naming threads starts, and I think they're elitist. Fusion_7 at least offered suggestions on how to craft names rather than dismissing those having trouble generating handles for their characters as "not creative enough." The value of a name is subjective, and some players will have a great desire to get a name descriptive of their toon without using obscure synonyms or language tricks.
My point here is it's better to offer help instead of saying you never had trouble naming a character because "Vinegar Pancake" was available on every server.

Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
In the last two months i created Feral Catgirl on Virtue, Freedom and Champion. But then it's such an obscure, esoteric name, neh?
No, it's because you spelled "katgurl" wrong



How do you define 'elitist'? If someone is mad because they couldn't find a name good enough for them, when I was able to find a name good enough for me, does that make it suddenly my fault that they refused to look beyond the most commonly used words?

Or maybe you're right. It's pretty common on this board for players to dismiss other players' complaints offhand, and quite often with a snide wit. Seriously, there's more to the Internet than what you see on Something Awful, folks!



Originally Posted by Godpants View Post
Similar statements come up whenever one of these naming threads starts, and I think they're elitist. Fusion_7 at least offered suggestions on how to craft names rather than dismissing those having trouble generating handles for their characters as "not creative enough." The value of a name is subjective, and some players will have a great desire to get a name descriptive of their toon without using obscure synonyms or language tricks.
A good way of giving such people a taste of their own medicine is to reply that they can only find names because they have low standards.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Well, I take a very relaxed attitude towards these, as every time I ask for name or costume help, I get a lot of feedback, but not a lot that's an exact fit for my very narrow, very specific brand of taste. So I end up Frankensteining a name or concept at the end and I can still call it my own. I look at other people's guides, advice and general help the same way I look at online encyclopaedias and dictionaries - resources to draw on. Provided people offer their help with no commitment in return, why not just draw on what you enjoy and draw from a lot of people?

Reading back on my post i did come across as very negative which isnt me.

I aint ever going to try and stop people making those kind of guides, because thats what makes a community great, people helping others. I just cant find a reason for myself to use that particular piece of information available. Then again when i create a character [that isnt a damz named alt], i tend to draw inspiration from my surroundings and other utilities really.

For example my girlfriend [at the time] drank malibu a lot and im more of a magners type of person. One day playing the game i saw those two bottles and my mind being wierd just combined the two.

Malibu + Magners = maliner

To me that sounded like a very cool name to have, something without real meaning.

Just looking around my room now i combine names of items and i've come up with a whole load.

Chargilled chicken sandwhich + can of relentless = charless or sanlent
Scratchcard + aftershave = scarter or cartave scar
sky box + magazine = skyma

Ok those are literally top of my head 2 second thinkings but i think i got my point across. I dont think i have EVER been short of names. Everytime i think of a name that i think would be cool, i build a character up from that.
Now again off the top of my head, Skyma would be a teleporting/flying energy/ice blaster who specialises in stealth and ambush tactics.
Would have an icey [light blue] cloud effect aura with a costume of a special operative with their logo on the side [use a body pattern].

Edit: Reading this, i really want to create this character now!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
How do you define 'elitist'? If someone is mad because they couldn't find a name good enough for them, when I was able to find a name good enough for me, does that make it suddenly my fault that they refused to look beyond the most commonly used words?
It's not your fault if you found a name you liked when someone else didn't, but it is your fault, or at least your responsibility, if you take time out to snark at him or her.

Srs bzns and all that.