Good character names are running out, huh?

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Actually, based on my reading of the various threads, I think the majority opinion is that people prefer the system the way it is. I think most people don't care *WHY* someone can't get the name they want (resulting in forum posts). We (I put myself in this group) just want the system to stay the way it is because we think it's BETTER.
To expand on this, I don't feel happy for people who can't get the names they want, don't believe they deserve it and don't sit back in my chair, stroking my cat with my robotic hand and smirking when people complain they can't get a name. I try to offer compromises, alternatives, ideas and possibly sources of names, but what I get back is rarely pleasant. Even so, I recognise that it's unpleasant and acknowledge that these people are indeed quite unfortunate.

Yet I still think there are options there for those who want to look for them, and under no circumstances would I want a non-unique name system in any incarnation that I have seen with my own eyes or seen suggested here. I have sympathy for people who can't get the names they want, but not quite enough sympathy to ruin my own game for their sake. If a compromise can exist (and I somewhat doubt, given the contradictory requirements for such balance), then I have no problem with such a system. Yes, I know some of us like the fact that names are unique, but I personally do not put much stock in that. It's just that no such system exists to make it both clear and not fugly.

And in the meantime, there are still plenty of good names out there for those who can and want to look.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
1) Aphotic Watchman is taken?
2) Nebulous Lookout is taken?
3) Faint Protector is taken?
4) Shady Picket is taken?
Faint Watchman, Nebulous Protector, and Shady Custodian seem better names, but I don't have problems finding good names for my characters.

I'll throw in Quiescent Guardian as a freebie.



IMO if you cant find a name that describes your toon, your not trying hard enough. Also have you tried a site called babelfish? It will translate an english word into other languages...why just a few weeks ago I created an Ice Blaster/Ice Manipulation toon and named him Eisberg (which is german for iceberg).

Sometimes you just have to be creative. None of my toons have a period in their names or any other of the "framing" things so that I can get my first choice of a name.

Hell, I have a list of names for my toons that I havent used yet. Yes I do check the availabilty of them from time to time as well.

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

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You know when people call you a "Name Elitist," the silliest thing I've ever heard, what they really want to call you is a "Name Nazi." That rolls off the tongue a lot easier, doesn't it? Only they're too timid to cross the Godwin line!



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
Faint Watchman, Nebulous Protector, and Shady Custodian seem better names,
hmm.... I'd make a Fainting Watchman if we had a 'collapse in a heap' emote.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
hmm.... I'd make a Fainting Watchman if we had a 'collapse in a heap' emote.
/emote sleep

But I guess that would work better for The Sleeping Sentry



And, forgive me for the harsh tone, but I'm getting a little tired of passive-aggressive people who can't see past their own noses reading every thread or post about how someone has found a good name or how good names can be found as some kind of hidden insult against their intelligence. And, yes, resorting to using "tone" as an argument is pretty dang low, because it's basically an impregnable argument. "That was your tone." "No it wasn't." "That's what it sounded like to me." Well, yeah, but it wasn't, and unless you can bring out a tuning fork to prove it, I will trust myself.
I apologize if I directed anything towards you unintentionally. And I also apoligize for my first, very rude assumption about your Initial Post. My posts have been mostly between me and the others.

But you have to admit, this:
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
OK, OK, this is a stupid reason to start a new thread, but... Well, when has that ever stopped me? You know, for the past five years I've been listening to the same tired old argument - all the good character names are already taken, woe is me. On the one hand, I don't buy that, because I know they're not, but on the other hand, there's always that niggling little thought at the back of my mind: "Yeah, I'm making fun of these people and dismissing their concerns, but what if it happens to me?"

What if it happens to me, indeed? Suppose there was a character I just HAD to give a descriptive name, where giving her two names or a personal name would just have been a step down? What if all the descriptive names I could come up with are taken? What if... Well, it finally happened.
.....................................( Edited for length)
Finding the word to use as a name took me somewhere in the neighbourhood of 3-4 minutes, give or take. I've been typing up this post talking about it for the past 15-20 minutes. That ought to give you some context as to how hard it was to find.

Good character names are running out, huh?
Sounds an awful lot like this.
"I got a name that I like, and people say they can't get the one's they like, HA!"
If you've ever found yourself not being able to use a name you wanted, I'm sorry. You have my honest condolences, because I've been in the same boat more than once. Nevertheless, do avoid inserting yourself as the victim every time the topic of character names comes about. It may not seem like it, but not a lot of people lie in wait for the perfect opportunity to call you uncreative. Most of us are just happy with the names we've gotten. Why does that bug you?
Several people have been explicitly saying that me or other people voicing complaints are uncreative. These are the people im discussing the "You're just not creative enough" issue with.

Up until that point I was just discussing the differences in the naming process for different creative situations.

As for an alternative to my original, multiple-names idea, I just had another one, whilst changing out of my workclothes, all my best ideas seem to come to me when I'm naked ^_^.

Give each character a name and a number, A four digit number might be best. The Number would be the functional identifier for the system, and the name would be just another aesthetic. In the character info screen, it would display seperate from the name,

Over your character, and in the team window, only the name would be seen. You would be able to right-click someone ( or the equivalent for mac players) or their name in the chat window, and select the option "Get number" and then have that character's number display in your chat window.

In the team-search window, The number would show up in it's own column, like archetype, origin, and search comments.

I still like the multiple names ideas if only because it could bridge into a secret identities system in game, which would be all kinds of awesome.
Originally Posted by Ironblade
You might as well stop right there.

Sailboat's OPINION is that the uniqueness of a name has inherent value.
Your OPINION is that it does not.

For either of you to try to 'correct' the other is just stupid.
very true. I can agree to disagree.

But I guess that would work better for The Sleeping Sentry
See, now I have this image of a massive, Blob from X-men type character named Sleeping Bag

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
You might as well stop right there.

Sailboat's OPINION is that the uniqueness of a name has inherent value.
Your OPINION is that it does not.

For either of you to try to 'correct' the other is just stupid.
Be that as it may, the fact that you aren't confused as to which one of us held which opinion is because our names are unique.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
Be that as it may, the fact that you aren't confused as to which one of us held which opinion is because our names are unique.
Plus, you know. avatars

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
Plus, you know. avatars
Not in the quote boxes, they ain't.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



And that's why the little arrow sends you back to the original post, with my lovely Kamina avatar.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
And that's why the little arrow sends you back to the original post, with my lovely Kamina avatar.
So your argument is that unique avatars are good for the forums?

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Yup, the name is just one aspect of my unique identity.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
Yup, the name is just one aspect of my unique identity.
I ignore most Avatars. The name is more important to me.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
Yup, the name is just one aspect of my unique identity.
I didn't know Avatars were a unique identifier here.



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
I didn't know Avatars were a unique identifier here.
Sorry, but you're just too awesome for me to understand what you're saying.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



I play on Virtue (mostly) and yes, we are running out of names. Sure, you can go out and find some obscure versions of a name you want etc. Or you can add various letters and hyphens at the end, periods etc to get your name. No thanks. I think that is ridiculous. I also really really dislike non-names such as Orion's Sword or that ilk. Silly, really. How many iconic, popular, classic supers have such names?!?!?

On the other hand, I do love how there is only 1 of your name on the server. So, what to do? I suggest releasing names for toons as the policy currently exists and if they have been dormant for over 4 years then any toon under 40 should have its name removed. Come one....4 years?! Or something like that. Given the vast amount of toons created over the years the name issue is becoming a bit of a problem.

I would also be disappointed if I was to come back when/if GR hits and the best name I could come up with was something like: xXX StaIker Xxx That would make me lose some interest. This game is aging and many good names get taken and get locked away.

So, long story short, good names ARE running out!



I can't tell if I love or hate my brain at times, but I just had this play out in my head (complete with the new numbers idea)

PremonitionsTheStarHolder: Alright, all the PremonitionsWhoAreTanks go get the herd built up.
PremonitionsTheStarHolder: The PremonitionsBlasters and PremonitionsScrappers get ready to shred everything we we all get back here.
PremonitionsTheStarHolder: And someone please /petition the Premonitions that is trying to drag the Giant Monsters on top of us. If we all do it, that should get the mods attention quicker.
PremonitionsTheStarHolder: and be careful. My friend Premonitions just told me that this guy's got the same numbers I do, just in a different order.

My own opinion is that being an individual is one of the big reasons I'm here and not another MMO. Everywhere else you're just another class, indistinguishable, except for those that don't have the 'good' gear yet. There you're "That Paladin", here I'm "M I Abrahms."

Now, I don't really believe that everyone will automatically choose the same name, if given the opportunity, but I still don't want to see the day where there's an entire team of Narutos running around.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Originally Posted by Radubadu View Post
Isn't that what a Thesaurus is for, finding words that mean the same thing?
Let me ask you this? Before reading this thread did you think Shady Picket meant the same as Dark Sentinel? Yes shady and dark can be synonyms. Picket as a synonym for Sentinel is pushing it. A Thesaurus gives synonyms as well as words related to or in the same category as. 99.9% of people would not say that Picket and Sentinel are synonyms. Mostly because the common image of that word is a guy holding a sign protesting something, not really bringing to mind the strong image of a Sentinel. Either way if you think that regurgitating words from the Thesaurus is "originality" then you are sorely mistaken.

What this argument comes down to is desire vs orginality. You can want a certain name and be frustrated to not get it and it has nothing to do with originality. You can be the most orignal person in the world and still want the certain name that you want. I would argue that those that rely on the Thesaurus do so because they lack originality. Telling someone that wants a certain name they are unoriginal is akin to saying that someone who wants grilled salmon should be happy with poached salmon even though they really wanted it grilled.

For the umpteenth time... anyone taking part in this discussion is free to answer, if there is a total name purge (level1-50) of say anyone's account dormant for 4 years, who does it hurt? Clearly no one reading this because your accounts are active. Why save the names of people who are probably never coming back. Might as well give them to paying customers. If not that many names are freed up, guess what?... Still no one is wronged.



If not many names are freed up then noone is Helped, either.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
And in the meantime, there are still plenty of good names out there for those who can and want to look.
May I suggest a forum game for those that would like to help those that are having problems "finding good names" to use for their characters.

Introducing :: The Name Generator

Use the link above, or track it down using the name generator tag below.

If you need a name - follow the instructions.
If you want to play, use the information supplied by players having hard times finding names to help suggest names for them to pick from!
Fun, easy, helpful.

Of course, after reading and answering the questions, you may very well be able to find a good name all by yourself. It's a win/win situation!
Have fun!



Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
If not many names are freed up then noone is Helped, either.
Well, less people are helped. I can't imagine that "no one" is.

I've had several ideas for names and tried the ole "Get their global and send them a tell" trick. Out of five names, four didn't have a global assigned to them indicating that the accounts have been defunct since before global names were introduced (Issue 12, May 2008). I might just be a unique snowflake in this regard but I have a suspicion that there's a fair number of "good" names that'd be opened up, especially on the heavier populated servers.



I've played for five years and have created probably 120 or so characters. I think maybe TWICE have I ever had to go with my second choice for a name.

I did recently get a "you're being made generic" email, though...


Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
Well, less people are helped. I can't imagine that "no one" is.

I've had several ideas for names and tried the ole "Get their global and send them a tell" trick. Out of five names, four didn't have a global assigned to them indicating that the accounts have been defunct since before global names were introduced (Issue 12, May 2008). I might just be a unique snowflake in this regard but I have a suspicion that there's a fair number of "good" names that'd be opened up, especially on the heavier populated servers.
It's more effort and resources than it's worth for the Devs to actually do it unless it opens up a Lot of names.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
It's more effort and resources than it's worth for the Devs to actually do it unless it opens up a Lot of names.
Says who? They already have a script for it given that they've done previous name purges.